States with updates this issue: Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
U.S. Senator John Thune (R-S.D.) recently introduced S. 388--the Senate version of H.R. 226, a national Right-to-Carry reciprocity bill that would provide national reciprocity for state carry licensees. This legislation would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state if they meet certain criteria. The bill would not create a federal licensing system; it would simply require the states to recognize each other’s carry permits, just as they recognize drivers’ licenses.
For more information on these bills, please visit
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Senators and Representative and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 388 and H.R. 226! You can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
Forget for a moment that anti-gun mayors Michael Bloomberg of New York City, Thomas Menino of Boston, and Adrian Fenty of Washington, D.C., all represent cities with highly restrictive gun laws and high levels of crime. Let’s try, if only for a second, to ignore the fact that their prescriptions to reduce gun violence in their cities will not affect criminals one iota, but will certainly negatively impact their law-abiding gun owners. Briefly set aside your offense over them blaming gun crimes in their cities on the actions, not of criminals, but of citizens from outside their jurisdictions. Excuse, if you will, their ignorance on the “Tiahrt Amendment” that seems to be the prime target of the mayors’ ire. (The “Tiahrt Amendment” prohibits the release of firearm trace data to any entity except a law enforcement agency conducting a bona fide criminal investigation involving the firearm. It ensures politically-motivated lawsuits, such as those being promoted by Bloomberg, don’t misuse this data to try and bankrupt the lawful firearm industry through reckless litigation. As NRA and numerous law enforcement officers and agencies have continuously pointed out, release of this information also jeopardizes ongoing criminal investigations and the lives of law enforcement personnel involved with them.)
Instead, let’s focus on the egomaniacal nature of Hizzoner Bloomberg and his crusade to foist upon citizens outside of New York City, New York City-style gun laws. In a press conference on Tuesday featuring more than 50 mayors, Bloomberg accused any lawmaker who supports the “Tiahrt Amendment” of “voting to put guns in the hands of criminals.” The Mayor vowed further he would “remind every one of their constituents, particularly two years from now when they have an election.”
Not surprisingly, the mayors won’t have to go it alone, as with Congress under new, anti-Second Amendment leadership, an anti-gun task force has been created to ensure the mayors’ water will be carried in Washington, D.C. Task force members include: Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.; F-rated by NRA-PVF); Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.; F-rated by NRA-PVF); and Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich; F-rated by NRA-PVF).
While Mayor Bloomberg is contemplating spending hundreds of millions of his personal fortune to run for president, thankfully, he is NOT currently the President! We would recommend Bloomberg focus on taking care of his own backyard and enforcing existing laws against his city’s criminals, rather than trying to spread failed gun policies across the nation.
Rest assured, the Mayor doesn’t have to worry about reminding constituents about their elected officials’ views on gun control; NRA will continue to do that--just as we will with those anti-gun officials who harbor their own personal White House ambitions!
For a list of mayors who have signed on to this anti-freedom effort, along with their contact information, please click here:
Fargo, N.D. Mayor Dennis Walaker, who has joined Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun mayoral coalition, is either woefully confused, or deliberately misleading the public, about his alleged NRA membership status. In trying to highlight his pro-gun credentials when joining this cabal of mayors, Walaker billed himself as a one-time member of NRA. The only problem--there is no record of Walaker ever being a member.
Walaker apparently forgot the first rule of how to get out of a hole--to stop digging--when he then questioned whether NRA even maintains a database of its members! The millions of current and former NRA members can easily attest to the fact that we do maintain membership records. As a member-based service organization, we rely on this information to provide our members the benefits and news they expect.
One has to have concerns about a group that seeks the release of sensitive records that jeopardize gun owners' privacy rights and law enforcement safety, when one of its own members is incapable of accuracy with his own records.
Once again the NRA is seeking volunteers to help at the 2007 NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis, April 11-15. To a large degree, the success of each year’s NRA Annual Meeting is dependent on the contributions of our volunteers. And you can be a part of that successful effort this year!
A number of volunteers are needed to help with set-up on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. During the actual exhibit and meetings, Friday through Sunday, volunteers will work in the NRA Store, Membership Services, and the Airgun Range, as well as a number of other venues.
To volunteer, or for more information, please visit any of NRA’s web sites or the Annual Meeting site (, or contact NRA Field Rep Gregg Pearre at (573) 761-5466, or Dennis Eggers, South Central Region Director, at (270) 522-0909. Their respective e-mail addresses are: [email protected] and [email protected].
(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon. As always, thank you for your support.***)
States with updates this issue: Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.
HB 1174, legislation sponsored by State Representative Al White (R-57), passed the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 7-4 on Wednesday. The bill would repeal the sunset review of the law enforcement database of carry permit holders. Also, HB 1011, championed by State Representative Cory Gardner (R-63), will be heard next Wednesday, January 31, in the House Judiciary Committee. HB1011, the "Castle Doctrine" self-defense bill, simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, the victim does not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack. Please contact your State Representatives at (303) 866-2904, or if outside of Denver, at (800) 811-7647, and urge them to oppose HB 1174 and to support HB 1011.
The Judiciary and Public Safety and Security Committees have been assigned numerous anti-gun proposals including legislation to include the recurring and defeated “lost and stolen firearms” (H.B. No. 6702); the proven failure “ballistic fingerprinting” program (also known as ballistic registration-H.B. No. 6935); one gun-a-month (H.B. No. 6932); and permit to purchase ammunition proposals (S.B. No., 935); to name just a few. The Public Safety and Security Committee has scheduled a public hearing on these and other proposals for Tuesday, February 6, at 11:00 a.m., in the Legislative Office Building, Room 1B. Please keep checking your e-mail for updates on this crucial hearing! In the meantime, please call members of the Public Safety and Security Committee today, and urge them to “oppose” any anti-gun proposals! For a complete list of bills before the committee, please click here:
Members of the Public Safety and Security Committee can be reached at (860) 240-0570 or at:
The Judiciary Committee is also addressing a number of anti-gun proposals dealing with lost or stolen firearms. While the Judiciary Committee has not scheduled a public hearing for these proposals, please keep checking your e-mail for updates. In the interim, please call members of the Judiciary Committee today! Members of the Judiciary Committee can be reached at (860) 240-0530 or at:, and urge them to “oppose” all anti-gun proposals
The general phone number for the House of Representatives is (860) 240-0400 and for the Senate is (860) 240-0500. To find further contact information or help identifying your legislators please use the "Write Your Representative" feature found at
With the General Assembly session underway, it is critical that you contact your State Senator and State Representative regarding pending firearm-related bills. Senate Bill 18, introduced by Second Amendment advocate, State Senator Brent Steele (R-44), has passed out of the Senate Public Policy Committee, and is headed to the Senate floor. This bill will eliminate the requirement for FFLs to provide the State Police with a copy of federal form 4473 for handgun transactions. State Representative Mike Murphy (R-90) has introduced House Bill 1200, legislation that mirrors SB18.
As expected, rabid gun-ban advocate State Representative David Orentlicher (D-86) is sponsoring two measures, House Bill 1089 and House Bill 1090, that seek to radically change Indiana’s firearms statutes. If enacted, HB1089 would gut Indiana’s firearm preemption statute and provide Marion County with the authority to establish its own regulations regarding the sale, transport, transfer, and carrying of firearms, thus creating a patchwork of laws that could make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding gun owners. In addition, State Representative Orentlicher’s HB1090 seeks to end gun shows as we know them by defining a firearm dealer as any person who exhibits, sells, rents, exchanges, or transfers at least one firearm at a gun show. Further, a gun show would be defined as an event at which at least 50 firearms are offered for sale, rent, exchange, or transfer.
State Representative Orentlicher goes even further to assault the Second Amendment by including language in HB1090 that prohibits the purchase of more than one handgun during any 30-day period! State Representative Eric Koch (R-65) has filed NRA-supported House Bill 1011, the “Indiana Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act.” In filing HB1011, State Representative Koch seeks to ensure that law-abiding firearm owners will not be stripped of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms during a declared state of emergency or disaster. Also, State Representative Jerry Denbo (D-62) has introduced NRA-supported legislation, House Bill 1118, that will allow law-abiding gun owners to store a firearm in a locked vehicle located in most public parking areas. Please contact your State Senator at (317)-232-9400 and State Representative at (317)-232-9600 and strongly urge them to oppose both HB1089 and HB1090, and to support and vote for SB18, HB1200, HB1011, and HB1118.
In his 2007 State of the State Address, Governor Matt Blunt laid out his list of priorities for Missouri’s 2007 legislative session. NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine” and “Emergency Powers Protection” bills were included in the Governor’s legislative priorities. “We are grateful that Governor Blunt chose to highlight such vital self-defense bills as ‘Castle Doctrine’ and ‘Disaster Recovery Personal Protection’ for the good people of Missouri,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “Law-abiding Missourians should not be punished when they use force to defend themselves and their families,” said Governor Blunt. “I urge you to pass legislation that protects Missourians when they defend themselves from attack. I also ask you to pass legislation that guarantees Missourians will retain their Second Amendment rights, especially in times of emergency.”
Nevada’s 2007 Legislative Session begins Monday, February 5, and prior to the start of session, NRA is asking its members to contact their legislators and ask them to co-author Senator John Lee's (D- Clark, No. 1) BDR-45 when it is assigned a bill number. This bill seeks to remove the exemption for Clark County from the state firearm preemption law, passed in 1989, which prohibits cities and counties from regulating firearms. This would eliminate, among other local laws, the handgun registration ordinance currently in effect in Clark County and restore continuity for law-abiding Nevadans traveling county to county with their firearms. It is vital that Senator John Lee head to Carson City with as much steam for this bill as we can provide! Please contact your State Assemblymember at (775) 684-8555 and your State Senator at (775) 684-1400 in support of BDR-45.
This week in Washington D.C., mayors from across the country met as part of the 2007 "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" Coalition Summit. The mayor of Sparks, Nevada, Mayor Geno Martini, Nevada's one and only member of the Coalition, has joined the anti-gun group led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. It is important that NRA members in Northern Nevada contact Mayor Martini and let him know that New York-style gun control does not fit the views of his constituents. To contact Geno Martini, please call (775) 353-2310 or e-mail him at [email protected].
The Legislature convened last week for its regular 60-day session. Several pro-Second Amendment measures have already been filed: Senate Bill 39 by State Senator Shannon Robinson (D-Albuquerque) and House Bill 163 by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad), NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine”/self-defense statute reform legislation; and Senate Bill 111 by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), Senate Bill 167 by State Senator William Sharer (R-Farmington), & Senate Bill 168 by State Senator Steven Neville (R-Aztec), NRA-supported bills which would allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments which sell alcohol for off-premises consumption. Please contact your State Senator at (505) 986-4714 and State Representatives (505) 986-4751 and urge them to support these important measures!
County Executive Andy Spano has proposed changing the pistol license authority in Westchester County from elected county judges to the un-elected police commissioner and requiring all pistol license holders to reapply for their licenses every five years, providing justification as to why they still need them. A copy of the proposal is available at Please contact your county legislators and State Representatives and let them know you oppose Spano's plans. The deadline for them to act is February 12. The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Legislators is Monday, February 12, at 10:00 a.m., in the Legislative Chambers, 8th floor of the Westchester County Office Building, 800 Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains. Here is the contact list: George Oros (R-1), 914-995-6554; Ursula LaMotte (R-2), 914-995-2807; Suzanne Swanson (R-3), 914-995-2807; Michael Kaplowitz (D-4), 914-995-2095; William Ryan (D-5), 914-995-2808; Martin Rogowsky (D-6), 914-995-2832; Judy Myers (D-7), 914-995-8620; Lois Bronz (D-8), 914-995-4429; William Burton (D-9), 914-995-8620; Vito Pinto (D-10), 914-995-2807; James Maisano (R-11), 914-995-6554; Thomas Abinanti (D-12), 914-995-6297; Clinton Young (D-13), 914-995-4456; Bernice Spreckman (R-14), 914-995-7721; Gordon Burrows (R-15), 914-995-6554; José Alvarado (D-17), 914-995-4070. Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-88), 700 White Plains Road, Suite 252, Scarsdale, 10583, 914-723-1115; Assemblyman Adam Bradley (D-89), 4 New King Street, White Plains, 10604, 914-686-7335; Assemblywoman Sandy Galef (D-90), 2 Church Street, Ossining, 10562, 914-941-1111; Assemblyman George Lattimer (D-91), 933 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 102, Mamaroneck, 10543, 914-777-3832; Assemblyman Richard Brodsky (D-92), 5 West Main Street, Suite 205, Elmsford, 10523, 914-345-0432; Assemblyman Mike Spano (R-93), 35 East Grassy Sprain Road, 4th Floor, Yonkers, 10710, 914-779-8805; Assemblyman Greg Ball (R-99), Donald B. Smith Government Center, Building 2, 110 Old Route 6, Carmel, 10512, 845-225-5038; Senator Jeff Klein (D-34), 3713 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, 10465, 718-822-2049; Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-35), 808 Legislative Office Building, Albany, 12247, 518-455-2585; Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D-36), 767 East Gunhill Road, Bronx, 10467, 718-547-8854; Senator Suzi Oppenheimer (D-37), 222 Grace Church Street, 3rd Floor, Port Chester, 10573, 914-934-5250; Senator Vincent Leibell (R-40), 1441 Route 22, Suite 205, Brewster, 10509, 845-279-3773.
The House Natural Resources Committee passed HB1149, authored by State Representative Donald Dietrich (R-42), by a vote of 12-2 on Tuesday night at Citizens Night at the Legislature. The bill would lower the deer hunting age from 14 to 12, with no minimum age requirement for small game or turkey. The bill now heads to the full House for a vote. “Castle Doctrine” legislation (HB 1319), sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter (R-34), will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee on Monday, January 29. Please call your State Representative at 888-635-3447 and ask him or her to support the Second Amendment by voting in favor of HB1149 and HB1319.
Mayor Tom McMahon of Reading is planning to meet with Paul Helmke, the president of a national gun-ban group (the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence), as well as law enforcement officials and local residents, under the guise of addressing the issue of crime. The meeting will be held Tuesday, February 6, at 6:00 p.m., in the Schmidt Training & Technology Center at Reading Area Community College. Mayor McMahon is a member of the anti-gun group led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Please remember to attend this meeting and make your voice heard! If you are unable to attend, please call (610) 655-6234 and let Mayor McMahon know that New York-style gun control does not fit in Reading, Pennsylvania. Please keep checking your e-mail and for future updates on this threat to the Second Amendment in Pennsylvania!
Please ask your state legislator to support a bill being introduced next week by State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33) to reduce the minimum hunting age in South Dakota. The proposal would lower the age for big game to 10, and remove the restriction on small game. States with restrictive hunt ages have the lowest hunter retention numbers in the country. Thirty states do not have a minimum age requirement, and those states have the highest youth hunting rates while enjoying safety records that are equal to, or better than, states with the restrictive ages. Please contact your State Senator and State Representative at (605) 773-3851 and let them know you support empowering parents to make these decisions. This valued American heritage needs a new generation of hunters, and this bill ensures South Dakota youth will continue to become involved.
Earlier this week, the Virginia Senate easily turned back two proposals aimed at restricting the rights of Virginia gun owners. On Wednesday, the Senate Courts of Justice Committee soundly rejected Senate Bill 827, a bill crafted to end gun shows and regulate private firearm transactions. On Tuesday, the Senate Local Government Committee defeated Senate Bill 767, sponsored by Senator Mamie Locke (D-2). Senator Locke’s measure would have gutted Virginia’s firearms preemption statute by allowing localities to ban lawful possession of firearms in public libraries. Thank you for taking the time to contact your Senators regarding these threats to our cherished freedoms! If your Senator serves on one, or both, of the above-mentioned committees, you can find information on how he or she voted on these measures at: In the Virginia House of Delegates, several key pro-gun measures are on the move. Please contact your Delegate at (804)-698-1500 and urge him or her to support the following bills: House Bill 3109, sponsored by Delegate Bill Janis (R-56), would decrease the areas in which localities could restrict lawful sport-shooting and hunting; House Bill 2588, also sponsored by Delegate Janis, would require the State Police to approve a federal machine gun application within 15 days if there is no evidence that the applicant is prohibited from owning or collecting fully-automatic firearms or other Class III items; House Bill 2235, sponsored by Delegate Dave Nutter (R-7), would require Virginia to recognize concealed carry permits from all other states; House Bill 2652, sponsored by Delegate Scott Lingamfelter (R-31), makes technical changes to better organize the concealed carry permit statute.
So far, three anti-gun measures have been introduced this legislative session--SB 5197 and its House companion HB 1026, seek to restrict private gun sales at gun shows. House Bill 1014, a perennial favorite in the Legislature, criminalizes individuals who do not store their firearms in a locked container or use a safety device. Of the three, SB 5197 is most likely to come up for a vote within the next several weeks. It will be heard in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, so please take the time to contact your Senator and ask that he or she oppose this ill-conceived and restrictive measure. Please call (800) 562-6000 and urge defeat of these threats to the Second Amendment when they come up for a vote.
Senate File 50, sponsored by State Senator Cale Case (R-25), is an NRA-supported measure that modifies laws pertaining to game violations and authorizes bow hunters to carry a hand gun for self-defense against predatory wildlife, passed the Senate by a vote of 28-1. The bill now heads to the House where it faces a contentious debate fueled by a handful of anti-gun bow hunters who feel that a firearm in the hands of a bow hunter would encourage poaching. This bill seeks to punish the poacher, but at the same time permits bow hunters to carry a firearm for self-defense, which is currently restricted during archery season. It is vital that NRA members contact the members of the House Travel and Recreation Committee because it will be referred as early as next week. Please contact your State Representative at (307) 777-7852 and ask them to vote "YES" on Senate File 50 when it comes up for a vote.