The 2014 session of the Oklahoma Legislature convened this week in Oklahoma City. Your NRA-ILA is working to foster and continue collaborative relationships with state lawmakers in order to ensure your rights as a gun owner and sportsman are well-represented in the Sooner State. We have been working on advancing many different beneficial pro-gun reforms this year, including a collaborative effort between the NRA, state legislators and the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK2A) to craft a strong Right to Keep and Bear Arms constitutional amendment. All proposed restrictions to any of your fundamental rights should be subject to a standard that ensures the strongest possible protection for that right, and your fundamental right to keep and bear arms is no exception! As state legislation continues to move forward in both legislative chambers, we will keep you informed.
At this time, the NRA and National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) are supporting Senate Bill 1845, introduced by state Senator Greg Treat (R-47) and coauthored by state Representative Steve Martin (R-10). SB 1845 is scheduled for hearing in the Senate Public Safety Committee on Thursday, February 13 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 230 of the state Capitol. This bill would ensure that Oklahoma law meets the requirements set forth in the federal NICS Improvement Amendments Act (NIAA) of 2007, and would add Oklahoma to the list of nearly half of the states that are NIAA certified.
Those who have been placed under certain types of mental health-related orders are prohibited by federal law from possessing firearms. The NIAA establishes clear standards for states to use in crafting laws to give persons subject to these prohibitions a process to seek restoration of their gun rights. This legislation, under the guidelines established by the NIAA, will allow a court to grant relief from the federal prohibition upon a finding that the petitioner will not be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest. SB 1845 provides a path for Oklahomans, including military service members and veterans, to have their gun rights restored. Please contact the committee members listed below and urge their support of this important measure.
Senate Public Safety Committee:
Senator Don Barrington (R-31) – Chairman
(405) 521-5563
[email protected]
Senator Kim David (R-18) - Vice Chairman
(405) 521-5590
[email protected]
Senator Roger Ballenger (D-8)
(405) 521-5588
[email protected]
Senator Larry Boggs (R-7)
(405) 521-5604
b[email protected]
Senator Josh Brecheen (R-6)
(405) 521-5586
[email protected]
Senator David Holt (R-30)
(405) 521-5636
[email protected]
Senator Al McAffrey (D-46)
(405) 521-5610
[email protected]
Senator Wayne Shaw (R-3)
(405) 521-5574
[email protected]
Senator Ralph Shortey (R-44)
(405) 521-5557
[email protected]
Additionally, the NRA has been working with state lawmakers on many other improvements to Oklahoma firearm laws, including:
House Bill 2329, introduced by state Representative Sally Kern (R-84), would allow a person with a carry license to leave their weapon in a locked private vehicle while parked on primary and secondary public and private school parking lots. Under this legislation, law-abiding carry license holders would no longer have to disarm for their commute to work if they are employed by a school, and HB 2329 would provide additional protection to those in rural school districts where law enforcement personnel are often far away. HB 2329 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.
House Bill 2539, introduced by state Representative Terry O’Donnell (R-23), makes a necessary common-sense amendment to Oklahoma Statute title 21 § 733, which at this time permits the use of deadly force to defend only one’s self, his or her husband, wife, parent, child, master, mistress, or servant. HB 2539 provides a necessary update to this antiquated statute by expanding the category of people a person can lawfully use deadly force to defend, expanding defense to any other person. HB 2539 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee but has not yet been scheduled for a hearing.
Many other pro-gun reform bills have been introduced and have the support of the NRA. As these move forward, your NRA-ILA will keep you informed. Contacting your state legislators and encouraging their support is a crucial part of ensuring your firearms freedoms! As always, please continue to check your e-mail and for further updates regarding firearms legislation under consideration by the Oklahoma legislature.