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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 20, No. 14 4/6/2013

NRA-ILA GRASSROOTS ALERT: Vol. 20, No. 14 04/05/2013

Senate to Take Up Anti-Gun Legislation Soon!

The U.S. Senate has announced that anti-gun legislation will be heard on the floor next week. While that could change at any time, right now it means that your Second Amendment freedoms are on the chopping block, and you need to take immediate action to save them.

Senators are scheduled to vote on a so-called "universal background check" bill being pushed by lifelong anti-gun zealot, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y). Schumer's bill--S. 374, the "Fix Gun Checks Act of 2013"-- would criminalize virtually all private firearm sales, even temporary transfers, making you a criminal if you simply transfer a firearm to an aunt, uncle, cousin or lifelong friend without the federal government's approval. Even worse, President Barack Obama's Justice Department says that Schumer's bill will only be effective if it's coupled with mandatory gun registration.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-Calif.) gun and magazine ban legislation (S. 150) will not be a part of the Senate's base gun control bill, but the Senate previously announced that Feinstein will be allowed to offer her legislation as an amendment.


UN General Assembly Passes Arms Trade Treaty, Senate Rebuffs

On April 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted 153-4 to pass the Arms Trade Treaty, with the United States voting in favor and several countries abstaining. The vote in the General Assembly was necessary to push the treaty process forward after negotiations twice failed to deliver on the goal of developing the treaty by unanimous consent. The Obama Administration is expected to sign the treaty soon after it is opened for signature June 3.

The text of the approved treaty is deeply problematic and threatens the rights and privacy of American gun owners. Signatories are encouraged to keep information on the "end users" of arms imported into their territory and supply such information to the exporting country. Exporting nations, nearly all of which have civilian firearm control regimes far harsher than the U.S., are encouraged to take the firearm control laws of an importing country into account before approving a transfer of arms. The treaty also encourages states to adopt domestic legislation to facilitate the treaty's onerous requirements.



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Diana DeGette: Ignorant of Guns and Disrespectful of Gun Owners' Lives

Longtime anti-gun U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) is drawing flak for comments she made on Tuesday during a Denver Post forum on gun control, and deservedly so.

Since 1997, DeGette has been introducing legislation in Congress to ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Her current bill to that effect is H.R. 138, the "Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act," which she and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced on January 3rd.

But at 31:30 in the video of the Denver event, DeGette proved that after all these years, she still doesn't know a box magazine from a box of breath mints. This is what she said: "What is the efficacy of banning these magazine clips? I will tell you. These are ammunition, they're bullets, so the people who have those now, they're going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high-capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won't be any more available."


Obama Claims AR-15 is a "Fully Automatic" Rifle

It has been widely reported that the killer in the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last year was a semi-automatic AR-15 stolen from its rightful owner. In fact, it was for precisely that reason that President Obama said that gun control will be a "central issue" of his last four years in office.

But on Thursday, reports began circulating that at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser in San Francisco on Wednesday, Obama claimed that the AR-15 used in the Connecticut crime was a fully-automatic firearm. At first, we wondered if the reports were accurate, or whether the president might have had a slip of the tongue.


31 Major Hunting and Wildlife Organizations Representing Tens of Millions of Americans Oppose Universal Background Checks

The NRA, along with 30 other prominent hunting and wildlife preservation organizations that represent tens of millions of Americans, sent a letter to the leadership in the United States Senate. This letter lays out a five-point plan to make our communities safer. The organizations strongly oppose unnecessary restrictions which would not reduce crime or prevent tragedy, such as universal background checks.


ACLU Sees Problems in Schumer "Universal" Background Check Proposal

Gun owners know that any effort to require "universal" background checks is just a step toward registration. Now, a lobbyist for the American Civil Liberties Union has added his voice to the chorus warning about the impact of the Schumer background check legislation (S. 374, which is the language included in the gun control package that will be debated next week).

The story quotes the ACLU's Chris Calabrese as stating that the proposal "treats the records for private purchases very differently than purchases made through licensed sellers."


Show Your Neighbors you'll "Stand and Fight!"

NRA-ILA has been offering three yard signs for sale featuring our “Don't Tread on my Gun Rights”, “Vote Freedom First” and “I’m the NRA & I Vote” slogans. Sales of these signs have greatly aided our efforts to raise gun owner awareness, and to raise the funds we need to accomplish our goals this year.

Due to the popularity of these three signs, NRA-ILA has designed a fourth sign that is now available! Our newest yard sign highlights our newest slogan: “I Will Stand and Fight with NRA”. Made of the same high quality materials, the new “I Will Stand and Fight with NRA” sign is bold, durable, and easy to assemble. Everything needed to assemble the sign is contained in one compact package, and all components are made in the USA.


Everything Is Bigger In Texas- Including the NRA Annual Meeting Grassroots Workshop!

At no time in recent history has it been more important for NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to be effective activists in our campaign to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights. Our freedom is under attack like never before, on multiple fronts!

As such, your attendance at this year's FREE NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop in Houston is a critical step toward ensuring the future of our gun rights. This Workshop has been a staple of NRA’s Annual Meetings for decades, and is one of the most popular seminars of the week, attended by hundreds of freedom-loving NRA members.


Attend the NRA Annual Meetings Firearms Law Seminar in Houston!

The 16th Annual Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, May 3,, 2013, as part of NRA's Annual Meetings.

The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for practicing attorneys who represent firearms owners and licensed dealers, attorneys wishing to expand their practice to such clients, and others having an interest in Second Amendment law.


Effectively Targeting Your Grassroots Activism

In recent weeks, NRA-ILA has been inundated with phone calls and emails from passionate supporters voicing their appreciation for our stalwart defense of the Second Amendment and passing along many productive observations and recommendations. Among them have been precisely the key points NRA has been making; namely that we need to steer Congress's efforts away from gun control and gun bans toward a more productive discussion on things like enhancing school security; improving our nation's mental health system; examining the consequences of a grotesque level of violence our children are exposed to by Hollywood and our pop culture, and enforcement of existing laws against criminals.



ALABAMA: Omnibus Firearms Bill Sails Through the Senate

ALABAMA: Omnibus Firearms Bill Sails Through the Senate

ARIZONA: Pro-Gun Bill Doomed Unless Your State Senator Hears from You Today

ARIZONA: Volunteers Needed for April 6 Table Mesa Clean-Up

ARKANSAS: Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill to be Considered by the House

CALIFORNIA: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Hearings in April

CALIFORNIA: The NRA, CRPA, FFLGUARD Oppose City of South San Francisco’s Proposals to Ban the Sale of Hollow-Point Ammunition and Require Registration of all Ammunition Sales

CALIFORNIA: The NRA Files Amicus Brief in Case Challenging Ban on Firearms in Parks

CALIFORNIA: Three Anti-Gun Bills Pass in the Assembly Public Safety Committee

CALIFORNIA: Claremont Drops Resolution Supporting Feinstein Gun Ban After Facing Strong Local NRA and CRPA Opposition

COLORADO: Plan for Federal Lands in Grand Junction Area Will Close Lands to Recreational Shooting

COLORADO: This Session’s Most Unconstitutional Bill to be Introduced Tomorrow

COLORADO: Plan for Federal Lands in Grand Junction Area Will Close Lands to Recreational Shooting

COLORADO:: Overwhelming Opposition Gives Pause to Unconstitutional Mental Health Bill

CONNECTICUT: Governor Malloy and Connecticut General Assembly Approve an Irresponsible and Dangerous Measure that will Victimize Responsible Gun Owners

DELAWARE: House Bill 35 Passes in State House

FLORIDA : Florida Alert: Want to Buy AMMO? Take an Anger Management Course First

GEORGIA: Unfortunate End to 2013 Session As Major Pro-Gun Bill Dies

IDAHO : Governor Signs Pro-gun Reform into Law

INDIANA: NRA-Backed Pro-Hunting Reform Bill Passes Senate

IOWA: Gun Owner Privacy Protection Bill Needs Your Help in Senate Subcommittee

KANSAS: Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism Makes Important Rule Change to Dramatically Increase Hunter Opportunity

KANSAS: State Legislature Advances Several Pro-Gun Bills

MAINE: Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee to Hold a Week of Hearings on Anti-Gun Legislation Starting April 8

MARYLAND: O’Malley to Join List of Governors Who Will Sign Away Your Rights for Political Gain

MASSACHUSETTS: Attend the Gun Owners’ Action League's Grassroots Seminar

MASSACHUSETTS: Attend the Gun Owners' Action League's Grassroots Seminar

MISSISSIPPI: NRA Members Score Major Victories During 2013 Legislative Session

MONTANA: BLM Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Big Game Retrieval

MONTANA: Management Plan Closes Public Land to Target Shooting

MONTANA: Contact Governor Bullock to Support Senate Bill 145 (CWP Confidentiality); Other Pro-Gun Bills Pending in Senate; Governor Vetoes Pro-Gun Bills

MONTANA: Another Pro-Gun Bill Sent to the Governor

NEW HAMPSHIRE: House Passes Shurtleff Criminal Protection Bill

NEW MEXICO: House Bill 77 Dies on Senate Floor as New Mexico Legislature Adjourns its 2013 Session

NEW YORK: Gov. Cuomo and Anti-Gun Legislators Admit SAFE ACT Mistakes - But Continue Assault On Lawful Gun Owners

NORTH CAROLINA: Contact Members of the Senate Judiciary I and II Committee in Support of Pro-Gun Reforms

NORTH DAKOTA: Two Pro-Gun Bills Pending Governor's Signature

OREGON: Contact Members of the House Higher Education Committee Today

PENNSYLVANIA: Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes State Senate

SOUTH CAROLINA: Senate Returns to Work Next Week

TENNESSEE: School Security Act of 2013 Passes Out of Committee

TENNESSEE: Privacy Protection Bill Advances Out of Senate Committee

TEXAS : Senate Passes Two Pro-Gun Measures and Expected to Act on Another Soon

UTAH: Veto Override Session Needed

VIRGINIA: Pro-Gun Legislation Receives Governor’s Signature

VIRGINIA: House and Senate Approve Governor’s Amendments to Pro-Gun Bill

WEST VIRGINIA: Important Action on Two NRA-Backed Bills


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.