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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 35 8/29/2008

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden:  Worlds Apart

Even before this week, the difference between Barack Obama and John McCain was clear.  For one, McCain joined more than 300 other members of Congress in signing a “friend of the court” brief, in District of Columbia v. Heller, urging the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the Second Amendment and against D.C.’s handgun ban.

Obama refused to sign the Heller brief, and supports reinstituting the Clinton gun and magazine ban.  He also supports Ted Kennedy’s bill to ban semi-automatic handguns in the guise of “micro-stamping,” and supports banning inexpensive handguns as “junk guns.”

But now that each candidate has chosen his running mate, the difference is even clearer than before.  And when it comes to guns, the two prospective vice-presidents are as far apart as the states from which they hail.


Chicago Suburb Drops Ban On Private Possession Of Handguns:  This week, the Village of Morton Grove, Illinois agreed to a stipulated dismissal of a NRA lawsuit challenging the village’s gun ban.  A new town ordinance recognizes the right to private handgun ownership, bringing an end to NRA’s lawsuit against the village.  Morton Grove completely dismissed its ordinance banning handguns and agreed not to replace it with any direct regulation other than to adopt existing state laws.


ToolbarHelp Defend Your Gun Rights One Easy Click At A Time:  We are excited to announce a revolutionary, yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime!  You can make a difference by downloading and using the new NRA-ILA Toolbar.



Bitter shirtNew NRA T-Shirts Available NOW!  We know that by now you’ve probably heard the Barack Obama “bitter” quote.  Well, in addition to the new yard sign we designed, we’ve created a way for all of you “bitter” gun owners to wear your message to Obama and all of the other legislators seeking your vote this election season:  A new "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!" T-shirt, and our re-designed “I’m the NRA and I Vote” T-shirt!




“I’m A Bitter Gun Owner And I Vote!” Yard Signs Available Now:  We’ve created a new yard sign that will send a message from all of you “bitter” gun owners to Obama this election season with our own slogan: “I’m a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote!”   



Grassroots Minute Video:  To view the most recent “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here:  mms://media.streamtoyou.com/nra/2008/ilamin082908.wmv



STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)



ARIZONA:  Arizona Primary Elections, Tuesday, September 2!  Tuesday, September 2 is Primary Election Day in Arizona.  Please be sure to vote Freedom First.  For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  Early voting has already started and will last through Election Day.  For more information about voting in Arizona, please click hereRemember to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, September 2!


The Forest Service has begun the process of revising the management plan for the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests.  Apache-Sitgreaves is managed as a single forest and encompasses over 2 million acres in east-central Arizona.  The latest update about the plan can be found at:  http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/plan-revision/documents.shtml.   The update includes information about upcoming public meetings in early September.  The purpose of these meetings is to gather public input on desired conditions.  Desired conditions are the foundation of the revised plan and “paint a picture” of what the forests look like and provide.  A first draft of desired conditions is available for review and input on the website above.  This plan will affect how recreation activities--including hunting, recreational shooting, and the use of motorized vehicles--are managed in the future.  If you recreate in the Apache-Sitgreaves, it is important that you review the “desired conditions” and submit comments, as well as attend at least one of the public meetings next month. 


MARYLAND:  Baltimore City Council Violates Preemption, Passes Lost or Stolen Ordinance!  On Monday, August 11, the Baltimore City Council approved legally questionable legislation that would force law-abiding gun owners to report the loss or theft of their firearm to the Baltimore City Police within 48 hours.  Any person who violates this ordinance will be subject to a $250 fine.  To view the ordinance, please click here.  This past session, both the Maryland House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee defeated similar legislation (House Bill 880 and Senate Bill 585) put forward by the Baltimore delegation. Please contact Mayor Sheila Dixon TODAY and respectfully urge her veto this illegal attack on the Second Amendment.  Mayor Dixon can be contacted by phone at (410) 396-3835, by fax at (410) 576-9425, or email [email protected].  


NEVADA:  Please Attend Nevada Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Concealed Carry Forum! The Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs' Association will be holding the second annual Nevada Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit holders' Forum on Wednesday, September 10 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Last year, hundreds of NRA members attended the meeting and were given an opportunity to provide much-needed input regarding the administration of the CCW permitting process.  It is vital that the pro-gun community participate in this important forum - please take the time to show your support for Right-to-Carry in Nevada!  For information on the location of the meeting and other ways that you can participate, please click here.


NEW JERSEY:Wall Township Seeking to Destroy New Jersey’s Hunting Heritage!  In an attempt to further erode New Jersey’s rich hunting heritage, the Wall Township Committee passed on first reading an ordinance that will prohibit a person from having a loaded firearm or nocked arrow while within 650 feet of any building, school playground or municipal park. Current New Jersey statues set the limit at 450 feet.  This 200-foot increase will dramatically impact your access to hunting and will encourage further restrictions in the future.  On Wednesday, September 10 the ordinance will be considered for final passage.  Please attend the Wall Township hearing and voice your opposition to this unnecessary and restrictive regulation. The hearing will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Wall Township Municipal Building located at 2700 Allaire Road.  If you are unable to attend, please call the Township Committee at (732) 449-8444 and respectfully urge the Committee to oppose this ordinance.


NEW YORK:  New York Primary Elections, Tuesday, September 9!  Tuesday, September 9 is Primary Election Day in the Empire State.  Please be sure to vote Freedom First.  For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  For more information about voting in New York, please click here


RHODE ISLAND:  Rhode Island Primary Elections, Tuesday, September 9!  Tuesday, September 9 is Primary Election Day in Rhode Island.  Please be sure to vote Freedom First.  For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit www.NRAPVF.org.  For more information about voting in Rhode Island, please click here.


VIRGINIA:  Public Encouraged to Provide Comment Regarding Hunting with Hounds!   Hunting deer, bear, fox and other game animals with hounds has been a centuries-old tradition in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  With the exploding population and the associated fragmentation of land into smaller and smaller parcels, complaints submitted to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) have increased with each passing year.  Because of this, VDGIF established the Stakeholder Advisory Committee for the Hunting with Hounds in Virginia to make recommendations related to the future regulation of hunting with hounds.  The Committee recommendations are now available for public comment until September 12.  The document containing all of the Committee’s recommendations can be viewed by clicking here and hard copies can be requested by calling (540) 231-0961.  It is critical that the hunting community actively participate in this process in order to ensure a bright future for our hunting heritage.  Please send comments to the committee urging them protect your hunting heritage.  To submit comments please click here.


WEST VIRGINIA: Martinsburg, West Virginia Continues to Violate State Law! On Thursday, August 14, the Martinsburg City Council passed an ordinance (#2008-26) banning the possession of firearms in any city-owned buildings. This ordinance amended a previous ordinance passed in 2005.  The original ordinance banned the carrying of firearms openly or concealed on all city owned property.  The newly passed ordinance limits this ban to city owned buildings.  While an improvement over the original 2005 ordinance, these actions by the City Council are in clear violation of current state law that prohibits a municipality from passing any ordinance regulating firearms or ammunition in any manner.  Please contact the Mayor and City Council members and encourage them to bring Martinsburg back into conformity with current state law and repeal these ordinances.  Please click here to contact the council members.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.