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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 9 3/2/2007


Striving to Better Meet Your Needs


2007 marks the 14th year of the Friday NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert. Those of you who have been receiving the Alert since its inception, probably remember when the weekly Alert was transmitted exclusively via fax!


We’ve certainly come a long way from where we began in 1993, and we have always tried to improve both the content and design of our weekly update to better serve gun owners.


With this issue of the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert you will notice our latest improvements.


First and foremost, you’ll notice a different layout that is much more user-friendly.  To ensure the weekly Alert is easier on the eye, we will provide you with briefer story summaries, along with the option to click the story title if you wish to read the entire piece.  This will translate into a much shorter Alert that will allow you flexibility in determining which stories are of most interest to you.

Also, we have made a major modification to the “A Look At The States” section, where we report on state and local activities.  Now entitled “State Roundup,” this new section will allow you to view alerts from as many states as you wish.  By clicking the section title, you will be brought to a map of the United States; clicking any state will bring up corresponding alerts.  As for breaking news, each week, we will list specific states that have updated alerts posted, along with a brief description of the issues at hand.  By clicking on the specific description you will be able to read the full story associated with that particular alert.


Of course, we will continuously strive to further improve this product.  In the meantime, we ask that you work to ensure that your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners are receiving the Friday Grassroots Alert so they, too, may stay on top of developments pertaining to our firearm freedoms, take the corresponding action, and share with their pro-Second Amendment networks.  To sign up to receive this Alert, and ILA’s other legislative and political updates, click here and provide your e-mail address.


We hope that the reformatted Grassroots Alert will better fit your needs as a grassroots activist.  Of course, if you have additional suggestions on how we may improve this weekly update, feel free to contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683 or via e-mail at [email protected].


Thank you for your continued support and readership!

NRA PRESIDENT TO CO-HOST RADIO SHOW:  Please mark your calendar and listen to NRA President Sandra S. Froman, as she co-hosts Jim Soloman’s radio show Xplor the Southwest, this Sunday March 4, from 7:00-9:00 a.m.  You can listen on “The Fan,” AM 1060 Sports Radio Phoenix, broadcasting from the new Cabela’s store in Glendale (store opens at 9:00 a.m.), or worldwide via streaming video at www.Xplorsw.com.  Following the broadcast, President Froman will be discussing NRA and the Second Amendment in the Seminar Room, beginning at 10:00 a.m.  If you’re in the area, please be sure to stop by on Saturday morning to meet President Froman and hear her speak.  If you’re not in the area, please be sure to tune in!

CPAC 2007  NRA Members are invited to attend CPAC 2007, the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference, still going on today and tomorrow (March 2 – 3, 2007).  For additional information, or to register for the conference, please call (703) 836-8602, or visit CPAC online at www.cpac.org



PLAN TO ATTEND FREE ST. LOUIS GRASSROOTS WORKSHOP!  The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host its FREEGrassroots Workshop on April 13, in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis.  (Please click title link above for more information or to register.)

SECOND GRASSROOTS EVENT PLANNED FOR ST. LOUIS  In addition to the FREEGrassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE event in St. Louis.

FEDS CONSIDER REMOVING WOLVES FROM ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT  The federal government is holding open house public hearings in different states to obtain public comments regarding the delisting of Rocky Mountain wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  Please attend the hearings in your area and let your voice be heard!

FUTURE OF RECREATIONAL SHOOTING ON THE ARAPAHOE AND ROOSEVELT NATIONAL FORESTS UNDER REVIEW  The Boulder Ranger District of the Araphoe and Roosevelt National Forests is conducting a planning process to determine how recreational shooting, dispersed camping, and campfires will be managed in the future.  Issues concerning these activities have been developed based upon public input through written comments or at one of the public meetings held last May.  The final public meeting to discuss solutions to the issues will be held March 3, in Longmont, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., at the Longmont High School, 1040 Sunset Street.  Comments may be sent to [email protected].  For more information you may call the District Ranger's office at (303) 541-2500, or go to the website at:  www.fs.fed.us/r2/arnf/projects/ea-projects/brd/ufc/index.shtml.


STATE ROUNDUP(please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)



Major Self-Defense Bill on Its Way to the Governor!   Senate Bill 1302, a much-needed fix to Arizona self-defense statutes, is on its way to Governor Janet Napolitano (D) for her consideration.  Please contact Governor Napolitano today toll-free at (800) 253-0883 and urge her to sign this very important measure. 

“Emergency Powers” Legislation Clears House, Heads to Senate!  Emergency Powers” legislation, cleared the House this week with amendments approved by the author and Governor Napolitano (D).  Please contact your Senator today at (602) 542-3559 and respectfully urge him or her to support this important bill.


Right-to-Carry Legislation Reform Slated to be Heard in Committee!  House Bill 2469 is slated to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, March 5.  Please contact members of the Judiciary Committee and urge them to support this legislation.  A roster of committee members and contact information can be found by visiting http://azleg.gov/CommitteeInfo.asp?Committee_ID=10.



Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Reform Heads To Governor!   The Arkansas Senate passed SB 268, the NRA-backed Right-to-Carry reciprocity clean-up bill.  This bill now heads to Governor Mike Beebe (D).


Help Protect Arkansas’ Hunting Heritage!  Please continue contacting members of the Senate and House Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, and urging them to cosponsor Senate Joint Resolution 7 (SJR 7).  Arkansas State Senators can be reached at (501) 682-2902, and State Representatives at (501) 682-6211.



One-Gun-A-Month Initiative Still Awaiting Committee Vote!   We are continuing to watch over Senate Bill 938 (one-gun-a-month legislation) for the committee vote which could be as late as Thursday, March 8.  A vote must be made by that date, as it is the bill-reporting deadline for the Public Safety Committee.  Please visit www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2625 for a list of committee members.



Two Important Pro-Gun Bills Heading to Senate Floor!  Senate Bill 702 and Senate Bill 1617, passed out of their policy committees with amendments.  Please contact your State Senator today at (808) 586-6720 and respectfully urge him or her to support these bills when they reach the floor.



Attention Gun Owners: Please Attend IGOLD on March 14!  Pro-gun margins are razor-thin in the Illinois State General Assembly, so NRA is encouraging all law-abiding gun owners to take part in IGOLD 2007 - the Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day, on Wednesday, March 14.  For more details, including information regarding busses scheduled to transport activists from across the Land of Lincoln, please contact the ISRA at (815) 635-3198, or go to http://igold.isra.org/.



Five Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help!  Please contact your State Representative and your State Senator at (502) 564-8100 and respectfully urge him or her to support the Second Amendment by supporting House Bill 354, House Bill 375, House Bill 469, Senate Bill 8, and Senate Bill 48.


Legislature Considering Making Right-to-Carry More Difficult!  Recently introduced legislation, LD778, would require all new applicants and renewing holders of a concealed firearms permit to show documentation they have completed a firearms safety course that includes at least"6 hours" of course work!  Please call your state legislator today and urge him or her to oppose this legislation.   Your legislator can be reached at the following toll-free numbers: Maine House of Representatives 1-800-423-2900 and the Maine Senate 1-800-423-6900.



Senate Committee to Consider “Castle Doctrine” Next Week!   Next Thursday, March 7, the Maryland Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee will hold a public hearing on SB 518.  Please contact the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee members at (410) 841-3623 Annapolis/Balitmore area or (301) 858-3623 Washington, D.C. area and voice your support for SB 518. 



“Castle Doctrine” Bill Set for Final Passage Soon!  Castle Doctrine legislation, Senate Bill 62, could be on the Senate floor for final passage as early as Monday, March 5.  Please contact your State Senator at (573)-751-3824 and strongly encourage him or her to protect your right to self-defense by supporting and voting for Senate Bill 62.


Anti-Gun Legislation Looms in the Senate!  Senate Bill 44, seeks to change the concealed carry licensing statute to make it easier for the issuing authority to deny a license.  Please contact your State Senator today at (603) 271-2111and urge him or her to oppose SB44.


Nomination of Anti-Hunting, Anti-Gun Advocate Put on Hold!   The New York State Senate this week put "on hold" the nomination of Alexander "Pete" Grannis for Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner as it explores the mounting opposition to his confirmation.  Please continue contacting your State Senator at (518) 455-2800 and respectfully urge him or her to oppose Grannis’ nomination as DEC Comissioner. 


“Castle Doctrine” Legislation Heads to State Senate!  House Bill 1319 has passed the North Dakota House of Representatives.  Please contact the members of the Senate Natural Resources Committee and respectfully urge them to pass HB 1319.



House Committee Schedules Statewide Hearings on “Gun Violence”!  The House Judiciary Committee, Chaired by Tom Caltagirone (Berks -D) has scheduled statewide hearings on gun-related crime.  This will be an opportunity for gun owners in Pennsylvania to express their concerns regarding the many recent anti-gun proposals introduced in the House of Representatives.  If you are interested in presenting testimony or need further information on any of the informational meetings please contact John Ryan or Bill Andring at 717-787-3525.



Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Reform Prevails in the House!  In spite of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division’s efforts, which nearly led to the bill being sent back to the Judiciary Committee for reconsideration, our Right to Keep and Bear Arms prevailed, and HB 3212 passed second reading on the House floor on Thursday, March 1, with an overwhelming 100-2 vote.  Please, contact your State Senator at (803) 212-6200 and urge him or her to support HB 3212 in its current form.  



Legislation Takes Aim at Ammunition!  The controversial anti-gun "Get the Lead Out of Vermont" report released last month by the Vermont Attorney General and State Department of Health has spawned a far-reaching bill that could allow Vermont municipalities to outlaw shooting ranges and even the mere possession of lead ammunition.  Please call your legislator today at 802-828-2228 and ask him or her to oppose H352!



Four Pro-Gun Bills Heads to Governor!  With the legislative session now completed, several pro-gun measures are now headed to Governor Tim Kaine (D) for his consideration. Please contact the Governor’s office at (804)-786-2211 and strongly encourage him to sign those bills in their current form



Bill Attacking Gun Shows Heads to Senate Floor!  SB5197, a measure that would mandate that all firearms sold at gun shows be transferred through a federally licensed dealer, passed out of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee on Tuesday, February 27.  Please contact your State Senator today toll-free at (800) 562-6000 and respectfully ask that he or she oppose this bill.



West Virginia House Passes Two Important Right-to-Carry Bills!  Legislation that would amend Right-to-Carry reciprocity requirements, authorize the Attorney General to execute reciprocity agreements, and restrict public access to the records of carry permit holders passed the West Virginia State House on Tuesday, February 27.  Please contact your State Delegate today at (304) 340-3200 and thank him or her for their support and votes for HB3074 and HB2223!

Wyoming Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk!  A measure that would allow for the carrying of firearms during bow hunting season, is on its way to Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) for his consideration.  Please contact the Governor at (307) 777-7434 and respectfully urge him to sign this critical piece of legislation.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.