Obama's Hollow Words On The Second Amendment
For the past two months, it has been expected that President Obama would speak out on gun control and the Second Amendment. Obama's anti-gun base has been hoping that he would finally openly embrace their prohibitionist agenda. But Obama has proven over the past few years that he knows taking on America's gun owners is a bad political move, and that means he must take a different tack -- claiming at every turn that he supports the Second Amendment.
What he chose to do this week is to make a thinly veiled call for gun owners to willingly give up our rights by calling on us to seek "agreement on gun reforms." But gun owners will not be fooled by this cynical ruse.
Obama's position -- carefully worded and published in an op-ed piece in the Arizona Star, a Tucson daily newspaper -- is nothing more than political posturing and an attempt to marginalize the impact that gun owners will have on the 2012 election.
H.R. 1093--The "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform Act" Introduced: Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Jason Altmire (D-Pa.) have introduced H.R. 1093, the "Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform Act." The bill would roll back unnecessary restrictions, correct errors, and codify longstanding congressional policies in the firearms arena. This bipartisan bill is a vital step to modernize and improve BATFE operations.
Bill Introduced In U.S. Senate To Block Unauthorized Record Keeping on Gun Owners: This week, U.S. Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and John Ensign (R-Nev.) introduced S. 570 -- "a bill to prohibit the Department of Justice from tracking and cataloguing the purchases of multiple rifles and shotguns." The bill would prohibit the use of federal funds for a multiple sales reporting scheme proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives adopted an amendment with similar language. That amendment to an omnibus spending bill, offered by Representatives Dan Boren (D-Okla.) and Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), passed the chamber (277-149) with broad bipartisan support.
Plan To Attend Free Grassroots Workshop At NRA's Upcoming Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh, PA! In anticipation of a hectic legislative session at both the federal and state levels, and in order to lay the foundation for a successful campaign season in 2012, NRA-ILA will be hosting a FREE Grassroots Workshop on Friday, April 29, in conjunction with NRA's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh.
Panelists Announced For Special ILA Seminar! In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with this year's Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will be holding a Special Seminar.
Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh: The 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27--May 1, 2011, in Pittsburgh, PA. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer.
Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA's Facebook And Twitter Groups: Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users. This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text).
Grassroots News Minute Video: To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here:
STATE ROUNDUP (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action. For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)
ARIZONA:Several Pro-Gun Bills Move Forward in the State House and Senate
The Arizona Legislature recently took action on two pro-gun bills, while two more continue to need your support. On March 14, the full Senate passed Senate Bill 1467, which now moves to the state House. SB 1467 would prohibit an educational institution from adopting or enforcing any policy prohibiting the possession of a concealed weapon by a permit holder or regulating the lawful transportation or storage of a firearm. Also on Monday, House Bill 2645 passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee and goes to the Senate floor. This bill is designed to meet the requirements of the federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007. Also, Senate Bill 1201 and Senate Bill 1469 have been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and still need your support. SB 1201 is a comprehensive bill designed to expand areas you may lawfully carry, while SB 1469 would broaden the definition of justifiable force in a self-defense situation. For more information on these bills and who needs to be contacted regarding them, please click here.
COLORADO: Permitless Carry Bill Advancing in the Colorado Legislature Faces an Uphill Battle
HB 1205 is scheduled for a hearing this Tuesday, March 22, in the Senate State, Military & Veterans Affairs Committee. House Bill 1205 had previously passed in the Colorado House by a 20 to 15 vote on March 2. House Bill 1205 would allow residents to carry concealed handguns without permits as long as they are legally eligible to purchase and possess firearms. Please contact the three dissenting members of this committee by clicking here and respectfully urge them to end partisan politics and support HB 1205.
FLORIDA: STOP Local Governments from Violating State Law in Florida
Senate Bill 402 has been scheduled to be heard in the Senate Community Affairs Committee on Monday, March 21 at 10:15 a.m. SB 402 would provide penalties for government officials, local governments and agencies that violate the state firearms preemption law, which prohibits local governments and government agencies from adopting any gun control ordinances or regulations. There are some who are arrogantly violating the law because there are no penalties currently associated with the law. Please contact the Senate Community Affairs Committee today and urge them to support SB 402. For contact information on the Senate Community Affairs Committee, please click here.
IDAHO:Campus Protection Legislation Passes Idaho House, Moves to Senate
On March 16, House Bill 222 passed on its Third and Final Reading by a 41 to 28 vote, with one vote absent. HB 222 has been sent to the state Senate for committee assignment. This important self-defense legislation would allow for the lawful carry of a firearm on a college or university campus for self-defense, as long as the individual is not restricted from legally carrying a firearm by any state or federal law. Please contact your state Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to support your right to self-defense and vote in favor of HB 222. To locate your state senator's contact information, please click here.
ILLINOIS: "Assault Weapons" Ban up for Third Reading in the House!
Anti-gun legislators in Springfield are still threatening law-abiding gun owners across Illinois with an attack on the Second Amendment. House Bill 1294, a ban on so-called "assault weapons," is currently set for Third Reading in the state House of Representatives and could be taken up at any time. Please contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to stand up for your Second Amendment rights and oppose HB 1294 when it comes up for a vote. This legislation is a direct attack on law-abiding gun owners and your opposition needs to be heard! To locate your state Representative's contact information please click here.
IOWA: Dove Hunting Bill Passes in Senate Committee
The Senate Natural Resources Committee recently passed Senate File 83 by a 10 to 3 vote. Sponsored by state Senator Dick Dearden (D-34), SF 83 would establish a mourning dove hunting season in Iowa. This legislation would add the Hawkeye State to the list of forty other states whose conservation efforts and local economies are benefited by allowing dove hunting. Please contact your state Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to bring SF 83 to the floor for a vote. To locate your state Senator and their contact information, please click here.
KENTUCKY: Legislation to Restore Gun Rights and a Compartment-Carry Bill Signed into Law by Governor Beshear
On March 16, Governor Steve Beshear signed two important pro-gun bills into law. The first, House Bill 308, is an important rights-restoration bill that will implement the federal NICS Improvements Amendments Act of 2007 by enabling persons who have lost their firearm rights because of a mental health-related commitment or adjudication to petition a court to have them restored. The Governor also signed House Bill 313, which will allow an individual to lawfully carry a loaded or unloaded firearm in an enclosed compartment originally installed by the manufacturer of a motor vehicle. Thank you to everyone who contacted their elected officials in support HB 308 and HB 313!
NEVADA: Pro-Gun Bills Advance in the Nevada Legislature
A number of pro-gun bills are currently on the move in the Nevada Legislature. Senate Bill 126 and Assembly Bill 143, both of which would streamline the application process for obtaining a Concealed Carry Weapons permit, are currently making progress in the state legislature. Also, Assembly Bill 217, which would allow residents of non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in Nevada and vice versa, is currently awaiting committee assignment in the state Senate. Please click here to learn more about these bills, how you can help with them and how to contact your state legislators to urge support.
NEW HAPSHIRE:Permitless Carry Bill Moves to the New Hampshire Senate
An amended version of House Bill 330 recently passed in the State House by a 244 to 109 vote. To see how your state Representative voted, please click here. HB 330 would permit any person who can legally carry a firearm to possess a firearm openly or concealed without obtaining a license to carry a concealed firearm in New Hampshire.
Although HB 330 is moving through the legislative process, the NRA still has concerns with several provisions in this bill. We will be working with the state Senate to correct these provisions before its final passage. Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates.
"Castle Doctrine" Legislation Passes New Hampshire House of Representatives!
On March 15, House Bill 210 passed the House of Representatives by a 270 to 92 vote. This bill will now move to the state Senate for committee assignment. HB 210 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any other places they have a legal right to be. Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this important self-defense legislation.
NORTH DAKOTA:North Dakota's Worker Protection Bill to be Heard in Senate Committee
On March 22, House Bill 1438 will be heard by the Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee. This bill passed in the North Dakota House of Representatives by a resounding 82 to 12 margin on February 21. HB 1438 would allow North Dakota employees to store their firearms in locked personal vehicles on publicly accessible parking lots without fear of being fired. Businesses have no legitimate interest in micromanaging the lawful contents of one's private vehicle. Please contact members of the Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee today and urge them to support HB 1438. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
OHIO:Right-to-Carry Reform Legislation Passes in House Committee
On March 15, House Bill 45 passed in the House State Government and Elections Committee by a 12 to 10 vote. HB 45 would eliminate the current confusing standards governing the carrying of a firearm in a motor vehicle. The proposal would also allow permit holders to carry firearms for self-defense in restaurants that serve alcohol, provided they are not consuming alcohol, thus eliminating another "victim zone" in Ohio.
HB 45 will now move to the House floor for further consideration. Please continue to check your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for updates on HB 45.
OKLAHOMA:Important "Parking Lot" Bill Ready for House Floor Vote!
Last week, House Bill 1652 passed in the House Public Safety Committee and could soon be considered on the House floor. House Bill 1652 would protect lawful concealed carry permit holders by expanding "parking lot" protections for firearms legally stored and locked in vehicles to parking lots on technology center campuses, or on property set aside for use by a governmental entity or for professional sporting events. Please contact your state Representative and let him or her know you support NRA-backed HB 1652 and would like to see it pass in the Oklahoma House. To locate your state Representative's contact information please click here.
OREGON:Right-to-Carry Recognition Bill on the Move in Oregon Legislature
On Monday, March 21, the Oregon House is expected to vote on House Bill 2792, an important Right-to-Carry recognition bill. HB 2792 would provide non-residents who are authorized to carry concealed handguns in another state with the same protections provided to persons with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License. This legislation is an important recognition of non-residents' right to self-defense while visiting Oregon. Out-of-state permit holders should not be considered criminals simply for crossing state lines. Please contact your state Representative today and respectfully urge him or her to support HB 2792. Contact information for your state Representative can be found here.
PENNSYLVANIA: Anti-Gun Amendments Defeated Again in the Keystone State!
On March 9, attempts to attach anti-gun amendments to House Bill 40 were defeated. HB 40, NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" legislation, would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against attackers in their homes and any place outside of their homes where they have a legal right to be. If enacted into law, it would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by attackers or the attackers' family when force is used. The State House will be returning in April to give final consideration to HB 40. In the meantime, please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 40 with NO amendments. For contact information or help identifying your state Representative, click here.
Senate Passes Castle Doctrine Legislation
On March 8, the Pennsylvania Senate voted 43 to 4 to pass important self-defense reform legislation. Like the house version of Castle Doctrine legislation, Senate Bill 273 would allow law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against attackers in their homes and any place outside of their homes where they have a legal right to be. If enacted into law, it would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by attackers or the attackers' family when force is used. Please send an e-mail to thank your state Senator if he or she for supported SB 273. For contact information or help identifying your state Senator, please click here.
SOUTH DAKOTA: NRA Secures a Pair of Victories for Gun Owners as Session Ends
On March 11, Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) signed House Bill 1149 into law. This bill provides that a legal South Dakota "resident" can obtain a concealed pistol permit. This legislation cleans up a state law that restricted concealed pistol permits to "citizens" only. The issue was brought to the attention of lawmakers after the state was sued by a legal U.S. resident and British national who was denied a permit. Another important bill, House Bill 1079, has unanimously passed both chambers of the state legislature and is currently awaiting approval by the governor. This bill would repeal two out-dated sections of state law and would allow residents in non-contiguous states to purchase long guns in South Dakota. Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org for updates on the status of HB 1079.
Commission Set to Vote in April on Proposed Lead Shot Ban
A private landowner filed a petition with the Game, Fish and Parks Commission to ban lead shot for hunting on public roads and rights-of-way. The Commission recently announced that it will vote on the proposal at its meeting April 7-8 in Brandon. Thus most affected by such a ban will be upland bird hunters. No evidence has been submitted showing that road hunting for pheasants or other upland game is causing risks to the health of wildlife populations who feed alongside public roads or rights-of-way. If this ban is adopted, it won't be long before a statewide ban on the use of lead ammunition is imposed. The landowner-petitioner has stated that he wants to see lead ammunition banned for all hunting in the state. Contact information for the Game, Fish and Parks Commission can be found here.
UTAH: Important Firearm Legislation Heading to the Governor's Desk in Utah
House Bill 75, authored by state Representative Curtis Oda (R-14), would clarify where law-abiding citizens may possess and carry firearms near schools. Under existing law, unless a person has a concealed firearm permit (CFP), possession of a firearm is prohibited "on or about school premises." The current definition of "school premises" includes elementary and secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, vocational schools, virtually any place being used for any school-sponsored activity, preschools and child-care facilities AND within 1,000 feet of any of these. Please contact Governor Herbert TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign House Bill 75. The Governor can be reached by phone at (801) 538-1000, toll-free at (800) 705-2464, or by fax at (801) 538-1528. Click here to send Governor Herbert an e-mail in support of House Bill 75.