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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 12, No. 41 10/14/2005


As you know, the passage of S. 397--the  "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"--by the U.S. Senate represents a great victory and a vitally important first step toward ending the anti-gun lobby's shameless attempts to bankrupt the firearm industry through reckless, predatory lawsuits.  It also represents a crucial step forward for law-abiding firearm manufacturers, retailers, and owners in this country.  But it is important to emphasize that it is just a first step.  We must stay the course.

It is critical that you continue to contact your U.S. Representative and urge him/her to pass S. 397 (as passed by the Senate) in the U.S. House.  It's time to put a stop to these meritless, reckless lawsuits once and for all.

You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.

We can and will achieve our mutual goal of finally enacting this common sense law, but only with your continued assistance.  Please help us finish the job once and for all by contacting your U.S. Representative in Washington and urging him/her to support the  "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" as passed by the Senate.


Under pressure from NRA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is "reconsidering" a ban on the possession of firearms in the trailer parks providing homes for hundreds of families left homeless by hurricane Katrina.

As the experience on the streets of New Orleans showed us, there is a demonstrable need to protect life and family after a disaster.  Yet, according to an October 12, Associated Press article, FEMA has had a general policy for several years to prohibit guns at such parks anywhere in the country.

The AP also reported that FEMA spokesman Butch Kinerney said that they were "trying to figure out who wrote the rules and what the intent was."  The result, however, is clear--600 families were deprived of the option of keeping a firearm for self-defense.

NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre threatened legal and legislative action against FEMA, which is already facing Congressional scrutiny for its mismanagement of the government response to hurricane Katrina.

"Whether it's a national disaster, a flu pandemic, or an earthquake, the Constitution can't be thrown out the window," said LaPierre.

We still need to hear from members who have been a victim of gun confiscation in Louisiana.  If you have personally had a gun confiscated in Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina hit, please call (888) 414-6333.  Be prepared to leave only your name and immediate contact information so we can get back to you.  Once again, we are seeking contact information from actual victims of gun confiscation in Louisiana only.

If you would like to contribute to our legal and legislative efforts in Louisiana, please go to secure.nraila.org/Contribute.aspx.  For additional information, please visit www.NRAILA.org, or e-mail us at [email protected].


On November 8, San Francisco voters will go to the polls to vote on Proposition H--a citywide gun ban.  If Proposition H passes, it will become the most restrictive gun control law in the nation; even more restrictive than the egregious Washington, D.C., gun ban that NRA-ILA is currently working to overturn in Congress!  The ordinance would ban residents from possessing any handgun and they would be forced to turn over their handguns within 90 days.  The sale, manufacture, and distribution of all firearms would be prohibited!

The San Francisco Police Officers Association (POA) represents the more than 2,200 sworn officers serving on the SFPD.  This week, a statement appearing on SF-POA's website (www.sfpoa.org) details, in no uncertain terms,  the group's strong opposition to Proposition H.

A quote from the statement reads, "The San Francisco Police Officers Association (POA), representing men and women dedicated to a life of service to public safety, must evaluate any legislative effort affecting its membership.  After careful review and analysis, the POA does not support the proposed ballot initiative that would nullify the personal choice of city residents to lawfully possess a handgun for self-defense purposes.  When we disarm honest, law-abiding citizens, we contribute to empowering criminals and endangering society-at-large. The San Francisco Police Officers Association supports the right of our members (active and retired), neighbors, and law-abiding citizens in this city to choose reasonable means of self-defense while in their homes or businesses. We oppose Proposition H, the S.F. Gun Ban Initiative."

The only thing standing in the way of Proposition H passing is you!  To educate and mobilize Bay Area pro-gun supporters, NRA-ILA unveiled a website dedicated exclusively to exposing the truth about Proposition H.  The website-- www.StopSanFranban.com --is designed to provide you with one-stop-shopping for the information and tools you will need to ensure Proposition H is defeated on November 8.  Please be sure to visit the site and then forward this link to your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners, both inside and outside of San Francisco, to ensure the collective voices of America's gun owners are heard loudly and clearly in the months leading up to, and especially on, November 8!  Those of you who don't live directly in San Francisco, but reside nearby, should visit the site frequently for updates on what you can do locally to ensure this deplorable proposition is defeated.


(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org.  As always, thank you for your support.****)

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has announced a second hearing for S.2113, "An act prohibiting the sale, transfer or possession of ‘cop killer' handguns and high-powered rifles."  This is the bill that seeks to ban .50 caliber BMG rifles and the FN "Five-seveN" handgun.  Please plan to attend the hearing that will take place on October 25, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., in Room 437 of the State House.  If you are unable to attend, you can contact the committee at (617) 722-2230. 

NRA President Sandy Froman is scheduled to be keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) this Sunday, October 16, at approximately 11:20 a.m., at the Bridgewater, N.J. Marriott Hotel, 700 Commons Way, Bridgewater, N.J. 08807 (marriott.com/property/abouthotel/default/sosbw?T_Ref=mi_left).  NRA members are invited to attend.  Events preceding and following Ms. Froman's speech are open to ANJRPC members only (to join, see www.anjrpc.org/Membership.htm). Seating is limited and cannot be guaranteed. ANJRPC is NRA's official state affiliate in New Jersey.

The New Mexico Department of Public Safety has scheduled a public hearing on proposed rules to implement the 2005 legislative changes to the Concealed Handgun Carry Act (HB 641).  Public comments will be taken on Tuesday, November 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at the DPS Law Enforcement Academy Auditorium, located at 4491 Cerrillos Road in Santa Fe.  Visit www.dps.nm.org/faq/concealed_weapon.htm to obtain a copy of the proposed rules, or contact the DPS Special Investigations Unit at (505) 827-9097.  Written comments must be submitted to Sharron Henderson, Department of Public Safety, Special Investigations Division, 4491 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM  87504-1628, no later than 5:00 p.m., on
November 1.  If you plan on attending the hearing and presenting verbal testimony or comments, it is strongly suggested that you also submit written comments at that time.  NRA-ILA and our state affiliate, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, are currently reviewing the proposed rules and may be submitting written comments, but individual NRA members and certified instructors are encouraged to participate as individuals in this process as well. 

The Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education Inc. (S.A.F.E.) will be hosting its "2005 Right-to-Carry Conference & Second Amendment Rally" this Sunday, October 16, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (doors open at 12:00 noon).  The event will be held at the Sheraton, Long Island, 110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Smithtown, NY, (631) 231-1100, (on Motor Parkway on North side of LIE between exits 53 & 55).  In attendance at the event will be:  Wayne R. LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President; John C. Sigler, NRA First Vice President; Randy A. Daniels, New York Secretary of State; Jim Fotis, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Alliance of America; and John L. Cushman, S.A.F.E. President and Founder, and NRA Director. At the conference, you will get the latest information on the Right-to-Carry on Long Island, meet and network with fellow sportsmen, raise issues of concern with local and national leaders of Second Amendment organizations and local legislators, and win valuable prizes in drawings limited to attendees only.  Admission and parking is free and the event is open to your family and friends.

The Charlotte City Council has decided to consider imposing restrictions on the currently legal practice of law-abiding citizens carrying legally owned firearms that are holstered and visible.  This issue was raised by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Darrel Stephens, who, according to an October 11 report by News 14 Carolina, claims "the open display of firearms is a threat to public safety."  How law-abiding citizens simply obeying the law can constitute a "threat to public safety" is lost on us.  Especially considering Chief Stephens held a press conference in August where he stated "the city, the county, is safer than it was last year."  This press conference was held after a weekend when east Charlotte experienced five homicides.  So, which is it?  Is the city safer than it was last year, or does Chief Stephens suddenly consider law-abiding citizens obeying the law and exercising a right protected by both the United States and North Carolina Constitutions to represent some sort of "threat to public safety"?  At this point, it is unclear how the City Council will handle this issue.  During a City Council meeting on Monday night, when Chief Stephens brought the issue up, no action was taken.  It is possible the City Council will not address the issue until after the November 8 General Election, thus avoiding any possible threat of angering pro-gun voters.  While NRA will continue to monitor this issue, and take appropriate action if necessary, we encourage those who support our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and object to any attacks on this freedom that might adversely impact law-abiding gun owners, to contact members of the Charlotte City Council and voice their concerns.  Contact information for Council Members can be found at www.charmeck.org/Departments/City+Council/home, or you can call the Council at (704) 336-2241.

AB 677, a bill that would remove barriers to beginning hunters, is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, October 19,  at 10:00 a.m., in room 417 North, in the State Capitol building.  Please attend the hearing and show your support for this critical legislation.  If you're unable to attend the hearing, please contact your State Representative at  (800) 362-9472 and ask him/her to support the measure.  AB 677 would allow anyone who wants to try hunting to do so before taking a hunter safety course, as long as they are supervised by an experienced licensed hunter.  The bill would also repeal the current law that prohibits a youth under 12 from receiving firearms training at a range.  AB 677 would also repeal the ban on having an uncased and unloaded firearm in a vehicle that is sitting still.  No longer will hunters be ticketed for setting their unloaded gun on the tailgate of their truck while preparing for the day's hunt.  Again, please contact your Representative and urge him/her to support AB 677.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.