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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 13, No. 48 12/8/2006

States with updates this issue:  New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

WE NEED YOU ON NRA-ILA's “FrontLines”™

Formerly known as the NRA-ILA Grassroots Network, NRA-ILA FrontLines™ is the most comprehensive grassroots program ever undertaken by NRA-ILA.  Everything associated with this program is free!  We are looking for your active participation, not your money.

Those who join NRA-ILA FrontLines will act as the tip of NRA-ILA's arrow in defense of our freedom.  After enrolling in this free program, you will be contacted by NRA-ILA and/or your local NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator (EVC) to discuss your role in defending our liberty.  Your EVC is a local NRA member, who acts as the liaison between NRA members and gun owners in your area and the campaigns of pro-gun candidates.  Your EVC also coordinates local volunteers to assist with NRA-ILA's legislative efforts.  By working with your EVC, you will assist us in formalizing networks of pro-gun volunteers in every pocket of the country!

NRA-ILA FrontLines will draw from the "grasstops" of the pro-Second Amendment community.  We are looking only for those willing and prepared to actively answer the call to defend our rights!  Some of the many activities in which NRA-ILA FrontLines members will actively participate--either with their EVC or on their own--include:

Campaign Activities

  Registering pro-gun voters
  Writing letters to the editor
  Yard sign & bumper sticker distribution
  Working at campaign headquarters
  Literature drops
  Precinct walks
  Phone banks
  Get Out The Vote
  Election Day activities

Legislative Activities

  Contacting lawmakers in person, by phone, letter, e-mail, and fax
  Attending town hall meetings
  Writing letters to the editor

NRA succeeds only due to the active participation of its members and supporters in the defense of our Second Amendment rights.  Your time commitment to NRA-ILA FrontLines will be minimal, but the dividends your participation will pay in defense of the Second Amendment will be immense! 

If you want to become an active leader in this fight, then NRA-ILA FrontLines is for you!  Please join "NRA-ILA FrontLines"™ TODAY!  All you need to do to enroll in the free NRA-ILA FrontLines program is fill out a brief, modified NRA-ILA Volunteer Information Form.  To request this form, contact ILA Grassroots at (800) 392-8683 or go to www.NRAILA.org, and choose “Sign Up To Join NRA-ILA FrontLines Volunteers.”

Ask yourself, if preserving our Second Amendment rights isn’t worth volunteering a few hours of your time, what is?  

With the holidays upon us, give yourself the gift of freedom by enrolling in the FrontLines program and encourage your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners to do the same.  It will be the most important gift you can give, and best of all—it's free!


(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting www.NRAILA.org, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon.  As always, thank you for your support.***)

States with updates this issue:  New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Ignoring its own 2004 ruling establishing guidelines for implementing bear hunting seasons, the New Jersey Supreme Court last week declined to review the political decision of Governor Jon Corzine (D) and DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson to ignore those guidelines and gut the scheduled 2006 New Jersey bear hunt. A 2006 bear hunt had been authorized as part of a comprehensive bear management policy adopted by DEP in 2005. The move ignores the public safety crisis created by New Jersey's out-of-control bear population, which has been improperly managed for more than three decades. Recent years have seen a string of terrifying bear attacks in the region, including the gruesome death of a five-month old girl who was yanked head-first from her stroller by a hungry bear and mauled to death in 2002, just a few miles from New Jersey's northern border. Black bears have been sighted recently in each of New Jersey's 21 counties, and represent a real threat to persons and property.

With strong support from Speaker of the House Jon Husted (R-37), Governor Bob Taft’s (R) veto of House Bill 347 was overridden by the Ohio State House today by a vote of 71-21.  HB 347, sponsored by Representative Jim Aslanides (R-94), would create statewide preemption, ensuring that firearm laws are uniform throughout the state. Currently, 43 states have similar laws.  Passing statewide preemption will eliminate problems for all gun owners who have been unduly burdened by local ordinances such as Columbus’ “assault weapons ban.”  In addition, this legislation will correct a number of problems that have surfaced during the past year for Right-to-Carry permit holders.  The most common complaint for license holders has been the “plain sight” requirement in a motor vehicle.  HB 347 will eliminate this requirement.  HB 347 now heads to the State Senate.  Please contact your State Senator at (614) 466-4900 today and urge him or her to vote to override Governor Taft’s veto of this crucial legislation.   

On November 29, Governor Ed Rendell (D) signed House Bill 2563, sponsored by Representative Ed Staback (D-115), into law. This legislation will allow individuals with a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm for personal protection while engaged in any hunting activity or other activity regulated by Title 34 (Game & Wildlife) of the Pennsylvania Code.  This new law takes effect in 60 days.  Currently, any individual with a carry permit, including law enforcement officers, must disarm before archery hunting and spotlighting.  HB 2563 will remove any requirements for individuals who are permitted to carry a concealed firearm for protection to disarm while engaged in any activity regulated in the Game Code, including all hunting seasons.  The bill specifically states that concealed firearms are for personal protection only, and are not to be used to hunt or harvest any wildlife unless the Game Code authorizes them.

There will be a special run-off election for the 23rd congressional district on Tuesday, December 12.  With opponents of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms claiming that the political tide is turning in their favor, this run-off election is more important than ever.  For information on NRA-PVF candidate endorsements, NRA members are encouraged to call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).  Please be sure to go to the polls on December 12, and “Vote Freedom First”!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.