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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 30, No. 41 11/6/2023

California-Style Gun Control: Does Not Work as Advertised
California-Style Gun Control: Does Not Work as Advertised
California has a well-earned reputation as one of the most anti-gun jurisdictions in the United States, with its state and local codes crammed with virtually every cockamamie scheme to suppress firearm ownership conceived within the last 50 years. The state’s current governor, Gavin Newsom, is not only determined to cement this reputation statewide, he’s trying to bring California-style gun control to the country at large by promoting an ill-conceived amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would impose draconian gun control coast to coast. But actual data shows California holds another dubious distinction that puts a lie to the efficacy of its highly-touted “gun safety laws”: it is the state with the highest number of mass murders committed with firearms.
Hogg’s Latest “Small Wrongness Concealed Within Larger Wrongness”
Hogg’s Latest “Small Wrongness Concealed Within Larger Wrongness”
Is there anyone or anything that professional ranter, former progressive pillow company executive, and anti-gun activist David Hogg hasn’t blamed for gun crime? The NRA, predictably, has been pretty much at the top of his list (for instance, here, here, and here), but to date, the admittedly far-from-complete list also includes:
Supreme Court Accepts NRA First Amendment Case – A “Historic Step Forward” for the NRA and Free Speech
Supreme Court Accepts NRA First Amendment Case – A “Historic Step Forward” for the NRA and Free Speech
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) commented today on the United States Supreme Court accepting National Rifle Association of America v. Maria T. Vullo for review. The decision is a landmark development in one of the most closely watched First Amendment cases in the nation.
Supreme Court agrees to hear challenges to bump stock ban, New York's financial 'blacklisting' of NRA
Supreme Court agrees to hear challenges to bump stock ban, New York's financial 'blacklisting' of NRA
"This is a historic step forward for the NRA, its millions of members, and all who believe in the freedom of speech," said NRA CEO & EVP Wayne LaPierre. "The NRA’s fight continues – this time in the highest court in the land. At a time when free speech is under attack as never before, we believe the Supreme Court will send a message to government officials that they cannot use intimidation tactics to silence those with whom they disagree."


Arizona Arizona
Attend the Arizona NRA State Conference on November 18th!
Nebraska Nebraska
Nebraska: Omaha City Council Continues Anti-Gun Efforts in Wake of Statewide Preemption
Wisconsin Wisconsin
Wisconsin: Assembly to Hold Hearing on Credit Card Privacy Bill

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.