The Washington Post recently reported that Purcellville Mayor Bob Lazaro has joined Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a national gun ban group founded and funded by anti-gun extremist New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
While MAIG claims to support the Second Amendment, its actions and policy positions seek to restrict gun rights for law-abiding citizens rather than focus on violent criminals. We know from experience MAIG’s efforts and policies do not work— enacting more gun control laws and disarming law-abiding citizens only renders them and their families as defenseless victims.
It is alarming that Mayor Lazaro would join a national gun ban group. He is even considering support of magazine bans and ammunition restrictions. Does Mayor Lazaro represent you by joining MAIG and supporting its anti-gun agenda? If not, it is imperative that you express your opposition to this action! Ask him to focus on violent crime and criminals rather than stripping the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.
Contact Purcellville Mayor Bob Lazaro and urge him to quit MAIG and reject their radical anti-gun agenda. Restrictions imposed on law-abiding citizens will not keep firearms out of the hands of violent and insane criminals. Mayor Lazaro can be reached at 540-338-7421 (work) or 540-338-0366 (home) or [email protected] |
By contrast, Leesburg Mayor Kristen Umstattd - an NRA life member - remains steadfast in her support of the Second Amendment and committed to protecting the safety of Leesburg residents. She rejected MAIG saying, “But while the name of the organization, ‘Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns,’ while safe politically, is also meaningless, or perhaps misleading, if MAIG’s goal is to ban guns that are currently legal.” According to the report, she also questioned why MAIG has not put forward a plan to strengthen security in schools.
Mayor Umstattd will not be swayed by MAIG’s futile gun-grabbing agenda. Contact Mayor Umstattd and thank her for standing up for real solutions that will protect school children in your community and for protecting your Right to Keep and Bear Arms!
Mayor Kristen Umstattd can be reached at: [email protected]