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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 6 2/9/2007

States with updates this issue:  Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota,  Pennsylvania, South Dakota,  Texas, and Virginia.


In a blow to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s crusade to drive gun dealers out of business, the U.S. government has decided not to file charges against those dealers targeted by the mayor.
Stepping well outside his legal jurisdiction, Bloomberg coordinated a private, undercover “sting” operation using private investigators to stage straw purchases in the hopes of catching dealers engaging in illegal sales.  Among the numerous problems with this illicit campaign, Michael Battle, DOJ’s director of the executive office for United States Attorneys, cited the Mayor’s use of persons “without proper law enforcement authority” and efforts that “interrupt or jeopardize” criminal probes.

When asked if the Bloomberg administration plans to stop conducting the sting operations, Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler said, “Not necessarily.”

In hailing this recent development, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox noted, “NRA has always maintained that Mayor Bloomberg overstepped his boundaries and possibly broke the law in conducting these sting operations, and we expressed our concerns to BATFE immediately.  NRA is grateful that the bureau has reviewed the matter and concluded that no action is warranted against these firearms retailers.  NRA hopes that Mayor Bloomberg heeds the BATFE’s stern warning that he and his administration could face potential legal liabilities if they continue their disregard of current federal law and the safety of law enforcement officers.  If Mayor Bloomberg was serious about reducing crime, he would focus on prosecuting violent criminals in his city, instead of resorting to media stunts and press conferences.”


The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host its FREE Grassroots Workshop in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis.  With the United States Congress under new leadership, we must once again redouble our efforts to beat back attempts by the anti-gunners to further erode the Second Amendment.  Similarly, both in Congress and in the states, we must ensure we are well positioned to take advantage of any and all opportunities to strengthen our firearm freedoms.

Your attendance at this year’s Grassroots Workshop in St. Louis is a critical first step toward ensuring the future of our gun rights.  This Workshop has been a staple of NRA’s Annual Meetings for more than a decade. It is one of the most popular events of the week, attended by hundreds of freedom-loving NRA members.

At this FREE Workshop, we will discuss how you can take on an even more active role in your community in our mutual fight to advance and protect our cherished freedoms. We will provide you with the materials and strategies you will need to educate and empower your fellow gun owners as well. The Workshop will feature several guest speakers, including NRA officers and NRA-ILA staff.

With your support and attendance at the Workshop, you'll help ensure that NRA members and gun owners from across the nation are actively in engaged in the battle to protect the Second Amendment. Please encourage your family, friends and fellow firearm owners to attend as well!

Workshop details are:

NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop-FREE!
Friday, April 13, 2007, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
(Registration and free continental breakfast from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
in the Majestic Ballroom E )
Renaissance Grand Hotel St. Louis
Majestic Ballroom E (Level Two)
800 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 621-9600

There is no better time to begin laying the groundwork to advance our legislative priorities than while we are in St. Louis!

To reserve your seat, or for more information, please call NRA-ILA at  (800) 392-VOTE (8683).  You may also register on-line at www.nraam.org/seminars/grassroots.asp

We hope to see you at the St. Louis Workshop on April 13!


The Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado are developing a management plan to shape the kinds of uses allowed in these Forests for the next 15 years.  Public meetings are scheduled in February to give the public an opportunity to state how they want the Forests to be managed.  The last time the management plan was updated was in 1984, so it is likely that the new plan will incorporate some significant changes.  It is vital that sportsmen and women participate in the process to ensure access and opportunities for hunting and recreational shooting.

In its announcement, the Forest Service said that the principal issues will be recreation, ranching, oil and gas development, logging, forest thinning, and off-road vehicle use.  The meetings will be from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., in the following locations:

February 14 - Westcliffe, C0; 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Rancher's Roost Cafe and Bowling  Alley, 5 Main Street

February 15 - Pueblo, CO; 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.; El Pueblo Museum, 301 North Union Avenue

February 22 - Fairplay, CO; 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Alma Town Hall, 59 E. Buckskin Road

For more information, please visit http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/psicc/


The Boulder Ranger District of the Araphoe and Roosevelt National Forests is conducting a planning process to determine how recreational shooting, dispersed camping and campfires will be managed in the future.  Issues concerning these activities have been developed based upon public input through written comments or at one of the public meetings held last May.  The District Ranger has now scheduled three public meetings to talk about solutions to the issues.  The meetings are as follows:

February 24 - Boulder; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; New Vista High School, 700 20th Street

February 28 - Boulder; 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Platt Middle School; 6096 Baseline Road

March 3 - Longmont; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Longmont High School; 1040 Sunset Street

Comments may be sent to [email protected].  For more information you may call the District Ranger's office at (303) 541-2500, or go to the website at:  www.fs.fed.us/r2/arnf/projects/ea-projects/brd/ufc/index.shtml


When it meets on March 2, the California Fish and Game Commission will consider amending the state’s hunting regulations for 2007-2010 to ban or limit the use of lead ammunition for hunting in the range of the California condor.  The Department of Fish and Game suggested three alternatives to the Commission:  ban the use of lead ammunition for big game hunting, ban the use of lead ammunition statewide; or offer hunters incentives to voluntarily use non-lead ammunition. 

Comments can be sent to the Commission by mail at: 1416 Ninth Street, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090, or by contacting the Commission through its website at www.fgc.ca.gov


(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting www.NRAILA.org, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon.  As always, thank you for your support.***)

States with updates this issue:  Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota,  Pennsylvania, South Dakota,  Texas, and Virginia.

Last week HB 1011, sponsored by State Representative Cory Gardner (R-63), passed the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 6-5.  The bill now heads to the State House floor for a vote.  HB1011, the “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill, simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  Please contact your State Representative today at (303) 866-2904, or if outside of Denver, at (800) 811-7647 and respectfully urge them to support HB1011.  House Bill 1278 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.  This legislation sponsored by State Representative Joel Judd (D-5), will allow municipalities to prohibit the carrying of a loaded handgun in a vehicle without a valid concealed carry permit.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully ask them to vote against House Bill 1278.  Members of the committee are: Chairman Terrance Carroll; Representative Morgan Carroll; Representative Mike Cerbo; Representative Bob Gardner; Representative Andrew Kerr; Representative Steve King; Representative Claire Levy; Representative Rosemary Marshall; Representative Ellen Roberts; Representative Debbie Stafford; Representative Amy Stephens.  Currently in the Senate there are two anti-gun bills: House Bill 1174, legislation sponsored by State Representative Al White (R-57), would repeal the sunset review of the law enforcement database of carry permit holders.  This legislation has already passed the House of Representatives and is in danger of passing the Senate.  Senate Bill 34, sponsored by State Senator John Morse (D-11), will be heading to the Senate floor soon.  If enacted, concealed carry permits will no longer be honored if the address on the holder’s identification is different than the state where the permit was issued.  For example, a Florida permit issued to a non-resident will not be recognized in Colorado.  No demonstrated need has been presented to justify Senate Bill 34, legislation that will potentially threaten reciprocity agreements.  This bill will invalidate non-resident permit holders as well as create second-class citizens out of Colorado residents.  Please contact your State Senator today at (303) 866-2316 and respectfully urge him or her to OPPOSE House Bill 1174 and Senate Bill 34.  Senate Bill 109 has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  This legislation sponsored by State Senator Ron Tupa (D-18), authorizes the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to impose a $15 fee for performing an instant background check prior to purchase of a firearm.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to vote against Senate Bill 109.  Members of the committee are: Chairman Brandon Shaffer; Senator John Morse; Senator Bob Bacon; Senator Betty Boyd; Senator Shawn Mitchell; Senator Scott Renfroe, Senator Steve Ward.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for future updates on this threat to the Second Amendment in Colorado!

Senate Bill 43, sponsored by Senator Chip Rogers (R-21), passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by a vote of 8-2, and will now head to the Senate floor.  SB 43, “Employee Rights,” would allow employees to lawfully carry and possess firearms in locked motor vehicles on their employer’s property.   Please call your State Senator at (404) 656-5030, and urge him or her to vote “Yes” on SB 43.  House Bill 89, sponsored by Timothy Bearden (R-68), would enhance the right of self-defense by allowing an individual who qualifies for a license to carry a handgun, even if the individual does not have such a license, and to transport a loaded firearm in any private passenger motor vehicle.  HB 89 has passed favorably out of the House Committee.  Please keep checking your email for updates on this important issue.

Committee Chair Senator Lorraine Inouye (D-1), has indicated she may not bring Senate Bill 1224 before the Intergovernmental & Military Affairs Committee for a hearing before the Friday, February 16, “lateral" deadline.  If the bill does not cross over to the House before the deadline, the bill is considered dead this legislative session.  SB1224, sponsored by Senator Clarence Nishihara (D-18), would require police to accept applications for permits to acquire and register firearms at any police station.  This bill would help law-abiding gun owners by allowing them to register at their local police sub-station instead of traveling to the Honolulu Police Department.  Please contact Senator Inouye today and ask that she hear SB 1224 BEFORE the cut-off deadline.  Senator Inouye can be reached at (808) 586-7335 or email at [email protected].

Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 14, 2007, in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.  Participants will meet in the auditorium of the Howlett Building at 12:30 p.m., for registration and a legislative briefing before proceeding to the Capitol Building.  That evening, a reception will be held at the Illinois State Library Auditorium from 5:30-7:30 p.m., for both gun owners and state lawmakers.  IGOLD will have buses available to transport participants to Springfield from various locations throughout Illinois.  For more information on IGOLD 2007, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org/.

The City of Murray’s Public Safety Committee held a hearing yesterday, regarding a ban on the discharge of firearms, air guns, and bows!  The Committee decided to table the issue until a later date. Since this issue is not completely dead, your City Council still needs to hear from you!  The City Council can be reached at (270) 762-0350, or by e-mail at [email protected].  Please strongly urge them to oppose this anti-gun ordinance!

Maryland’s “assault weapon ban” legislation is back, along with a new proposal titled “Assault Weapon Tax.”  Your State Legislator needs to hear from you today!  The following bills have already been introduced: Senate Bill 43, “Assault Weapon Ban of 2007,” sponsored by Senator Michael Lenett (D-19), would designate specified firearms, including many semi-automatics as “assault weapons,” prohibit persons from transporting, possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, or receiving a specified “assault weapon(s),” and require the Handgun Roster Board to compile and maintain a roster of prohibited specified “assault weapons;”  House Bill 441, sponsored by Representative Craig Rice (D-19), the “Assault Weapon Tax,” would impose a 10% tax on the sale of an “assault weapon;” and House Bill 617, sponsored by the Montgomery County Delegation, would allow Montgomery County to enact specified ordinances regulating the purchase, sale, taxation, transfer, manufacture, repair, ownership, possession, and transportation of specified firearms.  Contact your State Senator and State Delegate today and urge him or her to OPPOSE SB 43, HB 441, and HB 617!  A general contact number for the Maryland General Assembly is (410) 841-3000.    

Senate Bill 119, sponsored by State Senator Martha Scott (D-2), has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  This legislation would require a person to store a firearm in a locked container or with a trigger lock to make it inaccessible to minors.  Call your State Senator today at (517) 373-2400 and respectfully ask them to vote against Senate Bill 119.

House File 498, “Castle Doctrine” legislation, sponsored by State Representative Tony Cornish (R-24B) would allow a person to use deadly force in and outside of their home and vehicle and removes duty to retreat when outside of the home.  This legislation provides criminal immunity when someone is justified in using deadly force.  The House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee, which currently has the bill, may not even hear it because of anti-gun members.  Please contact your State Representative at (651) 296-2146 and respectfully ask him or her to demand House File 498 go before the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee.  Senate File 446, sponsored by State Senator Pat Pariseau (R-36), is the companion legislation to House File 498 – “Castle Doctrine.”  This legislation is facing the same opposition as its companion – not being heard by the committee.  Please contact your State Senator at (651) 296-0504 and respectfully ask him or her to demand the Senate Judiciary Committee hold hearings on Senate File 446 to allow law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

On Monday, February 12, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear a number of firearms-related bills.  Please contact your State Senator at (573)-751-3824 and urge him or her to:  support these important pro-gun bills: Senate Bill 257 (Missouri Disaster Recovery Protection Act) sponsored by Senator Kevin Engler (R-3), would prohibit the suspension of your Second Amendment rights, as well protect against confiscation of firearms, during a declared state of emergency; Senate Bill 457, sponsored by Senator Chuck Purgason (R-33), would repeal the requirement for the outdated and unnecessary permit to acquire a handgun; and finally, Senate Bill 41 (also sponsored by Sen. Purgason), and Senate Bill 62, sponsored by Senator Jack Goodman (R-29), are Castle Doctrine bills that would further protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families from violent attacks.  Also urge your legislators to oppose these anti-gun bills:  Senate Bill 144, sponsored by gun-ban advocate Senator Joan Bray (D-24), would create the crime of “negligent storage,” and  Senate Bill 337, also sponsored by gun-ban advocate Senator Joan Bray (D-24), would require any business that sells firearms or ammunition to use video surveillance cameras.   In the House of Representatives:  Representative David Pearce (R-121) has introduced the House version of the Missouri Disaster Recovery Protection Act, along with two more versions, House Bill 60 and House Bill 189 , introduced by Representative Marilyn Ruestman (R-131) and Representative Kenny Jones (R-117) respectively.  These bills were heard this week in the House Special Committee on General Laws. Neither bill was voted on, however they were both well received by the committee.   Please keeping checking your email or www.NRAILA.org for updates on Missouri legislation.

Nevada’s 2007 Legislative Session begins Monday, February 5, and prior to the start of session, NRA is asking its members in the Silver State to contact their legislators and ask them to co-author Senator John Lee’s (D- Clark, No. 1) BDR-45 when it is assigned a bill number.  This bill seeks to remove the exemption for Clark County from the state firearms preemption law, passed in 1989, which prohibits cities and counties from regulating firearms.  This would eliminate, among other local laws, the handgun registration ordinance currently in effect in Clark County and restore continuity for law-abiding Nevadans traveling county to county with their firearms.  It is vital that Senator John Lee head to Carson City with as much steam for this bill as we can provide!  Please contact your State Assembly member at (775) 684-8555 and your State Senator at (775) 684-1400.  Also, in a direct assault on Nevada's Right-to-Carry Permit holders, the Nevada Chiefs and Sheriffs Association has sponsored a bill before the 2007 Legislature that would double the maximum fee an issuing authority can charge not only for first-time permit applicants, but for the permit renewals as well.  Assembly Bill 21, which will be soon be scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Judiciary Committee, will raise the current maximum processing application fee from its current $60 to $125, bringing the average cost of obtaining a permit, with training requirements included, to $300 to $400!  This would create an environment where Nevada's most financially vulnerable, such as single mothers and fathers, or seniors on a fixed income, cannot afford the most basic right of self-defense.  It is vital that NRA members, whether permit holders or not, contact their local Sheriffs and members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee to politely voice their concern.  Please use the following link for a list of the members of the Judiciary Committee and their contact information: www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2592

On February 8, by a vote of 6-0, the New Jersey Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee voted in favor of A-3511, the gun-rationing bill that would criminalize the purchase of more than one handgun per month by honest citizens.  The vote was preceded by a public hearing during which the Mayor of Jersey City and his police chief, embarrassed by the recent defeat in court of their own local gun rationing ordinance, attacked multiple handgun sales as a cause of crime, even when those sales are made to law-abiding purchasers.  Second Amendment leaders and activists from New Jersey decried the bill as misguided “feel-good” legislation that will fail to reduce crime because it only targets sales by licensed dealers to law-abiding citizens who have been carefully pre-screened by the State.  Numerous other flaws in the bill were raised.  Now that A-3511 has been passed out of committee, it is positioned to make its way to the full Assembly.  Based on statements made by several legislators, the bill is likely to be amended first.  Please keep checking your email or www.NRAILA.org for future updates and action alerts.

County Executive Andy Spano has proposed changing the pistol license authority in Westchester County from elected county judges to the un-elected police commissioner and requiring all pistol license holders to reapply for their licenses every five years, providing justification as to why they still need them.  A copy of the proposal is available at www.co.westchester.ny.us/currentnews/2007pr/statelegpackage.htm.  Please contact your county legislators and State Representatives and let them know you oppose Spano’s plans.  The deadline for them to act is February 12.  The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Legislators is Monday, February 12, at 10:00 a.m., in the Legislative Chambers, 8th floor of the Westchester County Office Building, 800 Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains.  Please use the following link for contact information www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2556

HB1319, critical “Castle Doctrine” legislation sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter (R-34), is moving toward the House floor for a vote.  This “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.”  The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  Please contact your State Representative at (888) NDLEGIS (635-3447), or (701) 328-3373 (local), and respectfully urge him or her to support HB1319.  House Bill 1200, sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter  (R-34), would create “PLOTS”--Private Land Open To Sportsmen.  The bill passed the House Natural Resources Committee by a vote of 11-2, and is being referred to the House Appropriations Committee.  HB1200 will allow the director of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department to lease private land for the purpose of opening that land to hunters under the age of 18, as well as to create a youth hunting grant program to encourage youth hunting.  A licensed adult hunter must accompany all hunters under the age 16, and the adult is allowed to hunt.  Please contact your State Representative at (888) NDLEGIS (635-3447), or 701-328-3373 (local), and respectfully urge him or her to support House Bill 1200 to carry on the tradition of hunting in North Dakota.

Animal rights activists are pressuring your State Representatives to put a stop to the century old tradition of pigeon shoots in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!  Early next week, the House Judiciary Committee will be voting on House Bill 73, sponsored by Representative Frank Shimkus (D-113).  House Bill 73 is a proposal that would ban pigeon shoots in the Commonwealth.  This meeting was scheduled at the request of the Judiciary Committee Chair for Tuesday, February 13, Room 205, Ryan Office Building.  Pigeon shoots are a traditional and international shooting sport.  We cannot let this longstanding tradition disappear!  Many of the animal “rights” activists who have protested these shoots are not residents of Pennsylvania.  Their tactics have hardly been laudable; rather they have often been in violation of the law.  Banning pigeon shoots would be a first step in advancing their agenda, and they won’t stop there!  Please call your State Representative at (717) 787-2372, and urge him or her to stand against the pressures of animal rights activist and oppose House Bill 73!

House Bill 1305, sponsored by State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33), passed the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee with a vote of 9 to 4 on February 8.  The bill as originally introduced provided no age limit for small game and a limit of 10 years old for big game.  It was amended before passing to lower the eligible hunting age for both big and small game to 10 years old.  States with restrictive hunt ages have the lowest hunter retention numbers in the country.  Thirty states do not have a minimum age requirement, and those states have the highest youth hunting rates while enjoying safety records that are equal to, or better than, states with the restrictive ages.   Please contact your State Senator at (605) 773-3821, and your State Representative at (605) 773-3851, and respectfully let them know you support House Bill 1305, as well as empowering parents to make these decisions.

This week, the Senate Transportation & Homeland Security Committee unanimously reported out SB 112, NRA-backed legislation prohibiting the confiscation of firearms and ammunition from law-abiding citizens during a future state of emergency or natural disaster.  The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration--we’ll keep you posted.  Thank you for your calls in support of this important bill!

Several pro-Second Amendment measures have been passed by the House of Delegates and will soon be heard in various Senate committees.  Please contact your State Senator at (804)-698-7410 and strongly encourage him or her to support the following bills: House Bill 1626, sponsored by Delegate Bill Janis (R-56) would provide for civil immunity in cases involving use of force for self-defense; House Bill 2106, sponsored by Delegate Charles Carrico (R-5) would repeal authority for localities to require fingerprints for right-to-carry permit applicants; House Bill 2235, sponsored by Delegate Dave Nutter (R-7) would provide for full recognition of out-of-state concealed carry permits issued to those 21 years and older; House Bill 2547, sponsored by Delegate Charles Carrico, would prohibit localities from restricting the carrying of firearms on public roads – except for hunting; House Bill 2653, sponsored by Delegate Scott Lingamfelter (R-31) would prohibit gun dealer stings and entrapment schemes in Virginia like those brought by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg;  House Bill 3109, sponsored by Delegate Bill Janis, would prohibit localities from restricting hunting within ½ mile of a subdivision; House Bill 3108, sponsored by Delegate Janis, would prohibit medical professionals from asking minor patients if their parents own firearms; and  House Bill 2588, sponsored by Delegate Janis, would provide that the Superintendent of State Police may authorize transfers of NFA firearms.  Your State Senator Needs to hear your voice today!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.