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Georgia: Pro-Hunting Legislation to be Heard in Senate Committee Tomorrow

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Please contact members of the Senate Natural Resources and the Environment Committee Today!

Tomorrow, January 25, the state Senate Natural Resources and the Environment Committee is scheduled to hear NRA-backed Senate Bill 301.  This hearing will take place at 3:00 p.m. in Room 450 of the State Capitol.  

SB 301 would allow Georgians to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting.  In order to acquire a suppressor/silencer, a purchaser must submit the appropriate paperwork to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives where long wait times are common (4-6 months), undergo a background check by the FBI, find a licensed dealer authorized to conduct the transaction and pay a one-time $200 tax for each device. 

While suppressors/silencers do not eliminate the sound of a firearm, they do reduce the muzzle report of a firearm much in the same way that a muffler reduces exhaust noise from a car or truck.  There are many benefits associated with suppressor/silencer use: (1) increase accuracy, (2) makes shooting more enjoyable by lessening felt recoil and reducing muzzle blast, (3) protects shooters’ hearing and (4) helps reduce noise pollution.

Noise complaints are causing closures of shooting ranges, informal shooting areas and hunting lands throughout the country. Increased use of suppressors on shooting ranges and hunting lands will decrease these complaints.

Please call AND e-mail members of the state Senate Natural Resources and the Environment Committee and respectfully urge them to SUPPORT SB 301.  Contact information can be found below.

Senate Natural Resources and the EnvironmentCommittee:

Senator Ross Tolleson (R-20), Chairman
(404) 656-0081
[email protected]

Senator John Bulloch (R-11), Vice-Chairman
(404) 656-0040
[email protected]

Senator Bill Cowsert (R-46)
(404) 463-1383
[email protected]

Senator Steve Henson (D-41)
(404) 656-0085
[email protected]

Senator Jack Hill (R-4)
(404) 656-5038
[email protected]

Senator George Hooks (D-14)
(404) 656-0065
[email protected]

Senator Bill Jackson (R-24)
(404) 651-7738
[email protected]

Senator Rick Jeffares (R-17)
(404) 656-0503
[email protected]

Senator Butch Miller (R-49)
(404) 656-6578
[email protected]

Senator Freddie Powell Sims (D-12)
(404) 463-5259
[email protected]

Senator Lindsey Tippins (R-37)
(404) 657-0406
[email protected]

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.