Gun Ownership Skyrockets, While Violent Crime Drops…Again
This week, the FBI estimated that the number of violent crimes decreased 5.5 percent from 2009 to 2010, including a 4.4 percent decrease in the number of murders. Because the U.S. population increased during the period, the figures imply that the total violent crime per capita rate and the murder rate decreased more than six percent and five percent, respectively. Based upon the preliminary data, it appears that violent crime fell to a 37-year low and murder fell to a 47-year low. The FBI will report final figures for 2010 later this year.
We’re repeating ourselves, but, as has been the case for quite a while, the decrease in crime coincided with an increase in the number of privately owned guns—particularly handguns and detachable magazine semi-automatic rifles. For example, Americans bought over 400,000 AR-15s in 2009, and trends in AR-15 sales over the last few years suggest a similar number for 2010.
Those who have followed the gun control issue for a few years probably have noticed that with crime declining and gun numbers rising year after year, gun control groups have all but abandoned their previously perennial claims that more guns equal more crime. Even their friends in the news media don’t believe it anymore. The Violence Policy Center and, breaking with past habit, the Brady Campaign didn’t even try to claim that the decrease in crime in 2010 was attributable to gun control.
FBI OVERBOARD ON SUSPICIOUS CUSTOMER WARNING?: Since the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is responsible for enforcing federal gun laws, dealers and other federal firearm licensees typically contact that agency (or state or local police) when they encounter suspicious customers. So, it raised eyebrows when the FBI began circulating flyers in gun shops and ranges, encouraging owners of those businesses to report suspicious customers to “your local Joint Terrorism Task Force” instead. The flyers first appeared in Connecticut, with a revised version appearing more recently in Utah.
OHIO COUNTY COURT DECISION STRIKES DOWN CLEVELAND’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN ORDINANCES: This week, the Cuyahoga County Court struck down the City of Cleveland’s scheme of restrictive gun laws still on the books despite Ohio law, which clearly prohibits such municipal gun ordinances. The Court ruled in favor of gun owners in the National Rifle Association-supported case of Buckeye Firearms Foundation, Inc. v. City of Cleveland.
SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR 2010 NRA-ILA VOLUNTEER AWARDS: The NRA-ILA “Jay M. Littlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award” is an annual honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. Similarly, the “NRA-ILA Volunteer Organization of the Year Award” is bestowed upon a group that has gone above and beyond in defending and promoting our rights over the past year. Nominations for these honors for last year (2010) should be submitted to: NRA-ILA Volunteer Awards, c/o Krista Cupp, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA, 22030. Nominations may also be faxed to Krista at (703) 267-3918, or e-mailed to [email protected]. All nominations must be submitted by NRA members in good standing and be accompanied by a one-page description of why the nominee is deserving. Winners will be selected by NRA-ILA staff and will be acknowledged at this Fall’s NRA Board of Directors Meeting. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2011.
AMICUS BRIEF FILED BY NRA IN NINTH CIRCUIT APPEAL CHALLENGING SAN DIEGO COUNTY’S RESTRICTIVE CCW POLICIES: On Monday, May 23, 2011, the CRPA Foundation and a number of San Diego residents had attorneys from Michel & Associates, PC file their opening brief in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in their appeal seeking to overturn a U.S. district court ruling from December 10, 2010 that upheld San Diego Sheriff William Gore’s restrictive and unfair policies in issuing permits to carry concealed firearms. The case is Peruta v. County of San Diego. (See the Opening Brief here).
H.R. 1865, THE RECREATIONAL LANDS SELF-DEFENSE ACT: Urge your Member of Congress to Cosponsor this Important Legislation—As we previously reported, on May 12, Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) and Rep. Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) introduced H.R. 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act, which is designed to protect the rights of gun owners on lands owned or managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.
URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO COSPONSOR H.R. 822, THE NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY RECIPROCITY ACT OF 2011: Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) have introduced vital legislation that will enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.
LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT BEFORE DEADLINE! Final Days To Comment After BATFE Requests Comment Period Extension For Proposed Multiple Rifle Sales Reporting Rule: As we previously reported, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives recently republished its proposal to require firearm dealers to report multiple sales of various rifles. Compared to its initial request in December, which was rejected as an "emergency" request, the new notice clarifies that the proposed requirement would apply only to dealers in four southwestern states, and would apply only to semi-automatic rifles of a caliber greater than .22 (including .223) and that can use detachable magazines. The notice fails to address the NRA's comments, which pointed out that the agency has no legal authority to demand this information.
URGE YOUR REPRESENTATIVE TO COSPONSOR AND SUPPORT H.R. 1093--The "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform Act": In March, Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) introduced H.R. 1093, the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform Act." The bill would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. This bipartisan bill is a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.
A SALUTE TO OUR TROOPS: NRA-ILA asks that you take a couple of minutes to watch the following salute to our troops. The special thank you message is brought to you by NRA Life of Duty, a network that serves and supports those who go to work each day to protect, defend and fight for the safety of the American people. You can watch the video tribute by clicking here.
NRA JOINS AMERICA IN THANKING OUR NAVY SEALS!!! There are certain points in American history when time stops and everyone remembers where they were. Some of these are due to tragic event; others to extraordinary achievements.
ANOTHER WAY TO GET INVOLVED--Join NRA’s Facebook And Twitter Groups: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO: To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
For additional information, please click on the links provided.
FLORIDA: NRA Members Urged to Contact Governor Rick Scott
Governor Rick Scott received two priority Second Amendment bills on May 25. House Bill 155 would STOP pediatricians from invading privacy rights of gun owners and bringing anti-gun politics into medical examining rooms. Houses Bill 45 would STOP local politicians and governments from violating Florida firearm preemption law by providing penalties for willful violations. Governor Scott’s deadline to take action on these bills is June 9, or they become law without his signature. Please contact Governor Scott in support of these measures.
ILLINOIS: Senate Passes Firearm Owners Identification Card FOIA Exemption Bill!
On May 20, the state Senate passed House Bill 3500, which would ensure that the personal information of those who have applied for or received a Firearm Owners Identification Card shall not be disclosed. HB 3500 now goes to Governor Pat Quinn for his consideration. Please call and e-mail Governor Pat Quinn and urge him to sign HB 3500 into law.
MISSOURI: Firearm Reform Bill Goes to Governor Jay Nixon
On May 13, House Bill 294 was passed in the Missouri General Assembly and sent to Governor Jay Nixon for his signature. House Bill 294 is a comprehensive firearm reform bill that would address a number of Right-to-Carry issues important to Missouri’s law-abiding gun owners. Please contact Governor Jay Nixon and ask him to sign HB 294 into law!
NEVADA: Legislative Deadlines Weed Out Gun Bills
With time running out in the Nevada Legislature's 76th Regular Session, only a handful of pro-gun bills remain. Two measures have been signed into law by Governor Brian Sandoval, Assembly Bill 217, legislation providing for out-of-state purchase of long guns, and Assembly Bill 321, self-defense reform legislation, which was signed into law on May 19. For more information on the bills remaining and actions you can take click here.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: The Truth about House Bill 330 and the NRA
A group in New Hampshire sent out an alert on May 13 relating to House Bill 330 that includes many false and baseless accusations. There is a policy difference between some organizations representing gun owners on HB 330, legislation that seeks to recognize the right to carry a loaded, concealed handgun without a license. Unfortunately, HB 330, while well-intentioned, was poorly drafted. Changes and clarifications are necessary to not only strengthen its provisions, but also to prevent serious unintended legal consequences.
NEW YORK:Microstamping Legislation Passes New York Assembly
On May 24, Assembly Bill 1157 passed in the New York Assembly and will now be considered in the Senate Codes Committee. A1157 would require all current semi-automatic pistols in production and all newly designed semi-automatic pistols delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York to mechanically stamp an alpha-numeric or geometric code onto the cartridge case when the gun is discharged. Please contact your state Senator and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE A1157.
OKLAHOMA:Legislature Passes, Governor Signs “Parking Lot” Protection Expansions! On May 24, Governor Mary Fallin signed House Bill 1652 into law, which expands “Parking Lot” firearm storage protections to vehicles parked at professional sporting events, local, state and federal governmental entities and on vocational-technology center campuses. Please be sure to thank Governor Mary Fallin, the bill’s sponsors, and your legislators who voted to expand your Parking Lot protections!
SOUTH CAROLINA: Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Pending Consideration
The language in the Right-to-Carry reform bill, House Bill 3292, may soon be amended to restore this bill’s status as pro-gun legislation. H 3292 still remains in the House Judiciary Committee with only a few weeks left in the 2011 legislative session, and it needs your help to pass. This bill must be heard by the full House Judiciary Committee soon. Please contact members of this committee and urge them to support H 3292 with the NRA-backed language.
VIRGINIA: VSSA's 13th Annual Crush'n Clays®
The Virginia Shooting Sports Association (VSSA) is hosting the 13th Annual Crush'n Clays® event on June 11, 2011. The clay target event benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and, over the last 12 years, has raised more than $230,000 for the charity. The event will be held at the Arlington-Fairfax Izaak Walton League of America ( range in Centreville, VA. Shooting slots are still available but hurry because the event has sold out the last three years. Crush'n Clays® is the longest running clay target event of its type and the longest running event supporting St. Jude Children's Hospital. NRA is a long time sponsor of the event along with many other businesses and organizations. You can find more information, as well as register to participate in the event, at