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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 16, No. 24 6/19/2009

GAO Reports On Arms Trafficking In Mexico



The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report this week entitled, "Firearms Trafficking: U.S. Efforts to Combat Arms Trafficking to Mexico Face Planning and Coordination Challenges." 

Among other things, the report asserts that Mexican officials consider illicit firearms the number one crime problem affecting their country's security; that about 87 percent of firearms seized in Mexico and traced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) in the last five years originated in the United States; and that these firearms are increasingly more powerful and lethal, including "high-caliber and high-powered" AK-47 and AR-15 type semi-automatic rifles. The report further contends that the country's law enforcement agencies are insufficiently organized, and that Mexico has a history of corruption at the federal, state and local levels.  


In Border States, BATFE Asks: "May We See Your Guns?"  Speaking of the Mexican border situation, NRA-ILA has recently received several calls from NRA members in border states who have been visited or called by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.  In some cases, agents have asked to enter these people's homes, and requested serial numbers of all firearms the members possess.


capitolPending Federal Legislation Needs Your Support:  There are a number of pro-gun bills pending in Congress that require your attention and action.  Please review these legislative initiatives and be sure to contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121, and your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and urge them to cosponsor and support these measures.  Additional contact information can be found using the "Write Your Representatives" feature at www.NRAILA.org


Seeking Nominations For 2008 NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards:  The "Jay M. Littlefield Memorial NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award" is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the "NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award" is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year.  Nominations for these honors for last year (2008) should be submitted to:  NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Andrew Dysart, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030.  Nominations may also be faxed to Andrew at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected].  All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing, and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving.  Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff and will be acknowledged at this Fall's NRA Board of Directors Meeting.  The deadline for submissions is July 6, 2009. 


Author And Writer Frank Miniter To Speak At National Firearms Museum:  NRA's National Firearms Museum, in conjunction with the Virginia Gun Collectors Association, will be hosting a speaking event and book signing by author and writer Frank Miniter, next Thursday, June 25, at 6:00 p.m., at NRA's National Firearms Museum in Fairfax, Virginia. 

Please plan on attending this fun and informative event, to hear Mr. Miniter speak, as well as present and sign his latest book, "The Ultimate Man's Survival Guide: Recovering the Lost Art of Manhood." 

Grassroots Minute Video: 


STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.")


ARIZONA:  Two Pro-Gun Measures Pass Senate, Move to House in Arizona  This week, the Arizona Senate passed two important pro-gun bills (Senate Bill 1113 and Senate Bill 1243).  Both bills now head to the House where they await a committee assignment. Please contact your State Representatives TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB1113 and SB1243.  Contact information for your State Representatives can be found by clicking here.  For more information about these two bills, please click here. 

Future of Target Shooting at Stake in Table Mesa Recreation Plan -- Public Meeting June 30th:  The Bureau of Land Management has drafted a recreation plan for a very popular target shooting area north of Phoenix called Table Mesa.  NRA and many of its Arizona members have been involved in the planning process to ensure that target shooting at Table Mesa is protected and enhanced by this plan.  BLM has scheduled a meeting June 30th to present the recreation plan to the public.  The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm in the Deer Valley Community Center, 2001 W. Wahalla Lane, Phoenix.  It is important that as many NRA members as possible attend this meeting, not only to learn how this draft plan intends to provide for the future of target shooting at Table Mesa, but also to demonstrate the importance of keeping public lands open to hunting and target shooting.  Without a strong showing from the pro-shooting community, BLM land management officials could be led to believe that there is little support for continued recreational shooting.  Rest assured that those who want to ban shooting, despite its extraordinary safety record through the years, will be present to provide their emotion-driven input into the planning process.  The draft plan has not been posted yet, but will be on line at http://www.blm.gov/az/st/en/info/nepa/environmental_library/rec_mgmt_plans/table_mesa.html


CALIFORNIA:  California Fish and Game Commission Continues to Push Anti-Hunting Agenda  On June 24 at 10 a.m. and June 25 at 8:30 a.m., the California Fish and Game Commission will consider a continued expansion of the lead ammunition ban in the so-called "Condor Zone."  These meetings will be held at the Yolo Fliers Club, 17980 County Road 94B, in Woodland.  Please make plans to attend one or both of these meetings.  If you're unable to attend, please contact the members of the Fish and Game Commission TODAY and respectfully request that they oppose all efforts to extend the ban on lead ammunition.  Spread the word to your family friends and fellow gun owners so the Commissioners can hear from as many people as people as possible who oppose a ban on lead ammo.  The Commission can be contacted by phone at (916) 653-4899, by fax at (916) 653-5040, or email [email protected].  



ILLINOIS:  Anti-Gun Groups Launch Campaign Against Important Gun Reform  In anticipation of House Bill 182 being transmitted to Governor Pat Quinn (D), anti-gun groups are mounting a campaign urging the Governor to veto this important pro-gun reform bill.  HB182 would simply change the Unlawful Use of Weapons (UUW) law, adding "dwelling" and "dwelling of another" where a person has been invited with permission to possess a firearm, to the list of exemptions in which a law-abiding citizen is restricted from carrying a firearm.  Please contact Governor Quinn TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign this critical reform.  To contact the Governor, please call 312-814-2121 or click here to send email.


LOUISIANA:  Bill Aiding Visually Impaired Hunters Heads to Governor's Desk!  House Bill 39 is en route to the desk of Governor Bobby Jindal (R) for his consideration.  HB39 would authorize the use of laser scopes by visually impaired hunters.  Please contact the Governor TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB39 into law.  Please click here to email Governor Jindal. 

Louisiana Senate Committee Strikes Down Anti-Gun Resolution!  On Tuesday, June 16, the Senate Judiciary B Committee defeated House Concurrent Resolution 150. This resolution would have officially urged the New Orleans City Council to ban assault weapons in the city of New Orleans.  Please take a moment to thank the following State Senators for their efforts in opposing HCR150. Contact information can be found by clicking here

Management Plan Includes Hunting Opportunties for Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge  The Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft management plan for Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge located 5 miles west of Houma, Louisiana.  The plan describes three separate management options that will guide decisions on the Refuge for the next 15 years.  Hunting, fishing and other wildlife dependent activities are addressed.  The plan can be reviewed online at: http://southeast.fws.gov/planning/.  For additional information please contact Paul Yakupzack at 985-853-1078 or send your comments to him at [email protected].  If you hunt in Louisiana, please give your support to increased hunting opportunities on this Refuge.


NEW HAMPSHIRE:   Legislature Seeking 500% Hike of License to Carry Fees!  The New Hampshire Legislature is currently considering the New Hampshire state budget (House Bill 2).  The budget bill contains language that would increase the fees for non-resident licenses to carry from $20.00 to $100.00, a 500% increase in the fee.  If legislators don't hear from you on this, they may assume that an increase on resident Right-to-Carry fees is ok as well. Please contact your state legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to insist that the Budget Conference Committee strip out this fee increase.  Contact information for your state legislators can be found here.



NEW YORK:  New York State Senate May Consider Numerous Anti-Gun Bills!  The last day of session is set for Monday, June 22, but with the events that have unfolded in the last two weeks, what happens next is anyone's guess.  Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-64) announced that the Assembly would adjourn as planned on Monday, while the Senate could return to Albany to act on unfinished business.  Law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen should stay tuned, as numerous anti-gun measures were pending action when the Senate leadership battle commenced and if they resume business they could be taken up at any time.  To learn more about these bills, please click here. 

Registration Scheme to be Considered Next Week in Albany County!  The Albany County Legislature has delayed consideration of Local Law "A" at the request of its sponsor, County Legislator Phillip Steck.  The Law Committee has scheduled a meeting on the issue for Monday, June 22 but that is subject to change.  Local Law "A" would require that ammunition purchasers show a valid firearms license before purchasing ammunition in Albany County.  The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of all ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser's name and address.  For more information on Local Law "A" and to find contact information for the Law Committee please click here.



NORTH CAROLINA: News Report on Three Pending Pro-Gun Bills  As we reported last week, three firearm-related bills are currently in various stages of the legislative process in the state legislature.  This week brought numerous changes to those bills.  To learn more about these bills and how to take action, please click here.


PENNSLYVANIA: Lancaster Passes Illegal Anti-Gun Ordinance  On Tuesday, June 9, the Lancaster City Council unanimously passed a proposal introduced by Mayor Richard Gray (D) that would require gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm within a 72-hour period or face fines and possible imprisonment.  This law not only violates Pennsylvania's state preemption laws, but it could turn law-abiding victims into criminals for failing to report a lost or stolen firearm within 72 hours.  Please contact the members of the City Council and Mayor Gray TODAY and respectfully voice your disapproval with their passage of this illegal and unwarranted attack on law-abiding gun owners.  The City Council can be reached by phone at (717) 291-4785.  Email addresses for the City Council can be found by clicking here.  Mayor Gray can be contacted by phone at (717) 291-4701 or e-mail [email protected].


TENNESSEE:  Less Than 10 Days to Get Your NRA License Plate!  A special NRA license plate provides an ideal opportunity to showcase your pride as an NRA member and your steadfast dedication to preserving Second Amendment rights.  Your support of this program will help ensure hunting and shooting traditions in the Volunteer State for generations to come.  The NRA is collecting applications for NRA license plates in Tennessee, but the June 30 deadline to apply is fast approaching.  For more information, please click here.  Hurry, time is running out!


WISCONSIN:  Youth Hunting Bill Heading to Governor's Desk for Consideration!  On Thursday, June 18, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 167 by a voice vote.  SB167 now heads to the desk of Governor Jim Doyle (D) for his consideration.  SB167 would establish a mentored hunting program in the Badger State.  Please contact Governor Doyle at 608-266-1212 and urge him to sign this important piece of legislation.  Also, please contact your State Legislators and thank them for passing SB167.  You can find your legislators contact information by clicking here

Attack on Open Carry Defeated in South Milwaukee!  On Tuesday, June 16, the South Milwaukee City Council defeated an anti-gun ordinance that would have placed further restrictions on the open carrying and possession of firearms in the city.  This is an important development for the Second Amendment in Wisconsin.  Some municipalities in the Badger State have felt emboldened to pass ordinances restricting the open carrying of firearms in reaction to the statement issued by Wisconsin Attorney General J. B. Van Hollen (R) on the subject.  Thank you to all of the NRA members who took action in opposition to this measure.  Without you, this victory would not have been possible.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.