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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 18, No. 9 3/4/2011

A Champion for Gun Owners Passes Away:
NRA Remembers Former U.S. Sen. James McClure

We are sad to report that a peerless friend of gun owners, retired U.S. Sen. James A. McClure, R-Idaho -- who aggressively led the advancement of the Second Amendment cause in the U.S. Senate for two decades -- died on February 26 at his home in Garden City, Idaho.  He was 86.

The NRA and its members will most remember Sen. McClure for his ten-year fight to reform the draconian provisions of the 1968 Gun Control Act, culminating in President Ronald Reagan's signing into law the McClure-Volkmer Act -- officially known as the Firearms Owners' Protection Act -- in 1986.  Working with his stalwart Democratic colleague in the U.S. House of Representatives, Harold Volkmer, and with the total support of the NRA, the reforms curbed abusive practices that had wrecked the lives of countless innocent gun owners.

From his first days as a U.S. Senator, Jim McClure made a difference.  

Poll Reveals Most Voters Oppose Additional Gun Control:  According to a recent poll, conducted by Zogby International and The O'Leary Report, and reported on Townhall.com, since the tragedy in Arizona, Americans' support for their Second Amendment rights show no signs of weakening.

Brady Campaign's "Sweet 17" Gun Control Laws:  On Monday, the 17th anniversary of the Brady Act, the Brady Campaign issued a news release calling for -- what else? -- 17 gun laws. (Actually it called for 20, doubling up a few of them to fit in with the catchy "17" gimmick.)  

Outrage Of The Week:  This week's Outrage comes to us from the City of Brotherly Love and its Mayor, Michael Nutter (D). 

Nutter is a member of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control advocacy group, misnamed Mayors Against Illegal Guns.  We recently reported on Bloomberg's announcement that he had hired a driver to tour the country in a large truck, towing a billboard claiming (wrongly) that 34 people are murdered with guns each day.

Plan To Attend Free Grassroots Workshop At NRA's Upcoming Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh, PA! In anticipation of a hectic legislative session at both the federal and state levels, and in order to lay the foundation for a successful campaign season in 2012, NRA-ILA will be hosting a FREE Grassroots Workshop on Friday, April 29, in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh. 

Special NRA-ILA Seminar Planned For Pittsburgh!  In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with this year's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will be holding a Special Seminar. 

Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh:  The 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27--May 1, 2011, in Pittsburgh, PA.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer.

Hunters' Rights Special Session At NRA Annual Meetings:  A Special Session devoted to hunters' rights issues will be held at 2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 30, 2011, at the NRA's 140th Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, Pa

Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA's Facebook And Twitter Groups:  Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users.  This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text). 

Grassroots News Minute Video:  To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here: 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

ARIZONA:Lake Havasu Travel Management Plan Will Affect Motorized Access 
The Bureau of Land Management is developing a Travel Management Plan (TMP) to designate the routes that will remain open to the use of motorized vehicles by the public.  The Federal lands involved in the TMP are located below I-40 in Arizona and California, north, east, and south of Lake Havasu City, including parts of the California shoreline and south within 5-7 miles of the Bill Williams River.   The public comment period on this TMP closes this Monday, March 7.  Comments may be e-mailed to [email protected] or by completing the comment form on BLM's Arizona State website at www.blm.gov/az.  Click on Lake Havasu.  For further information you may call Myron McCoy at 928-505-1216 or write to [email protected].

The TMP provides four alternatives for motorized access:

Alternative A: No Action. Alternative A describes the current management of BLM-administered public lands in the planning area. The current management would continue to occur if no new decisions are made to alter it.

Alternative B: Protection. Alternative B emphasizes minimal human use and influence, and enhanced protection of remoteness and primitive recreation.

Alternative C: Proposed. Alternative C would provide an optimal balance between authorized resource use and the protection and long-term sustainability of sensitive resources within the planning area.

Alternative D: Access. Alternative D places an emphasis on maximum resource use and a more flexible, permissive resource management approach.

In addition to the effects this TMP will have on recreational access, the BLM does not intend to allow the use of vehicles for game retrieval off designated routes.  If you hunt or enjoy other recreational activities on these lands, it is important that you review the maps and comment on how these alternatives will affect your access and ability to retrieve downed game. 

CONNECTICUT:"Large Capacity" Magazine Ban Introduced!
On March 1, Senate Bill 1094 was introduced and referred to the Joint Committee on Judiciary. SB 1094 seeks to prohibit the possession of firearms magazines that accept more than ten rounds of ammunition. If enacted into law, any person in possession of any magazine greater than ten rounds, who has not already surrendered the magazine prior to enactment or ninety days after enactment, will be guilty of a class D felony.  SB 1094 is a bill in search of a problem, despite the recent media attention given to so-called "large capacity" magazines, no correlation exists between the size or arbitrary capacity of a detachable magazine and violent crime. Owners of "large capacity" magazines are not criminals or individuals intent on committing atrocious acts; they are sportsmen and firearm enthusiasts who own the magazines for a variety of lawful reasons, including sport, competition and self-defense.  Please contact members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary here and respectfully urge them to oppose SB 1094 and any legislation that forces law-abiding citizens to surrender their property based on the actions of criminals who will not abide by this proposed law.

IDAHO:"Permitless Carry" Introduced in the Gem State
Senate Bill 1126 was introduced and assigned to the Senate State Affairs Committee. Referred to as "Permitless Carry" legislation, this bill would amend the existing concealed carry law to allow law-abiding Idahoans to carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring an Idaho carry permit. Please contact members of the Senate State Affairs Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB 1126!  Committee member contact information can be found here.

Proposed Rule to Allow Take of Wolves in North-Central Idaho
Because wolves are having a devastating impact on elk herds in the Lolo Elk Management Zone, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has requested permission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to lethally take wolves over a five year period in order to reduce predation on elk.  Permission is necessary because these wolves are protected by the Endangered Species Act as a "nonessential experimental population."  When the designation was made, certain actions were allowed including lethal take by livestock producers to remove problem wolves.  It was not contemplated at the time that there would be a need to remove wolves to protect wild game species.  Therefore the IDFG needs special approval from the FWS to also deal with problem wolves.

The FWS has released an environmental assessment that asks for public comment on two opposing actions:  1) No Action or 2) Approve Requested Authorization.  The rule can be found at www.fws.gov/idaho/ .  Comments can be submitted online at www.regulations.gov.  In the box that reads "Enter Keyword or ID" enter the number FWS-R1-ES-2011-0009.  Check the box that reads "Open for Comment/Submission" and then click the Search button.  An icon will appear that reads "Submit a Comment."  Deadline for public comment is MARCH 14.    

Wolf populations have rebounded since the species was listed and given federal protection.  The FWS's efforts to remove from the Endangered Species list wolf populations that have recovered has been ensnarled in lawsuits brought by radical environmental groups.  In the meantime, wolves are having a huge negative impact on elk populations, and consequently big game hunting.  Please take a few minutes to submit a comment to the FWS in support of the "Approve Requested Authorization."

ILLINOIS:  Make Your Voice Heard in Springfield on Thursday, March 10!
Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 10, in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your state lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.  Do not miss the largest gun rights rally and Second Amendment lobbying event in Illinois history! 

We need thousands of Illinois gun owners, sportsmen, and those who simply wish to defend their right to keep and bear arms to gather at the Prairie Capitol Convention Center - doors will open at 10:30 a.m. with the program set to begin at 11:45 a.m.  We will march down Capitol Avenue, rally on the state Capitol steps, and then proceed inside to lobby legislators to make our presence known.  There will be no mistaking that Illinois gun owners intend to stand up and speak out for our Second Amendment rights in Springfield!  This will be one of the most important days of the year for Illinois gun owners!  

For more information on IGOLD 2011, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org, or call the Illinois State Rifle Association at (815) 635-3198.

IOWA:Dove Hunting Bill Passes Senate Natural Resources Committee
On Thursday, March 3, the Senate Natural Resources Committee passed Senate File 83 by a 10 to 3 vote.  Sponsored by state Senator Dick Dearden (D-34), SF 83 would establish a mourning dove hunting season in Iowa.  This legislation would add the Hawkeye State to the list of forty other states whose conservation and local economies are benefited by recognizing this type of hunting.  Doves are the most popular and abundant hunted game bird in America, and there is no biological justification to continue to deny Iowans the right to hunt them if they so choose.  Do not let the anti-hunters decide what you can hunt! This is just the first step in bringing a mourning dove season to Iowa.  Please contact your state Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to bring SF 83 to the floor for a vote.  To locate your state Senator and their contact information, please click here.

Second Amendment under Attack in Cities and Counties
A number of pro-gun bills have been introduced in the Iowa Legislature this year. However, few are as important as strengthening Iowa's firearms preemption statute.  By ignoring this issue, any improvement in firearm rights could be improperly limited by the locality in which you reside.  Iowa law prohibits any political subdivision of the state from enacting an ordinance regulating the possession of firearms when possession is otherwise lawful under the laws of the state.  Excluding schools, no state law bans permit holders from carrying a firearm on public property or on public property owned or operated by any particular locality. 

In 2010, the legislature also amended state law governing the issuance of nonprofessional permits to carry weapons.  These changes repealed the power of the issuing officer to limit the authority granted by such permits and plainly stated: "All permits … shall be valid throughout the state except where the possession or carrying of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law."

Recently, Iowa City imposed restrictions on the carrying of firearms within its jurisdiction that exceed those enacted under state law and would apply these restrictions to persons holding state-issued or state-recognized carry permits.  Iowa City's resolution, like many others across Iowa, clearly contradicts the plain terms of Iowa state law and infringes upon the rights of law-abiding Iowans.

Please contact the state legislators listed here and respectfully urge them to make "firearm preemption reform" -- using the language in HSB 19 -- a priority firearm bill this session.

Stand Your Ground Legislation Passes in the House Public Safety Committee
On Tuesday, March 1, House File 7 passed the House Public Safety Committee by a 13 to 7 vote.  HF 7 will now be sent to the House floor for consideration, however no date has been set at this time.  As amended, this important legislation would remove a persons "duty to retreat" from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground and protect themselves or their family anywhere they are lawfully present.  It would create a presumption that an individual who unlawfully or forcefully enters your dwelling, place of business or employment, or occupied vehicle is there to cause serious bodily injury or death, so the occupant may use force, including deadly force, against that person.  This same presumption would apply for an attacker trying to remove you or another person from the specified locations.  HF 7 would also expressly allow an individual to use force, including deadly force, to prevent a violent felony and enhance the protections against criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits when justifiable force is used.

NEVADA:Cosponsors Needed for the Nevada Campus Protection Act
State Senator John Lee (D-1) is requesting the NRA's help to gather cosponsors for his Campus Carry measure which, while currently in draft form as Bill Draft 742, will be in print next week.  In order to gain momentum and lay the groundwork for this important right-to-carry measure, it is extremely important that BDR 742, when it is assigned a Senate Bill number, has as many cosponsors as possible prior to its first policy committee hearing later this month.  This legislation would remove the discretion provision in the current Concealed Carry Weapon laws that require permit holders to request permission to carry on property owned by the Nevada System of Higher Education.  It is extremely rare for a University President to grant permission to a permit holder to carry on campus, thereby creating a defenseless position for Nevada's law-abiding gun owners.
Please contact your state Senator and Assemblyman TODAY and ask that they join Senator Lee and place their names on this important piece of legislation.  Contact information for your legislators can be found by clicking here.

NORTH DAKOTA:Worker Protection Bill Passes Major Hurdle 
House Bill 1438 passed in the North Dakota House of Representatives by a resounding 82 to 12 margin on February 21. This legislation has been sent to the state Senate and assigned to the Industry, Business, and Labor Committee for consideration. This victory came despite the aggressive lobbying efforts waged by big business lobbyists who want to strongly restrict stored firearms in locked private vehicles.  HB 1438 would allow North Dakota employees to store their firearms in locked personal vehicles on publicly accessible parking lots without fear of being fired.  Businesses have no legitimate interest in micromanaging the lawful contents of one's private vehicle. Yet, powerful big business lobbying groups will continue their onslaught, and the NRA is depending on our members to make their voices heard in defense of the Second Amendment.  Please contact the members of the Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee today and let them know that you support HB 1438.  Contact information can be found by clicking here

NIAA Implementation Legislation to be Heard in Senate Judiciary Committee
On Wednesday, March 9, House Bill 1269 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee at 10:30 a.m.  Sponsored by state Representative Karen Karls (R-35), this bill would implement requirements set forth in the Federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act (NIAA) of 2007.  HB 1269 would grant persons who have lost their firearm rights because of a mental health commitment or adjudication the right to petition to have them restored.  People who have been placed under certain types of mental health-related orders are banned by federal law from possessing firearms.  The NIAA established clear standards for states to use in crafting laws to provide persons subject to these prohibitions a means of relief.  This legislation, under the guidelines established by the NIAA, would allow a court to grant relief from the federal prohibition upon a finding that the petitioner is unlikely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest.  Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB 1269.  You may leave a message for this committee by calling (888) 635-3447 or by e-mail as listed here.

OKLAHOMA:Three Important Pro-Gun Bills Move Forward in the State Legislature!
As Oklahoma's legislative session continues, three pro-gun bills have recently received committee action.  On March 1, the Senate Public Safety Committee passed Senate Bill 856 and Senate Bill 858.  SB 856, the "Fraudulent Firearms Prevention Act," would make any person who knowingly provides false information to a licensed firearm retailer or private seller, or solicits, encourages or entices a licensed retailer or private seller to transfer a firearm or ammunition in violation of Oklahoma or federal laws, guilty of a felony. SB 858 would prohibit medical practitioners and physicians from asking patients information about their private firearm ownership and storage method, prohibit doctors from denying health care to those who refuse to disclose such information, and prohibit the compiling and maintaining of records on guns.

On March 2, the House Public Safety Committee passed House Bill 1652 by an 11 to 7 vote. HB 1652 would expand opportunities for lawful concealed carry permit holders by deleting technology centers from the list of prohibited places. This legislation would also expand current "parking lot" protections for firearms legally stored and locked in vehicles in parking lots set aside for use by a governmental entity or for professional sporting events.

At this time no action is needed on your part but please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates.

OREGON:Two Oregon House Committees to Hear Three Pro-Gun Bills Each
A number of pro-gun and pro-hunting bills are on the move in the Oregon House of Representatives and are scheduled for committee consideration early next week.

On Monday, March 7, the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled to hear House Bill 2337, House Bill 3326, and House Bill 3428 in Room HR C at 3:00 p.m. Each of these bills deals with the use of dogs when hunting cougars.  HB 3326 would allow the use of dogs to hunt cougars during the final three months of the general cougar hunting season if the State Fish and Wildlife Commission determine that the harvest quota for a particular hunt zone might not be met.  HB 2337 and HB 3428 both would establish a pilot program that would allow persons hunting or pursuing cougars to use dogs. 

On Tuesday, March 8, the House Judiciary Committee will hear House Bill 2797 and hold a Work Session to discuss House Bill 2787 and House Bill 2792 in Room 343 at 1:00 p.m.  HB 2797 would define "readily accessible" for the purpose of prohibition on possessing a readily accessible, concealed handgun within a vehicle, when that vehicle is a snowmobile, motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle.  HB 2787 would prohibit a public body from releasing information that identifies the holder of or applicant for a concealed handgun license.  HB 2792 would provide nonresidents who are authorized to carry concealed a handgun in another state with the same protections provided to persons with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License.

Please contact members of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and urge them to support HB 2337, HB 3326, and HB 3428.  Contact information for this committee can be found here.  Also, please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee and urge them to support HB 2797, HB 2787, and HB 2792.  Contact information can be found here.

PENNSYLVANIA: Castle Doctrine Legislation Heads to Senate Floor
On March 1, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10 to 3 to pass Senate Bill 273.  This important Castle Doctrine self-defense legislation will now head to the Senate floor for further consideration.  SB 273 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their home and any place where they have a legal right to be.  If enacted, this law would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits filed by the attacker or the attacker's family when force is used. 

Anti-gun groups were unsuccessful in their goal to essentially defeat the bill by adding anti-gun language to the bill, such as F-rated state Senator Daylin Leach's (D-17) so-called "Florida Loophole" amendment which was withdrawn.  We know anti-gun groups will continue to try to hijack SB 273 when it is brought to the Senate floor, so please contact your state Senator today and urge him or her to support SB 273 without any anti-gun amendments.  For contact information or help identifying your state Senator, please click here

PennsylvaniaFederation of Sportsmen's Clubs' Spring Convention to be Held March on 11-13!  You are cordially invited to attend the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs' (PFSC) Spring Convention hosted by the Central Division of the PFSC at the Best Western Country Cupboard Inn in Lewisburg, on March 11–13.  The PFSC was formed in 1932 to ensure proper protections of Pennsylvania's wildlife resources, habitat, outdoor heritage and Second Amendment rights.  Registration is due March 1.  To see an agenda of the PFSC's Spring Convention and registration form, please click here.

RHODE ISLAND:Change to LCCW Fees Being Studied in House Finance Committee
The Rhode Island House Finance Committee held a hearing on House Bill 5010 on March 2, but this bill is still open for further study.  HB 5010 would increase the fee 150 percent for a License to Conceal Carry a Weapon (LCCW) and would provide that nonresident permits be valid for only one year. HB 5010 would increase the LCCW permit fee from $40 to $100.  This excessive and unreasonable fee increase becomes a tax on the exercise of a constitutional right and only serves to diminish the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.  In addition, this bill would make nonresident LCCW permits valid for only one year instead of four years.  While Rhode Island resident LCCW permits will continue to be valid for four years.  This proposed yearly renewal process for nonresidents would place additional burdens on state government. Your NRA will continue to update you on HB 5010 as it moves through the Rhode Island General Assembly.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Legislation to Remove an Outdated Gun Control Provision to be Heard in Senate Committee
This Monday, March 7, the Senate State Affairs Committee will consider House Bill 1079, sponsored by state Representative Brian Gosch (R-32).  The intent of this provision is to clean up South Dakota's firearm code and to remove provisions that became obsolete with the passage of the federal Firearms Owners' Protection Act (FOPA) in 1986.  Originally, the federal Gun Control Act banned interstate sales of firearms, but contained an exception for long gun transactions occurring between federally licensed dealers (FFLs) and residents of contiguous states.  Such sales could occur only if "the purchaser's State of residence permit[ted] such sale or delivery by law."  FOPA, however, removed both the contiguous states limitation and the requirement that the purchaser's state of residence specifically authorize the purchase.  South Dakota has enacted no barriers to interstate sales, so HB 1079 would not change the current law under which South Dakota FFLs can sell long guns to residents of other states that do not limit their residents' right to purchase.  South Dakota residents can also buy long guns from FFLs in other states that do not discriminate against non-residents. 

Please contact members of the Senate State Affairs Committee today and respectfully urge them to support HB 1079.  Committee members can be reached by calling the Senate switchboard and leaving a message at (605) 773-3821 or by e-mail as listed here.

TENNESSEE:Second Amendment Legislation is on the Move in Tennessee
As the legislative session continues in Nashville, a number of pro-gun bills have begun to see action and need your support.  Issues currently being considered in the capitol range from parking lot legislation, which would allow an employee to store a firearm in their locked personal vehicle at their place of business or ones they frequent to legislation which would enable judges to carry a concealed firearm in courthouses while acting in their duties as a judge.  There are also a number of bills which pertain to the sale of confiscated firearms seized in a crime.  For more information on these bills please click here. As session progresses, the NRA will continue to keep you posted about these and other Second Amendment measures.  Please begin to respectfully contact your legislators in support of the aforementioned bills.  Contact information for your state legislators can be found by clicking here.

TEXAS:Employee/Parking Lot Bills Progressing in Austin!
This past week, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee unanimously reported out Senate Bill 321.  Sponsored by state Senator Glenn Hegar (R-Katy), this NRA-backed legislation would prevent employers from enforcing policies against the storage of lawfully-owned firearms in employees' private motor vehicles parked at work.  The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration in the coming weeks.  Please contact your state senator and urge him or her to support SB 321.  Contact information can be found by visiting www.senate.state.tx.us/75r/senate/Members.htm.  Also this past week, the House Business & Industry Committee held a public hearing on House Bill 681, the House companion bill to SB 321, sponsored by state Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington).  The committee is expected to vote on this measure this Monday, March 7.  Please contact committee members today and respectfully urge them to support HB 681. Contact information can be found at www.house.state.tx.us/committees/committee/?committee=040&session=82.

VIRGINIA: 2011 Virginia General Assembly Adjourns  
On February 27, the Virginia General Assembly adjourned its regular 2011 session and The National Rifle Association was able get a number of pro-gun bills through both the General Assembly and onto the desk of Governor Bob McDonnell (R) for his consideration.   The Governor has thirty days from adjournment to consider and act on legislation, so it is important for you to contact Governor McDonnell and respectfully request that he sign SB 757, HB 1552, HB 1856, HB 1857, HB 1501/SB 1213, and HB 1422.  To read about each of these bills, please click here.

Once again, it is important that you e-mail Governor McDonnell and politely urge him to sign these bills into law. Also, please take the time to contact the Virginia General Assembly members who sponsored these bills and thank them for advocating for your rights and freedoms. Contact information is listed below. 


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.