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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 48 12/12/2008

Ammo Ban And Registration Proposal Getting Fresh Look


Happy Holidays: Now dispose of all of your ammunition!  Every last round!  From now on, you will be able to buy only overpriced ammunition that will be registered to you in a government database.


Not yet--at least for now.  A small company, Ammunition Accountability--which wants to help anti-gunners price and regulate the Second Amendment out of existence, profit at the expense of our rights, or both--has found radical anti-gun legislators in 18 states willing to introduce bills pushing such nonsense.





You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!  Anti-gun Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) was taken into custody this week on federal corruption charges.  He has been accused of conspiring to sell or trade President-elect Barack Obama’s senate seat, seeking “personal financial benefits.”  The evidence?  U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald released a 76-page FBI affidavit detailing an investigation that includes court-authorized wiretaps that are alleged to contain conversations where Blagojevich discusses exchanging the Senate appointment he controls for:


· A salaried position with either a non-profit foundation or a labor union-affiliated organization;

· Placing his wife on paid corporate boards;

· Commitments from individuals to raise campaign funds for Blagojevich, and;

· A cabinet post or ambassadorship in the Obama Administration.


Important Information On Right-to-Carry In Our National Parks:  As we announced last week, the Department of Interior has released their new regulation that will recognize Right-to-Carry in national parks in those states that allow Right-to-Carry.  It is important to note, however, that the new regulations do not take effect until 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register.


The Second Amendment Book Bomb on Bill of Rights Day, December 15!  Monday, December 15, marks America’s Bill of Rights Day, the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.  To commemorate this event, the Second Amendment Book Bomb website has been created, a unique and powerful way to communicate the importance the Bill of Rights’ Second Amendment plays in the protection of liberty.  With your help, we can launch constitutional rights to the top of national book bestseller lists, making a loud and clear statement that Second Amendment rights are inalienable!


aimpointGot a New Rifle?  Get a Top-Ranked Sight and Help NRA-ILA:  AR-15s and similar rifles are flying off gun store shelves these days.  If you’re one of the buyers, here’s your chance to put a top-of-the-line red dot sight on your new rifle - and at the same time, help defend all your guns against anti-gun groups and the Obama administration. 

Here’s how it works: Aimpoint, Inc. and MidwayUSA will donate $100 to the NRA Institute for Legislative Action for every Aimpoint CompM4 electronic red-dot sight package purchased by NRA members from MidwayUSA through the end of 2008.

 This is a great opportunity to get an Aimpoint CompM4 at a special price and help NRA-ILA defend our firearms freedoms. The Aimpoint CompM4 is currently used by the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force as the M68 Close Combat Optic. It is also in service with the Navy and the Marine Corps.



ToolbarHelp Defend Your Gun Rights One Easy Click At A Time:  We now have a revolutionary yet simple tool that will allow you to stay connected to NRA-ILA and raise valuable contributions to defend our Second Amendment rights without spending a dime! 

It’s the NRA-ILA Toolbar, and you can make a difference by downloading and using it.


STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)

NEW JERSEY:  “One-Gun-A-Month” Bill Heads to Senate Floor!  On Monday, December 8, the New Jersey Law and Public Safety and Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed S1774 by a 3-2 vote.  This bill now moves to the Senate floor where it could be considered as early as Monday, December 15.  Simply stated, S1774 would prohibit law-abiding citizens who have already undergone an extensive criminal background check from purchasing more than one handgun within a 30-day period.  This bill places arbitrary limits on our Second Amendment rights and would set a dangerous precedent.  If passed, this bill gives anti-gun extremists carte blanche to further hinder your right to purchase firearms.  Next, it could be one rifle or shotgun per 30-day period, or even one handgun per six months or year.  It is critical that this legislation be defeated.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to oppose this unwarranted and unjustified attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.  You can find contact information for your State Senator by clicking here.  Also, please contact State Senators Anthony Bucco (R-25) and Christopher Connors (R-9) to thank them for opposing S1774.  Senator Bucco can be reached by phone at (973) 627-9700, and Senator Connors can be contacted at (609) 693-6700.


OREGON: Help to Allow Employees & Visitors to Transport and Store Lawfully-Owned Firearms in Motor Vehicles Parked on Certain State Properties!  Send Comments in Today!  Gun owners in Oregon are all too familiar with the never-ending assault on the state’s firearms preemption law by state agencies, cities and counties, and local school districts.  Section 166.170(1) of Oregon Revised Statutes clearly states: “Except as expressly authorized by state statute, the authority to regulate in any matter whatsoever the sale, acquisition, transfer, ownership, possession, storage, transportation or use of firearms or any element relating to firearms and components thereof, including ammunition, is vested solely in the Legislative Assembly. 


Recognizing this, Department of Administrative Services (DAS)  -- the central administrative agency of Oregon government that rents, manages or operates a majority of state office buildings -- is accepting written comments and holding a public hearing on proposed rules to remedy conflicts between the state firearms preemption law and their current policies banning the possession of firearms on premises under their control.  The amended rule would state that the possession of firearms on the grounds, parking lots or premises of any building under DAS control would be governed by federal and state laws.  To view a copy of the proposed rules, please click here. Please submit written comments in favor of the proposed rule changes by Monday, December 22, 2008 to:

Rules Coordinator

Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Division

1225 Ferry Street SE U100

Salem, OR  97301-4082

Or by e-mail to the Rules Coordinator: yvonne.hanna@das.state.or.us

You may also provide oral or written comments in favor of the proposed rule changes at the public hearing set for Monday, December 22, 2008, at 10:00 a.m.

Location: Department of Administrative Services, Facilities Division

1225 Ferry Street SE 2nd Floor

Salem, OR  97301

Mt. Ashland Conference Room

TEXAS:  Pro-Gun Bill Introduced in the Lone Star State!  The pre-filing of bills for the 2009 legislative session has begun. State Representative Dennis Bonnen (R-Angleton) has introduced House Bill 267, which would allow Texans to purchase rifles and shotgun in non-contiguous states.  Currently, federal law allows the interstate sales of such firearms, but a conflicting Texas law only allows residents to buy long guns in the neighboring states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.  This state law has prevented the FBI and BATFE from approving sales of rifles and shotguns in 45 other states to Texas residents.  Please contact your state lawmakers and respectfully urge them to support HB 267 to bring Texas law into line with federal law.  Contact information for returning State Senators and Representatives can be found at http://www.house.state.tx.us.

VIRGINIA:  Update on Virginia Crime Commission Hearing  On Tuesday, December 9, the Virginia Crime Commission held a hearing on possible legislation for the 2009 session. The Crime Commission’s mission was to analyze the difference between Federal and State law regarding the definition of a dealer and determine if Virginia may possibly regulate the sale of firearms by private individuals.  The Commission ruled that no recommendations will be voted upon, but it has set a meeting date of Tuesday, January 13, for a vote on legislative proposals.  Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for any updates on this matter.

Right-to-Carry Permit Process Streamlined in Spotsylvania County!  Also on Tuesday, December 9, the Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to remove the fingerprinting stage of requirements to obtain a Right-to-Carry permit.  The removal of this clause will not only make things easier for applicants, but it will also ease the burden on the County Sheriff due to the dramatic spike in permit applications this year.  Thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call and either contacted the Board of Supervisors or attended the hearing.  Without you, this victory would not have been possible!

WASHINGTON:  Hearing to be Held on Monday, December 15 Regarding Seattle Mayor’s Illegal Anti-Gun Tirade!  As we have reported, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels--a member of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun gang, Mayors Against Illegal Guns--is taking a misguided approach to curbing crime in his city by violating state law.  A public hearing will be held on Monday, December 15 to discuss the issue.  The hearing will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Bertha Knight Landes Room in the Seattle City Hall located at 600 4th Avenue in Seattle.  Mayor Nickels is seeking the prohibition of firearms at Seattle Center, parks, community centers, and city-owned buildings.  This ban, which includes Right-to-Carry permit holders, does not require review by the City Council and directs that a plan be drawn-up in 30 days to establish the prohibition.  Mayor Nickels’ crusade is a clear violation of Washington State’s preemption statutes that dictate that only the State Legislature can enact laws pertaining to firearms.  Because of preemption, the city has no arrest power or authority to fine people under Mayor Nickel’s outlandish order.  The city may, however, attempt to charge any violators with trespassing.  It is important that NRA members, Right-to-Carry permit holders, firearm owners, and anyone interested in the rule of law to respectfully make their voice heard against this Draconian attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.  Please attend Monday’s hearing to voice and show your opposition to this illegal and unwarranted attack on our Second Amendment freedoms.  If you are unable to attend, please contact Mayor Nickels to respectfully voice your opposition.  The Mayor can be reached by phone at (206) 684-4000 or via email by clicking here


WISCONSIN:  Please Attend the Wisconsin Hunters Rights Coalition’s Second Annual HRC Summit!  You are cordially invited to the Wisconsin Hunters Rights Coalition’s Second Annual Summit on Saturday, January 10, 2009.  Come out and learn about vital tools to help support Wisconsin’s proud hunting tradition.  Attendees will set upcoming legislative agendas, learn to effectively influence the outcome of legislation, get the most up-to-date status of issues, and more.  Activities will begin at 10:00 a.m., and admittance is $10 (for lunch).  The Summit will be held at the Holiday Inn Stevens Point Convention Center, located at 1001 Amber Avenue, in Stevens Point.  Please RSVP by Friday, January 2, 2009 by calling (608) 819-0150 or e-mailing info@thewelchgroup.org.  We encourage all members in Wisconsin to attend this special event to further educate themselves and support their hunter’s rights.

WYOMING:  BLM Begins New Management Plan for Public Lands in North-Central Wyoming  The Bureau of Land Management has begun the process of revising a 1985 plan that directs the management of nearly 800,000 acres of public land in Campbell, Johnson, and Sheridan counties.  These lands are adjacent to the Bighorn National Forest.  An integral part of developing the new plan is public involvement that includes hunters and recreational shooters who want to secure their future on these lands.  For this first phase of the planning process, the agency is accepting public comments until Monday, January 5, 2009.  You may e-mail comments to  BRMP_Rev_WYMail@blm.gov ,or send them by U.S. Mail to: 1425 Fort Street, Buffalo, WY 82834.  For more information, you may contact Linda Slone, the Project Manager, at 307-261-7520 or visit the planning website at:  http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/programs/Planning/rmps/buffalo.html.  If continued hunting and recreational shooting opportunities are important to you on these public lands, it is imperative that you become involved in the planning process!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.