The South Carolina Senate voted today to carry over H. 3799, the Georgia-only Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill, so it will likely be heard tomorrow. Senator Lee Bright (R-12) continues to work with NRA on this effort, and he intends to offer an amendment on the floor to improve H. 3799. Please click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator and urge them to support this amendment!
In its current form, this legislation makes an improvement by statutorily adding Georgia to the list of states whose Right-to-Carry permits will be recognized in South Carolina. However, it needs to be amended to a true recognition standard so that South Carolina will recognize ALL valid Right-to-Carry permits issued by other states.
In addition, H. 4398 has been assigned to a Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee. Introduced by pro-gun state Representative Alan Clemmons (R-107), this legislation seeks to amend South Carolina’s bankruptcy laws and recognize the fundamental right to personal protection by ensuring citizens who have fallen on hard times, financially, will not be required to sell all of their firearms maintained for personal protection in order to satisfy their debts. H. 4398 allows for the retention of any firearms, provided the total value does not exceed $5,000.00. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on H. 4398 and urge them to hear this bill, and pass it without any weakening amendments.