NEWS HUNTING Third Time’s the Charm? Sportsmen’s Legislation Passes House in Third Consecutive Congress | |
On Friday, a bipartisan majority in the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act of 2015. The bill now heads to the Senate, where a similar package, the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015, has already advanced out of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Committee on Environment and Public Works. This is the third straight Congress in which the House has passed far-reaching sportsmen’s legislation, with the prior versions falling prey to election-driven bottlenecks in the Senate. Hopefully, the third time will prove the charm for this important legislative package. |
NEWS Court of Appeals Declines to Rehear Heller III, Reinforces Pro-Gun Victory | |
Last year, we reported that a panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia held in the long-running follow-up to the original Heller case (known currently as Heller III), that certain provisions of D.C.’s firearm registration scheme violate the Second Amendment. These included D.C.’s handgun rationing rule, its requirement to renew firearm registrations every three years, a required test of “legal knowledge” for registration applicants, and the requirement that registration applicants present their firearms in person at police headquarters. As we noted at the time, however, the District still had options for further review of the decision. |
NEWS LEGAL & LEGISLATION The Next Supreme Court, by the Numbers | |
With the passage of Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Antonin Scalia, how will the Court rule on Second Amendment cases in the future? The answer is, “it’s just a matter of simple math.” |
NEWS As the Primaries Turn | |
The process of selecting the major party nominees for the presidential election moved forward this past week with results for the GOP from South Carolina and Nevada, and results for the Dems from Nevada (Democrats hold their South Carolina primary on Saturday, February 27). |
NEWS Accident Victim, Corrections Officer Treated to “New Jersey Justice” for “Illegal” Firearm | |
What started out as a pleasant evening with his wife soon devolved into a nightmare for Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Sergeant Raymond Hughes, when his safety, career, and freedom were all jeopardized by New Jersey’s draconian suppression of Second Amendment rights. |
NEWS Stranger Than Fiction: Gun Control Debate Leads to Discovery of New Species | |
Researchers have found a variety of new species on the planet in recent years. Bugs and slugs, bats and rats, mini-dragons with tails, fish that walk, pigs that live in the sea, monkeys that sneeze, translucent frogs and, well, the list of previously unknown critters goes on and on. |
NEWS Has the VA Deprived You of Your Second Amendment Rights? NRA Wants to Hear From You! | |
As we have reported several times in the past (including here and here), the Veterans Administration (VA) has been reporting to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) the identities of its beneficiaries who have been assigned a “fiduciary” to manage their benefits. The VA claims that such determinations constitute an “adjudication of mental defectiveness” under federal law, thereby prohibiting the beneficiary (presumptively for life) from acquiring or possessing firearms. The NRA has for several years been supporting legislation to correct this unjustified infringement on Second Amendment rights, including the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act (H.R. 2001, Rep. Jeff Miller, R-FL) and the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act of 2015 (S. 2002, Sen. John Cornyn, R-TX). |
TAKE ACTION Michael Bloomberg is ALL IN to strip away your Second Amendment Rights! Are you ALL IN to make sure he doesn't succeed?! | |
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is in a spending freefall attacking our gun rights all across the U.S., on multiple fronts…in Congress, in state legislatures, and on the airwaves. Further, he’s gathering signatures and pouring money into anti-freedom ballot initiatives in states like WA, NV ME, and AZ. In the ’15 VA elections, he spent more than $2 million on a couple of state senate races! If he’s willing to invest that much in VA alone, imagine how much of his BILLIONS he will spend in ’16 all across the nation! |
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In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports on important gun bills being considered in Iowa, Georgia, and Mississippi. |