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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 7 2/16/2007

States with updates this issue:  Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada,  New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota,  Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia.

District Court Judge to City Attorney:  Conduct “wholly unprofessional”

NRA and law-abiding gun owners won yet another victory this week against New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and former police chief Warren Riley.

Judge Carl J. Barbier, presiding over the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, granted NRA’s motion for contempt against New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Warren Riley for “failure to provide initial disclosures and to compel answers to discovery” during NRA’s injunction against the City for their illegal gun confiscation of law-abiding citizens following Hurricane Katrina in 2006.

“Once more, Mayor Ray Nagin and former police chief Warren Riley are held accountable for considering themselves above the law,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox.  “These men have had to be dragged, kicking and screaming, every step of the way in this process to return the lawfully owned firearms to their own citizens, and Judge Barbier rightly found them in contempt of court for their complete lack of respect for the rule of law.”

Furthermore, Judge Barbier concluded the delaying tactics by the City’s attorney, Joseph Vincent DiRosa, Jr, were “wholly unprofessional and shall not be condoned.”  Mr. DiRosa admitted in Court that he had “no good reason” to explain his actions and has been ordered to pay partial legal fees to NRA’s attorneys for their wasted time and money.

“Ray Nagin, Warren Riley and their attorney refused to provide vital information to the U.S. District Court for their unconstitutional acts in their city's time of great need,” concluded Cox. “On behalf of the lawful gun owners of New Orleans, NRA is pleased with this outcome.  We thank Judge Barbier for his swift decision and we will continue to press for the full return of all the confiscated firearms.”


In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis that we reported on last week, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE event in St. Louis.

We hope you will also be able to join us Saturday, April 14 for the inaugural session of “In Their Own Words.”  This first-of-its-kind panel will afford NRA members the opportunity to hear directly from their fellow NRA members on effective grassroots activism.  The panel will feature some of NRA-ILA’s most active volunteers in the nation, who will talk about their personal efforts to advance our mutual causes in their local communities.  The session will conclude with a question and answer period to allow audience participation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear these present-day patriots talk about their personal experiences working in the pro-gun rights grassroots movement, and learn effective means of protecting and promoting the Second Amendment in your own community.  There is no registration required and, as with the Friday Workshop, admission is FREE

Here are the details for each event:

NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop-FREE!
Friday, April 13, 2007, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
(Registration and free continental breakfast from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
in the Majestic Ballroom E )
Renaissance Grand Hotel St. Louis
Majestic Ballroom E (Level Two)
800 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 621-9600

To register on-line, pleas visit www.nraam.org/seminars/grassroots.asp.   You may also call NRA-ILA at  (800) 392-VOTE (8683). 

“In Their Own Words”-FREE!
Saturday, April 14, 2007, 2:00 p.m.
Room 242, America’s Center
701 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 342-5042
No registration required

We hope to see you in St. Louis!


The federal government is holding hearings to obtain public comments regarding the delisting of Rocky Mountain wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA). It is critical that sportsmen attend the hearings in order to counter the emotional claims of anti-hunting forces, who seem to believe that a species’ listing should be permanent. Of course, the success of the ESA comes when a species, like the wolf, is delisted because its numbers recover after once being dangerously low.

Wolves have their place within the ecosystem.  But, as with other species, sportsmen must be allowed to appropriately manage their numbers.  Delisting will allow state game officials to provide for regulated hunting and trapping. Without this, wolves will continue to take an unacceptably high toll on elk, moose, and deer populations.

Six open house meetings in different states are scheduled on the proposed delisting (all six public hearings will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.): 
Cheyenne, WY:  February 27, 2007, at Holiday Inn Cheyenne, 204 West Fox Farm Road.
Salt Lake City, UT:  February 28, 2007, at Plaza Hotel, 122 West South Temple.

Helena, MT:  March 1, 2007, at Jorgenson's Inn & Suites, 1714 11th Avenue.

Boise, ID:  March 6, 2007, at Boise Convention Center on the Grove, 850 Front Street.

Pendleton, OR:  March 7, 2007, at Pendleton Red Lion Inn, 304 S.E. Nye Street.

Spokane Valley, WA:  March 8, 2007, at Oxford Inns & Suites, 15015 East Indiana Avenue.

Anyone wishing to make an oral statement for the record is encouraged to provide a written copy of his or her statement and present it at the hearing.  In the event there is a large attendance, the time allotted for oral statements may be limited.  Speakers can only sign up at the open houses and hearings.  Oral and written statements receive equal consideration. There are no limits on the length of written comments submitted. 

If you have any questions concerning the public hearings, please contact Sharon Rose (303) 236-4580.  Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to attend and participate in the public hearings in Boise, ID; Pendleton, OR; or Spokane, WA, should contact Joan Jewett at (503) 231-6211; or, for hearings in Cheyenne, WY; Salt Lake City, UT; or Helena, MT, Sharon Rose at (303) 236-4580.  If needed, please call as soon as possible in order to allow sufficient time to process requests.  Also, please call no later than one week before the hearing date.

Please attend the hearings in your area and let your voice be heard!


The National Rifle Association’s Youth Education Summit (YES) program is gearing up to host another active week for students who want to learn about the U.S. government. The YES program will host a group of outstanding high school sophomores and juniors from across the United States for a weeklong educational experience in Washington, D.C.  This year’s program will take place July 9 - 15.  The deadline for applications is March 1, 2007.

The Youth Education Summit is a seven-day event designed to encourage America’s youth to become active and knowledgeable U.S. citizens.  YES is an intensive educational experience that allows students to learn the significance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to develop an understanding of the federal government, and to see the importance of active participation in civic affairs--all while in the nation’s capital.

Activities on this year’s schedule include:

§ Informative tours, and independent time, at historic sites and monuments in and around Washington, D.C.
§ Traversing an obstacle course at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va.
§ Guest speakers and research time at NRA Headquarters and the National Firearms Museum.
§ Competitive debates with other high school students from across the nation.

In addition to the week in Washington, D.C., YES participants compete for $30,000 in college scholarships.  Since the program’s inception in 1996, over $140,000 in scholarships have been awarded.

The March 1, deadline is quickly approaching.  High school sophomores and juniors interested in participating in the NRA’s Youth Education Summit program need to have their applications postmarked by the deadline.

For additional information, and to download an application for the 2007 Youth Education Summit, please visit www.nrafoundation.org/yes or call (800) 672-3888, ext. 1353.


Once again the NRA is seeking volunteers to help at the 2007 NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis, April 11-15.  The success of each year’s NRA Annual Meeting depends on the contributions of our volunteers.  And you can be a part of that successful effort this year!

A number of volunteers are needed to help with set-up on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  During the actual exhibit and meetings, Friday through Sunday, volunteers will work in the NRA Store, Membership Services, and the Airgun Range, as well as a number of other venues.

To volunteer, or for more information, please visit any of NRA’s web sites or the Annual Meeting site (www.nraam.org), or contact NRA Field Rep Gregg Pearre at (573) 761-5466, or Dennis Eggers, South Central Region Director, at (270) 522-0909.  Their respective e-mail addresses are:  [email protected] and [email protected].


The Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado are developing a management plan to shape the kinds of uses allowed in these Forests for the next 15 years.  Public meetings have been scheduled this month to give the public an opportunity to state how they want the Forests to be managed.  The last time the management plan was updated was in 1984, so it is likely that the new plan will incorporate some significant changes.  It is vital that sportsmen and women participate in the process to ensure access and opportunities for hunting and recreational shooting.

In its announcement, the Forest Service said that the principal issues will be recreation, ranching, oil and gas development, logging, forest thinning, and off-road vehicle use.  The final meeting is scheduled for February 22, in Fairplay, CO, from 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held at the Alma Town Hall, 59 E. Buckskin Road.

For more information, please visit http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/psicc/


The Boulder Ranger District of the Araphoe and Roosevelt National Forests is conducting a planning process to determine how recreational shooting, dispersed camping, and campfires will be managed in the future.  Issues concerning these activities have been developed based upon public input through written comments or at one of the public meetings held last May.  The District Ranger has now scheduled three public meetings to talk about solutions to the issues.  The meetings are as follows:

February 24 - Boulder; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; New Vista High School, 700 20th Street

February 28 - Boulder; 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Platt Middle School; 6096 Baseline Road

March 3 - Longmont; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Longmont High School; 1040 Sunset Street

Comments may be sent to [email protected].  For more information you may call the District Ranger's office at (303) 541-2500, or go to the website at:  www.fs.fed.us/r2/arnf/projects/ea-projects/brd/ufc/index.shtml


When it meets on March 2, the California Fish and Game Commission will consider amending the state’s hunting regulations for 2007-2010 to ban or limit the use of lead ammunition for hunting in the range of the California condor.  The Department of Fish and Game suggested three alternatives to the Commission:  ban the use of lead ammunition for big game hunting; ban the use of lead ammunition statewide; or offer hunters incentives to voluntarily use non-lead ammunition. 

Comments can be sent to the Commission by mail at: 1416 Ninth Street, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090, or by contacting the Commission through its website at www.fgc.ca.gov


(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting www.NRAILA.org, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon.  As always, thank you for your support.***)

States with updates this issue:  Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada,  New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota,  Pennsylvania, Utah, and Virginia.

A number of NRA-supported measures are moving through the Legislature at a good clip.  Among them are:  SB 1250, sponsored by State Senator Chuck Gray (R-19), that would remove the fingerprint requirement to renew a Right-to-Carry permit; SB 1251, also championed by Senator C. Gray, which strengthens the weapons storage requirements in public buildings; SB 1258, sponsored by State Senator Jay Tibshraney (R-21); HB 2458, authored by State Representative Russell Pearce (R-18), the companion Emergency Powers legislation; SB 1629 sponsored by State Senator Karen Johnson (R-18); and HB 2469 by Representative Pearce, which reclassifies carrying a concealed weapon without a permit as a petty offense as long as a crime is not being committed.  Please continue to call your State Legislators and request their support for these measures.  The House main number is (602) 926-4221, and the Senate main number is (602) 926-3559.  Also, The Apache Junction City Council will be conducting a public hearing and vote on their proposal to define the city's weapons disposal policy on Tuesday, February 20, at 7:00 p.m., in the Apache Junction (AJ) Municipal Court, 300 E. Superstition Blvd.  NRA brought you the news last year that the AJ Police Chief disposed of thousands of firearms held in the evidence room that could have been sold back to the community or used for trade for much needed equipment.  This was allowed because there had been no policy related to the disposal of confiscated firearms.  Now that the City Council has worked to form a policy, it is vital that NRA members show up at the hearing to voice their support.  Please either attend the meeting or call your Councilmember as soon as possible.  Councilmember contact information can be found at www.ajcity.net/mayor_council/mayorcouncil.htm.

Senate Journal Resolution 7, introduced by Senator Steve Faris (D-27), would recognize hunting and fishing as a constitutional right, forever protected from the growing threat posed by the well-funded animal “rights” extremists whose ultimate objective is to end all hunting.  The Senate and House Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs will soon hear this important piece of legislation.  Membership rosters for the Senate committee can be found by visiting www.arkleg.state.ar.us/scripts/ablr/committees/arcommittee3afm.asp?ccode=500&user=M and for the House can be found at www.arkleg.state.ar.us/scripts/ablr/committees/arcommittee3afm.asp?ccode=900&user=M  Please contact the members of these committees and respectfully urge them to co-sponsor SJR7.  Arkansas State Senators can be reached at (501) 682-2902, and State Representatives at (501) 682-6211.

Proposed one-gun-a-month legislation, Senate Bill 938, sponsored by State Senators Martin Looney (D-11) and Toni Harp (D-10), was heard on Thursday, February 15 and has been “raised” as a committee bill.  SB938 will now be given legislative language and a final committee vote will be held as late as Thursday, March 8, to decide whether or not it should head to the floor.  A vote must be made by that date, as it is the bill-reporting deadline for the Public Safety Committee.  Please contact the members of the Public Safety Committee immediately and respectfully urge them to oppose SB938.  Please visit www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2625 for a list of committee members.  You can reach your State Representatives at (860) 240-0400, and your State Senators at (860) 240-0500. 

The Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee passed pro-gun Senate Bill 43 by an overwhelming 8 to 2 vote.  This important legislation is now heading to the full Senate for a vote, which could occur any day.  SB 43 would prohibit employers from prohibiting employees from lawfully possessing firearms in locked motor vehicles.  This important legislation is facing strong opposition.  The pro-gun community needs to contact State Senators today and urge them to vote “YES” on SB 43!  The general phone number for the State Senate is (404) 656-5030. Please visit www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2619 for more information and to contact important State Officials and urge them to support SB 43!

Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 14, 2007, in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.  Participants will meet in the auditorium of the Howlett Building at 12:30 p.m., for registration and a legislative briefing before proceeding to the Capitol Building.  That evening, a reception will be held at the Illinois State Library Auditorium from 5:30-7:30 p.m., for both gun owners and state lawmakers.  IGOLD will have buses available to transport participants to Springfield from various locations throughout Illinois.  For more information on IGOLD 2007, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org.

Please continue to contact your State Representative and strongly urge him or her to support NRA-backed House Bill 1011, the “Indiana Disaster Recovery Protection Act,” sponsored by Representative Eric Koch (R-65)!  Your ability to defend yourself and your loved ones depends on the passage of this critically important legislation.  HB1011 would prohibit any government agency from suspending your Second Amendment freedoms during a declared emergency or disaster.  Please be sure to share this information with your family, friends, and fellow Second Amendment supporters and have them contact their respective State Representatives.  Please call your State Representative TODAY at (317)-232-9600 and respectfully urge him or her to support and vote for HB 1011!

The City of Murray’s Public Safety Committee held a hearing yesterday regarding a ban on the discharge of firearms, air guns, and bows.  The Committee decided to table the issue until a later date.  Since this issue is not completely dead, your City Councilmember still needs to hear from you!  The City Council can be reached by phone at (270) 762-0350, or by e-mail at [email protected].  Please strongly urge them to oppose this anti-gun ordinance!

Senate Bill 43, “Assault Weapon Ban of 2007,” sponsored by Senator Michael Lenett (D-19), will be heard by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Tuesday, February 27, at 1:00 p.m.  SB43 would designate specified firearms, including many semi-automatics, as “assault weapons;” prohibit persons from transporting possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, or receiving a specified “assault weapon(s)”; and require the Handgun Roster Board to compile and maintain a roster of prohibited specified “assault weapons.”  Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 27, at 1:00 p.m.  The hearing will be held in the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee Room, which is located on the second floor of the Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis.  If you are unable to attend, please call all the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 43.  Please visit www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2622 for contact information for the Judicial Proceeding Committee.   

House File 498, “Castle Doctrine” legislation sponsored by State Representative Tony Cornish (R-24B), would allow a person to use deadly force in and outside of a home or vehicle, and removes the duty to retreat when outside of the home.  This legislation also provides immunity when someone is justified in using deadly force.  The House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee, which currently has the bill, may not even hear it because of anti-gun members.  Please contact your State Representative at (651) 296-2146 and respectfully ask him or her to ensure House File 498 goes before the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee.  Senate File 446, sponsored by State Senator Pat Pariseau (R-36), is the companion legislation to House File 498.  This legislation is facing the same opposition as its companion--including not being heard by the committee.  Please contact your State Senator at (651) 296-0504 and respectfully ask him or her to ensure the Senate Judiciary Committee hold hearings on Senate File 446 to allow law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

House Bill 669, The "Missouri Disaster Recovery Protection Act," sponsored by Representative David Pearce (R-121), could be heard as early as next week.  This critically important bill would prohibit any government agency from restricting your Second Amendment freedoms during an emergency or disaster.  Please contact your State Representative at (573) 751-3659 and strongly urge him or her to protect your right of self-defense by supporting and voting for HB669! 

Also, two “Castle Doctrine” bills, House Bill 189, sponsored by Representative Kenny Jones (R-117), and House Bill 60, sponsored by Representative Marilyn Ruestman (R-131), have been rolled into one bill and are now heading to the House floor!  HB189 establishes that law-abiding Missourians do not have a duty to retreat and may defend themselves and their families from criminal attack without fear of criminal prosecution or civil liability. 

House Bill 462, sponsored by Representative Brian Munzlinger (R-1), and House Bill 669, sponsored by Representative David Pearce (R-121), will likely be heard next week in the House Special Committee on General Laws.  HB462, the House companion bill to Senate Bill 457, sponsored by Senator Chuck Purgason (R-33), would repeal Missouri's outdated, redundant, and ill-conceived handgun permit statute.  HB669, the House companion bill to Senate Bill 257, sponsored by Senator Kevin Engler (R-3), would establish the “Missouri Disaster Recovery Protection Act” and prohibit government agencies from suspending your Second Amendment rights during an emergency or disaster.  Please contact your State Representative at (573) 751-3659 and strongly urge him or her to support and vote for the important bills listed above. 

Finally, in addition to hearing the aforementioned SB457 and SB257, earlier this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee also considered two “Castle Doctrine” bills, Senate Bill 41 (Purgason), and Senate Bill 62, sponsored by Senator Jack Goodman (R-62).  All four bills were strongly supported with testimony from a throng of citizens and were well received by the committee.  Please continue to contact your State Senator at (573)-751-3824 and urge him or her to support NRA-backed proposals SB 41 and SB 62.

House Bill 340, sponsored by State Representative Jack Wells (D-69), an NRA-supported broad-based self-defense bill that provides a number of specific protections for law-abiding citizens, passed the House on Second Reading on February 15, on a 57-43 vote.  From here, HB 340 moves on to Third Reading, where the full House votes to move the bill to the Senate.  It is vital that NRA members contact their State Representatives and urge them to give this important bill their full support.  You can reach your legislators by calling the House Message Center at (406) 444-4800.

NRA is asking its members in the Silver State to contact their legislators to urge them to co-author Senator John Lee’s (D-Clark, No. 1) SB92.  This bill seeks to remove the exemption for Clark County from the state firearm preemption law, passed in 1989, which prohibits cities and counties from regulating firearms.  This would eliminate, among other local laws, the handgun registration ordinance currently in effect in Clark County and restore continuity for law-abiding Nevadans traveling county to county with their firearms.  It is vital that Senator John Lee head to Carson City with as much steam for this bill as we can provide!  Please contact your State Assembly member at (775) 684-8555 and your State Senator at (775) 684-1400 in support of this measure. 

Also, in a direct assault on Nevada's Right-to-Carry permit holders, the Nevada Chiefs and Sheriffs Association has sponsored a bill before the 2007 Legislature that would double the maximum fee an issuing authority can charge, not only for first time permit applicants, but for permit renewals as well.  Assembly Bill 21, which will be soon be scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Judiciary Committee, will raise the current maximum processing application fee from its current $60.00 to $125.00, bringing the average cost of obtaining a permit, with training requirements included, to $300 - $400!  This would create an environment where Nevada’s most financially vulnerable, such as single mothers and fathers, or seniors on a fixed income, cannot afford the most basic right of self-defense.  It is vital that NRA members, whether permit holders or not, contact their local Sheriffs and members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee to politely voice their concern.  Please use the following link for a list of the members of the Judiciary Committee and their contact information: www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2592

Senate Bill 44, sponsored by Senator Peter Burling (D-5), and Representatives Lee Hammond (D-Graf 11) and John Tholl (R-Coos 2), seeks to change the concealed carry licensing statute to make it easier for the issuing authority to deny a license.  Further, the bill raises the standard by which attorney fees may be awarded in a lawsuit against an issuing authority for a violation of the licensing law to “gross negligence or malice,” and removes the personal liability of the issuing officer.  This legislation opens the door for more license-issuance problems in New Hampshire.  This legislation is a solution looking for a problem!  If you have encountered difficulty in applying for a license, please contact the NRA state affiliate, Gun Owners of New Hampshire http://www.gonh.org/, so that we can continue to document existing problems and identify patterns.  The hearing for SB44 has been scheduled for March 15, at 3:00 p.m., in State House Room 103.   Please call your state Senator today at (603) 271-2111 and urge him or her to oppose Senate Bill 44.

This week, the Senate approved SB 111, by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), NRA-backed legislation to allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption.  Also this week, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee approved HB 588, by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad), the House companion bill to SB 111.  HB 588 now moves to the House Business & Industry Committee for consideration.  Please visit NRA-ILA's website for a list of committee members you should contact and urge support for HB 588.

House Bill 1200, sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter  (R-34), would expand Private Land Open To Sportsmen (PLOTS) to allow youth hunting.  The bill passed the House Natural Resources Committee by a vote of 11-2, and is being referred to the House Appropriations Committee.  HB1200 will allow the Director of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department to lease private land for the purpose of opening that land to hunters under the age of 18, as well as to create a youth hunting grant program to encourage youth hunting.  All hunters under 16 must be accompanied by a licensed adult hunter and the adult is allowed to hunt.  Also, the House passed House Bill 1319, the “Castle Doctrine” bill, on a vote of 50-44.  Sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter (R-34), HB1319 states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.”  The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  HB1319 is awaiting a committee assignment in the Senate.  Please contact your State Representative and State Senator at 1-888-NDLEGIS (635-3447) or 701-328-3373 (local) and respectfully urge him or her to support House Bill 1200 to carry on the tradition of hunting in North Dakota and to protect your right to self-defense by voting “yes” on HB1319.

The House Judiciary Committee considered House Bill 73, a proposal that would ban pigeon shoots in the Commonwealth.   Chairman Tom Caltagirone (D-Berks), has referred this legislation to the Sub-Committee on Crime and Corrections chaired by State Representative John Pallone ( D-Allegheny).  It is likely that State Representative Pallone will be scheduling this legislation for public hearing next month.  We cannot let this longstanding tradition disappear!  Many of the animal “rights” extremists who have protested these shoots are not residents of Pennsylvania.  Their tactics have hardly been laudable; rather they have often been in violation of the law.  Banning pigeon shoots would be a first step in advancing their anti-hunting agenda, and they won’t stop there!  Please continue to call your State Representative at (717) 787-2372, and urge him or her to stand against the pressures of animal rights extremists and oppose House Bill 73!

Despite losing in the Utah Supreme Court, the University of Utah is still trying to stop concealed carry permit holders from carrying on campus -- this time through the Utah Legislature.  Senate Bill 251, sponsored by Senator Gregory Bell (R-22), would provide that an institution of higher education may enact a rule prohibiting concealed firearms in specified faculty and staff offices at the institution.  In addition, it would authorize the institution to allow a dormitory resident to have only roommates who are not licensed to carry a concealed firearm.  If institutions of higher education can be exempt from Utah’s current firearms uniformity law, who will try next to discriminate against law-abiding gun owners?  Please contact your State Legislator today and urge him or her stand up for law-abiding gun owners by OPPOSING SB 251.  The general phone number for the State Senate is (801) 538-1035, and the House of Representatives can be reached at (801) 538-1029.  Keep checking your e-mail for future updates on what the Utah Legislature is doing, or not doing, to protect our Second Amendment Rights!

On Tuesday, February 13, by a vote of 14-1, the Senate Local Government Committee resoundingly approved House Bill 2547, sponsored by Delegate Charles Carrico (R-5).  This measure would clarify that, except for the purposes of hunting, localities may not regulate the possession of firearms on public roadways.  Having already passed the House with overwhelming, bi-partisan support, House Bill 2547 is now heading to the Senate floor for consideration.  Please contact your State Senator at (804) 698-7410 immediately and urge him or her to support and vote for House Bill 2547!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.