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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 27, No. 20 5/15/2020

Mexico Demands Explanation for Obama-era Gun-walking Scandal
Mexico Demands Explanation for Obama-era Gun-walking Scandal
Nearly a decade has passed since the public first learned of the botched Obama-era gunwalking scandal Operation Fast and Furious. These days, Barack Obama spends his time collecting money from a lucrative Netflix contract, shuffling between lavish homes in Washington, D.C. and on Martha's Vineyard, and occasionally offering his tepid support for presumptive democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Former Attorney General Eric Holder enjoys a profitable position as a "rainmaker" at high-powered D.C. law firm Covington. Meanwhile, those who lost loved ones to the Obama Department of Justice's misguided gun trafficking scheme are still searching for answers and accountability.
Playing Pandemic Politics in New Mexico
Playing Pandemic Politics in New Mexico
COVID-19 is indiscriminate –it infects without regard to class or background or political orientation. In addition to the loss of health or lives or livelihoods, an indirect victim of the virus, one more selectively targeted due to government intent or intransigence, is civil rights.
Everytown Ignores Its Own Data to Get Attention
Everytown Ignores Its Own Data to Get Attention
Everytown for Gun Safety produced an “analysis” that sought to tie an “‘alarming’ spike” in fatal firearms-related accidents involving children to the recent surge in firearms purchases across the country. Their point is predicated on the deliberate exclusion and misuse of their own data – they used the tragic deaths of children to push their anti-gun agenda. Their own historical data disproves their claim.
Father Pfleger's Selective Reasoning
Father Pfleger's Selective Reasoning
Close observers of gun politics might be surprised to learn that decades-long Chicago gun control advocate and Catholic priest Father Michael Pfleger is in fact capable of some logic.
BJ Baldwin: Champion Racer Dad Cornered By Armed Criminals – They Learn a Deadly Lesson on 2A
BJ Baldwin: Champion Racer Dad Cornered By Armed Criminals – They Learn a Deadly Lesson on 2A
As a criminal pointed a gun directly at him & his girlfriend, father, champion racer, & NRA member BJ Baldwin had to make a split-second decision.‬ His objective: Getting home to his kids.‬ ‪That's when his firearms training kicked in.‬ He fired 10 shots. All 10 shots hit the target.‬


Florida Florida
Florida NRA Case to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Young Adults Moves Forward
Florida Alert! Florida Supreme Court Ends Decades-Old Evidence Standard
Louisiana Louisiana
Louisiana: Pro-Gun Bills Pass House Committee!
New Mexico New Mexico
While Loosening Some Restrictions, Anti-Gun Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Continues to Punish Certain Gun Stores
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania: Game Commission Extends the Expiration of Current Shooting Range Permits
Virginia Virginia
Virginia: Indoor Ranges to Reopen

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.