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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 32 8/11/2017

Stossel Report Reinforces Urgent Need for Congressional Action
Stossel Report Reinforces Urgent Need for Congressional Action
Award-winning journalist John Stossel published a report this week that provides a timely reminder that – nearly a decade after the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller – law abiding gun owners are still routinely persecuted and punished for exercising their rights.
Repudiated at the Polls, National Democrats Continue to Push Gun Control
Repudiated at the Polls, National Democrats Continue to Push Gun Control
Recent weeks have seen a heated debate involving national Democratic Party figures over how to approach the issue of abortion in a manner that would allow the party to be more competitive in portions of the country dominated by Donald Trump and the Republicans in the 2016 election.
Texas Professor Trades Geography for Drama to Protest Campus Carry in the Lone Star State
Texas Professor Trades Geography for Drama to Protest Campus Carry in the Lone Star State
According to a recent poll by the Pew Research Center, more than 1 in 3 Americans believe that colleges and universities exert a negative effect on the country. When respondents are grouped by political party, that response is as high as 58%. 
Czechs File Suit Challenging EU Gun Controls
Czechs File Suit Challenging EU Gun Controls
This week, the Czech Republic made good on their promise to pursue a legal challenge to the European Union’s (EU) onerous new changes to the European Firearms Directive.
Guns Trickle in to Australia Turn-in
Guns Trickle in to Australia Turn-in
U.S. policymakers, NRA-ILA, and even some of the most ardent anti-gun researchers, have long understood that gun turn-in programs do not hinder criminal violence. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the Land Down Under is currently in the midst of a National Firearms Amnesty program that aims to rid the country of its illegally possessed guns. Given the results so far, it appears unlikely the effort will make a meaningful dent in the country’s stock of illicit firearms.
Flying with Firearms - Get the Facts
Flying with Firearms - Get the Facts
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has established specific requirements for transporting firearms and ammunition in checked baggage on commercial aircraft, including the following: All firearms or ammunition must be checked with the air carrier as luggage or inside checked luggage. Firearms, firearms parts, and ammunition are prohibited from carry-on baggage. Firearm parts include barrels, magazines, frames, and other internal parts of a firearm.
Download the Official NRA-ILA App Today!
Download the Official NRA-ILA App Today!
Thanks to all your hard work last year, the Second Amendment saw resounding victories on Election Day 2016. From local state legislature races, to governor races, to Congress and the United States presidency, YOU showed up to elected pro-gun lawmakers into office. YOU did that. 
Tickets on sale for the NRA Carry Guard Expo!
Tickets on sale for the NRA Carry Guard Expo!

The ultimate destination for all things Personal Protection, Concealed Carry and Home Defense.  Whether just starting out or actively engaged in the personal safety and protection of yourself and your family, this is the event for you.  Make plans now to attend.    



California California
California: Archived “Assault Weapon” Webinar and Quick Reference Guide Now Available on California Stand and Fight Website

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.