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The Texas Legislature Passed Ten Bills Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights During the 2019 Session. These Measures All Take Effect on September 1.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Texas Legislature Passed Ten Bills Protecting Your Second Amendment Rights During the 2019 Session.  These Measures All Take Effect on September 1.

House Bill 121 provides a legal defense for License To Carry holders who unknowingly enter establishments posted with 30.06 or 30.07 signs, as long they promptly leave when verbally informed of the policy.  

House Bill 302 prohibits “no firearms” clauses in future residential leases and protects tenants’ rights to possess lawfully-owned firearms and ammunition in dwelling units and on manufactured home lots, and to transport their guns directly between their personal vehicles and these locations. 

House Bill 1143 prevents school districts from effectively prohibiting the possession of firearms in private motor vehicles on school property by limiting their authority to regulate the manner in which they are stored in locked cars and trucks. 

House Bill 1177 protects citizens from being charged with a crime for carrying a handgun without a License To Carry while evacuating from an area during a declared state or local disaster, or while returning to that area. 

House Bill 1791 closes loopholes in the state's "wrongful exclusion" law that cities, counties and state agencies have been using to restrict License To Carry holders in government buildings. 

House Bill 2363 allows foster parents to store firearms in a safe and secure manner while making them more readily accessible for personal protection purposes. 

House Bill 3231 improves and modernizes Texas’ firearms preemption law, specifically with regard to zoning authority that could be otherwise be used by cities and counties to circumvent state law and regulate the sale or transfer of firearms and ammunition at the local level. 

Senate Bill 535 strikes "churches, synagogues, or other places of worship" from the prohibited locations list in the Penal Code, clarifying that these places have the same right enjoyed by most other controllers of private property in the state to decide whether to allow LTC holders on-premises. 

Senate Bill 741 prohibits a property owners' association from including or enforcing a provision in a dedicatory instrument that prohibits, restricts, or has the effect of prohibiting or restricting any person who is otherwise authorized from lawfully possessing, transporting, or storing a firearm. 

Senate Bill 772 provides civil liability protection to business establishments which choose not to post 30.06/30.07 signs, making them less vulnerable to frivolous lawsuits and giving them an incentive to adopt permissive policies for the carrying of handguns by law-abiding citizens on their premises. 

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

Friday, February 28, 2025

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

The California legislative session is currently underway and anti-gun lawmakers are once again wrongly focusing on law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on actual criminals.

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Today, the National Rifle Association filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act.”

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights


Second Amendment  

Friday, February 7, 2025

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Today, the White House announced a new Executive Order to protect and expand the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. This is the first action taken by President Donald J. Trump to carry through ...

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Thursday, March 6, 2025

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee met to continue discussions on Senate Bill 279 (GoSAFE). The author did not accept the committee substitute to amend the near all-encompassing ban on semi-auto firearms with equally ...

Maine: Progressive Lawmaker Believes There Are No Deer in Northern Maine.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Maine: Progressive Lawmaker Believes There Are No Deer in Northern Maine.

This week, extreme anti-hunting lawmakers testified to restrict coyote hunting in Maine.

Senators and Representatives Send Letter Urging Repeal of Biden-era Rule Damaging the Firearms Industry


Friday, March 7, 2025

Senators and Representatives Send Letter Urging Repeal of Biden-era Rule Damaging the Firearms Industry

On March 5th U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) and U.S. Representative Mark Green (R-TN-07) sent a letter to Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick urging him to rescind an interim final rule (IFR) that the Biden Administration ...

New Mexico: Hearing Tomorrow on Legislation to Destroy the Firearms Industry

Friday, March 7, 2025

New Mexico: Hearing Tomorrow on Legislation to Destroy the Firearms Industry

Tomorrow March 8 at 9am, the Senate Tax, Business & Transportation committee will be hearing Senate Bill 318, legislation to massively expand penalties and legal liabilities for the firearm industry. 

New York Town Bans Gun Stores


Monday, March 3, 2025

New York Town Bans Gun Stores

For far too long, the Second Amendment could be referred to as the Rodney Dangerfield of the Bill of Rights.  Within many circles of so-called civil rights advocates, it simply got no respect.  

New Mexico: Anti-Gun Extremists Introduce Sweeping Gun Ban

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New Mexico: Anti-Gun Extremists Introduce Sweeping Gun Ban

As they have tried in the past, anti-gun radicals in the New Mexico Senate have introduced Senate Bill 279, the "GOSAFE Act," a near all-encompassing ban on semi-automatic and NFA firearms.

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Passes Senate

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Passes Senate

On Wednesday, March 5th, Senate Bill 5098 was passed on the Senate floor by a vote of 28-21. It will now be transmitted to the House for consideration.


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.