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Minnesota: Comprehensive Firearms Reform Needs Immediate Action!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Senate File 1357 is currently awaiting action in the Senate Judiciary Committee and needs your active support.  If this important firearms reform is not passed out of committee by this Friday, it will no longer be eligible for passage this session.  Anti-gun forces have already been inundating legislators with “gun-grabbing” rhetoric against this important bill.  Accordingly, it is critical that you make your voices heard now. 

Time is running out and this legislation is the NRA’s top priority this session. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee TODAY and urge them to take immediate action.  To find committee contact information, please see below or click here.

SF 1357 contains four important firearm policy improvements:

Stand Your Ground:
HF 1467 would remove a person’s “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground and protect themselves or their family anywhere they are lawfully present.  It would create a presumption that an individual who forcefully or stealthily enters or attempts to enter your home or vehicle is there to cause substantial or great bodily injury or death, so the occupant may use force, including deadly force, against that individual.  It would also expressly allow an individual to use force, including deadly force, to prevent a forcible felony, and it provides protections against criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits when justifiable force is used.

Universal Recognition:
Currently, Minnesotans’ carry permits are only valid in 15 states.  Unfortunately, Minnesota’s Department of Public Safety has not sought out any additional reciprocity agreements.  By adding the proposed language, Minnesota will recognize every state that offers a carry permit and drastically improve Minnesotans’ abilities to carry in other states.  The proposed language would also require Minnesota’s Department of Public Safety to enter in to reciprocity agreements.

Emergency Powers Reform:
The proposed language would prohibit any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful possession, carrying, transfer, transportation and defensive use of firearms or ammunition during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Permit-to-Purchase Reform:
HF 1467 would increase the statewide validity of the permit from 1-year to 5-years.  Additionally, it would provide an improved process for Minnesotan’s to appeal denials.

There is also a possibility that the sponsor of SF 1357, state Senator Gretchen Hoffman (R-10), will seek to suspend the rules and try to bring the bill directly to the floor of the Senate for consideration.  In anticipation of this, please contact your state Senator and urge him or her to support SF 1357 should it come up for a vote. 
To locate your state Senator and his or her contact information, please click here.

Minnesota Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee:

Senator Warren Limmer (R-32), Chairman
(651) 296-2159
[email protected]

Senator Scott J. Newman (R-18), Vice Chairman
(651) 296-4131
[email protected]

Senator Ron Latz (DFL-44), Ranking Member
(651) 297-8065
[email protected]

Senator Barb Goodwin (DFL-50) 
(651) 296-4334
Click here for email

Senator Dan D. Hall (R-40)
(651) 296-5975
[email protected]

Senator John M. Harrington (DFL-67) 
(651) 296-5285
[email protected]

Senator Gretchen M. Hoffman (R-10)
(651) 296-5655
[email protected]

Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-11)
(651) 297-8063
[email protected]

Senator Michael J. Jungbauer (R-48)
(651) 296-3733
[email protected]

Senator John Marty (DFL-54)
(651) 296-5645
Click here for email 

Senator Mary Jo McGuire (DFL-66)
(651) 296-5537
Click here for email 

Senator Julianne E. Ortman (R-34)
(651) 296-4837
[email protected]

Senator Dave Thompson (R-36)
(651) 296-5252
[email protected]

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.