NEWS NRA Fights for Veterans Year-Round | |
Veterans Day is an important opportunity to formally reflect on the freedoms we cherish and those whose service has made them possible. However, as has often been pointed out, a few moments on designated holidays are not enough to properly recognize the men and women who have served in our armed forces. Showing our appreciation is one of the reasons why NRA is engaged year-round on issues that uniquely effect veterans and our current fighting men and women. |
NEWS 20 Years and Millions of “Assault Weapons” and “Large” Magazines Ago... | |
Twenty years ago, not long after Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) federal “assault weapon” and “large” magazine “ban” took effect, CBS 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl faced a dilemma. To help Feinstein make her case for a new ban that would cover more types of guns and more magazines, CBS would have to do something that doesn’t come naturally to gun control supporters. It would have to tell the truth. |
NEWS Report: City of Atlanta Illegally Stockpiling Seized Guns | |
The job of America’s brave men and women of law enforcement is to defend the Constitution and uphold the laws of their jurisdictions. It’s a tough job, and those who do it faithfully are to be respected and commended. |
NEWS Shell-Casing Shell Games | |
Carnival-goers are familiar with the shell game, a swindle in which a ball is hidden under one of three or more “shells” and shuffled by the operator. The rube wagers on which of the “shells” holds the ball, and if the guess is wrong, the gambler can throw more money away on another try. For years, politicians in Maryland have been funding a “ballistic fingerprinting” program, the Maryland Integrated Ballistics Identification System (MD-IBIS), only to repeal the authorizing law this year after an estimated $5 million had been spent, all without a single crime having been solved through the database. |
NEWS Science and Science Fiction | |
Andrew Branca, the author of the “Law of Self Defense,” recently reviewed a study on racial bias and Florida’s Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws published in the Elsevier Social Science & Medicine. The study, “Race, law, and health: Examination of ‘Stand Your Ground’ (SYG) and defendant convictions in Florida” (Social Science & Medicine, Volume 142, October 2015, pages 194-201; pay-walled) makes troubling claims about racial bias and convictions. |
TAKE ACTION Become a Defender of America. Attend an Event Today! | |
NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) knows responsible gun ownership exemplifies what is good and right about America. We know the Second Amendment is not just words on paper, but represents the principles upon which this country was founded. Our individual liberty is what separates America from every other nation, and without it all of our freedoms are at stake. That's why when our Second Amendment freedoms are on the line, NRA-ILA fights back to DEFEND AMERICA. |