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Connecticut: Gun Control Legislation Nearing House Vote

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Connecticut:  Gun Control Legislation Nearing House Vote

Gun banners in Hartford have been busy all session cooking up a concoction of more gun control.  In a state where there is already a large buffet of gun laws, it’s time for Connecticut gun owners to say “Enough!”  There is no shortage of gun laws in the state, and this is nothing more than political pandering. Your immediate assistance is needed! It is imperative that you contact your representative NOW and urge them to OPPOSE HB 6667 which severely restricts the second amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen! Additionally, please share this alert with your family and friends, and ask them to do the same.

HB 6667 is likely to come up for a vote today!  For weeks, legislators have sliced and diced a bill that started out including everything under the sun.  The original Omnibus Gun Control bill being pushed by anti-gun Gov. Ned Lamont contained a bit of everything: ghost guns, age restrictions on ammunition purchases, and a gun-banner’s wish list of items.  A separate bill even addressed microstamping, which is nothing more than a back-door handgun ban.  Now, it appears anti-gun politicians are ready to push their version of HB 6667 as the 2023 legislative session inches closer to the final gavel.  This bill also referred to as the 2023 Assault Weapons ban, bans all semi-automatic “assault weapons” as long as they accept a detachable magazine and contain certain “banned” cosmetic features, regardless of manufacture, and the bill bans Connecticut “others.”  The legislation also contains a one-handgun-a-month scheme and mandatory storage, rendering self-defense in the home obsolete.

We have received indications that this bill is likely to come up for a vote today in the House!  Your immediate action is requested.  Please contact your Representative today and respectfully request a “no’ vote on any and all gun control.  Connecticut has trampled on the rights of law-abiding gun owners for far too long.  The state has some of the harshest gun control laws in the country, and prosecutors need to enforce the laws already on the books.  Act Now and contact your Representative!

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

Friday, February 28, 2025

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

The California legislative session is currently underway and anti-gun lawmakers are once again wrongly focusing on law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on actual criminals.

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights


Second Amendment  

Friday, February 7, 2025

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Today, the White House announced a new Executive Order to protect and expand the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. This is the first action taken by President Donald J. Trump to carry through ...

The Hearing Protection Act Introduced in the 119th Congress


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Hearing Protection Act Introduced in the 119th Congress

U.S. Representative Ben Cline (R-VA-06) and U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) recently reintroduced the Hearing Protection Act (H.R. 404/S. 364) in the 119th Congress. This commonsense legislation will give gun owners and hunters the opportunity to ...

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Hearing on Monday!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Hearing on Monday!

Yesterday afternoon, Senate Judiciary Chair, Senator Joseph Cervantes, announced plans to hear SB 279 (GOSAFE) on Monday at 1:30 PM.

Colorado: Semi-Auto Ban Turned FOID Bill Removed from Hearing Schedule

Monday, February 24, 2025

Colorado: Semi-Auto Ban Turned FOID Bill Removed from Hearing Schedule

Today, Senate Bill 25-003, the near all-encompassing semi-automatic ban turned permit-to-purchase scheme, was removed from the hearing scheduled in the House Judiciary on March 4th.

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Today, the National Rifle Association filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act.”

Wyoming: Gun-Free Zone Repeal Goes Into Law Without Governor Gordon's Signature

Friday, February 28, 2025

Wyoming: Gun-Free Zone Repeal Goes Into Law Without Governor Gordon's Signature

On the evening of Thursday, February 27th, Governor Mark Gordon announced that he will let House Bill 172, the "Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act," become law without his signature. 

Connecticut: Legislation Would Raise Magazine Restrictions From 10 to 15 Rounds

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Connecticut: Legislation Would Raise Magazine Restrictions From 10 to 15 Rounds

On Thursday, February 27, the Public Safety and Security Committee held a hearing on several bills, including House Bill 7052, which would raise the magazine restriction limit from 10 rounds to 15 rounds.

Colorado: More Gun Control Moves in the House

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Colorado: More Gun Control Moves in the House

Late last night, House Bill 25-1133, which places age restrictions on all ammunition purchases, passed on the House floor with bipartisan opposition.

Court Dismisses “Lawfare” Claims Against Maryland Gun Dealers


Monday, February 24, 2025

Court Dismisses “Lawfare” Claims Against Maryland Gun Dealers

“Lawfare” is the misuse of the legal system to damage political or business opponents, either through frivolous lawsuits in which the cost of defending becomes too much to bear or through the pursuit of political ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.