LEGAL & LEGISLATION TAKE ACTION Action Needed! Urge Your U.S. Rep to Vote Against Any Anti-Gun Amendments | |
In the wake of last week’s horrific shooting in San Bernardino, California, President Obama and the usual cast of anti-gun politicians were -- again -- quick to exploit an act of terrorism to push for more gun control. The president suggested the NRA was somehow to blame for the tragedy, and when addressing the nation over the weekend, he predictably called for new gun laws. This time, the president is pushing for a law that would prohibit the sale of firearms to anybody on a secret government black list. A list so secretive that nobody knows how you get on the list or how you get off the list – completely disregarding one of the pillars of our Constitution – due process. And worst of all, he did it under the guise of “national security.” |
NEWS Polls Show Public Recognizes NRA Works for a Safer America; Opposes Semi-auto Ban | |
Despite a decades-long smear campaign that has been ratcheted up to hysteria in recent months, new polls show that Americans recognize NRA’s positive influence on the country, and that the public is less likely than ever to support a ban on popular semi-automatic firearms. A Rasmussen poll conducted November 30–December 1, asked individuals, "[t]he NRA supports gun policies that make all Americans safer. Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with this statement?" 61-percent of respondents stated that they agreed with the statement, with over a third of all respondents answering that they strongly agreed. |
SECOND AMENDMENT LEGAL & LEGISLATION Supreme Court (Again) Punts on the Second Amendment, Leaves Voters to Carry the Ball | |
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit that upheld a Chicago-area “assault weapons” ban against a Second Amendment challenge. This was the second time this year that the Supreme Court refused to hear a Second Amendment case, thereby allowing a broad gun control law to stand. As in that previous case, the court’s decision drew a strong rebuke from Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. |
NEWS Gun Control Supporters Unhinged: New Republic Says "Ban Guns— All of Them" | |
Inspired by last week’s New York Times front-page editorial calling for the confiscation of “large categories of weapons and ammunition,” a new article in the progressive-agenda magazine, New Republic, says that banning only some guns, but not all, is not enough. “It’s time to ban guns. Yes, all of them. . . . Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible, on police. . . . Not just certain guns. Not just already-technically-illegal guns. All of them.” |
NEWS Washington Post Skewers Obama on Shootings, Vindicates Rubio and Gun Rights Position | |
Just as the New York Times is doing its best to shrug off whatever remaining journalistic integrity the paper might have had, the country’s other major establishment newspaper, the Washington Post, has managed to check some facts without their usual bias. The Post’s Fact Checker column concluded that Barack Obama deserved a rebuke for some of his recent comments on gun control, while giving a statement by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) their highest award for credibility. |
NEWS No Charges Filed, But Legal Firearms Confiscated Anyway | |
We've raised concerns before about how proposed "gun violence restraining orders" and similar firearm surrender orders can be abused and issued in cases where the police lack sufficient evidence for an arrest and simply wish to deprive an individual of the right to bear arms, and on how difficult it can be to get property back after the government seizes it. These concerns are magnified when such seizure procedures originate not from judicially authorized orders, but from the considerably more opaque processes within law enforcement. |
NEWS New York Times Calls for Gun Confiscation | |
Never let it be said that the New York Times can't recognize the important moments in American history, nor muster the courage to express its opinions on its front page when the situation demands. In 1920, for example, feeling strongly about the upcoming presidential election, the newspaper published a front-page editorial criticizing the Republican Party for nominating Warren Harding. In that instance, it turned out that the Times was out of step with public opinion. Harding won the general election with over 60 percent of the popular vote, the fourth highest margin in American history. Otherwise, however, the newspaper’s editors have repeatedly resisted the temptation to take front-page editorial stands on issues it had the foresight to know would ultimately be recognized as the inconsequential ebbs and flows that are typical to any complex society in the modern era. Indeed, for the Times to opine on its front page, the circumstances would have to be truly important, the stuff of which history is made. |
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In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that a Rasmussen poll released this week found that 61 percent of Americans agree that the NRA’s position on gun rights protect them. |
California California: Oakland City Council Looking to Restrict your Second Amendment Rights! |
Florida Florida Alert! Florida Sheriff Wayne Ivey Speaks out on self-defense & Terrorism |