States with updates this issue: Hawaii, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
NRA-ILA Grassroots Activism Protected
The U.S. Senate has voted 55-43 to accept an amendment to S.A. 3, the “Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act”, removing an onerous proposal that would have drastically limited the First Amendment rights of Americans in the political process. Offered by Sens. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the amendment removed Section 220 that would have forced ordinary citizens to register with the federal government as “lobbyists,” with all the attendant restrictions, costs, and penalties.
“The First Amendment protects an unqualified ‘right of the people to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’ That is a sacred right of the American people.” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. “ Sec. 220 would have, for the first time in American history, severely regulated and restricted ‘the voluntary efforts of members of the general public to communicate their own views on an issue to Federal officials.’
“On behalf of 4 million NRA members and tens of millions of gun owners, hunters, and sportsmen across the country, I want to thank Senators Robert Bennett and Mitch McConnell for their leadership in preserving political free speech for all,” concluded Cox. “We are also grateful to the 53 other senators who voted for the Bennett-McConnell Amendment.”
While this was no doubt a victory for NRA, gun owners, and freedom, enemies of the First and Second Amendments are alive and well in the 110th Congress, and no doubt will continue to assault our rights. Our thanks to all of you who contacted your U.S. Senators on this most important issue.
To see how your Senators voted, please visit
Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mayor Jared Fuhriman has disassociated himself with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” coalition.
Mayor Fuhriman joined the controversial coalition in October after being contacted by Bloomberg’s office, but recently backed out due to pressure from constituents and his concerns over an “agenda” within the coalition that seems to seek to prevent anyone, even law-abiding citizens, from carrying a firearm.
In an interview with local station KDIK Channel 3, Fuhriman said, “I found there’s probably a little more of an agenda coming from Mayor Bloomberg’s office than I anticipated. So as I looked into it, I could see there was a conflict with the NRA and some of the beliefs we have here in Idaho.”
Shortly after signing onto Bloomberg’s coalition, Fuhriman and city council members began receiving calls and letters of complaint from concerned constituents. “There was just a real uprising. They interpreted it as it was taking guns away from people who use them to hunt. There were some people who were ready to string him up,” said City Council president Ida Hardcastle.
A complete list of Mayors who have joined Bloomberg’s anti-gun coalition may be found at If your Mayor is on this list, please contact him or her to voice your opposition and ask that he or she reconsider his or her position.
The National Rifle Association’s Youth Education Summit (YES) program is gearing up to host another active week for students who want to learn about the U.S. government. The YES program will host a group of outstanding high school sophomores and juniors from across the United States for a weeklong educational experience in Washington, D.C. This year’s program will take place July 9 - 15. The deadline for applications is set for March 1, 2007.
The Youth Education Summit is a seven-day event designed to encourage America’s youth to become active and knowledgeable U.S. citizens. YES is an intensive educational experience that allows students to learn the significance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to develop an understanding of the federal government, and see the importance of active participation in civic affairs--all while in the nation’s capital.
Activities on this year’s schedule include:
- Informative tours, and independent time, at historic sites and monuments in and around Washington, D.C.
- Traversing an obstacle course at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va.
- Guest speakers and research time at NRA Headquarters and the National Firearms Museum.
- Competitive debates with other high school students from across the nation.
In addition to the week in Washington, D.C., YES participants compete for $30,000 in college scholarships. Since the program’s inception in 1996, over $140,000 in scholarships have been awarded.
The March 1, deadline is quickly approaching. High school sophomores and juniors interested in participating in the NRA’s Youth Education Summit program need to have their applications postmarked by the deadline.
For additional information, and to download an application for the 2007 Youth Education Summit, please visit or call (800) 672-3888, ext. 1353.
The Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado are developing a management plan to shape the kinds of uses allowed in these Forests for the next 15 years. Seven public meetings are scheduled in January and February to give the public an opportunity to state how they want the Forests to be managed. The last time the management plan was updated was in 1984, so it is likely that the new plan will incorporate some significant changes. It is vital that sportsmen and women participate in the process to ensure access and opportunities for hunting and recreational shooting.
In its announcement, the Forest Service said that the principal issues will be recreation, ranching, oil and gas development, logging, forest thinning, and off-road vehicle use. The meetings will be from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., in the following locations:
January 30 - Denver, Clements Community Center, 1580 Yarrow Street
January 31 - Colorado Springs, La Foret Conference Center, 6145 Shoup Road
February 14 -Westcliffe, Ranchera's Roost Cafe & Bowling Alley, 25 Main Street
February 15 - Pueblo, El Pueblo Museum, 302 N. Santa Fe Avenue
February 21 - Fairplay, Fairplay Fairbarn, 880 Bogue Street
(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon. As always, thank you for your support.***)
States with updates this issue: Hawaii, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
The Hawaii Legislature reconvened for the 2007 session on Wednesday, January 17, and we are monitoring closely what legislation is introduced. Working with our state affiliate, the Hawaii Rifle Association, we are working to address any gun control legislation that may get introduced in the state legislature, as indications are that the anti-gunners are emboldened in their crusade to further restrict our rights due to Washington State's heavy anti-gun agenda. On the pro-gun side, State Representative Ken Ito (D-48) will be bringing back a revised version of his magazine ban repeal from last session, that would legalize all factory magazines, regardless of capacity. NRA-supported freshman State Senator Mike Gabbard (R-19) will sponsor similar legislation in the Senate. Also on the agenda will be two hunting measures providing for a three-day non-resident hunting license and a waiver of the hunter education requirement, but only for fully guided hunts on private hunting preserves (introduced by State Senator Norman Sakamoto (D-15) and State Representative Bob Herkes (D-5)). It's vital that we keep on top of these and other measures since things move fast during the session!
With the General Assembly session underway, it is critically important that you contact your State Senator and State Representative regarding the firearm-related bills that are pending in Indianapolis. As expected, rabid gun-ban advocate Representative David Orentlicher (D-86) is sponsoring two measures, House Bill 1089 and House Bill 1090 that seek radical change in Indiana’s firearms statutes. If enacted, HB1089 would gut Indiana’s firearm preemption statute and provide Marion County with the authority to establish its own regulations regarding the sale, transport, transfer, and carrying of firearms, thus creating a patchwork of laws that could make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding gun owners. In addition to that affront to honest citizens, Representative Orentlicher’s HB1090 seeks to end gun shows as we know them by defining a firearm dealer as any person who exhibits, sells, rents, exchanges, or transfers at least one firearm at a gun show. Further, a gun show would be defined as an event at which at least 50 firearms are offered for sale, rent, exchange, or transfer. Representative Orentlicher goes even farther to assault the Second Amendment by including language in HB1090 that prohibits the purchase of more than one handgun during any 30-day period! Thankfully, the news is not all bad for gun owners in the Hoosier State as there are also several pro-gun measures which seek to further protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Representative Eric Koch (R-65) has filed NRA-supported House Bill 1011, the “Indiana Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act,” for the 2007 General Assembly session. In filing HB1011, State Representative Koch seeks to ensure that law-abiding firearm owners in the Hoosier State will not be stripped of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms during a declared state of emergency or disaster. Specifically, this proposal states that, “The state, a political subdivision, or any other person may not prohibit or restrict the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transportation, storage, display or use of firearms or ammunition during a disaster emergency, an energy emergency, or a local disaster emergency.” Also, Representative Jerry Denbo (D-62) has introduced NRA-supported House Bill 1118 that will allow law-abiding gun owners to store a firearm in a locked vehicle in most public parking areas. Please contact your State Representative at (317)-232-9600 and strongly urge them to oppose both HB1089 and HB1090, and to support and vote for HB1011 and HB1118.
State Representative Brian Munzlinger (R-1) has introduced NRA-supported House Bill 462, a measure that would repeal Missouri’s outdated and duplicative permit to acquire a handgun (PTA) law. Missouri is among a minority of states that still maintains a permitting system for handgun purchases and transfers. HB462 would remove this unnecessary burden for law-abiding gun owners and relieve them from this intrusion into their privacy. While this bill has not yet been referred to committee, it is very important that you contact your State Representative at (573) 751-3659 and strongly encourage him or her to support and co-sponsor HB462. Additionally, please continue to contact your State Senator at (573)-751-3824 and urge him or her to support, and vote in favor of, two NRA-supported measures: Senate Bill 225, the “Hunting Heritage Protection Area Act,” introduced by Senator Bill Stouffer (R-21); and Senate Bill 257, the “Missouri Disaster Recovery Act,” introduced by Senator Kevin Engler (R-3).
Nevada's 2007 Legislative Session begins Monday, February 5, and prior to the start of session, NRA is asking its members to contact their legislators and ask them to co-author Senator John Lee's (D- Clark, No. 1) BDR-45 when it is assigned a bill number. This bill seeks to remove the exemption for Clark County from the state firearm preemption law, passed in 1989, which prohibits cities and counties from regulating firearms. This would eliminate, among other local laws, the handgun registration ordinance currently in effect in Clark County and restore continuity for law-abiding Nevadans traveling county to county with their firearms. It is vital that Senator John Lee head to Carson City with as much support for this bill as we can provide! Please contact your State Assemblymember at (775) 684-8555 and your State Senator at (775) 684-1400 in support of this measure.
The Legislature convened this week for its regular 60-day session. Several pro-Second Amendment measures have already been filed: Senate Bill 39, by State Senator Shannon Robinson (D-Albuquerque), and House Bill 163, by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad)--NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine”/self-defense statute reform legislation; and Senate Bill 111 by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), Senate Bill 167 by State Senator William Sharer (R-Farmington), and Senate Bill 168 by State Senator Steven Neville (R-Aztec)--NRA-supported bills which would allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption. Please contact your State Senator at (505) 986-4714 and State Representatives (505) 986-4751 and urge them to support these important measures! Contact information for your state lawmakers can be found at
Pro-gun champion Delegate Bill Janis (R-56) has introduced several NRA-supported measures currently awaiting committee hearings in the Virginia House of Delegates. Among these bills are: House Bill 1626, Virginia “Castle Doctrine” legislation; House Bill 2593, a bill that, if passed, would authorize a Judge of the Commonwealth to carry a concealed firearm without obtaining a permit; and House Bill 3109, a proposal that would limit the areas in which a locality could restrict hunting or the discharge of firearms. Please contact your Delegate at (804) 698-1500 and urge him or her to support the above-mentioned bills. As reported earlier in this week, Senate Bill 827, a bill to abolish gun shows, sponsored by Sen. Jeannemarie Devolites Davis (R-34), was scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Courts of Justice Committee on Wednesday. However, the bill was “held over” and is now scheduled for a hearing on Monday, January 21, at 9:00 a.m. Please continue to call your State Senator at (804)-698-7410, particularly if he or she serves on the Senate Courts of Justice Committee, and strongly urge him or her to oppose SB827. Finally, another anti-gun measure, House Bill 2173 sponsored by Delegate Mamye BaCote (D-95), that would have gutted Virginia’s preemption statute by allowing localities to regulate lawful possession of firearms in public libraries, was soundly defeated in a Militia, Police and Public Safety sub-committee. Our thanks to Chairman Tommy Wright (R-61) and fellow pro-gun sub-committee members Delegates Morgan Griffith (R-8), Dave Nutter (R-7),and Scott Lingamfelter (R-31) for protecting the integrity of Virginia’s preemption statutes!
SB 5197 is a measure that would prohibit non-licensed individuals from buying, selling, or trading firearms from their private collections at gun shows. Your State Senator needs to hear from NRA members on the importance of beating back this restrictive and unnecessary piece of legislation. Please call your State Senator at (800) 562-6000 and ask that he or she vote against SB 5197 when it comes up for a vote.
Senate File 50, sponsored by State Senator Cale Case (R-25), is an NRA-supported measure that modifies laws pertaining to game violations and authorizes bow hunters to carry a hand gun for self-defense against predatory wildlife. It has passed out of the Senate Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee and is on its way to the Senate for a floor vote. Please call your State Senator at (307) 777-7711 and ask him or her to vote "YES" on Senate File 50 when it comes up for a vote.