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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 11, No. 48 12/3/2004


We would like to thank the thousands of Grassroots Alert readers who took the time to answer our on-line survey to determine which day they would prefer to receive the Alert.  After two weeks of compiling the responses, the results are in, and the results are clear:  55% responded that they read the Alert on Friday, and 68% indicated they wish to continue to receive it on Friday. 

Since the goal of this exercise was to give the readers of the Alert what they want, and since the results were overwhelming, we will continue to send the Grassroots Alert on Fridays at the close of business.  (The on-line survey has been pulled and the link is no longer active.)

Thank you again for taking the time to weigh in on this issue!

WE NEED YOU ON NRA-ILA`s "FrontLines"™

While the electoral battle is over, the war to protect and preserve the Second Amendment rages on!  In order to ensure that our electoral victories translate into legislative successes, we must make sure more gun owners than ever are active the legislative and political processes.

The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division has been working over the past year to implement a grassroots program we feel will enhance the performance of our efforts at the grassroots level.  This program, NRA-ILA FrontLines™, will be comprised only of the most dedicated and active volunteers who are willing to work vigorously with NRA-ILA and especially with their NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) to advance ILA`s legislative and political agendas.

Your EVC is a local NRA member who has volunteered to act as the liaison between NRA members and gun owners and various pro-gun campaigns seeking volunteer support.  EVCs were the tips of our arrow this year and should be widely credited with our resounding victories on Election Day! Remember, the next election cycle is always just around the corner! Your EVC also works with local Second Amendment supporters to promote NRA-ILA`s legislative agenda.

FrontLines is not for the faint of heart.  NRA-ILA FrontLines will draw from the "grasstops" of the pro-Second Amendment community.  We are looking only for those willing and prepared to actively answer the call to defend our rights!  If you can`t pledge a few hours of your time to defend our rights, NRA-ILA FrontLines isn`t for you. Again, we are seeking only your time and active assistance.  Rest assured the time commitment involved with this program is small, but the dividends of your vigorous participation will be immense as we saw on November 2!  

Some of the many activities in which NRA-ILA FrontLines members will actively participate--either with their EVC or on their own--include:

Campaign Activities

  Registering pro-gun voters
  Writing letters to the editor
  Yard sign & bumper sticker distribution
  Working at campaign headquarters
  Literature drops
  Precinct walks
  Phone banks
  Get Out The Vote
  Election Day activities

Legislative Activities

  Contacting lawmakers in person, by phone, letter, e-mail, and fax
  Attending town hall meetings
  Writing letters to the editor

In order to guarantee the success of NRA-ILA FrontLines, we need you to take the time to fill out and return a revised (and simplified!) NRA-ILA Volunteer Information Form.  Although you may have filled out a similar form in the past, by filling out this new version, we can make sure your information in our database is current, accurate, and will include only the information necessary to ensure our grassroots efforts are focused with laser precision.  You may also complete this form on-line at https://secure.nraila.org/volunteer.asp.

Once you have completed your form, we`ll be sure that your EVC knows how to contact you (presuming you give us your permission to share your contact information with your EVC).  Again, everything associated with NRA-ILA FrontLines is absolutely free.  All you need to do is make the commitment and you will be contacted at the appropriate time to lend your active assistance to our cause of defending liberty.

If you have any questions concerning NRA-ILA FrontLines, please do not hesitate to contact our offices directly at (800) 392-8683.  We look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the very near future!


Once again this year`s elections proved that good and accurate information is critical to success.  But information can only be put to good use if it is received in a timely manner.  Our campaign to ensure readers of the Grassroots Alert switch from receiving the newsletter by fax to e-mail is paying off!  However, we still have thousands of Grassroots Alert recipients who receive the weekly Alert via fax.  If you have an e-mail address, but you still receive the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert every Friday via fax, we encourage you to switch over to our e-mail system.  We can send e-mail instantly, at virtually no cost, while each fax incurs the cost of a long distance call, not to mention your cost in paper.  E-mail also allows you more flexibility in relaying our information to others whom you know, but who aren`t on our e-mail list.  If you would like to switch to e-mail delivery, just go to www.NRAILA.org, then follow the instructions through the link called "Sign Up For E-mail."  Once you start receiving the Alert via e-mail, please call the Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683, and let us know so we can take you off the fax system.


As a proud supporter of NRA`s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), you can now carry the card that shows your support with every purchase.  The NRA-ILA Platinum Edition® Visa Card offers you a LOW introductory rate on purchases and balance transfers, and with each purchase, you will help support NRA-ILA`s efforts to protect the Second Amendment!

The NRA-ILA Platinum Edition® Visa Card features include:

* No annual fee;
* No balance transfer transaction fees;
* Make your credit card payment on-line--FREE;
* On-Line account access--24 hours a day, seven days a week;
* Purchase Protection and Extended Warranty;
*A portion of every purchase you make with your NRA-ILA Platinum Edition® Visa Card is given back to support NRA`s Institute for Legislative Action!

For additional information, or to apply, please call (866) NRA-VISA ext. 44200.


The New Jersey Supreme Court unanimously ruled yesterday to overturn a lower court decision requiring the Department of Environmental Protection to begin issuing bear hunting permits. The issue was in response to Bradley M. Campbell, the Department`s commissioner, denying permits and closing state land to bear hunting after the state`s Fish & Game Council voted to hold a six-day hunt starting December 6.  As of yesterday, over 3,700 permits had been issued.  The lower court had previously ruled that Mr. Campbell overstepped his authority when he refused to issue permits, and the court ordered the department to begin processing hunting licenses. As a result of the dispute, the Supreme Court ruled that no hunting should take place until the state adopts a bear management policy. After the ruling, Mr. Campbell stated he would work with the Fish & Game Council in preparing a bear policy. We will keep you abreast of any policy proposals or implementations. 

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) has negotiated, and Governor Rick Perry (R) has signed, Concealed Handgun License (CHL) reciprocal agreements with the States of Georgia and Montana. Both officials have been in contact with eligible states, so we`ll keep you posted as more agreements are reached. For more information, please visit http://www.txdps.state.tx.us.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.