Anti-Gun Deception On The Senate Floor
As we reported last week, legislation to require a federal license to possess any detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifle or shotgun, or any handgun, has been introduced in Congress. Bills to re-impose the federal “assault weapon” and “large” magazine ban, or to impose a much broader ban, have been introduced in Congress since 2003, and will likely be introduced in the current Congress soon.
Already, the deliberate deceptions we heard from anti-gunners previously are resurfacing. Anti-gun Sen. Carl Levin, (D-Mich.), said Thursday on the floor of the Senate that “assault weapons” are “capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute” and that they are “once again pervading our streets and neighborhoods.”
Did we mention that our opponents are deliberately deceptive?
NRA Victory In San Francisco Lawsuit! As we reported in a related article in the January 16 edition of the Grassroots Alert, an NRA-led coalition of self-defense civil rights groups--including the Second Amendment Foundation and the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA)--has prevailed in a Second Amendment lawsuit challenging a ban on firearm possession in San Francisco public housing residences.
National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced: U.S. Representatives Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Rick Boucher (D-Va.), recently introduced H.R. 197-- the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2009”--a bill that would provide national recognition for valid state Right-to-Carry licensees.
The Latest On The Second Amendment Book Bomb: On Monday, February 2, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the confirmation of Barack Obama’s choice of gun-control advocate Eric Holder for Attorney General of the U.S. (please see Independent Institute Research Fellow Dr. Stephen Halbrook’s superb article, “Don’t Confirm Holder” (Human Events, Jan. 29). Please also see the C-SPAN video of Dr. Halbrook on January 16 before the Senate Judiciary Committee, testifying against the confirmation of Holder. Finally, Dr. Halbrook’s full written testimony is available here).
Elk Management Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park Released for Public Comment! Until recently, the National Park Service has used park staff or contract sharpshooters to reduce populations of elk and deer within national parks to achieve herd levels that the habitat can support. As a result of NRA's advocacy for the use of hunters to assist in such operations, the Service is now obligated to consider the use of “skilled volunteers” (e.g. hunters).
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ARIZONA: BLM Planning the Future of Target Shooting at Table Mesa! The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is developing a recreation plan for Table Mesa, a site north of Phoenix that receives heavy recreational use from target shooters and off-highway vehicle users. In recent months, NRA has sent emails to our Arizona members about this planning process and the importance of participating in it to ensure that the interests of shooters are addressed in the plan. A number of NRA members have participated in a clean up of Table Mesa and in preliminary meetings about the plan. The next set of meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 3 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Deer Valley Senior Center, located at 2001 W. Wahalla Lane in Phoenix. Another will be held Tuesday, February 17 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the same location. If you target shoot at Table Mesa or want to ensure that access to federal lands for target shooting is protected, please attend one of these public meetings and stay tuned for upcoming events at BLM's website for Table Mesa: Please look at the map on the web page showing areas proposed for closure and areas proposed for opening and be prepared at the meetings to discuss whether these alternatives work and if there are other alternatives that need to be addressed.
ARKANSAS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Seeking Public Comments to Expand Hunting Opportunities! The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is writing a new management plan for the White River National Wildlife Refuge, which lies in the floodplain of the White River near where it meets the Mississippi River and spans Desha, Monroe, Arkansas, and Phillips Counties. The plan will set the direction of the refuge for the next 15 years. The Service is asking for suggestions and information from the public on the scope of issues to consider in the planning process. The due date for comments is Monday, March 9. Comments can be emailed to Mike Dawson at [email protected]. He can be reached by phone at (601) 965-4903 and by fax at (601) 965-4010. Details about an open house meeting will be announced in the local media. Hunting is allowed in the refuge and it will be addressed in the new plan. To ensure that hunting has a solid future in this refuge, it is important for those who hunt in Arkansas and in this refuge to get engaged in this planning process.
COLORADO: Castle Doctrine Reform Bill Indefinitely Postponed Senate Bill 8 was indefinitely postponed in the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on Wednesday, January 28 by a vote of 3 to 1, with one person excused. Sponsored by State Senator Ted Harvey (R-30), SB8 would expand Colorado’s “Castle Doctrine” self-defense law. SB 8 would amend Colorado’s current version of Castle Doctrine to ensure that all citizens have a right to use force, including deadly force, against a violent attacker not only within their own dwellings, but their places of business as well. Thank you to all of the NRA members who called the Committee last week urging their support.
Pro-Gun Bill Assigned to House Judiciary Committee On Monday January 26, House Bill 1180 was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee where it will be taken up in near future. HB 1180, sponsored by State Representative Steve King (R-54) will exempt Colorado concealed handgun permit holders from the background check requirement for the transfers of a firearm. While HB 1180 has not yet been scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee, please contact the members of the committee and urge them to support this important piece of legislation. Contact information can be found here.
CONNECTICUT: Numerous Gun Bills Proposed! In the Connecticut State Legislature, lawmakers have wasted no time introducing a number of bills that would both advance and erode the Second Amendment rights of Connecticut’s law abiding gun owners. For a list of these bills and to learn how to take action against, please click here.
All-Out Attack Waged on Shooting Ranges! First-in-the-nation proposed legislation that has the potential to shut down shooting ranges in the state of Connecticut was introduced in Hartford this week. The proposal seeks to require registration for owner/operators with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and would allow the Commissioner to promulgate new regulations at any time, meaning that any shooting range could be forced to close at the whim of the DPS. Regardless of any new regulations, the Commissioner can shut down a facility without cause simply by deeming it “unsafe.” If the future implications of this proposal aren’t bad enough, it would also put almost every range out of business immediately for non-compliance under the standards set forth by this proposal. Make no mistake; the intent of this proposed legislation is to force the closure of these facilities and to end the possible establishment of any new ranges in Connecticut. As you know, shooting ranges provide a valuable community service by providing gun owners with a place to train with firearms and a safe place to shoot recreationally. Under this proposal, ranges used exclusively by law enforcement would be exempt from the regulations. If this is truly about safety, why should the standards for law enforcement and civilians be any different? It is imperative that you contact your lawmakers today and respectfully tell them that you will not stand for this! As the Department of Public Safety serves at the pleasure of Governor Jodi Rell (R), it is also critical that you call her TODAY and urge her administration not to support this direct attack on law-abiding gun owners and recreational shooters. No bill number has been assigned yet, but we will keep you posted on any further action that is taken in the coming weeks. Please continue checking your email and for updates. To contact Governor Jodi Rell call her at 860-566-4840 (Greater Hartford Area), 800-406-1527 or email [email protected]. For contact information for your State Representative, please click here. For contact information for your State Senator, please click here.
Firearm-Related Legislation Proposed in Hartford Senate Bill 353, introduced by State Senator Martin Looney (D-11), requires that all semi-automatic handguns for sale in the state of Connecticut be equipped with so-called "micro-stamping" technology. S353 was introduced last week and referred to the Joint Committee on Judiciary. Please contact the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary today and respectfully urge him or her to vote "NO" on Senate Bill 353. Click here for a list of the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary. Also proposed was House Bill 5578, introduced by State Representative William Hamzy (R-78), which would prohibit local regulation of firearms. NRA strongly supports this legislation. H5578 was referred to the Public Safety and Security Committee. Please contact members of the Public Safety and Security Committee today in support of House Bill 5578. Click here for a list of the members of the Public Safety Committee. We will keep you posted on any further action on these bills and new bills that may be introduced in the coming weeks. Please continue checking your email and for updates.
HAWAII: Ammunition Encoding Bill Removed from Committee Schedule! House Bill 88 has been removed from the House Public Safety Committee’s hearing schedule this week at the request of the Committee Chair, State Representative Faye P. Hanohano (D-4). Introduced by State Representative John Mizuno (D-30), HB88 would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Hawaii to be coded with a serialization number and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition. The possession or sale of non-coded/serialized ammunition would be prohibited. HB88 could be rescheduled at any time so it is critical that you continue checking your email and for any updates.
ILLINOIS: Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day! Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 11, 2009, in Springfield! This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners. Do not miss the largest gun rights rally and Second Amendment lobbying event in Illinois history! We need thousands of Illinois gun owners, hunters, sportsmen, and those who simply wish to defend their right to keep and bear arms to gather at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center. We will march down Capitol Avenue, rally on the Capitol steps, and then proceed inside to lobby legislators to make our presence known. There will be no mistaking that Illinois gun owners intend to stand up and speak out for our right to keep and bear arms in the state of Illinois! This will be one of the most important days of the year for Illinois gun owners!
For more information on IGOLD 2009, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit, or call the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198.
INDIANA: Campus Carry Bill Needs Your Help! Indiana's Senate Bill 12, sponsored by State Senator and NRA Board Member Johnny Nugent, is currently held up in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Without a committee hearing, Indiana's Campus Carry bill cannot move to the floor for a vote. SB 12 prohibits a state college or university from regulating in any manner the ownership, possession, carrying, or transportation of firearms or ammunition. This piece of legislation is necessary to guarantee the Second Amendment Rights of law-abiding gun owners in the Hoosier State. Please contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully indicate your desire to bring SB 12 for a committee hearing. Senator Johnny Nugent and Indiana's Campus Carry Bill are depending on you! Contact information for the Committee can be found here.
Right-to-Carry Reform Passed by Indianapolis City-County Council! On Monday, January 26, the Indianapolis City-County Council voted 22-4 to approve Proposal 605, sponsored by Councilor Mike Speedy. Proposal 605 will amend the department of waterworks possession and firearm discharge prohibition codes to exempt those with valid CCW permits and those who discharge a firearm in self-defense while on the Geist Reservoir. Unfortunately, it is still unlawful to possess or discharge any firearms on other property owned, leased, or controlled by the department of waterworks in Marion County. Thank you to all of the dedicated NRA members who attended Monday’s meeting to show support for Councilor Speedy's proposal. Without you, this victory would not have been possible. More work remains to address these prohibition codes, so please keep checking your email and for updates.
MARYLAND: Vote on Anti-Hunting Measure Scheduled for Monday, February 2 On Wednesday, January 21, the Howard County Council heard public comment on an anti-hunting ordinance, CB1-2009. The County Council has scheduled Monday, February 2 for a vote on the measure. Four of the five Howard County Council members sponsoring this bill are portraying it as a “safe hunting” bill. The current safety zone distance requirements would be doubled under the proposal, which, in turn, will shrink the land that law-abiding citizens can use to hunt. Animal “rights” and anti-hunting extremists are making their voices heard so it is imperative that Howard County’s sportsmen speak loudly. Please contact the members of the County Council and encourage them to OPPOSE this anti-hunting measure. The general phone number for the County Council is (410) 313-2001 and the fax number is (410) 313-3297. More contact information can be found here.
MISSOURI: "Business Premises Safety Act" to be Voted on Very Soon! The Missouri Senate Judiciary Committee heard Senate Bill 3 at a hearing on Monday, January 26. It will hold a vote on SB3, the "Business Premises Safety Act," in the coming days. Sponsored by State Senator Delbert Scott (R-28), the "Business Premises Safety Act" would prohibit business owners from restricting any person from lawfully possessing a firearm in a motor vehicle, except in motor vehicles owned or leased by the business. Business owners and operators would not be held liable for injury or damage resulting from compliance with the "Business Premises Safety Act." Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to vote in support of SB3. Senators can be reached via email by clicking here. Further contact information can be found here.
MONTANA: Apprentice Hunting Bill Needs Your Help! House Bill 382, sponsored by State Representative Robin Hamilton (D-92), would establish an apprentice hunting certificate that allows individuals of all ages to try their hand at hunting before completing a hunter education course. Any apprentice hunter is required to be supervised in the field by a mentor who is at least 21 years-old, a licensed resident hunter and a graduate of a hunter education program. Experience in more than two dozen other states shows that this apprentice hunting program is exceptionally safe and will bring many new hunters into the field. Hunter recruitment is critical to the long-term preservation of our hunting heritage. Hunter numbers are declining and the radical anti-hunting organizations like the Humane Society of the United States will take advantage if given the opportunity. While Montana is the nation’s leader in hunter participation, it is currently in the bottom third of all states with regard to hunter recruitment. For every 100 hunters who permanently quit hunting, only 56 new hunters replace them. This slide must be reversed and HB 382 will help tremendously in this effort. Research shows that any regulation that stands in the way of citizens trying hunting for the first time will deter participation. This includes the current requirement that all prospective hunters complete hunter education. An apprentice hunting program allows citizens a “try it before they buy it” opportunity. Ultimately, they will become “hooked on hunting” and want to complete a hunter education course in order to hunt on their own. In the end, more citizens will complete hunter education and fully join the hunter ranks as a result. HB 382 will be heard in the House Fish and Game Committee at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 3 in room 152. It is critically important that you contact the members of the Committee to express your support of the bill. If possible, please plan to attend the hearing to show your support in person. Members of the House Fish and Game Committee can be found here. They can be contacted by phone at (406) 444-4800. It is time for Montana to address its daunting hunter recruitment problem and for parents, instead of the state, to appropriately determine when their children are mature and responsible enough to begin hunting.
NEW MEXICO: Hearing Scheduled for Restaurant Carry Legislation House Bill 105, sponsored by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad), will be heard in the House Business & Industry Committee on Tuesday, February 3, 2009. HB 105 would permit Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments that are licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises IF the establishment derives more than 60% of their annual gross receipts from the sale of food. The legislature passed House Bill 588 in 2007 to open up grocery and convenience stores, which sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, to Concealed Handgun Licensees. NRA supported that bill and backs this latest effort to allow them to lawfully enter restaurants. Please make plans to attend the House Business & Industry Committee meeting and show your support for this important piece of legislation. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 3 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 309 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe. If you cannot attend, please contact the committee members listed below at their capitol offices and urge them to support HB 105. Remind them that it is already unlawful to carry a firearm while under the influence of alcohol, and that Concealed Handgun Licensees should not be denied their right to self-defense just because other patrons of a dining establishment can legally choose to consume alcoholic beverages on the premises. Contact information can be found here.
NEW YORK: More Anti-Gun Bills Introduced This Week! In addition to the laundry list of anti-gun bills introduced in the New York State Legislature last week, several more anti-gun bills have been introduced in Albany. For a list of these threats and to learn how to take action against them, please click here.
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Seeking Input from Sportsmen! The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has opened for public comment proposed regulatory changes to the fishing, hunting, and trapping seasons for 2009-2010. The Commission should be commended for offering what is an unprecedented expansion of hunting opportunities in the Tar Heel State. It is essential that sportsmen submit public comments in support of the proposed changes in order to ensure that they are enacted for the coming season. All of the proposed changes can be found by visiting and selecting “2009 Proposed Regulations & Public Hearing Schedule.” NRA encourages its members and the hunting community to submit comments supporting the efforts to expand hunting opportunities proposed by the NCWRC. Comments may be conveniently submitted online by going to and selecting the link to “Submit Comments Online,” or by going directly to the comments page at Comments will be accepted until Sunday, February 1, 2009. There is also a schedule for public hearings that can be found when you select “2009 Proposed Regulations & Public Hearing Schedule.” NRA encourages members and hunters to attend these hearings to show their support for the NCWRC proposals. The importance of supportive public comments in this process cannot be overestimated. Remember that the anti-hunting radicals will be submitting comments in opposition to the expanded opportunities!
NORTH DAKOTA: Elk Management Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park Released for Public Comment! Until recently, the National Park Service has used park staff or contract sharpshooters to reduce populations of elk and deer within national parks to achieve herd levels that the habitat can support. As a result of NRA's advocacy for the use of hunters to assist in such operations, the Service is now obligated to consider the use of skilled volunteers (e.g. hunters). The Elk Reduction Plan for Rocky Mountain National Park, CO is the first such plan to include skilled volunteers. The Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) plan, which is open for public comment until Sunday, March 15, presents 6 action alternatives. Under Alternative B, skilled volunteers would become part of a pool of available personnel that could assist in the culling operations. Under Alternative E, the Service would look at ways to enhance elk hunting opportunities outside the park, in cooperation with the North Dakota Game & Fish Department, the U.S. Forest Service, and adjacent landowners. Public meetings will be held although specific dates and locations have not been announced. The draft plan is available at You may submit your comments using the above website or mail your comments to Superintendent Valerie Naylor, TRNP, Box 7, Medora, ND 58645-0007. Hunters are considered the first conservationists and have been a valuable asset to wildlife managers in keeping wildlife in balance with its habitat and other natural resources. We encourage you to comment on the draft plan and support the use of hunters at TRNP, as well as supporting efforts by the Service and the state of North Dakota to enhance hunting opportunities outside the park.
PENNSYLVANIA: Pennsylvania Game Commission Approves Expanding the Use of Crossbows During Deer and Bear Archery Seasons! On Tuesday, January 27, the Pennsylvania Game Commission voted in favor of expanding the lawful use of crossbows during deer and bear archery seasons. Before adopting the proposal, the Commission added two amendments. One incorporates a sunset date that requires the Commission to vote on this measure again before June 30, 2012. The other prohibits the use of magnifying scopes for archery equipment and crossbows during the archery seasons. Thanks to the hard work and activism of hunters committed to the long-term preservation of our hunting heritage, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania is now the twelfth state to allow the use of crossbows during the state archery season. Based upon the experience of other states, NRA looks forward to seeing an increase in the recruitment and retention of hunters in the Keystone State as a result of this enhanced opportunity.
SOUTH DAKOTA: Pro-Gun Bill Passes Senate, Moves to House On Tuesday, January 20, Senate Bill 70 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously. It was then sent to the full Senate on Wednesday, where it passed by a vote of 34-0. At this time though, it has yet to be scheduled for a reading in the House. Sponsored by State Senator Larry Rhoden (R-29), SB 70 will remove the mandatory post-purchase 48-hour waiting period that was previously in place for those who did not have a valid permit to carry a concealed pistol. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of SB70. Please continue checking your email and for updates. Thank you to all NRA members who contacted the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of SB 70.
TENNESSEE: Right-to-Carry Under Attack in Crossville! The city of Crossville has proposed and nearly finalized a city ordinance that would ban concealed carry on city-owned property. The language used to amend this city ordinance has furthered restrictions on law-abiding citizens substantially by using the word “property” as opposed to government “buildings” or “premises.” While Crossville’s ultimate scope for this bill was to limit concealed carry on city government-owned property, its reckless use of language reveals the true meaning of the bill to limit concealed carry on any city-owned property. The Crossville City Council has met twice for readings on this anti-gun ordinance. The third and final reading will take place on Tuesday, February 10 at 6 p.m, in City Hall. Please attend this hearing and express your opposition to this measure. If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the City Council TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this ordinance. Contact information can be found here.
TEXAS: Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Introduced! The Legislature convened for its 81st Regular Session last week, and pro-Second Amendment legislation continues to be filed to benefit law-abiding gun owners in Texas. State Representative Carl Isett (R-Lubbock) has introduced House Bill 410, a measure repealing the requirement that Concealed Handgun Licensees display their carry license if they are in possession of a handgun and are stopped by a law enforcement officer who requests identification. Under current law, failure by CHLs to display their carry licenses in these situations could lead to licenses being suspended for 90 days. When HB 1815 by Representative Isett and State Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D-McAllen) passed and was signed into law in 2007, it legalized the carrying of handguns in private motor vehicles by non-CHLs, and it contained no similar "notice" requirement. HB 410 would remove the double-standard "notice" requirement that remains imposed by law on CHLs. Please contact your State Representatives and respectfully urge them to sign on as co-authors to HB 410. Contact information for House members can be found at
VIRGINIA: SB1257 to be Voted on Monday! Thanks to the tireless activism of Virginia’s NRA members, a vote on Senate Bill 1257 has been delayed until Monday, February 2. SB1257 would impose sweeping restrictions on our Second Amendment rights and set the stage for a ban on all private firearm sales in Virginia. Senate Bill 1257 would require that all firearms transactions taking place at gun shows be subjected to background checks, even those occurring between family and friends. Any violations would be a felony and could result in the loss of your gun rights. If passed, this bill will set the stage for a ban on all private firearms sales in Virginia that don’t go through a dealer, as gun ban advocates will no doubt call for a ban on private sales as well. The bill would also require gun show promoters to register anyone wishing to sell a firearm at a gun show, including private citizens, as a “vendor”. Gun show promoters would be required to maintain that registry for four years following the date of the gun show and transmit the name and address of any “vendors” (anyone selling a firearm) to law enforcement. The names and addresses of those selling a firearm at a gun show would be available to the public. It is imperative that you immediately contact your State Senator at their Richmond office at (804) 698-7410 or (804) 698-1470 and ask them to oppose Senate Bill 1257. More contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.
Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Heads to Senate Floor! On Wednesday, January 28 the Senate Courts of Justice Committee passed Senate Bill 1035 by a 9-6 vote. This bill is similar to last year’s bill that was passed and ultimately vetoed by Governor Tim Kaine (D). Sponsored by Senator Emmett Hanger, Jr. (R-24), SB1035 would permit a Right-to-Carry permit holder to carry a concealed firearm into a restaurant, provided they notify a designated employee that they posses a concealed handgun and do not consume any alcohol. Currently, concealed carry permit holders dining in restaurants that serve alcohol must leave their firearm at home or locked in their vehicle where it is at risk of being stolen. Despite passing a background check and possessing a state issued permit to carry, law-abiding permit holders are forced to give up their right to self-defense when dining in establishments that serve alcohol. The need for this legislation is clear. Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB1035. Contact information can be found by clicking here. You may also contact your Senator at their Richmond office at (804) 698-7410 or (804) 698-1470.
Two Anti-Gun Bills Defeated in Committee! The Senate Committee on Local Government defeated two anti-gun bills earlier this week, both by a 10-5 vote. Introduced by State Senator Maime Locke (D-2), Senate Bill 832 would have banned firearms in any building owned or operated by a locality (such as a recreation center, administrative building, or public library) while any official governmental meetings were being held inside. Senate Bill 1053, authored by State Senator Mary Margaret Whipple (D-31) would have given localities the authority to outlaw firearms in any buildings or facilities used for governmental purposes. Anti-gun advocates, including the Virginia Center for Public Safety, spoke in support of these bills. These bills would have endangered public safety by restricting the rights of law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders from defending themselves in a public place. In addition, these bills would have gutted Virginia’s preemption statutes by creating a confusing patchwork of firearms laws throughout the state. Thank you to all of the NRA members who answered the call to oppose these attacks on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Without you, these victories would not have been possible.