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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 13, No. 21 5/26/2006

States with updates this issue:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont.


The success of NRA’s recently concluded Annual Meetings sends the clear message that NRA members are primed and getting ready for Election Day 2006.  The 135th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were a resounding success with more than 54,000 members in attendance!

As noted in last week’s Grassroots Alert, the nearly 200 NRA members who participated in Friday’s NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop set the stage for things to come, as virtually every area of the meeting saw increases, including membership recruitment and fundraising.  

On Friday, May 19, NRA’s Board of Directors re-elected all of its officers--Sandra Froman (President), John Sigler (First Vice President), Ronald Schmeits (Second Vice President), Jim Land (Secretary), and Wilson Phillips (Treasurer).  Wayne LaPierre was once again chosen as NRA’s Executive Vice President, and he in turn reappointed Chris W. Cox as NRA-ILA's Executive Director and Kayne B. Robinson as NRA Executive Director of General Operations.

Of course, much more occurred in Milwaukee than we have space to report here, so please look for a more detailed account of events in an upcoming issue of your NRA magazine.
We hope to see you at next year’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis, Missouri!


This weekend, our country will celebrate Memorial Day.  We’ll cookout, relax, and visit with friends and family.  But this holiday weekend is about more than barbeques, swimming pools, and family get-togethers.  As we celebrate the Memorial Day Weekend, let us keep in mind what we are “celebrating”--those who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that Americans, and people around the world, would be able to reap the benefits of freedom.  We should remember, too, the one freedom that we as Americans enjoy--the one that protects all our other freedoms—the Second Amendment.  Those who fought and died on the battlefield did so to protect our country, our way of life, and our freedom.  It is now our calling, and our responsibility, to ensure that future generations never fail to realize how blessed we are to live in a country like the United States, a country whose Constitution guarantees its citizens’ freedom, including the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This weekend, think about our great country and the freedom we enjoy.  Think about our men and women in uniform, and the sacrifices they are making for all of us.  Remember those who paid a heavy price in defense of that freedom.  As we celebrate their countless contributions and selfless sacrifice, let us pledge to one another that we will continue to carry that torch of freedom in defense of the Second Amendment.

For an inspirational reminder of why we celebrate Memorial Day, please visit www.forest.ws/WeSupportU.htm


There are a number of pro-gun bills pending in Congress that require your action.  Please review these legislative initiatives and be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121, and your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and urge him or her to cosponsor and support these measures.  Additional contact information can be found using the “Write Your Representatives” feature at www.NRAILA.org.

• H.R. 5092-This bill would improve BATFE’s process for punishing the few FFLs who violate the law and it would establish guidelines for BATFE investigations.  This bill was drafted in large part to address recent BATFE abuses at Richmond, Va.-area gun shows highlighted in hearings before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommitee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security.

• S. 2599/H.R. 5013-Legislation to prohibit the confiscation of lawfully owned firearms during states of emergency.   Would guarantee legal recourse for victims of illegal gun seizures

• H.R. 1384-This bill would remove several antiquated and unnecessary restrictions imposed on interstate firearms business since 1968.

• S. 1082/H.R. 1288-Legislation to repeal the draconian D.C. gun ban and restore the right of lawful District residents to own firearms to defend themselves and their families.

• H.R. 4547-Federal legislation requiring recognition of out-of-state Right-to-Carry permits.

• H.R. 5005-This measure will codify congressional policies, roll back restrictions, and correct errors in federal firearm laws.

Again, please contact your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators and urge them to cosponsor and support these measures.  For additional information on these bills, please visit www.NRAILA.org.


Much is at stake in this year’s elections; we will decide if we continue to move ahead on the path of pro-gun reform, or, if we will descend to the dark Clinton-Gore years.  In order to ensure continued success for the Second Amendment, we must elect pro-gun lawmakers to office this election season.
To ensure victory for our pro-gun candidates this election year, NRA-ILA will be hosting FREE NRA-ILA “Mix N’ Mingles” across the country.  These events will provide NRA members with training on what they can do locally to propel candidates to victory this election season. The meetings also provide attendees the opportunity to meet and socialize with lawmakers, candidates, and their staffs; NRA-ILA Headquarters staff; and fellow area NRA members—and to earn FREE NRA fraternal items such as hats, pocketknives, buttons, etc.  “Mix N’ Mingles,” including materials, food, beverages, and NRA items, are FREE!

Mix N’ Mingle events are scheduled for:

- Jackson, MS -- 06/03/06
- Wallkill, NY -- 06/10/06

NRA members who have access to the Internet can go to www.nraila.org/workshops/ to reserve their seats on-line.  NRA members are encouraged to check this website address frequently to see if any upcoming “Mix N’ Mingles” are scheduled in their area.  NRA members may also contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) for details and to reserve their seats.


It has been estimated that well-placed campaign signs can account for four percentage points on Election Day.  Think back to the 2000 presidential election, where 537 votes in Florida separated George W. Bush from Al Gore, and four points seems like a landslide!  While you are focused like a laser beam on the November 7 election, some gun owners may not be aware of what’s at stake for the future of the Second Amendment on Election Day. 

To help us raise gun owner awareness of the impending election, and to market NRA’s campaign efforts, we have produced two colorful, patriotic campaign yard signs featuring our “I’m the NRA & I Vote” and “Vote Freedom First!” slogans.  These high quality signs are bold, durable, and easy to assemble.  Everything needed to assemble the sign is contained in one compact package, and all components made in the USA.

Each sign costs a very reasonable $14.95, or you can order a combination pack of both signs for $24.95 (includes shipping and handling).  A portion of the proceeds goes directly to NRA-ILA to assist our efforts to protect, preserve, and strengthen our Second Amendment rights!

By proudly displaying your NRA yard sign, and showing your support for the Second Amendment, you will greatly enhance our ability to deliver victory for pro-gun candidates on November 7!

Please call (866) 869-6389 or visit www.nrailasigns.org to order your NRA yard signs TODAY!


(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the “Write Your Representatives” tool at www.NRAILA.org. As always, thank you for your support.***)

States with updates this issue:  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota, and Vermont.

The 2006 Primary elections are being held Tuesday, June 6 and absentee voting ballot requests have already started!  For information about voting in Alabama, please use the following link http://www.sos.state.al.us/downloads/dl3.cfm?trgturl=election/2006/2006-Voter-Guide.pdf&trgtfile=2006-Voter-Guide.pdf.  NRA members are encouraged to head to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.   For NRA-PVF candidate information and endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site.  Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card.  Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code:  #07901.  Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at www.NRAPVF.org on the log-in page accessed by choosing your state.  Be sure to “Vote Freedom First!” on Tuesday, June 6!

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, government officials in Louisiana confiscated legal, privately owned firearms from law-abiding citizens.  This left citizens defenseless against armed looters and other criminals. Governor Murkowski made sure this would never happen in Alaska!  On Thursday, May 18, Governor Frank Murkowski (R) signed House Bill 400, the “Emergency Powers” legislation.  This important legislation prevents government officials from imposing restrictions on the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transport, storage, display or use of firearms and ammunition during a disaster emergency.  This legislation goes into effect August 16, 2006.  Congratulations, Alaska!

On Friday, May 19, Governor Janet Napolitano (D) signed House Bill 2649 into law.   HB 2649, sponsored by Representative Rick Murphy (R-9), prohibits local governments from enacting new laws or rules pertaining to the storage of firearms.  This measure is an expansion of the state’s limitations on local laws focused on the possession, transportation, sale, and use of firearms. A special thank you to all NRA members for your calls and emails in support of HB 2649 during the legislative session!  Also, House Bill 2076, legislation requiring city, county, and state buildings to store firearms for citizens when they prohibit firearms possession, passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 41-14 and is now moving to the desk of Governor Janet Napolitano (D).   In 2000, the Legislature passed a law requiring public buildings store a citizen's firearm if it prohibits possession within the facility.  However, a number of government entities have thumbed their noses at this statutory requirement and arrogantly refused to comply with it.  HB 2076 clearly states that firearm possession cannot be prohibited in public buildings unless temporary and secure firearm storage is provided and readily accessible upon entry to the building.  The storage accommodations are to allow for “immediate retrieval” upon exiting the public establishment or event.  It is time for government entities to comply with the same laws they expect citizens to comply with day in and day out.  Citizens deserve to be able to protect themselves to and from their vehicles outside of government buildings.  Please contact Governor Napolitano today toll-free at 1-800-253-0883, by fax at (602) 542-1381, or email at http://azgovernor.gov/Contact.asp and request that she support HB 2076.

Assembly Bill 2714 did not come up for a vote this week, but could be voted on any day. Please keep calling your Assemblyman or Assemblywoman and respectfully request a “NO” vote on AB 2714.  This bill states that no ammunition or reloaded ammunition may be delivered pursuant to a retail transaction unless the purchaser personally presents clear evidence of his or her identity and age to the seller of the ammunition.  For more info on AB2714 go to: http://nramemberscouncils.com/legs.shtml?summary=ab2714.  Don’t forget the 2006 Primary elections are being held Tuesday, June 6, and absentee voting ballot requests have already started!  For information about voting in California, please use the following link http://voterguide.ss.ca.gov/.  NRA members are encouraged to head to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.   For NRA-PVF candidate information and endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site.  Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card.  Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code:  #07901.  Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at www.NRAPVF.org on the log-in page accessed by choosing your state.  Be sure to “Vote Freedom First!” on Tuesday, June 6!  

On Friday, May 19, Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D) signed Senate Bill 366, the “Castle Doctrine,” legislation into law.   SB 366, sponsored by Senator Mike Petersen (R-28), helps Kansans in three important ways: (1) you have the right to meet force with force to protect yourself and family members in locations where you have a legal right to be; (2) a “duty to retreat” will no longer exist in locations where you have a legal right to be; and (3) justified use of force will be protected from criminal and civil liability. Congratulations, Kansas! 

This week the Senate approved two NRA-supported bills: House Bill 89, by Representative Eric LaFleur (D-38) & Representative Don Cazayoux (D-18), the “Castle Doctrine” bill creates presumptions in law for the use of force against intruders in your home, car, or place of business and explicitly states in law that you have no “duty to retreat” from criminal attack if you are in a place where you have a legal right to be; and HB 760 by Representative Steve Scalise (R-82), prohibits the confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens during a future state of emergency or natural disaster.  HB 89 has been sent to Gov. Blanco for her signature.  HB 760 has been sent back to the House for concurrence with Senate amendments.  Also this week, Senate Judiciary A Committee reported out HB 1097 by Representative LaFleur (Note: HB 1097, the companion bill to HB 89, grants immunity from civil liability for crime victims who lawfully use force to defend themselves).  The bill now moves to the full Senate for final consideration.  To contact your State Senator, please call the PULS line at (225) 342-2456 (from the Baton Rouge area) or (800) 256-3793 (outside the Baton Rouge area).

Important gun owner private property protection legislation passed the Maine House of Representatives by a vote of 105-30 on Wednesday, May 24.  LD 2118, sponsored by Representative Janet Mills (D-89), would correct the problem of relinquished firearms being damaged and sometimes never returned to the owner after a “bad faith” order is terminated.  The language for LD 2118 originally came from LD 1938, which failed to pass out of the Legislature back in April.  A special thank you to all NRA members for your calls and e-mails in support of LD 1938, which helped in the passage of LD 2118.   

The Senate passed two youth hunting bills earlier this week.  Senate Bill 1105, sponsored by Senator Michelle McManus (R-35) will establish an “apprentice” hunting license for minors to be able to hunt with a licensed adult.  SB 1105 will now head to the House.  The second bill passed by the Senate is House Bill 5192, sponsored by Representative Scott Hummel (R-93).   This legislation will lower the minimum hunting age for a minor.  HB 5191 is heading back to the House for concurrence.  Please call your State Representative at (517) 373-0135 and ask him or her to support SB 1105 and HB 5192.  Also, NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator Jerry Kraus (MI-9) would like to invite you to attend the “Michigan Celebrity Shoot” that is being organized by the Oakland County Friends of the NRA. Celebrities that attended last year included Dennis Hextal of the Detroit Red Wings; Mickey Lolitch of the Detroit Tigers; State Senator Nancy Cassis (R-Mich.-15); Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, who is running against Senator Debbie Stabenow (D) for the U.S. Senate; among others! Jerry has coordinated several events and participated in several Celebrity Shoots in the past, and this year's event promises to be a success. So come on out and join your fellow shotgun shooters and celebrities for a day of shooting, while raising money for the Friends of the NRA!  The event will be held on Saturday, June 24, at 10:30 a.m., at the Detroit Gun Club, 2775 Oakley Park Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390. Admission prices vary and advance tickets are required. For ticket information and additional information, please contact Jerry Kraus by phone at (248) 706-1513 or by e-mail at [email protected] 

The 2006 Primary elections are being held Tuesday, June 6, and absentee voting has already started!  For information about voting in Montana, please use the following link http://sos.state.mt.us/ELB/Voter_Information.asp#absentee.  NRA members are encouraged to head to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.   For NRA-PVF candidate information and endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site.  Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card.  Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code:  #07901.  Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at www.NRAPVF.org on the log-in page accessed by choosing your state.  Be sure to “Vote Freedom First!” on Tuesday, June 6!

Early voting sites opened May 20 for the June 6 Primary Elections.  Voting early is an easy and effective way to make certain your voice is heard.  If you have questions regarding voting please visit the following link www.sos.state.nm.us/Main/Elections/rights.htm.  For NRA-PVF candidate information and endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site.  Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card.  Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code:  #07901.  Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at www.NRAPVF.org on the log-in page accessed by choosing your state.  Be sure to “Vote Freedom First!” on Tuesday, June 6!

There is still time to register for the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA) Annual Meeting!  This event is open to the public, and the cost is only $10.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 10, at the Wallkill Rod and Gun Club, 316 Bruin Turnpike, Wallkill, NY  12589.  Registration starts at 10:00 a.m.  The range will be open, and there will be displays by gunsmiths, taxidermist, collectors, and more from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. there will be guest speakers, including NRA First Vice President John Sigler, and food from the annual chicken bake.  You can also try out top tier firearms and help elect pro-freedom candidates!  The Annual Meeting will include a shoot to benefit the NYSRPA PAC.  Test your skill using a superb assortment of firearms from Beretta, Benelli, Smith & Wesson, DS Arms, Magnum Research and more!  This is a great opportunity to shoot these firearms all at one event.  To register call the NYSRPA office at 800-469-7772 or for more information visit www.nysrpa.org/.  Also, in conjunction with the NYSRPA annual meeting, please join the NRA-ILA Grassroots staff and your fellow NRA members, for a couple hours of socializing and protecting freedom at a FREE NRA-ILA Mix N' Mingle.  To reserve your spot at the Mix N' Mingle, please call (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit www.nraila.org/workshops.

In August 2005, Governor Mike Easley (D) signed into law SB 464, which established a National Rifle Association license plate for North Carolina motor vehicles. Before the plates become a reality, we need 300 North Carolinians to commit to purchasing them - we have 200 commitments! We still need many more members to sign up. This is a great way for members to show their support for their Second Amendment Rights.   Please contact the NRA Western North Carolina Field Representative, Doug Merrill, at (828) 628-0410, for more information on obtaining an NRA plate. You will need to submit a check for $10.00 for a standard plate, or $40.00 for a personalized plate, in addition to filling out an application.

The 2006 Primary elections are being held Tuesday, June 6, and absentee voting has already started!  For information about voting in South Dakota, please use the following link http://www.sdsos.gov/electionsvoteregistration/electionsvoteregistration_overview.shtm.  NRA members are encouraged to head to the polls and vote for those candidates who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.   For NRA-PVF candidate information and endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  If you go to the NRA-PVF site, you will have to provide your NRA member ID number to access the site.  Your NRA member ID number can be found on the front of your NRA magazine or on your NRA membership card.  Your ID number on the magazine’s mailing label is the 10-digit number that follows the code:  #07901.  Examples of how to find your ID number can also be found at www.NRAPVF.org on the log-in page accessed by choosing your state.  Be sure to “Vote Freedom First!” on Tuesday, June 6!

On Monday, May 22, Governor Jim Douglas (R) signed H 447.  This legislation will protect Vermont’s shooting ranges from lawsuits and municipal ordinances that may require ranges to be shut down.  Sponsored by Representative Joseph Krawczyk (R-Bennington-2-1) and Representative Mary Morrissey (R-Bennington-2-2), H 447 passed the House with a vote of 126 to 7 and unanimously passed the Senate with a vote of 28-0.  Thanks to your help, Vermont’s hunting and shooting heritage will continue for years to come!

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, and please remember those
who have sacrificed to protect our freedom!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.