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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 26, No. 8 2/22/2019

Gun Control to Be Heard on the Floor of the House of Representatives Next Week
Gun Control to Be Heard on the Floor of the House of Representatives Next Week
As we reported last week, anti-gun members of the House Judiciary Committee voted to move forward with two gun control bills. These bills will be on the House floor next week, so please contact your U.S. Representative and ask them to oppose H.R. 8 and H.R. 1112.
Bloomberg’s Everytown: Criminalizing Private Transfers is About Creating “Culture of Compliance”
Bloomberg’s Everytown: Criminalizing Private Transfers is About Creating “Culture of Compliance”
If you were still under the impression that gun control was about giving law enforcement the tools to target violent criminals, think again. At a February 12 hearing concerning Nevada Senate Bill 143 that criminalizes the private transfer of firearms, Attorney for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety William Rosen made clear that gun control is about creating more servile law-abiding gun owners.
Pelosi Claims Future President Could Use “National Emergency” to Target Guns
Pelosi Claims Future President Could Use “National Emergency” to Target Guns
First, gun control supporters supposedly wanted a “national conversation” on gun violence. Then they purported to want Congress to enact so-called “common sense gun reform.” Now some anti-gun lawmakers are dispensing with any pretense of good or constitutional governance and revealing that they are willing to target guns and gun owners by executive fiat.
The Truth about Gun Sales and H.R. 8
The Truth about Gun Sales and H.R. 8
As Congress considers H.R. 8, let’s consider some of the arguments made in support of so-called “universal” background checks.  Anti-gun organizations regularly claim that criminals acquire firearms online. Everytown and its predecessor, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, have published a number of “reports” that claim to have found evidence of prohibited people attempting to buy firearms through websites that “could potentially” transfer tens of thousands of guns. This last statement, of course, chooses hyperbole over reality.
What to Make of Crime in England?
What to Make of Crime in England?
Sometimes it’s hard to understand what things are really like “across the pond.” Anti-gun extremists in America reflexively point to England whenever the discussion about adding restrictions, and especially banning firearms, arises here in the United States. England, after all, had banned virtually all semi-automatic and pump-action rifles and shotguns in the 1980s, then imposed a near total ban on handguns in the 90s. Those British subjects who wish to own the few types of rifles and shotguns the government has deemed allowable for civilian possession must navigate a Byzantine system of licensing and certification.


Arizona Arizona
Arizona: School Pick-up/Drop-off Bill Advances From Committee
Colorado Colorado
Colorado: Contact Your Lawmakers in Opposition to Anti-Gun “Red Flag” Bill
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: WMA Hunting Bill to go to Senate Floor
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment Passes House Committee
Kentucky Kentucky
Kentucky: Urge Judiciary Committee to Support Constitutional Carry
Maryland Maryland
Maryland: Please Attend House and Senate Committee Hearings on Gun Bills
Nevada Nevada
Nevada: Governor Signs Bloomberg Background Check Bill Criminalizing Private Firearm Transfers
South Dakota South Dakota
South Dakota: Enhanced Preemption Legislation Heads to the Governor's Desk
Tennessee Tennessee
Tennessee: House Committee to Consider New Concealed Carry Permit Legislation
Texas Texas
Texas: Setting the Record Straight On "Red Flag" Legislation
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: Campus Carry Moves to House Floor

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.