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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 10 3/7/2008

Anti-Gun Politicians, Are You Listening?

NAS Says Ballistic Imaging Database “Should Not Be Established”


On March 5, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released Ballistic Imaging, the report of a committee it assigned to evaluate the feasibility, accuracy, and technical capability of a possible national database of so-called “ballistic” images from all new guns sold in the United States. 


Outrage Of The Week -- Political Hypocrisy By Obama:  A March 2 commentary in National Review Online (NRO) demonstrates the hypocrisy that often abounds in the campaigns of anti-Second Amendment candidates.  This time, the transgressor is Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.


Grassroots Minute Video:  To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here:  mms://media.streamtoyou.com/nra/2008/ilamin030708.wmv


New Orleans Police Chief Suggests Gun Ban:  Pity New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley.  When it comes to firearms, Chief Riley (along with his boss, Mayor Ray Nagin) just doesn’t get it.  


Plan To Attend Free Louisville Grassroots Workshop!  The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host its FREEGrassroots Workshop in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Louisville.  This Workshop has been a regular part of NRA’s Annual Meetings for more than a decade.  At this event, you will hear from NRA officers, NRA staff, and your fellow NRA members on what you can do in your own community to ensure victory for the Second Amendment in this year’s elections.


Additional Grassroots Event Planned For Louisville!  In addition to the FREEGrassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Louisville, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE Special Session in Louisville.


Volunteers Needed for 2008 NRA Annual Meetings:  The 2008 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend as thousands of NRA members will come together May 16-18, 2008, in Louisville, KY.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.


STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


ARIZONA:  Arizona State House Committee to Hear Pro-Hunting Legislation!  HCR 2037, sponsored by State Representative Jerry Weiers (R-12), a measure that would protect the right to hunt and fish in Arizona through a constitutional amendment, cleared a major hurdle by passing out of the House Natural Resources and Public Safety Committee on Wednesday, March 5.  The 6-3 vote was a strong indication that the calls and emails from NRA members were a key factor in the passage of the resolution.  The bill is now headed to the House Rules Committee.  Should it pass, it will then be heard on the House floor.  Please take the time to contact your State Representative today and ask that they support HCR2037 when it comes before them.  To contact your State Representative please click here.

Important Gun Bills to be Heard in Arizona House!  On Thursday, February 21, two bills that further protect Arizonans’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms passed the Arizona House Judiciary Committee.  House Bill 2629, sponsored by State Representative Russell Pearce (R-18), clarifies that a defensive display of a firearm is justified when a person feels that he is in physical danger and there is a need to protect himself.  House Bill 2634, introduced by State Representative Rick Murphy (R-9), allows for a person whose civil rights have been restored to obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Both bills now move to the full House for a floor vote.  Please take the time to contact your State Representative and ask for their support.  To find your State Representative please click here.

Mandatory Spay or Neuter Measure Awaits House Committee!  House Bill 2516, sponsored by State Representative Ed Ableser (D-17), would prohibit persons from owning or keeping a dog or cat that is more than six months old if the animal has not been spayed or neutered.  A person would have to obtain an “intact permit” to own an animal that does not fit the criteria, which places an unfair burden on Arizona sportsmen who may own or breed dogs for hunting purposes.  This legislation threatens to keep hunters and other dog owners from making decisions based upon their own personal circumstances. It would also prevent hunters from continuing the tradition of occasionally breeding their favorite dogs in order to provide other hunters with good dogs and defray some of the costs associated with caring for their animals. The bill discriminates against hunters with limited budgets who can’t afford to buy dogs from others.  HB2516 is currently in the House waiting to be assigned to a committee. It is important that NRA members continue to monitor this measure that would severely impact sportsmen if it were to become law.  Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to oppose HB2516.  You can find your State Representative by clicking here.

Motorized Access is the Subject of Planning for Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests:  The Forest Service is taking public comment until March 14, 2008, on what roads and trails and areas of the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests should be open to motorized travel. Comments can be sent to [email protected] with “Travel Management” in the subject line.  The proposed public motorized transpotation system is depicted in detail on 5 maps collectively referred to as the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Public Motorized Travel Management Plan Modified Proposed Action Map at http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/projects/travel-management.shtml.    The proposal would allow cross-country motorized big game retrieval up to 1 mile from a designated route of legally harvested and properly tagged elk and mule deer during certain seasons, in certain Game Management Units, and during certain times of the day.  The proposal would also allow Arizona Challenged Hunter Access/Mobility Permit (CHAMP) holders the ability for cross-country motorized game retrieval, up to 1 mile from a designated route, of legally harvested and properly tagged elk, mule deer, and black bear.

COLORADO:  Mandatory Storage Bill Sent to Senate Appropriations Committee!  Senate Bill 49, which requires mandatory storage of all firearms, would force adults to store all their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor penalty if a firearm is later used in a suicide or crime.  This dangerous bill renders homeowners defenseless and gives criminals a clear advantage in home invasions.  If passed, SB49 would add to the already cumbersome bureaucracy that affects gun shops, gun shows, or anywhere else firearms are sold, by requiring them to post a sign informing gun owners that they must lock up their guns.  Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and respectfully urge them to defeat this dangerous legislation.  Contact information for the Senate Appropriations Committee members can be found here.

CONNECTICUT:  Anti-Gunners Launching Full-Scale Attack!  The anti-gun push is on in Hartford. This week, two proposals very dangerous to gun owners were "raised" and could soon be considered by the Joint Judiciary Committee.  Raised Bill No. 603 would require all ammunition sold in Connecticut to be coded with an individual serial number (ammunition serialization) and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale.  Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition.  Also, Raised Bill No. 607 would seek to ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called “micro-stamping” technology.  Micro-stamping is a failed technology that would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm.  Raised Bill No. 607 doesn’t stop there!  It would also outlaw the private sale or transfer of long guns.  Please contact the individual members of the Joint Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose Raised Bill No. 603 and Raised Bill No. 607!  The committee members can be contacted by phone at (860) 240-0100.  For more contact information, please click here.

IDAHO:  The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee will be holding its Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, March 15, at The Coeur d’Alene Resort, located at 115 South 2nd St., in Coeur d ‘Alene.  NRA Second Vice President David Keene will give the keynote address and will be speaking about our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and hunting heritage.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Mary Lou Piazza at (208) 762-3603 to register and obtain tickets.  Tickets are $50.

BLM Plan Will Affect Game Retrieval!  The Bureau of Land Management has released a plan for managing off-highway vehicle use (OHV) in the Challis Field Office area.  The Alternative 3 management approach will prohibit hunters from traveling the current maximum of 1/4 mile cross-country to retrieve game.  The reason given is that the same exertion is already required of hunters beyond the current 1/4 mile limit and “this action would reduce ambiguity as to the legality of cross country travel.”  This plan could have a significant effect on hunters, particular those with impaired mobility.  If you hunt on BLM lands in this area of Idaho, you will want to scrutinize the entire plan to see how proposed changes to roads and trails and OHV use may affect you.  The plan is available on BLM’s website at www.blm.gov/id under the “Challis Field Office” link.  The public has until March 14 to submit comments.  You may call (208) 879-6200 for further information.

ILLINOIS:  Anti-Gun Bills Could Be Heard at Any Moment!  There are currently six bills in the Illinois Legislature taking aim at our Second Amendment freedoms.  Each seeks to attack a different facet of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and we must act now.  For more information on these bills and how to take action, please click here.

Make Your Voice Heard in Springfield on Tuesday, March 11!  With the General Assembly back in session, don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard at the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) in Springfield, on Tuesday, March 11.  The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) has partnered with several state pro-gun organizations, including your NRA, to promote this annual event where Illinois gun owners will directly lobby their state legislators in support of the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners.  The day will begin at 12:00 p.m. with a rally at the Hilton Hotel’s Grand Ballroom located at 700 East Adams Street.  At 1:30 p.m., the activities will move to the State Capitol where gun owners can lobby their legislators.  Later that day, a reception for attendees and legislators will be held across the street at the State Library from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.  Charter buses will be driving attendees to Springfield from all over the state.  For further details, including a list of bus locations and departure times, please contact the ISRA at (815) 635-3198, or visit http://igold.isra.org.

IOWA:  “Shall-Issue” Bill Waiting to be Placed on House Calendar!  House File 2092, introduced by State Representative Clel Baudler (R-58), along with 40 bipartisan co-sponsors, passed out of the House Public Safety Committee with a vote of 18-3, and is now waiting to be placed on the House calendar.  HF2092 would change Iowa's concealed handgun law to make Iowa a “shall-issue” state.  Under HF2092, law-abiding persons 21 years of age or older would be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed handgun if they pass a training and marksmanship course.  Training would not be required for a renewal of the permit to carry a firearm.  Please contact your State Representative TODAY and urge them to place House File 2092 on the State House calendar.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

KENTUCKY:  Critical Self-Defense Bill Needs Immediate Action!  House Bill 114, sponsored by State Representative Robert Damron (D-39), is currently stalled in the House Judiciary Committee, even though more than sixty legislators have signed on as co-sponsors.  HB114 requires universities, colleges, and postsecondary institutions to comply with current law allowing law-abiding citizens to keep firearms in their locked vehicles on university property.  Don’t allow anti-gun legislators to obstruct your Second Amendment rights.  It is important that the House Leadership hear from you.  Please contact the House Judiciary Committee and request that HB114 be heard at the next House Judiciary Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 27.  Contact information can be found here.

MARYLAND:  “Lost or Stolen” Bill Scheduled for Hearing!  On Tuesday, March 11, the House Judiciary Committee will consider House Bill 880, which would require the owner of a regulated firearm (handgun or "assault weapon") to report its loss or theft to a local law enforcement agency within 72 hours after the owner discovers the firearm is missing.  This legislation penalizes victims of crimes by making them criminals for failing to file a report.  Such legislation has no impact on fighting real crime, only serves to slow down law-enforcement, and holds gun owners responsible for the actions of criminals.  Please contact the members of the committee and respectfully urge them to oppose this dangerous legislation.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

Pro-Hunting Bill to be Considered Next Week!  The House Committee on Environmental Matters will hear House Bill 840 on Wednesday, March 12 at 1:00 p.m.  HB840 would authorize specified Sundays in October and November to be open to deer hunting with a bow and arrow on private property in Washington County.  Please contact the members of the House Committee on Environmental Matters TODAY and respectfully urge them to protect Maryland’s hunting heritage by supporting HB840.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

House Judiciary Committee to Hear Pro-Gun Bill!  House Bill 1061, introduced by State Delegate William Frank (R-42), will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 11 at 1:00 pm.  HB1061 requires the Secretary of Maryland State Police to refund the application fee for a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun to an applicant whose application is denied.  Because Maryland is a “may-issue” state, the police are not required to give law-abiding citizens a permit to carry.  Yet under current law, people are not allowed to recover their denied application fees.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB1061 so that law-abiding citizens won’t be penalized for simply applying for a Right-to-Carry permit.  For contact information, please click here.

Pro-Bow Hunting Legislation in Senate Committee!  Senate Bill 878 will be heard on Wednesday, March 12 at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Education Health and Environmental Affairs Committee.  SB 878 would remove Harford County from the list of counties in which deer hunting is prohibited on private property on the first Sunday of the bow hunting season in November and the first Sunday of the deer firearms season.  Please call the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee today and urge them to SUPPORT SB 878.  Contact information can be found here.

Ammunition Serialization (Registration) Fails in Committee!  Maryland’s ammunition serialization (registration) bill, House Bill 517, received an “unfavorable” status in the House Judiciary Committee and was formally withdrawn on Friday, February 29.  This bill would have required ammunition manufacturers to encode a serial number on all ammunition for regulated firearms (handguns and “assault weapons”) sold in the state and the registration of the ammunition to the purchaser.  Only shotgun ammunition would have been exempted.  All non-encoded ammunition privately possessed would have to be disposed of by January 1, 2009.  HB517 would have also allowed the State Police to create an extensive and intrusive database on all ammunition purchasers, paid for by a tax of five cents per round.  We want to thank all of our members who took the time to contact the House Judiciary committee in opposition to this bill and especially those gun owners and sportsmen who took the trip to the Capitol in defense of their Second Amendment rights.  

“Emergency Powers” Legislation Introduced with Bi-Partisan Support!  This week, Senate Bill 944, Maryland’s “Emergency Powers Legislation”, was introduced with bipartisan support.  A hearing has not been scheduled.  SB944, authored by State Senator Alexander Mooney (R-3), would protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport, and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.  Please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this issue.

MINNESOTA:  Anti-Gun Bills Pending Action!  House File 3324, sponsored by State Representative Michael Paymar and Senate File 2989 introduced by State Senator Yvonne Prettner Solon would require detailed buyer AND seller information on gun sales for inclusion in a database.  Because all gun show sales are included, the bill extends to pistols, rifles and shotguns.  Just as bad, the bills expand Minnesota’s waiting period to 7 business days, meaning gun buyers could have to wait as many as 10 days after, accounting for weekend days!   This needless legislation simply creates more bureaucratic red tape for law-abiding gun owners and does nothing to address criminals buying guns on the black market.  HF 3324 has been assigned to the Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee, but it has not been scheduled for a hearing yet.  Please contact the committee members and respectfully ask them to oppose these harassing and ineffective bills.  Contact information can be found here.

MISSISSIPPI:  Senate Passes Two Key Second Amendment Bills!  This week, the Senate passed two important NRA-backed measures.  Senate Bill 2411, sponsored by State Senator Eric Powell (D-4), would allow law-abiding Mississippians to apply for a concealed carry license by mail and provide senior citizens a 50% discount on renewal of permits.  Senate Bill 2466 would protect existing shooting ranges and allow them to make repairs or modifications to the existing building, expand range membership, and allow for participation opportunities in the community, etc., without the local government placing certain restrictions upon them.  This legislation is sponsored by State Senator Walter Michel (R-25).  Both of these bills move to the House for consideration.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for committee assignments and updates on both SB2411 and SB2466.

NEBRASKA:  Legislature to Consider "Assault Weapons" Ban!  The Nebraska Legislature will soon consider LB 958, sponsored by State Senator Brad Ashford (District 20), that would bring California-style gun-control to the Cornhusker State and ultimately ban many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by Nebraskans.  As drafted, LB958 will create “The Assault Weapons Commission” that will be charged with compiling a list of firearms that “it” believes should be illegal in Nebraska.  The sale or possession of firearms on the banned list would presumably be illegal.  This gun ban scheme will only punish law-abiding citizens and will do nothing to curb crime or keep criminals from obtaining firearms illegally.  This is simply another attack on our Second Amendment rights in Nebraska.  Please contact your State Senator today and respectfully urge him or her to protect law-abiding Nebraskans’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms by opposing LB958.  To find contact information for your State Senator, please click here.

NEW JERSEY: One-Gun-A-Month Bill Heads to Assembly Floor for Vote!  On Monday, March 3, the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee passed Assembly Bill 339 by a 5-1 margin.  A339 would prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun per month by law-abiding citizens, even though buyers already have to pass a comprehensive background check.  Please contact your State Assembly members TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose A339!  To find your Assembly member please click here.

Hunting Recommended For Expansion On A New Jersey Wildlife Refuge:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to open the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge to bear hunting.  The refuge is currently open for deer and resident goose hunting.  The bear hunt is part of “Alternative B,” the agency’s preferred management plan for the refuge.  The public comment period is open until March 10th.  Further Information can be found at www.fws.gov/northeast/wallkillriver, by e-mail at [email protected], and by phone at (973) 702-7266.  To ensure the future of hunting on the refuge, public involvement is crucial.  Please submit comments in support of “Alternative B.”

NEW MEXICO:  Legislature Obtains Funds for Albuquerque Public Schools’ Air Rifle Teams!  The Legislature adjourned sine die on February 14 after completing its 30-day budget session. During this year’s session Governor Bill Richardson (D) signed Senate Bill 471, sponsored by State Senator Carlos Cisneros (D-6), which includes capital outlay monies for projects and programs in state lawmakers' districts.  We would like to thank State Representative Bill Rehm (R-31) and Major W.E. Barker, USMC, who is the coach of La Cueva High School’s air rifle team, for spearheading the effort among colleagues from the Albuquerque legislative delegation to obtain more than $140,0000 in funds for the purchase of new guns and equipment for Albuquerque Public Schools’ air rifle teams.  These teams have joined the upper echelons of junior shooting in both New Mexico and the United States.  To see a list of the State Representative and State Senators that worked to pass the capitol outlay monies in this year’s budget please click here.

NEW YORK:  Pro-Gun Companion Bill Introduced!  Senate Bill 2733, sponsored by State Senator James Seward (R-51), which pertains to the privacy of pistol license holders and applicants, now has a companion bill in the State Assembly, Assembly Bill 10151, authored by State Assemblywoman FrancineDelMonte (D-138).  Both S2733 and A10151 would prohibit information contained within a pistol license application or information about a licensee from being shared with anyone other than a law enforcement agency for the purpose of conducting a criminal investigation.   Please contact your lawmakers TODAY and urge them to support this important reform.  Additionally, we have reported in past alerts on several anti-gun proposals awaiting consideration in the State Assembly.  We will keep you posted as to when we expect action on those measures.  To contact your State Senator, please call, (518) 488-2800. To find your State Senator, click here.  To contact your State Assemblyman or Assemblywoman, please call, (518) 455-4100.  To find your State Assemblyman or Assemblywoman, click here.  

Youth Hunting Bill to be Heard on Tuesday, March 11!  Senate Bill 1284A, sponsored by State Senator Dale Volker (R-59), which would enact the Youth Mentor Hunting Program, will be considered by the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee on Tuesday, March 11.  S1284A would allow individuals ages 14 and older to hunt with a licensed mentor who is age 21 or older with only one firearm used by the two.  Please contact members of the committee and urge their support of this NRA-backed measure.  Contact information can be found here.

Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge:  Staff of the Iroquois NWR, a 10,000-acre refuge between Buffalo and Rochester, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge.  The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider.  The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008.  It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting.  We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are inlcuded and enhanced in the new management plan.  Comments can be sent to [email protected].  Include “Iroquois NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line.  Information about public meetings to be held can be found at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/iroquois.  You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.

OHIO:  “Castle Doctrine” Scheduled for Hearing!  Next week, the House Criminal Justice Committee will again be accepting opponent/proponent testimony on House Bill 264.  House Bill 264, sponsored by State Representative Lynn Wachtmann (R-75) would preserve an individual’s right to respond with force in self-defense or defense of family, without fear of civil lawsuits by criminals.  Please make plans to attend this important hearing to help protect the right to self-defense for all the law-abiding citizens of Ohio.  For contact information and information on how to attend the hearing, please click here.

OKLAHOMA:  Update on Pending Legislation  House Bill 2513, an extremely important self-defense bill authored by State Representative Jason Murphey (R-31), has stalled in the House of Representatives. Representative Murphey’s proposal would establish that law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders could not be prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm on Oklahoma’s public university and college campuses. Please contact your State Representative and strongly encourage him or her to protect your right to self-defense by voting for HB2513!  Also, SJR38, authored by Senate Co-Pro Tem Glenn Coffee (R-30), is currently pending action on the Senate floor. If approved by both chambers, SJR38 would provide that, in this November’s elections, Oklahoma voters would be asked to approve an amendment to the State Constitution that would protect the right to hunt, fish, and harvest game.  Please contact your State Legislators and respectfully urge them to support both measures.  Contact information can be found here.

PENNSYLVANIA:  Pigeon Shooting Ban Scheduled for Committee Vote!  The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled Senate Bill 1150 for a possible vote on Tuesday, March 18 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 8E-B, East Wing of the Main Capitol Building. This legislation would amend Title 18 (“Crimes and Offenses”) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for cruelty to animals.  Pigeon shooting is an historic and legitimate activity, steeped in tradition.  It has many participants throughout the Commonwealth and around the world.  Shoots have been held in Pennsylvania for more than a hundred years.  The participants are law-abiding, ethical shooting enthusiasts, hunters, and sportsmen who would not tolerate an activity that would constitute cruelty to animals. Please call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to OPPOSE SB1150.  Contact information can be found here.

Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Erie National Wildlife Refuge:  Staff of the Erie NWR, an 8,800-acre refuge 35 miles south of Lake Erie in northwestern PA, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge.  The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider.  The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008.  It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting.  We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are included and enhanced in the new management plan.  Comments can be sent to northeast/[email protected].  Include “Erie NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line.  Information about public meetings to be held can be found at http://www.fws.gov/northeast/erie.  You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.

RHODE ISLAND:  “Microstamping” Legislation Awaiting Consideration!  Two bills seeking to ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology are currently awaiting action in the Senate and House Judiciary Committees.  Senate Bill 2720 and House Bill 7834 would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm.  Microstamping is a failed technology that can easily be defeated with household tools, has no public safety value, and would add substantially to the cost of the firearm.  Please contact members of the State Senate and State House Judiciary Committees and urge them to oppose S2720 and H7884!  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

SOUTH CAROLINA:  Your Help is Needed with Two Right-to-Carry Reform Bills!  Two pro-gun bills (H 3528 and H 3212) need your immediate action.  H 3528 would restrict the release of personal information regarding the holder of a valid concealed weapons permit (CWP), allowing release only to law enforcement to aid in an official investigation, or to comply with a subpoena or court order.  In addition, H 3212 would require South Carolina to recognize valid Right-to-Carry permits issued by other states.  Both H 3528 and H 3212 could be considered in the near future, so please call your State Legislators and urge them to support these important bills as passed, and not to support any amendments that would weaken this legislation.  Contact information for your State Legislators can be found by clicking here.

Hunting Under Review at South Carolina Refuge:  The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has released a draft management plan for Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge.  The 18,000-acre refuge spans across Georgetown, Horry, and Marion Counties.  The refuge allows deer and hog hunting, but two of the four alternatives addressed in the plan would expand hunting opportunities to include a youth waterfowl hunt and a hunt for those that are mobility-impaired.  Public comments are being accepted through March 14th.  Further information can be found at http://southeast.fws.gov.planning, or by calling (843) 527-8069.  It is important that the FWS hears from South Carolina hunters about the importance of maintaining existing hunt programs, and to encourage FWS to pursue hunts for youth and the mobility-impaired.

SOUTH DAKOTA:  Youth Hunting Bill Passes Senate, Moves to Governor!  On Tuesday, February 26, the State Senate passed House Bill 1263 by a 24-11 margin.  HB1263 now heads to Governor Mike Rounds (R) for his consideration.  Introduced by State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33), this important legislation would help preserve South Dakota’s proud hunting heritage by granting the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks rulemaking authority to establish a youth mentored hunting program for children between ages 10 and 16.  The current minimum hunting age in South Dakota is 12. While licensed youth hunters would still need to take a “Hunt Safe” course, HB 1263 would establish a “try before you buy” program allowing younger children to experience their first hunts without a license, under the direct supervision of a licensed adult. This bill is part of the “Families Afield Initiative,” a cooperative effort between NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  Thank you to all the NRA members contacted their State Legislators in support of this important bill.  Without you, passage of this bill would have been impossible!

VIRGINIA:  Senate Upholds Governor's Vetoes!  Putting politics above sound public policy, the Virginia Senate voted to uphold Governor Tim Kaine's (D) vetoes of two critically important, commonsense self-defense bills.  Both bills needed a 2/3 majority of the Senate to override the Governor's veto. Unfortunately, for Virginia's nearly 150,000 law-abiding concealed handgun permit holders, by a vote of 22 to 18 the Senate failed to override the veto of Senate Bill 476.  This measure would have allowed restaurant owners to decide whether or not permit holders could patronize a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided the permit holder did not consume alcohol.  Additionally, by a vote of 25 to 15, the Senate also failed to override the veto of Senate Bill 436.  SB436 would have allowed for law-abiding non-concealed handgun permit holders to safely and responsibly store a firearm in a locked container or compartment in a vehicle or boat.

Charles City County Seeking Ban on Rifle Hunting!  Charles City County is considering making revisions to its hunting regulations that could negatively impact hunting with rifles. Such a decision could eliminate precious hunting opportunities and would discourage hunters from taking to the woods to pass their hunting heritage on to the next generation and to help manage Virginia’s wildlife.  It is critical that hunters attend the Charles City County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Government & School Board Administration Building, 10900 Courthouse Road, Charles City, Va 23030 to oppose changes to the county ordinances governing the use of rifles for deer hunting. In the meantime, please contact each member of the Charles City County Board of Supervisors and strongly encourage them to refrain from making any changes to county regulations that have proven to be successful. Also, please be sure to pass this information along to your family, friends, and fellow hunters.  Please click here for contact information.

WASHINGTON:  Ammo Serialization (Registration) Bill Proposed!  House Bill 3359 would require that all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Washington be coded with an individual serial number and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale.  Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition.  This dangerous bill needs to be stopped now!  Please contact your State Senator and your State Representative today and respectfully urge them to oppose HB3359.  Contact information for your State Legislators can be found by visiting http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/statewide.aspx.

Pro-Hunting Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk!  House Bill 2438, legislation that would extend a pilot program that would permit certain counties to allow the pursuit and taking of cougars with the aid of dogs, has passed the State Legislature and is on its way to the desk of Governor Chris Gregoire (D) for her consideration.  This bill would also permit counties that are not part of the pilot program and which are experiencing cougar management problems to opt-in to the program.  The Governor’s office is trying to position itself to veto this county opt-in provision.  This bill would help ensure public safety in Washington and protect private property, livestock, as well as human life and safety.  Please contact the Governor TODAY and respectfully urge her to sign this vital hunting initiative in full without vetoing any portion of it.  You can call Governor Gregoire at (360) 902-4111 or fax her a letter at (360) 753-4110.  To send an email, please visit http://www.governor.wa.gov/contact/default.asp.

WEST VIRGINIA:  “Castle Doctrine” Bill Passes House, Heads to Governor!  Senate Bill 145, West Virginia’s “Castle Doctrine” bill, was passed in the House on Thursday, February 28 by an overwhelming margin of 96-1.  SB145 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be.  It clearly states that there is no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family.  SB145 also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used.  SB145 will now head to the desk of Governor Joe Manchin (D) for consideration.  Please contact Governor Manchin and respectfully urge him to sign this critical self-defense bill.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (304) 558-2000 or email [email protected].  Also, please contact your State Delegate today at (304) 340-3200 and thank him or her for supporting West Virginia’s right to self-defense.  To find your House of Delegates Member, click here.

WISCONSIN:  Emergency Powers Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk!  Assembly Bill 581 passed the Wisconsin Senate, Thursday, February 28 by a vote of 26-5.  Sponsored by Assemblyman Scott Gunderson (R-83), AB581 would prevent the state of Wisconsin from restricting the possession, transfer, sale, transport, storage, display, or use of firearms or ammunition during a declared state of emergency.  Simply stated, AB581 will prevent government authorities from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens, such as occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  AB581 is now heading to Governor Jim Doyle (D) for his consideration.  Please contact Governor Doyle and respectfully ask him to sign AB581 into law.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (608) 266-1212 or visit http://www.wisgov.state.wi.us/contact.asp?locid=19 to send email.  Also, please contact your State Senator TODAY at (800) 362-9472 and thank him or her for voting “yes” on this important legislation.  If you need help identifying your State Senator, please click here.

Mentored Hunting Bill Needs Your Help!  Senate Bill 529, a top legislative priority for NRA-ILA, would establish a mentored hunting program in the Badger State.  Sponsored by State Senator Robert Wirch (D-22), this legislation is similar to last year’s mentored hunting bill in that it would provide first-time hunters a “try before you buy” opportunity to get the full experience of hunting before committing to a hunter education course.  SB529 would require a new hunter to be accompanied by a licensed hunter who is at least 18 years of age, who is always within arm’s reach, and only one firearm will be allowed between the two of them.  This bill will also lower the hunting age in Wisconsin from 12 to 10 for individuals participating in the mentored program.  SB529 is waiting to be heard by the Senate.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY at (800) 362-9472 and respectfully urge him or her to vote “yes” on this important pro-hunting bill.  If you need help identifying your State Senator, please click here.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.