Today, the Wyoming Senate approved an amendment to Senate File 71 that largely waters down the intent of the bill to protect those who have used a firearm for self-defense from overzealous criminal prosecution. Please contact your state Senator and strongly urge them to return these important protections that were removed from Senate File 71.
Under Senate File 71, a law-abiding citizen would have no duty to retreat from any place where the person is lawfully present before using force to defend themselves. As amended, this legislation would no longer allow an individual who lawfully used a firearm in self-defense to make a motion to the court to receive criminal and civil immunity for this act.
It is unreasonable that victims of crime should have to worry about being arrested, prosecuted or sued if they are required to use force to defend themselves or their family.
Again, please contact your state Senator and strongly urge them to return these important protections that were removed from Senate File 71.