Today, despite cosponsorship by 55 U.S. Senators, the U.S. Senate thwarted the will of its own majority and narrowly accepted a number of anti-gun amendments to the gun industry liability bill. These actions ensured the defeat of S. 1805, which failed on a vote of 8-90.
NRA said from the start that we would not allow this bill to become a vehicle for added restrictions on the law-abiding people of America. With the amendments that were narrowly adopted, S. 1805 would have reenacted the 1994 Clinton gun ban and shut down gun shows. Given this fact, we opposed passage of S. 1805 and will work to fight this issue another day.
This fight is not over and we will not rule out any workable option to pass this legislation free from "poison pill" amendments.
Senate opponents of S. 1805 decided that playing election year gun control politics was more important than passing a bill that had the support of a majority of U.S. Senators and the Administration. We always knew the outcome would be close, and the votes that were cast today will tell us who our friends are as we move forward into the election season.
Our decision to oppose the bill is in no way a reflection on the hard work and dedication of those Senators on both sides of the aisle—especially Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) and most of his cosponsors—who stood up for the principle of individual responsibility embodied in S. 1805, and who opposed the anti-gun "poison pill" amendments aimed at destroying it. We appreciate their hard work and dedication.
NRA also appreciates the hard work and dedication of its members and gun owners nationwide who made sure their U.S. Senators learned of their views on this important issue.
We and our members are in this for the long haul, and over the long haul, we will win.
Stay tuned for additional information on this issue in Friday`s Grassroots Alert.