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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 9 2/29/2008


The Choice Is Yours


In 1994, a race for the U.S. House was decided by four votes.  In 1998, a U.S. Senate race was decided by 400 votes out of 400,000 cast.  In 2002, an anti-gun candidate won a state primary in Arizona by five votes. Last year, a pro-gun State Senator in Virginia was re-elected by less than 100 votes.  And of course, in the 2000 presidential election, 537 votes in Florida elected George Bush U.S. President over Al Gore.

Think one vote doesn’t count?  History is replete with examples such as these that demonstrate the importance of every single vote.

No doubt, many elections this year will be determined by the slimmest of margins.  Will your vote make the difference?  To ensure that pro-gun candidates prevail, NRA-ILA has launched an aggressive voter registration drive.



anti-gun camoOutrage Of The Week -- For American Hunters and Shooters Association, the Truth Hurts:  The shills for anti-gun politicians that make up the leadership of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) are up to their old tricks again. Once again, they are trying to raise money from hunters and sportsmen, whom they hope to fool into believing they share their interests.  But when NRA-ILA puts the word out that AHSA is an anti-gun front group, these “sportsmen” get a little sensitive, calling ILA staff “right-wing attack dogs” and calling gun owners who support the right to own firearms to defend themselves “self-defense whackos.” (To see the comments Ricker made on a popular pro-gun blog, please click here.)  But the truth is, AHSA and its anti-gun leadership have supported anti-gun lawsuits and gun bans, and its leaders have given money to the Brady Campaign and to anti-gun politicians like John Kerry, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, and Ted Kennedy.

Sometimes the truth hurts.  And from their reaction, this time it hurts a lot.


Support Legislation To Improve & Modernize BATFE:  As we’ve reported, two bills considered in the last session of Congress as H.R. 5005 and H.R. 5092 have been combined, improved, and re-introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives as H.R. 4900 -- the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act.” 

H.R. 4900 is cosponsored by Congressmen Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio).


Grassroots Minute Video:  To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here:  mms://media.streamtoyou.com/nra/2008/ilamin022908.wmv


STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


ALABAMA:  Update on Pending Firearms Legislation!  On Tuesday, February 5, the Alabama Legislature began its 2008 session and so far numerous NRA-backed measures have been introduced.  House Bill 339, “Emergency Powers” legislation, will protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  House Bill 512, “Workplace Protection” legislation, would ensure that employees are able to protect themselves as they travel to and from work by allowing them to store their firearms in their locked vehicles while at work.  Senate Bill 18 authorizes a ROTC student at a state-supported college or university to carry a firearm on campus if he or she has a permit to carry a concealed handgun, is in good standing with the institution, and has completed an approved course on “gun skills.”  Senate Bill 271 would authorize professors at state-supported colleges and universities to carry a firearm on the campus of the college or university at which the professor is employed, so long as they have a permit to carry a firearm.  Senate Bill 27 prohibits state-supported colleges and universities from adopting policies prohibiting professors from carrying a firearm on campus if they have a permit to carry a firearm. The last bill, Senate Bill 156, would create a special hunting license for disabled hunters available for $1 during the period of total disability.  Please contact your legislator and respectfully ask him or her to support this important NRA-backed legislation.   The State Senate can be reached by calling (334) 242-7800 and members of the State House of Representatives can be reached by calling (334) 242-7600.

ARIZONA:  Important Gun Bills to be Heard in Arizona House!  On Thursday, February 21, two bills that further protect Arizonans’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms passed the Arizona House Judiciary Committee.  House Bill 2629, sponsored by State Representative Russell Pearce (R-18), clarifies that a defensive display of a firearm is justified when a person feels that they are in physical danger and there is a need to protect themselves.  House Bill 2634, introduced by State Representative Rick Murphy (R-9), allows for a person whose civil rights have been restored to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Both bills now move to the full House for a floor vote.  Please take the time to contact your State Representative and ask for their support.  To find your State Representative please click here.

Bullet Serialization (Registration) Scheme to be Considered in Arizona!  House Bill 2833 would require that all handgun and “assault weapon” ammunition manufactured or sold in Arizona to be coded with an individual serial number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale.  Encoded (serialized) ammunition would be registered to the purchaser at the time of sale and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition.  HB2833 seeks only to harass law-abiding gun owners, as criminals are not likely to purchase their ammunition through legal channels.  This scheme would also significantly add to the price of ammunition.  Please take a moment to contact your State legislators and voice your opposition to House Bill 2833.  Contact information for your State legislators can be found here.

Mandatory Spay or Neuter Measure Awaits House Committee!  House Bill 2516, sponsored by State Representative Ed Ableser (D-17), would prohibit persons from owning or keeping a dog or cat that is more than six months old if the animal has not been spayed or neutered.  A person would have to obtain an intact permit to own an animal that does not fit the criteria, which places an unfair burden on Arizona sportsmen who may own/breed dogs for hunting purposes.  This legislation threatens to keep hunters and other dog owners from making decisions based upon their own personal circumstances. It would prevent hunters from continuing the tradition of occasionally breeding their favorite dog in order to provide other hunters with good dogs and defray some of the costs associated with caring for their animals. From a financial perspective, the bill discriminates against hunters with limited budgets.  HB2516 is currently in the House waiting to be assigned to a committee. It is important that NRA members continue to monitor this measure that would severely impact sportsmen if it were to become law.  Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to oppose HB2516.  You can find your State Representative by clicking here. 

CALIFORNIA:  Cow Palace Gun Show Under Attack in Daly City!  The Cow Palace Gun Show in Daly City, near San Francisco, is under attack!  Your help is urgently needed to ensure that this ill-advised effort is defeated.  Bob Templeton, Crossroads of the West (gun show) promoter, will be holding a meeting to coordinate a defense of the show.  It will be held on Saturday, March 1 at 2:00 pm at the Cow Palace, located at 2600 Geneva Avenue in Daly City.  Please attend this important meeting and help protect gun shows in the Golden State!

COLORADO:  Mandatory Storage Bill Sent to Senate Appropriations Committee!  Senate Bill 49, which requires mandatory storage of all firearms, would force adults to put all their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor penalty if a firearm is later used in a suicide or crime.  This dangerous bill renders homeowners defenseless and gives criminals a clear advantage in home invasions.  If passed, SB49 would add to the already cumbersome bureaucracy that affects gun shops, gun shows, or anywhere else firearms are sold, by requiring them to post a sign informing gun owners that they must lock up their guns.  Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and respectfully urge them to defeat this dangerous legislation.  Contact information for the Senate Appropriations Committee members can be found here.

CONNECTICUT:  Anti-Gun Bill Pending Action in Committee!  Raised Bill No. 178 has been amended by the Public Safety and Security Committee. Members removed language that would have lengthened the processing time for pistol permits and changed the provision pertaining to gun shows to require that show promoters contact the State Police in advance of when an event will take place rather than requiring them to seek approval from both local and state police.  The bill now heads to the Judiciary Committee where it has the potential to be used as a vehicle for more anti-gun language.  We'll keep you posted.

HAWAII:  Gun Control Bill Ends in Committee!  After weeks of discussion on whether House Bill 2999, sponsored by State Representative Blake Oshiro (D-51), would be revived and passed, it was deferred in the House Judiciary Committee yesterday.  After being referred the first time, Representative Oshiro revised HB2999 to only include a ban on the sale and possession of .50 caliber BMG rifles and ammunition.  Despite being satisfactorily revised by the bill sponsor, HB2999 is still an attack on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. HB2999 faced opposition from the pro-gun legislators on the committee, and will likely not come back up this session.  We’ll keep you posted.  Thank you for all the emails and phone calls made by the pro-Second Amendment community in Hawaii.

IDAHO:  BLM Plan Will Affect Game Retrieval!  The Bureau of Land Management has released a plan for managing off-highway vehicle use (OHV) in the Challis Field Office area.  The Alternative 3 management approach will prohibit hunters from traveling the current maximum of 1/4 mile cross-country to retrieve game.  The reason given is that the same exertion is already required of hunters beyond the current 1/4 mile limit and “this action would reduce ambiguity as to the legality of cross country travel.”  This plan could have a significant effect on hunters, particular those with impaired mobility.  If you hunt on BLM lands in this area of Idaho, you will want to scrutinize the entire plan to see how proposed changes to roads and trails and OHV use may affect you.  The plan is available on BLM’s website at www.blm.gov/id under the “Challis Field Office” link.  The public has until March 14 to submit comments.  You may call (208) 879-6200 for further information.

ILLINOIS:  Anti-Gun Bills Could Be Heard at Any Moment!  There are currently six bills in the Illinois Legislature taking aim at our Second Amendment freedoms.  Each seeks to attack a different facet of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and we must act now.  For more information on these bills and how to take action, please click here.

Attention Gun Owners: Please Attend Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) in Springfield on Tuesday, March 11, 2008!  Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is under assault, so NRA is encouraging all law-abiding gun owners to take part in IGOLD 2008 and let your voice be heard.  For more information, bus schedules, and departure times, please contact the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198, or go to www.IGOLD.isra.org

INDIANA:  Governor Signs Vital Pro-Hunting Bill into Law!  On Wednesday, February 27, Governor Mitch Daniels (R) signed House Bill 1046 into law. Introduced by State Representative Bob Bischoff (D-68), HB1046 creates an apprentice hunter license in Indiana. This measure is part of the “Families Afield” initiative and is a collaborative effort among NRA, The National Wild Turkey Federal, U.S. Sportsmens Alliance and the National Sport Shooting Foundation. The apprentice hunter license will allow for novice and first time hunters to join experienced licensed hunters in the field so they can get the experience of hunting before completing a lengthy hunter education course. Please contact Governor Daniels at (317) 232-4567 and thank him for helping to promote Indiana's proud hunting and outdoors heritage.

KENTUCKY:  Critical Self-Defense Bill Needs Immediate Action!  House Bill 114, sponsored by State Representative Robert Damron (D-39), is currently stalled in the House Judiciary Committee, even though more than sixty legislators have signed on as co-sponsors.  HB114 requires universities, colleges, and postsecondary institutions to comply with current law allowing law-abiding citizens to keep firearms in their locked vehicles on university property.  Don’t allow anti-gun legislators to obstruct your Second Amendment rights.  It is important that the House Leadership hear from you.  Please contact the House Judiciary Committee and request that HB114 be heard at the next House Judiciary Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 27.  Contact information can be found here.

Discharge Ban Proposed in Oldham County!  A public hearing for a proposed firearm discharge ordinance in Oldham County is scheduled to be considered on Tuesday, March 4 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fiscal Courtroom located on the second floor of the Fiscal Court Building at 100 West Jefferson Street in LaGrange.  Simply put, KOC 08-330-770 would prohibit a person from discharging a firearm in Oldham County within 300 feet of an occupied building or one that is suitable for occupation, even where it is perfectly safe to do so.  Please make plans to attend this important hearing.  If you are unable to attend, please contact Judge-Executive Duane Murner and your local Magistrate today and respectfully urge them not to place arbitrary boundaries on our Second Amendment freedoms.  Contact information can be found here.

MARYLAND:  Two Self-Defense Bills to be Heard on March 4!  Two self-defense bills, House Bill 1071 and House Bill 1075, sponsored by State Delegate Frank Conaway (D-40), will be heard on Tuesday, March 4 at 1:00 pm.   HB1071 would establish that law-abiding citizens are justified in using force, including deadly force, against intruders in the home when there is reasonable belief that the intruder intends to commit a crime against a person or property.  A second bill, HB1075 expands the provisions of HB1071 allowing similar use of deadly force in a place of business.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB1071 and HB1075.

"Lost or Stolen" Bill Scheduled for Hearing!  Senate Bill 585, would require the owner of a regulated firearm (handgun or “assault weapon”) to report its loss or theft to a local law enforcement agency within 72 hours after the owner discovers the firearm is missing.  House Bill 880 is the companion bill in the House of Delegates.  SB585 is scheduled for a hearing in the State Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Thursday, March 6 at 1:00 pm.  Please contact the members of the committee and respectfully urge them to oppose this dangerous legislation.  Contact information can be found here.

Sportsmen Show Opposition to Ammo Serialization (Registration)!  On Tuesday, February 26, sportsmen from across Maryland voiced their opposition to House Bill 517, a bill that would require ammunition manufacturers to encode a serial number on all ammunition for regulated firearms sold in the state and register the ammunition to the purchaser.  Only shotgun ammunition would be exempted.  All non-encoded ammunition privately possessed would have to be disposed of by January 1, 2009.  HB517 would also allow the State Police to create an extensive and intrusive database on all ammunition purchasers, paid for by a tax of 5 cents per round.  We want to thank all of our members who took the time to contact the committee members in opposition to this bill, and we especially want to thank those sportsmen who took the trip to the Capitol in defense of their Second Amendment rights.  Please continue to check your email and at www.NRAILA.org for updates on this issue. 

“Emergency Powers” Legislation Introduced with Bi-Partisan Support!  This week, Senate Bill 944, Maryland’s “Emergency Powers Legislation”, was introduced with bi-partisan support.  A hearing has not been scheduled.  SB944, authored by State Senator Alexander Mooney (R-3), would protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  Please continue to check your email and at www.NRAILA.org for updates on this issue.

Anti-Hunting Bill Withdrawn!  This week, House Bill 655, sponsored by State Delegate Barbara Frush (D-21) was officially withdrawn before it had the chance to be heard in the House Committee on Environmental Matters on Wednesday, February 27.  HB655 would have set minimum age restrictions for those seeking to apply for a hunting license. States with lower minimum hunting ages have a better safety record and retain more hunters than states with a higher minimum age. Setting the minimum age at 13 in Maryland would deter more young people from taking up hunting, take the decision away from parents, and increase the likelihood of accidents involving youth hunters.  We want to thank all of our members who took the time to call their legislators in opposition to this bill!  Even though this threat is over for now, this does not mean this bill couldn’t come up again.

MINNESOTA:  “Castle Doctrine” to be Heard in House Committee!   House File 498, will be heard any day in the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee. HF 498, “Castle Doctrine” legislation, restores the right to self-defense in Minnesota by removing the duty to retreat when outside the home.  HF 498 would also provide that a person who uses force against an attacker shall be immune from criminal prosecution.  Please contact your State Representative at (651) 296-2146 or (800) 657-3550 and respectfully urge him or her to support your right to self-defense.  To find your State Representative, please click here.

MISSISSIPPI:  Senate Passes Two Key Second Amendment Bills!  This week, the Senate passed two important NRA-backed measures.  Senate Bill 2411, sponsored by State Senator Eric Powell (D-4), would allow law-abiding Mississippians to apply for a concealed carry license by mail and provide senior citizens a 50% discount on renewal of permits.  Senate Bill 2466, would protect existing shooting ranges and allow them to make repairs or modifications to the existing building, expand range membership, and allow for participation opportunities in the community, etc., without the local government placing certain restrictions upon them.  This legislation is sponsored by State Senator Walter Michel (R-25).  Both of these bills move to the House for consideration.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for committee assignments and updates on both SB2411 and SB2466.

NEBRASKA:  Legislature to Consider "Assault Weapons" Ban!  The Nebraska Legislature will soon consider legislation (LB 958), sponsored by State Senator Brad Ashford (District 20), that would bring California-style gun-control to the Midwest and ultimately ban many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by Nebraskans.  As drafted, LB958 will create a commission entitled “The Assault Weapons Commission” that will be charged with making a list of firearms that “they” believe should be illegal in Nebraska.  The sale or possession of firearms on the “banned list” would presumably be illegal.  This gun ban scheme will only punish law-abiding citizens and will do nothing to curb crime or keep criminals from obtaining firearms illegally.  This is simply another attack on our Second Amendment rights in Nebraska.  Please contact your State Senator today and respectfully urge him or her to protect Nebraskans’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms by opposing LB958.  To find contact information for your State Senator, please click here.

NEW JERSEY:  Legislature to Consider “One-Gun-A-Month” Gun Rationing Scheme Again!  The New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee will be hearing Assembly Bill 339, on Monday, March 3 at 2:00 pm in State House Annex, Committee Room 12 on the 4th floor.  A339, sponsored by State Assemblywoman Joan M. Quigley (D-32), would prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun per month by law-abiding citizens.  Please contact Members of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose A339!  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

Hunting Recommended For Expansion On A New Jersey Wildlife Refuge:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to open the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge to bear hunting.  The refuge is currently open for deer and resident goose hunting.  The bear hunt is part of “Alternative B,” the agency’s preferred management plan for the refuge.  The public comment period is open until March 10th.  Further Information can be found at www.fws.gov/northeast/wallkillriver, by e-mail at [email protected], and by phone at (973) 702-7266.  To ensure the future of hunting on the refuge, public involvement is crucial.  Please submit comments in support of “Alternative B.”

NEW YORK:  Important Pro-Gun Bill Awaiting Action on Senate Floor!  Senate Bill 2733, sponsored by State Senator James Seward (R-51), would prohibit information contained within a pistol license application or information about a licensee from being shared with anyone other than a law enforcement agency for the purpose of conducting a criminal investigation.  SB2733 is pending consideration on the floor of the State Senate.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to support this important reform.  To find your State Senator, please click here or by visiting http://www.senate.state.ny.us/Senatorbio.nsf/df3d9cc00e120f6a85256b3d006f4f76/b026f19f24

OKLAHOMA:  Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Heads to House Floor!  On Wednesday, February 27, the House Judiciary and Public Safety Committee voted to pass House Bill 2513, authored by State Representative Jason Murphey (R-31). This critically important bill establishes that law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders cannot be prohibited from possessing or carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense on Oklahoma’s public university and college campuses. While this is a step in the right direction, colleges still have control whether or not faculty, staff, and students can carry.  HB2513 now heads to the House floor for consideration. Please contact your State Representative and strongly encourage him or her to protect your right to self-defense by voting for HB2513! Contact information can be found here.

RHODE ISLAND:  Anti-Gun Bills Introduced!  Three anti-gun bills have been introduced in the Rhode Island legislature that seek to further infringe on our Second Amendment rights.  Senate Bill 2720 and House Bill 7834 would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology.  Senate Bill 2742 would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Rhode Island to be coded with an individual serial number (ammunition serialization), and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale.  For more information about these threats to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and how to take action, please click here.

SOUTH CAROLINA:  Right-to-Carry Reform Bills Need Your Assistance!  Two pro-gun bills (H 3528 and H 3212) have been placed on the South Carolina Senate Calendar.  H 3528 would restrict the release of personal information regarding the holder of a valid concealed weapons permit (CWP) to a law enforcement to aid in an official investigation, or as part of a subpoena or court order.  In addition, H 3212 would require South Carolina to recognize valid Right-to-Carry permits issued by other states.  Both H 3528 and H 3212 could be taken up by the full Senate in the near future, so please call your State Senator and urge him to support these important bills as passed by the House, and to not support any amendments that would weaken this legislation.  The contact for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.

Hunting Under Review at South Carolina Refuge:  The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has released a draft management plan for Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge.  The 18,000-acre refuge spans across Georgetown, Horry, and Marion Counties.  The refuge allows deer and hog hunting, but two of the four alternatives addressed in the plan would expand hunting opportunities to include a youth waterfowl hunt and a hunt for those that are mobility-impaired.  Public comments are being accepted through March 14th.  Further information can be found at http://southeast.fws.gov.planning, or by calling (843) 527-8069.  It is important that the FWS hears from South Carolina hunters about the importance of maintaining existing hunt programs, and to encourage FWS to pursue hunts for youth and the mobility-impaired.

SOUTH DAKOTA:  Youth Hunting Bill Passes Senate, Moves to Governor!  On Tuesday, February 26, the State Senate passed House Bill 1263 by a 24-11 margin.  HB1263 now heads to Governor Mike Rounds (R) for his consideration.  Introduced by State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33), this important legislation would help preserve South Dakota’s proud hunting heritage by granting the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks rulemaking authority to establish a youth mentored hunting program for children between ages 10 and 16.  The current minimum hunting age in South Dakota is 12. While licensed youth hunters would still need to take a Hunt Safe course, HB 1263 would establish a “try before you buy” program allowing younger kids to experience their first hunts without a license under the direct supervision of a licensed adult. This bill is part of the Families Afield Initiative, a cooperative effort between NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Shooting Sports Foundation.  Thank you to all the NRA members contacted their State Legislators in support of this important bill.  Without you, passage of this bill would have been impossible.

Campus Right-to-Carry Bill Officially Defeated  House Bill 1261, introduced by State Representative Thomas Brunner (R-29) and State Senator Dennis Schmidt (R-33), is now unfortunately dead for the 2008 Legislative Session.  After being voted down in the Senate by a narrow 14-17 margin, an attempt to revive HB1261 by a procedural move failed.  HB 1261 would have prevented universities from passing regulations that infringe on a law-abiding citizen’s Right-to-Carry if a person is complying with existing state laws.  Thank you to all the NRA members who answered the call and contacted their State Legislators in support of this important bill.  Rest assured that NRA won’t give up on this effort to protect our right to self-defense.

TENNESSEE:  Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment Keeps Rolling!  On Thursday, February 28, the Tennessee State Senate unanimously passed House Joint Resolution 108 with NRA-backed amendments.  Sponsored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25) and State Representative Joe McCord (R-8), this critical legislation will amend the Tennessee Constitution by protecting the right to hunt and fish.  Passage of this legislation will preserve hunting and fishing in Tennessee for generations to come.  HJR108 now heads back to the House to be voted on as amended.

UTAH:  House Rules Committee Tables Important Pro-Gun Bill!  On Friday, February 22, the House Rules Committee bowed to pressure from House Leadership and the business lobby and tabled Senate Bill 67 by an 11-1 (with one absent) margin.  Sponsored by State Senator Mark Madsen (R-13), SB76 would have allowed gun owners to keep a firearm in their locked motor vehicle while parked on publicly accessible private property, as long as the firearm is legally possessed and transported, properly secured and/or in a locked vehicle, and not in plain view.  Thank you to all the NRA members in Utah who answered the call in the fight to preserve our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates on Second Amendment issues in Utah and around the nation.

VIRGINIA:  Governor Kaine Needs to Hear From You Today!  Governor Tim Kaine (D) is currently considering two critically important self-defense bills (Senate Bill 476 and Senate Bill 436) that recently passed both chambers of the General Assembly.  SB476, authored by State Senator Emmett Hanger (R-24), allows restaurant owners to decide whether or not they will allow concealed carry permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense while dining in their restaurants. SB436, authored by State Senator Jill Vogel (R-27), allows law-abiding citizens who do not possess a permit to carry to store a handgun in a locked compartment or container in their vehicle or boat. Please contact Governor Kaine today at (804) 786-2211 and strongly encourage him to protect your right to self-defense by signing SB476 and SB436!

Governor Signs Two Important Pro-Hunting Bills!  Governor Tim Kaine (D) has signed into law two bills that will increase opportunities for Virginia hunters.  House Bill 1016, sponsored by Delegate Tim Hugo (R-40) allows the baiting of deer in certain areas, and House Bill 1175, sponsored by Delegate Scott Lingamfelter (R-31), establishes an apprentice hunter license, therefore allowing novice and first time hunters to join experienced licensed hunters in the field in order to experience first-hand Virginia’s proud hunting heritage. The apprentice hunter program is part of the “Families Afield” initiative -- an ongoing collaborative effort among NRA, The National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and the National Sport Shooting Foundation.  Please contact the Governor today at (804) 786-2211 and thank him for singing HB1016 and HB1175 into law.

WASHINGTON:  Ammo Serialization (Registration) Bill Proposed!  House Bill 3359, would require that all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Washington to be coded with an individual serial number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale.  Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition.  This dangerous bill needs to be stopped now.  Please contact your State Senator and your State Representative today and respectfully urge them to oppose HB3359.  Contact information for your State Legislators can be found by visiting http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/statewide.aspx.

WEST VIRGINIA:  “Castle Doctrine” Bill Passes House, Heads to Governor!  Senate Bill 145, West Virginia’s “Castle Doctrine” bill, was passed in the House on Thursday, February 28 by an overwhelming margin of 96-1.  SB145 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be.  It is clearly stated that there is no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family.  SB145 also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used.  SB145 will now head to the desk of Governor Joe Manchin (D) for consideration.  Please contact Governor Manchin and respectfully urge him to sign this critical self-defense bill.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (304) 558-2000 or email [email protected].  Also, please contact your State Delegate today at (304) 340-3200 and thank him or her for supporting West Virginia’s right to self-defense.  To find your House of Delegates Member, click here.

Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bill Passes Senate!  On Monday, February 18 the State Senate passed Senate Bill 9, introduced by State Senator Billy Wayne Bailey (D-9), by a 29-3 margin.  SB9 would mandate firearm and hunter safety education programs be offered in public schools for students in the eighth through twelfth grades.  However, it would not be mandatory that students take the course.  This is important legislation that will teach children to hunt safely and ethically from an early age.  They will also learn how to handle firearms safely while hunting, while participating in sport competitions, or at home.  Completion of the course will enable students to obtain their hunting licenses.  SB9 has been assigned to the House Education Committee.  Please contact the members of the committee and respectfully urge them to support this important hunter/firearm education legislation.  Please click here for contact information.

WISCONSIN:  Emergency Powers Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk!  Assembly Bill 581 passed the Wisconsin Senate, Thursday, February 28 with a vote of 26-5.  Sponsored by Assemblyman Scott Gunderson (R-83), AB581 would prevent the state of Wisconsin from restricting the possession, transfer, sale, transport, storage, display, or use of firearms or ammunition during a declared state of emergency.  Simply stated, AB581 will prevent government authorities from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens, such as occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  AB581 is now heading to Governor Jim Doyle (D) for his consideration.  Please contact Governor Doyle and respectfully ask him to sign AB581 into law.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (608) 266-1212 or visit http://www.wisgov.state.wi.us/contact.asp?locid=19 to send email.  Also, please contact your State Senator TODAY at (800) 362-9472 and thank him or her for voting “yes” on this important legislation.  If you need help identifying your State Senator, please click here.

WYOMING:  Self-Defense Bill Narrowly Passes Out of Committee!  Wednesday evening, the State Senate Transportation Committee approved House Bill 137, the “no-duty-to-retreat” (Castle Doctrine) measure that would statutorily ensure that Wyoming citizens' rights and duties to self-defense are protected with a 3 to 2 vote.  With the support of key Senators on the committee, this critical legislation will now move to the full Senate where it will be heard.  This is the farthest that any “Castle Doctrine” bill has ever gone in Wyoming, and it is crucial that it passes.  Please contact your State Senator as well as the Senate Majority Leadership, and urge them to support HB137.  To find your State Senator please click here.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.