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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 12, No. 24 6/17/2005

Nevada Law Enforcement Officials` Names
Wrongly Added to H.R. 800 Opposition Letter!

On March 15, 2004, the "Brady Campaign" testified before the House Judiciary Committee in  opposition to H.R. 800--"The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"--federal legislation that would protect law-abiding firearm manufacturers from reckless, predatory, and potentially bankrupting lawsuits.  During testimony, the group attempted to bolster its argument by introducing a letter that listed five Nevada law enforcement officials who purportedly lent their names to the Brady`s effort to thwart the bill.  The Bradys and another anti-gun organization--the "Million Mom March"--even posted the opposition letter on their websites as a way to garner key support for their gun-banning efforts.

But, as it turns out (and not surprisingly), the Brady Campaign apparently added the sheriffs` names to the letter without their knowledge or approval!

Due to phone calls generated by NRA members, we`re happy to report that all five sheriffs have since contacted NRA to report the error and to determine how to have their names removed.  Incidentally, the letter in question has suddenly been removed from the Brady`s website.

Members should call the Sheriffs--Ron Unger of Lander County; Gene Hill and Brian Jonas of Humboldt County; Dennis Balaam of Washoe County; and Bill Young of Clark County, and thank them for their support and quick action!  The sheriffs can be reached at:

Lander County Sheriff: (775) 635-1100
Humboldt County Sheriff:  (775) 623-6419
Washoe County Sheriff: (775) 328-3010
Clark County Sheriff:  (702) 229-3231

FOR S. 397 AND H.R. 800

As regular readers of the "Grassroots Alert" know, in the recent past we have frequently reported on the need for passage of S. 397 and H.R. 800, the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act."

As we continue to emphasize, it is imperative that you contact your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support this critically important legislation--without any anti-gun amendments-- and put a halt to these reckless lawsuits once and for all.  Again, please be sure to contact your lawmakers and urge them to support this legislation.  And be sure to let them know that you consider any votes in support of anti-gun amendments to this legislation as votes against the bill itself.

You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.


One of NRA-ILA`s top legislative priorities in Congress continues to be the passage of S. 1082 and H.R. 1288--the Senate and House versions of the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act."  This legislation seeks to restore the constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights of the residents of the District of Columbia.

The need for this legislation is obvious.  While effectively banning handgun ownership for over a quarter-century, Washington, D.C. consistently has one of the highest homicide rates in the nation. "D.C.`s politicians have stripped law-abiding residents of their ability to defend themselves and their families," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox.  "Passage of the ‘District of Columbia Personal Protection Act` will remedy this senseless and dangerous injustice."

Please be sure to contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 1082 and H.R. 1288.

For a list of Senate cosponsors, please visit http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:SN01082:@@@P.

For a list of House cosponsors, please visit http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:HR01288:@@@P.

You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, or your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.


On June 16, the House voted to reject an amendment that would have restricted  gun manufacturers` exports of .50-caliber rifles.  The amendment, by notoriously anti-gun Representative James Moran (D-Va.), sought to block .50-caliber exports to civilians.

In what was the first time Congress had been required to vote on any type of .50 caliber ban, the measure was soundly defeated by an overwhelming majority of 278-149.

LOCATE "Second Amendment Activist Centers"

In previous issues of the Grassroots Alert, you`ve read about a new campaign we have launched to identify Second Amendment Activist Centers--area businesses that will assist in distributing legislative and election-related materials to NRA members and gun owners.

The response thus far has been great, as to date, we`ve already identified some 22 Activist Centers.  The proprietors of these establishments have been contacted, have been advised of their role, and are stocked with materials.  To find out if there is an Activist Center near you, please visit http://www.nraila.org/ActionCenter/ActivistCenters.aspx  or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683.  If there is an Activist Center near you, please stop by to pick up materials for your own personal use and for distribution throughout the pro-Second Amendment community.

Of course, we are constantly looking to grow our network of Second Amendment Activist Centers and are counting on you to assist.  Here is a reminder of what is involved in this endeavor:

* Determine which venues in your area would be suitable to serve as an Activist Center and contact them to see if they would be willing to participate in this program.  Obvious places to solicit would include (but aren`t limited to) gun shops, gun & hunting clubs, and shooting ranges.  These Centers will provide NRA members and gun owners with NRA buttons, Fact Sheets on legislation and issues, volunteer sign-up forms, voter registration materials, and, in election years, information on grassroots activities and events.  Also, we are encouraging all Second Amendment Activist Centers that are able to do so, to make a computer terminal with Internet access available to their patrons so they may access our website--www.NRAILA.org--and e-mail their lawmakers, on-the-spot, utilizing our site`s "Write Your Representatives" and other features (specifically, the "Help Save America`s Firearms Industry" section).

* Specific dates will be determined where individuals may go to the Activist Centers to pick up their materials for their personal use and to distribute to others, and NRA-ILA will alert its members and supporters to these dates and venues.  (Individuals will also be free to stop by the Centers at their leisure to retrieve items.)  Thus, an additional incentive for a business to become a Second Amendment Activist Center is that, not only will NRA-ILA work to inform area NRA members and gun owners of the dates to pick up materials, but we will also promote all Second Amendment Activist Centers via e-mail, on our website, in the NRA-ILA Grassroots Alert, and through our monthly newsletter, "Freedom`s Voice."  So in addition to helping us disseminate critically-important information, NRA-ILA will also promote these establishments to our members and supporters which may increase business for them!

Please reach out to area businesses whom you think would be good candidates to serve as Second Amendment Activist Centers, and ask if they will agree to serve in this capacity.  If so, either call (800) 392-8683 and ask to speak to your state`s Grassroots Coordinator, or have someone from the potential Activist Center do so him or herself.  If you are the owner/manager of an establishment that wants to participate in this program, please call the aforementioned number and ask to speak directly to your state`s Grassroots Coordinator.

As legislation to end reckless, predatory lawsuits against the gun industry prepares to be voted on (H.R. 800/S. 397), and as the 2006 elections approach, this project will pay huge dividends not only for gun owners, but for area retail businesses as well!

Please visit http://www.nraila.org/ActionCenter/ActivistCenters.aspx or call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683 today to find out if there is a Second Amendment Activist Center near you!


In a brazen attempt to mislead Virginia voters, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Tim Kaine deliberately misused comments made by former NRA President Charlton Heston. Kaine`s campaign advertisement implies that Mr. Heston lauded Kaine for reduced crime in Richmond.  In reality, Heston was praising Project Exile, a program implemented prior to Kaine becoming Mayor of Richmond.

Commenting on the allegations, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox said, "It is shameful and dishonest to manipulate comments in an attempt to mislead voters during this gubernatorial campaign.  We would like to set the record straight and ask Tim Kaine to cease and desist his false advertising campaign."

Charlton Heston`s spokesman, Bill Powers stated, "Charlton Heston knows Jerry Kilgore. They`ve campaigned together and spent time with each other.  There is no doubt that if Mr. Heston were to hit the campaign trail this year, he would be in full support of Jerry Kilgore for Governor."

Project Exile, a successful anti-crime program that strictly enforces all current federal, state and local gun laws against criminals, was recognized as a vital tool in reducing Richmond`s violent crime rate.  NRA spent over $1 million to help start this program in Richmond.  Tim Kaine was not mayor when Project Exile was implemented.

In fact, as Richmond mayor, Kaine used taxpayer money to send eight chartered buses to gun control rallies (Richmond Times Dispatch, 6/15/00).  Also as mayor, he advocated suing lawful gun manufacturers for the actions of criminals (Richmond Times Dispatch, 3/14/99).

Referring to Kaine`s suggestion in the advertisement that he had worked with Mr. Heston and that the actor supported him, Powers replied, "To my knowledge, Mr. Heston has never even met the man."

"Clearly, Kaine`s record and rhetoric don`t match.  This raises a legitimate and disturbing credibility issue with this candidate," concluded Cox.


Virginia NRA Members and law-abiding gun owners turned out in full force for the June 14 Primary Elections as 88% of NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates won their primary races.  At the top of the ticket, gubernatorial candidate Jerry Kilgore (R) handily won his race with 82.5% of the vote, and, in the Republican Primary for Lieutenant Governor, Bill Bolling won with 54.5% of the vote.  Winners in contested Primaries for the House of Delegates included:  Delegate Preston Bryant Jr. (R-23); Delegate Edward T. Scott (R-30); Delegate Bobby Orrock (R-54); challenger Chris Craddock (R) unseated incumbent Gary Reese in the House District 67; and Michael Golden (R) won the nomination the House District 41.

A special thank you to all Virginia NRA Members, law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen for a extremely successful Primary Election.  Please be sure to check www.NRAPVF.org, and future issues of the Grassroots Alert, for updates and election information regarding Virginia`s November 8, 2005 General Election.


(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org.  As always, thank you for your support****)

Anti-gun legislation, Senate Bill 357, is expected to be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, June 28.  This bill would establish a program requiring serialization of handgun ammunition to be enforced by the Department of Justice.  The manufacture, transfer, and possession of non-serialized handgun ammunition after July 1, 2007, would be considered a crime.  SB 357 would also require ammunition vendors and manufacturers to register with the Department of Justice.  Please contact members of the Committee at (916) 319-3744 and ask them to oppose SB 357.  Assembly Bill 996 is expected to be considered by the Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, June 21 at 9:30 a.m.  AB 996 would require all retailers to display and sell ammunition in a manner that is only accessible by an employee, not the purchaser.  Any violation of this measure would result in a misdemeanor. This bill has been voted down twice during the 2005 Legislative Session because existing law already makes it a crime to sell ammunition to a minor, or ammunition designed for a handgun to anyone less than 21 years of age.  Assembly Bill 352 is also expected to be considered by the Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday, June 28.  AB 352 expands the definition of "unsafe handguns" to include semi-automatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with an array of microscopic characters which identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol by imprinting the characters on each cartridge case when the firearm is discharged. This legislation could essentially ban all semi-automatic pistols commonly used by California gun owners.  Please contact members of the Senate Public Safety Committee at (916) 651-4118 and ask them to oppose AB 996 and AB 352. 

NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) Jerry Kraus (MI-9) would like to invite you to attend the "Michigan Friends of NRA Celebrity Shoot" with celebrities such as Dennis Hextal from the Detroit Red Wings, and Mickey Lolitch from the Detroit Tigers, among others!  Jerry has coordinated several events, and participated in several Celebrity Shoots, in the past,
and this year`s event promises to be a success.  So come on out and join your fellow shotgun shooters for a day of shooting while raising money for the Friends of the NRA!  The event will be held on Friday, August 5, at 10:30 a.m. at the Detroit Gun Club, 2775 Oakley Park Road, Walled Lake, MI 48390.  Admission prices vary, for ticket information and additional information, please contact Jerry Kraus by phone at 248-706-1513 or by e-mail at [email protected]

Lawmakers have sent a NRA-supported measure to Governor George Pataki`s (R) desk.  A 4853A/S 918A will allow hunters to use a rifle during open season for deer and bear in the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chenango, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Oswego, Otsego, Schoharie and Tioga, as well as certain rural towns in Broome County in those areas east of the Susquehanna River.  In addition to increasing hunting opportunities in New York State, this measure will go far in alleviating the dramatic rise in deer/car collisions and crop damage resulting from a drop off in hunters and a rise in deer population. Thanks go out to all who voted for this measure, but most importantly to sponsor Assemblywoman Francine DelMonte (D-138).  Please contact Governor Pataki, at (518) 474-8390, and ask him to sign A 4853A/S 918A into law!  With just days left in the legislative session, many gun-related measures are still pending.  In the Senate are A 673, which creates the crimes of failure to store a weapon "safely" and criminally negligent storage of a firearm; A 2302, which would prohibit the retail sale of a handgun that does not contain a "child proofing" or integrated safety device;  A 4471/S 2590, which would ban the sale, use and possession of .50 caliber firearms; A 2345, which would impose new restrictions on firearm dealers; and  two bills which would expand the state`s ban on "assault weapons," A 2466 and S 5504.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and urge him/her to oppose all of the above measures!  You can reach your Senator by calling (518) 455-2800.  A 6608, an NRA-backed proposal which would exempt shooting ranges already in existence from new local noise ordinances, awaits action in the Assembly.  Please contact your Assembly member today and urge him or her to support A 6608!  Your Assembly member can be reached by calling (518) 455-4100.  Finally, please make plans to join NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) Rich Mullin (NY-22), and fellow NRA activists for a volunteer meeting on June 18, at 5:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held at Gander Mountain in the Seminar Room, located at 528 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City, NY, 13790.  Please call Rich Mullin at (607) 757-9657, or e-mail David Decker at [email protected] with any questions. 

The Columbus City Council, led by Safety Committee Chair Michael C. Mentel, will be hosting a public hearing concerning legislation that would ban "assault weapons."  It is vital that NRA members attend this meeting and voice their opposition to any restrictions on their Second Amendment rights.  Please be sure to spread the word to family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.  The hearing will be held on Thursday, June 30, at 8:30 a.m. on the 2nd Floor of the Council Chambers at 90 West Broad Street in Columbus.  Please plan on arriving early, because speaker slips will be given out at 8:00 a.m. and will only be accepted until 8:30 a.m. 

The "Salem Friends of NRA" cordially invites you to attend their NRA Dinner and auction fundraiser tomorrow, Saturday, June 18 at 5:00 p.m.  The dinner will take place at The Eagles Lodge, located at 2771 Pence Loop SE, in Salem.  Seating is limited and it is expected to be a sold-out event, so get your tickets early!  There will be a live auction, silent auction, special drawings, and door prizes.  Prizes include limited edition firearms, custom knives, and NRA Commissioned Art.  Banquet tickets are $35.00 each.  For additional information on tickets, event sponsorships, contributions, or to assist the committee, please call Jim Jacobe at (503) 931-1629 or Wendy Coombs at (503) 871-0634.  

On Tuesday, June 14, NRA supported Assembly Bill 56 passed out of the State Assembly by a vote of 65 to 34.  Also known as the "Reckless Lawsuit Preemption Bill," AB 56 may receive a hearing in the Senate as early as next week.  This critical legislation protects firearms-related businesses and organizations from reckless lawsuits intended to hold them liable for the criminal or negligent acts of others over whom they have no control.  Anti-gun forces have attempted to use these lawsuits in order to bankrupt firearm businesses and to seek regulations and prohibitions through activist courts that they have been unable to enact through the State Legislature and Congress.  With the passage of AB 56, Wisconsin will become the 34th state to have enacted this critical protection of our firearm`s heritage.  It is essential that you call your State Senator as soon as possible and ask him/her to strongly support AB 56.  You can reach the Wisconsin State Senate at (608) 266-2517.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.