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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 41 10/20/2017

Everytown and Hollywood Launch New Campaign Against Pro-gun Legislation
Everytown and Hollywood Launch New Campaign Against Pro-gun Legislation
In the wake of the still-unfolding Harvey Weinstein scandal, one might have thought that America would receive a brief reprieve from Hollywood’s ceaseless moralizing. However, on October 18, 2017, Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, actress Julianne Moore, and handful of other entertainers launched a new effort aimed at NRA and the right to keep and bear arms.
Anti-Gun Congresswoman Introduces Magazine Ban, Aims Slippery Slope at the Gun on Your Hip
Anti-Gun Congresswoman Introduces Magazine Ban, Aims Slippery Slope at the Gun on Your Hip
We’ve been down this road before, and we know gun control doesn’t work. 
No Sale: Marketing Tricks in Gun Control
No Sale: Marketing Tricks in Gun Control
Advertising professionals know that switching to a fresh new moniker and a more contemporary or dynamic logo can revitalize a tired or humdrum brand.
NRA Doesn’t ‘Buy’ Politicians, but Gun Controllers Do
NRA Doesn’t ‘Buy’ Politicians, but Gun Controllers Do
Gun control supporters who peddle the myth about NRA money aren’t only wrong, they are ignoring team gun control’s own sordid history of buying politicians. And forget Michael Bloomberg for the moment, gun control supporters have purchased lawmakers using taxpayer dollars.
Anti-Gun Billionaire George Soros Pumps $18 Billion into His Political Apparatus
Anti-Gun Billionaire George Soros Pumps $18 Billion into His Political Apparatus
In recent years, Soros’s anti-gun efforts have been eclipsed by those of another billionaire, former-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. However, the Open Society continues to attack American gun owners.
Join NRA-ILA at the 2017
Join NRA-ILA at the 2017 "Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium"
The 2017 NRA-ILA “Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium” will be held Saturday, November 11th, at the San Diego Marriott Marquis in San Diego, California.


Wisconsin Wisconsin
Wisconsin: Ask your Senator to Support Constitutional Carry

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.