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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 22, No. 12 3/27/2015

Second Amendment Enforcement Act of 2015 Introduced
Second Amendment Enforcement Act of 2015 Introduced
Last week, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) introduced “The Second Amendment Enforcement Act of 2015” in the U.S. Senate and House respectively.  These bills would restore the fundamental individual right for law-abiding D.C. residents to Keep and Bear Arms to defend themselves in accordance with the law.  This bill would also conform D.C. law to federal laws in regards to governing firearms commerce, while also allowing D.C. residents to purchase firearms from licensed dealers in VA and MD, without the current hassle of D.C.’s onerous firearm registration system.  The D.C. permitting system would also become streamlined, allowing for more law-abiding D.C. residents to legally obtain a permit and carry concealed firearms for self-defense.
BATFE "Air Force" Grounded Again
Everyone likes the song that begins “Off we go, into the wild blue yonder.” Maybe the BATFE likes it a little too much. Days after the BATFE had its ears trimmed by Congress after trying to ban M855 ammunition, a D.O.J. Inspector General audit has revealed that over the last few years, the agency spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars trying to achieve one of its long held ambitions, a private air force, of sorts.
A Tale of Two Faces:  Actor Who Glorifies Gun Crime in Video Game Stars in Gun Control Video
A Tale of Two Faces: Actor Who Glorifies Gun Crime in Video Game Stars in Gun Control Video
Last week, we reported on how the attention-starved gun control group, States United to Prevent Gun Violence (SUPGV) claimed to have deterred first-time gun buyers in New York City with a hidden camera stunt at a phony gun store. Some astute observers later noticed that the actor hired to portray the clerk of the fraudulent gun store was Ned Luke, the same performer who voiced one of the lead characters in the popular and graphically violent video game, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V). This fact was later confirmed in an article on WashingtonPost.com’s Wonkblog.
Arguments Held in Challenge to Maryland’s Firearm and Magazine Ban
Arguments Held in Challenge to Maryland’s Firearm and Magazine Ban
As we reported last August, a federal district court judge in Maryland had upheld the state’s wide-ranging 2013 law that banned America’s most popular rifle, among other common firearms, along with magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. 
California: The Battle for Shall Issue is On!
California: The Battle for Shall Issue is On!
On March 26, 2015, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered that Peruta v. San Diego will be re-heard by an eleven-judge “en banc” panel.  In February 2014, the NRA and CRPA sponsored Peruta case resulted in a monumental ruling by a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit. That decision held that the San Diego County Sheriff’s policy of refusing to issue licenses to carry firearms in public unless an applicant could demonstrate a special need was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment.
"Choke Point" Hearings Yield Predictable Responses From FDIC Chairman
Last year, we began reporting on the Obama administration’s "Operation Choke Point" and the use of federal financial services regulators to harass and intimidate banks and financial service providers who maintain relationships with legal but so-called "high risk" merchants or businesses. By leaning on the banks, the regulators hope to cause them to sever relationships with these businesses, thereby choking off their cash flow and forcing them out of the market. 
The Latest Status of Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation
The Latest Status of Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation
Thanks to your continued calls and emails NRA supported National Right-to-Carry bills have seen, yet again, an increase in cosponsorship.  Please continue to contact your elected officials and urge them to cosponsor and support these important bills:
Anti-Gun Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to Step Down
Anti-Gun Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to Step Down
Anti-gun Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced this week he won’t seek re-election in 2016.  The decision signals the end of a 30-year career in the U.S. Senate.
Rule Change May Devastate International Travel for Hunters and Shooters
Rule Change May Devastate International Travel for Hunters and Shooters
The Obama administration’s relentless assault on the Second Amendment continues as the State Department implements a new rule which catches American hunters and sport shooters in a web of bureaucratic red-tape when traveling outside the United States.  Coming close on the heels of the withdrawn BATFE ammo ban we reported on last week, an unmistakable pattern of abuse is beginning to emerge, suggesting Obama’s last two years could prove the most challenging period in history for America’s gun owners.  
You are the Future of the Second Amendment!  Take Control Now!
You are the Future of the Second Amendment! Take Control Now!
NRA-ILA would like to invite you to the Inaugural NRA Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference to learn about the NRA, the Second Amendment, and the gun control debate. This FREE event will be held in conjunction with the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Nashville, TN on Friday, April 10th at 10 AM!
Attend the Firearms Law Seminar in Nashville
Attend the Firearms Law Seminar in Nashville
The 18th Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 10, 2015 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. The gold standard in firearms CLE classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law.  Topics to be discussed include current litigation across the country, self-defense laws, firearm forensics in the courtroom, updates on gun trusts, the restoration of rights, veterans' concerns, and representing FFLs during ATF audits.
Volunteers Needed for 2015 NRA Annual Meetings In Nashville
Volunteers Needed for 2015 NRA Annual Meetings In Nashville
The 144th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, at the Music City Center in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, on April 10-12, 2015, are right around the corner! We hope you’ll be able to join us as we celebrate our firearms freedoms in a family-friendly environment. While you’re there, one of the best ways to support your NRA is by volunteering a few hours to help register guests, help out in the NRA Store, or with one of the many activities that help make the Annual Meetings a success.
National Right-to-Carry Legislation Gains Support in U.S. Congress
National Right-to-Carry Legislation Gains Support in U.S. Congress

In this week's news minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn provides updates relating to several NRA-supported National Right-to-Carry bills.

Enter the Ruger® NRA Giveaway Today!
Enter the Ruger® NRA Giveaway Today!

Start your weekend with a chance to win a Ruger® SR1911® Lightweight Commander! Enter now! You can enter once a day until the sweepstakes is over on March 31! Enter here: http://t.co/T3DfPcx8Id

Your gun could be featured on NRA Gun Gurus!
Your gun could be featured on NRA Gun Gurus!

Let NRA Gun Gurus assess your gun's history and worth LIVE at the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Nashville, TN this April. Submit your uniques and antiques for evaluation and they could be featured on NRA Gun Gurus!


Arkansas Arkansas
Arkansas: Pro-Gun Bills on the Move in Little Rock
Arkansas: “Shall Sign” Legislation Sent to Governor
Arkansas: Pro-Gun Bills Progress in Legislature, Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk
California California
California: The Battle for Shall Issue is On!
Colorado Colorado
Colorado: Pro-Gun Bill Passes Senate, Heads to House
Colorado: Bill To Repeal Arbitrary Magazine Ban Needs Your Help!
Florida Florida
Florida Report: Emergency Evacuation Bill Passes the Florida Senate
Florida: Bill Against Backyard Ranges Rejected
Florida: Heads Up – Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF) has a New Email Address
Idaho Idaho
Idaho: Important Pro-Gun Legislation Heads to Senate Floor
Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Ivory Ban Legislation Defeated
Indiana Indiana
Indiana: Pro-Gun Legislation Passes House, Heading to Governor’s Desk
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: Tell the Senate it’s Time to Vote on SF 425
Kansas Kansas
Kansas: Permitless Carry Bill Passes, Heads to Governor
Kentucky Kentucky
Kentucky: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
Maine Maine
Maine: Firearms Bill Hearing Day Scheduled Before Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee
Montana Montana
Montana: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills Waiting for Vote in House of Representatives
Montana: Political Speech Suppression Legislation Moved to House Floor in Unorthodox Procedural Maneuver
Montana: Pro-Gun Legislation Sent to the Governor's Desk Today
Ohio Ohio
Ohio: Major Pro-Gun Reform Legislation Takes Effect Today
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Anti-Gun Bill Aimed at Restricting Lawful Private Transfers Introduced and on the Move!
Tennessee Tennessee
Tennessee: Important Employee Protection Legislation Heads to Governor’s Desk
Tennessee: Park Carry Legislation Heads to House and Senate Floors, Your Help Needed
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: Anti-Gun Bill Passes Senate on Third Reading, Heads to House
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: Three Pro-Gun Bills Still Awaiting Governor Tomblin’s Signature

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.