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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 27, No. 25 6/22/2020

Supreme Court’s Inaction Frustrates Second Amendment Supporters, Emboldens Anti-gun Activists
Supreme Court’s Inaction Frustrates Second Amendment Supporters, Emboldens Anti-gun Activists
Gun owners are by now used to being disappointed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to uphold their rights or even to defend its own Second Amendment precedents. But the court’s neglect reached a new low last Monday, with its sweeping decision to deny review of the many Second Amendment cases pending on its docket.  
Legal Reckoning for Jackson, MS Mayor’s Foolish Carry Ban
Legal Reckoning for Jackson, MS Mayor’s Foolish Carry Ban
As we reported earlier, Chokwe Lumumba, the mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, announced an executive order on April 24 as part of his response to the COVID-19 civil emergency. The order prohibited the “carrying of an unconcealed loaded or unloaded pistol or revolver or any other firearm, carried upon the person or in a sheath, belt holster or shoulder holster or in a purse, handbag, satchel, other similar bag or briefcase or fully enclosed case, with such pistol, revolver, or firearm being wholly or partially visible.”
Florida Court Recognizes Popularity of Carry Permits, Rules Police Cannot Use Possession of a Gun as Sole Basis for Investigatory Stops
Florida Court Recognizes Popularity of Carry Permits, Rules Police Cannot Use Possession of a Gun as Sole Basis for Investigatory Stops
An appellate court in Florida recently decided that a police officer who sees a firearm when approaching a citizen is not permitted to rely exclusively on the possession of the firearm as the justification for an investigatory stop and search. Bearing arms is not only a lawful activity, it is “a specifically enumerated right” protected under both the state and federal constitutions. Taking into consideration the sheer number of persons in the state who are permitted to carry concealed weapons, this “potentially lawful activity cannot be the sole basis for a detention. If this were allowed, the Fourth Amendment would be eviscerated.”


Virginia Virginia
Virginia: Alexandria Set to Create Countless Gun-Free Zones, Undermine Right-to-Carry

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.