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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 27, No. 48 12/7/2020

Obama Still Whining about Gun Owners’ Political Power
Obama Still Whining about Gun Owners’ Political Power
Barack Obama is still upset about just how bitterly so many Americans cling to their guns. During an interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired November 17, the former president expressed his anger with the fact that gun owners successfully organized to defeat his radical gun control agenda in early 2013.
Some Might See a Pattern, All Should See Rights in Action
Some Might See a Pattern, All Should See Rights in Action
The FBI NICS office conducted 3,626,335 total background checks last month. November is always a busy month with elections, Black Friday, and holiday deals to be had. Even the year-to-date streak of record numbers and reported inventory shortages around the country could not hamper the demand for background checks. Last month beat November 2019 by more than a million checks.
Déjà vu: California May-Issue Gun Licensing Results in Bribery Scandal
Déjà vu: California May-Issue Gun Licensing Results in Bribery Scandal
On November 23, the Santa Clara County, Calif. District Attorney announced that a grand jury had indicted a county undersheriff and sheriff’s captain for “requesting bribes for concealed firearms (CCW) licenses.” A pair of individuals were also indicted for offering bribes to receive licenses to carry. The story received worldwide attention when one of those accused with offering a bribe was revealed to be Apple’s chief security officer.
All Eyes on Georgia – Your NRA is on the Frontlines
All Eyes on Georgia – Your NRA is on the Frontlines
The balance of power in the U.S. Senate will be decided with a double run off election in Georgia on Tuesday January 5th. Your NRA Grassroots team has been on the ground in Georgia all year, and was prepared for this fight.  Here is a brief summary of our efforts in these run off elections to date.
Trump Administration Counteracts Politically-Motivated Banking Discrimination
Trump Administration Counteracts Politically-Motivated Banking Discrimination
In late November, the Trump administration took its firmest action yet to counteract ongoing banking discrimination against businesses that serve America’s gun owners. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a significant banking regulator, issued a proposed rule to prohibit politically-motivated service denials and to ensure large, nationwide banks would have to make offered products available to all law-abiding customers without ideological bias.
Trudeau’s Toxic Gun Ban: No Buy-in to the “Buyback”
Trudeau’s Toxic Gun Ban: No Buy-in to the “Buyback”
Under the Liberal Government’s scheme, over 1,500 firearms and devices listed in a government regulation immediately became a “prohibited” firearm or “prohibited device,” as did “any variants or modified versions.” Individuals in legal possession of these newly prohibited firearms or devices on the day the regulations were announced are protected from criminal liability arising from their possession or ownership, but this “amnesty” period ends on April 30, 2022.
UK: Tory Government Set to Further Regulate Antique Firearms and Air Guns
UK: Tory Government Set to Further Regulate Antique Firearms and Air Guns
Under UK law, an individual may not possess, purchase, or acquire a shotgun or rifle without a shotgun or firearm certificate. The onerous application process requires an applicant to divulge sensitive personal information, including medical data and contact information for the applicant’s general practitioner. An applicant must detail their firearm storage arrangements, which are subject to warrantless inspection. The applicant must also provide justification for possessing a shotgun or rifle and two character references.
Join Us for the 2020 Virtual NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium on Friday, December 11th
Join Us for the 2020 Virtual NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium on Friday, December 11th
Join NRA-ILA for the annual 2020 Virtual NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium on Friday, December 11th. This year’s event will be a free, live, online event. For more information, please visit: NRA-ILA 2020 Law Symposium

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.