On Friday, February 7th, the Senate will hold a vote on Senate Bill 25-003, the all-encompassing ban on semi-automatic firearms. While Senate Majority Whip Nick Hinrichsen has come out in opposition to the bill, lawful gun owners must remain vigilant and continue to contact their legislators to ensure the defeat of SB 25-003.
We encourage you to contact your Senator NOW by using the TAKE ACTION button below and to contact Governor Polis' office at (303) 866-2471 or by email at [email protected]. Use your voice to oppose this unconstitutional bill and prevent it from advancing any further!
Senate Bill 25-003 bans so-called "specified semiautomatic firearms," which are defined in the bill as "...a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine." Semi-automatic firearms with detachable magazines have existed for well over a century, and these platforms certainly fit the definition of "in common use" set forth by the District of Columbia V. Heller decision.
SB 25-003 also creates a new definition for "rapid-fire device" and classifies rapid-fire devices as dangerous weapons, which are already prohibited under existing state law.
In addition, the House Business Affairs Committee will hold a hearing this afternoon on House Bill 25-1055, which will repeal the state requirements and permitting process for federally-licensed firearms dealers.
With the General Assembly's continued attacks on gun rights this session, Second Amendment advocates must make their voices heard in support of pro-gun bills. Please contact members of the committee directly by using the TAKE ACTION button below and urge them to SUPPORT HB 25-1055!
HB 25-1055, sponsored by Rep. Max Brooks (R-45), seeks to repeal the egregious requirements placed on FFLs by the General Assembly last year, including the state permitting process and employee training requirements.
Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for future updates as the session progresses.