Lowe`s Companies Inc., one of the nation`s largest retailers of home improvement products, appears to have expanded its enterprise to include promoting anti-gun propaganda on the Internet. The Lowe`s website (www.lowes.com), under the guise of its "Home Safety" message, tells gun owners to "[r]emove any guns from the house" because "homes with guns are much more likely to have a murder or suicide of a family member than in homes without guns." The website also claims "[h]omes without guns are safer for children." These anti-gun messages can be found under a section of the website called "Protect Your Child: Information from Lowe`s & Johns Hopkins." While it may be surprising to see Lowe`s promoting these kinds of anti-gun messages, the fact that the "guide" was put together by the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) should explain a great deal. The Johns Hopkins Center has a long history of producing biased, anti-gun "research," and the CFA has promoted numerous attacks on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Most recently, CFA joined with the gun-ban extremists at the Violence Policy Center (VPC) in an attempt to further the lie that firearm manufacturers are not already subject to countless regulations. Missing from the Lowe`s/Hopkins/CFA message was any mention of promoting educational programs for children, such as the award-winning Eddie Eagle GunSafe™ Program. If you wish to contact Lowe`s to object to its promotion of anti-gun propaganda, you can call (800) 44LOWES (56937), or go to http://www.lowes.com/Lowes/customerService/custsvc_LowesDotComFeedback.asp?CATALOGID=45 to use the company`s online contact site.