Yesterday the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee met to continue discussions on Senate Bill 279 (GoSAFE). The author did not accept the committee substitute to amend the near all-encompassing ban on semi-auto firearms with equally egregious language akin to California and Illinois "assault weapon" bans. The Committee Chair, Senator Joseph Cervantes, held the bill over for further discussions once again, with plans to continue discussing proposed amendments during Friday's scheduled committee hearing. At this time neither the proposed amendments nor an official committee agenda have been made public.
There is still time for NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to contact the committee and urge their opposition to SB 279. Use the Take Action button below to contact committee members!
Senate Bill 279: Gas-Operated Semiauto Firearms Exclusion Act
SB 279 amended seeks to ban commonly owned gas-operated semiautomatic firearms. The Attorney General will identify the firearms to be banned. This ambiguous language grants excessive power to unelected officials, allowing them to arbitrarily decide which firearms are prohibited. The bill also bans standard-capacity magazines and ammunition feeding devices. These devices are essential for self-defense and sport shooting. SB279 also prohibits machine guns and rapid fire devices, turning law-abiding citizens into criminals for possessing items that are currently legal.
Again, use the take action button to contact members of the committee to urge their opposition to this unconstitutional overreach!
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