States with updates this issue: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.
McCarthy Bill Bans Millions More Guns Than The Clinton Gun Ban
On Feb. 14, 2007, Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced H.R. 1022, a bill with the stated purpose, “to reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes.”
McCarthy’s verbiage warrants explanation. Presumably, what she means by “assault weapons ban” is the Clinton Gun Ban of 1994. Congress allowed the ban to expire in 2004 for multiple reasons, including the fact that federal, state and local law enforcement agency studies showed that guns affected by the ban had been used in only a small percentage of crime, before and after the ban was imposed.
With the nation’s murder rate 43% lower than in 1991, and the re-legalized guns still used in only a small percentage of crime, reauthorizing the Clinton Gun Ban would be objectionable enough. But McCarthy’s “other purposes” would make matters even worse. H.R. 1022 would ban every gun banned by the Clinton ban, plus millions more guns, including:
• Every gun made to comply with the Clinton ban. (The Clinton ban dictated the kinds of grips, stocks and attachments new guns could have. Manufacturers modified new guns to the Clinton requirements. H.R. 1022 would ban the modified guns too.)
• Guns exempted by the Clinton ban. (Ruger Mini-14s and -30s and Ranch Rifles; .30 cal. carbines; and fixed-magazine, semi-automatic, center-fire rifles that hold more than 10 rounds.)
• All semi-automatic shotguns. (E.g., Remington, Winchester, Beretta and Benelli, used for hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense. H.R. 1022 would ban them because they have “any characteristic that can function as a grip,” and would also ban their main component, called the “receiver.”)
• All detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles-including, for example, the ubiquitous Ruger 10/22 .22 rimfire-because they have “any characteristic that can function as a grip.”
• Target shooting rifles. (E.g., the three centerfire rifles most popular for marksmanship competitions: the Colt AR-15, the Springfield M1A and the M1 “Garand.”)
• Any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle an Attorney General one day claims isn’t “sporting,” even though the constitutions of the U.S. and 44 states, and the laws of all 50 states, recognize the right to use guns for defense.
• 65 named guns (the Clinton law banned 19 by name); semi-auto fixed-magazine pistols of over 10 rounds capacity; and frames, receivers and parts used to repair or refurbish guns.
H.R. 1022 would also ban the importation of magazines exempted by the Clinton ban, ban the sale of a legally-owned “assault weapon” with a magazine of over 10 rounds capacity, and begin backdoor registration of guns, by requiring private sales of banned guns, frames, receivers and parts to be conducted through licensed dealers. Finally, whereas the Clinton Gun Ban was imposed for a 10-year trial period, H.R. 1022 would be a permanent ban.
Please be sure to contact your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to oppose
H.R. 1022!
You can call your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.
CPAC 2007
NRA Members are invited to attend CPAC 2007 - the 34th Annual Conservative Political Action Conference, March 1 – 3, 2007. The conference will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., just a short trip from the White House, the Washington Monument, the Smithsonian, National Archives, and the hundreds of other monuments, memorials, and museums in our nation’s capital. CPAC is the nation’s premier annual gathering of conservative leaders, celebrities, elected officials, and grassroots activists.
CPAC will offer an agenda packed with political headliners including Vice President Dick Cheney, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, David Horowitz, Phyllis Schlafly, and many others as they discuss important issues of the day. CPAC is co-sponsored by NRA and more than 60 leading conservative organizations.
For additional information, or to register for the conference, please call (703) 836-8602, or visit CPAC online at
In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis that we reported on last week, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE event in St. Louis.
We hope you will also be able to join us Saturday, April 14 for the inaugural session of “In Their Own Words.” This first-of-its-kind panel will afford NRA members the opportunity to hear directly from their fellow NRA members on effective grassroots activism. The panel will feature some of NRA-ILA’s most active volunteers in the nation, who will talk about their personal efforts to advance our mutual causes in their local communities. The session will conclude with a question and answer period to allow audience participation.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear these present-day patriots talk about their personal experiences working in the pro-gun rights grassroots movement, and learn effective means of protecting and promoting the Second Amendment in your own community. There is no registration required and, as with the Friday Workshop, admission is FREE
Here are the details for each event:
NRA-ILA Grassroots Workshop-FREE!
Friday, April 13, 2007, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
(Registration and free continental breakfast from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
in the Majestic Ballroom E )
Renaissance Grand Hotel St. Louis
Majestic Ballroom E (Level Two)
800 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 621-9600
To register on-line, pleas visit You may also call NRA-ILA at (800) 392-VOTE (8683).
“In Their Own Words”-FREE!
Saturday, April 14, 2007, 2:00 p.m.
Room 242, America’s Center
701 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101
(314) 342-5042
No registration required
We hope to see you in St. Louis!
The federal government is holding hearings to obtain public comments regarding the delisting of Rocky Mountain wolves from the Endangered Species Act (ESA). It is critical that sportsmen attend the hearings in order to counter the emotional claims of anti-hunting forces, who seem to believe that a species’ listing should be permanent. Of course, the success of the ESA comes when a species, like the wolf, is delisted because its numbers recover after once being dangerously low.
Wolves have their place within the ecosystem. But, as with other species, sportsmen must be allowed to appropriately manage their numbers. Delisting will allow state game officials to provide for regulated hunting and trapping. Without this, wolves will continue to take an unacceptably high toll on elk, moose, and deer populations.
Six open house meetings in different states are scheduled on the proposed delisting (all six public hearings will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.):
Cheyenne, WY: February 27, 2007, at Holiday Inn Cheyenne, 204 West Fox Farm Road.
Salt Lake City, UT: February 28, 2007, at Plaza Hotel, 122 West South Temple.
Helena, MT: March 1, 2007, at Jorgenson's Inn & Suites, 1714 11th Avenue.
Boise, ID: March 6, 2007, at Boise Convention Center on the Grove, 850 Front Street.
Pendleton, OR: March 7, 2007, at Pendleton Red Lion Inn, 304 S.E. Nye Street.
Spokane Valley, WA: March 8, 2007, at Oxford Inns & Suites, 15015 East Indiana Avenue.
Anyone wishing to make an oral statement for the record is encouraged to provide a written copy of his or her statement and present it at the hearing. In the event there is a large attendance, the time allotted for oral statements may be limited. Speakers can only sign up at the open houses and hearings. Oral and written statements receive equal consideration. There are no limits on the length of written comments submitted.
If you have any questions concerning the public hearings, please contact Sharon Rose (303) 236-4580. Persons needing reasonable accommodations in order to attend and participate in the public hearings in Boise, ID; Pendleton, OR; or Spokane, WA, should contact Joan Jewett at (503) 231-6211; or, for hearings in Cheyenne, WY; Salt Lake City, UT; or Helena, MT, Sharon Rose at (303) 236-4580. If needed, please call as soon as possible in order to allow sufficient time to process requests. Also, please call no later than one week before the hearing date.
Please attend the hearings in your area and let your voice be heard!
The Boulder Ranger District of the Araphoe and Roosevelt National Forests is conducting a planning process to determine how recreational shooting, dispersed camping, and campfires will be managed in the future. Issues concerning these activities have been developed based upon public input through written comments or at one of the public meetings held last May. The District Ranger has now scheduled three public meetings to talk about solutions to the issues. The meetings are as follows:
February 24 - Boulder; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; New Vista High School, 700 20th Street
February 28 - Boulder; 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Platt Middle School; 6096 Baseline Road
March 3 - Longmont; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.; Longmont High School; 1040 Sunset Street
Comments may be sent to [email protected]. For more information you may call the District Ranger's office at (303) 541-2500, or go to the website at:
When it meets on March 2, the California Fish and Game Commission will consider amending the state’s hunting regulations for 2007-2010 to ban or limit the use of lead ammunition for hunting in the range of the California condor. The Department of Fish and Game suggested three alternatives to the Commission: ban the use of lead ammunition for big game hunting; ban the use of lead ammunition statewide; or offer hunters incentives to voluntarily use non-lead ammunition.
Comments can be sent to the Commission by mail at: 1416 Ninth Street, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090, or by contacting the Commission through its website at
(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon. As always, thank you for your support.***)
States with updates this issue: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.
Both versions of the "Emergency Powers" bills, SB 1258 carried by State Senator Jay Tibshraney (R-21), and HB 2458 by State Representative Russell Pearce (R-18), are moving forward in their respective chambers and are on the brink of an agreement between the NRA and Governor Janet Napolitano. The Governor vetoed a similar measure last year after voicing concerns about having the authority to move stored ammunition, but those issues are being resolved to both authors’ satisfaction. Please continue to contact your legislators in support of SB 1258 and HB 2458 to ensure their passage by calling the Senate Info Desk at (602) 926-3559 or the House Info Desk at (602) 926-4221. Both measures can be found at the Legislature's website at
Also, after months of negotiation and phone calls from NRA members, the Apache Junction City Council voted to establish a policy for the sale or trade of confiscated firearms not returned to their lawful owners. This move follows an outcry from NRA members when the AJ Police Chief destroyed over 1,200 firearms that could have been sold back to the community or traded for much needed supplies. Thank you to all members who voiced your support for the new policy.
Senate Joint Resolution 7 (SJR 7)-an NRA-backed Constitutional Amendment sponsored by State Senator Steve Faris (D-27) that would recognize hunting and fishing as constitutional rights--will soon be heard by the Senate and House Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. Due to some surprising opposition to this critical amendment, it is vital that NRA members, hunters, and outdoor enthusiasts contact members of these committees and urge them to support SJR 7. Membership rosters for the Senate committee can be found by visiting
and for the House at Please contact the members of these committees and respectfully urge them to co-sponsor SJR 7. Arkansas State Senators can be reached at (501) 682-2902, and State Representatives at (501) 682-6211.
As mentioned, opposition to this pro-hunting amendment is coming from a strange source-The Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission (AGFC). According to recent articles in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the very agency tasked with regulating hunting and fishing is opposed to an amendment that would protect hunting and fishing for future generations. And while this is truly puzzling, some of the reasons stated in an article published on February 18 are even more confounding.
Scott Henderson, director of the AGFC, is quoted in the article as stating, "Arkansas is one of the few states where fish and wildlife management is elevated to constitutional status." This reference to Amendment 35, which established the AGFC, may be true, but fish and wildlife management does not automatically include fishing and hunting by sportsmen. Some anti-hunting groups feel that wildlife management can be accomplished through the use of professional hunters hired by the state, or even using contraception programs. Groups such as PETA and HSUS are so opposed to hunting that they are likely scheming to come up with any number of ways wildlife can be "managed" without involving citizens who enjoy hunting. What SJR 7 seeks to do is establish that hunting and fishing are preferred methods of management, and recognize that citizens have a right to hunt and fish.
The article also attributes to Henderson the claim that SJR 7 would prohibit AGFC from suspending the licenses of people who repeatedly violate wildlife codes. According to the article, "This would essentially void the wildlife code because the AGFC would then be unable to enforce it." This is patently absurd, as no such catastrophic collapse of wildlife management has been experienced in any of the other states that currently recognize hunting and fishing as protected rights. Furthermore, SJR 7 clearly states the right is "subject to reasonable regulation prescribed by the General Assembly and the Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission."
Other claims in the article are that SJR 7 may impact trespass laws, landowner rights, certain established restrictions on hunting, and eliminate seasons and bag limits. These claims are simply ridiculous. Again, other states with similar amendments have not experienced these problems and, again, the right is "subject to reasonable regulation." It is hard to understand how anyone who supports hunting does not recognize that assaults on hunting have been going on for decades, and extremist groups like PETA and HSUS have multi-million dollar annual budgets to promote their anti-hunting agendas.
In addition, there is nothing in Amendment 35 that states the AGFC must be made up of people who respect the interests of hunters. The sole requirement to be a Commissioner is that the individual must "have knowledge of and interest in wildlife conservation." The leadership of HSUS and PETA could certainly argue they meet such qualifications.
All Amendment 35 does, in reality, is guarantee the AGFC has the sole role in determining what constitutes Arkansas policy regarding "[t]he control, management, restoration, conservation and regulation of birds, fish, game and wildlife resources of the State..." SJR 7, on the other hand, will guarantee that hunting and fishing by the honest citizens of Arkansas is the preferred method in that wildlife management process.
The opposition to SJR 7 is certainly not unanimous on the AGFC, so in addition to contacting members of the Senate and House Committees on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs, please contact the Commissioners of the AGFC and urge them to support SJR 7. Contact information for the Commissioners can be found at .
Finally, contact Bryan Hendricks, the author of the article mentioned above, and urge him to once again change his position on SJR 7. An article of his published on February 11, fully supported this amendment, but he has now come out in opposition to it, based, it would seem, on the fallacious arguments promoted by the AGFC. You can send Hendricks e-mail by going to [email protected], or call him at (501) 378-3579.
House Bill 1174, sponsored by State Representative Al White (R-57), is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee in the coming days. House Bill 1174 would repeal the sunset review of the law enforcement database of carry permit holders. Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose House Bill 1174. The members of the committee are: Chairman Brandon Shaffer; Senator John Morse; Senator Bob Bacon; Senator Betty Boyd; Senator Shawn Mitchell; Senator Scott Renfroe, Senator Steve Ward. Please call the Colorado State Senate, at (303) 866-2316, and ask to be put in touch with one of these Senators.
Senate Bill 34, sponsored by State Senator John Morse (D-11), passed the State Senate on Friday, February 23 by a vote of 20-15. The bill now is awaiting a House committee assignment. If enacted, non-resident concealed carry permits will no longer be honored if the address on the holder’s identification is different than the state where the permit was issued. For example, a Florida permit issued to a non-resident will not be recognized in Colorado. No demonstrated need has been presented to justify Senate Bill 34, legislation that will potentially threaten reciprocity agreements. This bill will invalidate non-resident permit holders and made second-class citizens out of Colorado residents. Don’t be fooled! This is simply a first step towards repealing your right-to-carry! Please contact your State Representative today at (303) 866-2904, or if outside of Denver, at (800) 811-7647 and respectfully urge that he or she oppose SB34.
Senate Bill 695, as introduced by Senator Norman Sakamoto (D-15), would authorize the Game and Fish Department to create a 7-day non-resident hunting license on a private or commercial shooting preserve. The NRA-supported measure is currently awaiting a hearing before the Water, Land, Agriculture, and Hawaiian Affairs Committee. Please take the time to contact your Senators and ask that they request a hearing on the bill. Legislators are currently on a five-day break in their districts before the March 2nd "decking" deadline, which is the 48-hour period before the bills are to be out of policy committees. Please contact your State Senator at 808-586-6720.
Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 14, 2007, in Springfield! This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners. Participants will meet in the auditorium of the Howlett Building at 12:30 p.m., for registration and a legislative briefing before proceeding to the Capitol Building. That evening, a reception will be held at the Illinois State Library Auditorium from 5:30-7:30 p.m., for both gun owners and state lawmakers. IGOLD will have buses available to transport participants to Springfield from various locations throughout Illinois. For more information on IGOLD 2007, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit
HB 2528 was heard in the Federal and State Affairs Committee on Wednesday, February 21 and is scheduled for a committee vote on Monday, March 5. This important legislation removes language that was being misinterpreted by cities in Kansas to ban concealed carry of handguns on city owned property such as parks, greenways, and all city buildings. The bill also strips cities of their ability to regulate firearms, bringing back the original intent of the bill. Please contact your State Representative at (800) 432-3924 and respectfully urge him or her to support HB 2528.
Also, in a victory for gun owners in Kansas, a bill that would significantly weaken Castle Doctrine legislation, SB268, was killed in the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week.
Senate Bill 43, “Assault Weapon Ban of 2007,” sponsored by Senator Michael Lenett (D-19), will be heard by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee on Tuesday, February 27, at 1:00 p.m. SB43 would designate specified firearms, including many semi-automatics, as “assault weapons;” prohibit persons from transporting possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, or receiving a specified “assault weapon(s)”; and require the Handgun Roster Board to compile and maintain a roster of prohibited specified “assault weapons.” Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 27, at 1:00 p.m. The hearing will be held in the Senate Judicial Proceeding Committee Room, which is located on the second floor of the Miller Senate Office Building, 11 Bladen Street, Annapolis. If you are unable to attend, please call all the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 43. Please visit for contact information for the Judicial Proceedings Committee.
To ensure that law-abiding Missourians won't ever suffer the same fate as those in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, legislation is currently moving through the General Assembly that would protect your Second Amendment rights during a state of emergency. Companion bills, HB669, sponsored by State Representative David Pearce (R-121), and SB257, sponsored by State Senator Kevin Engler (R-3), have each passed their respective chamber's committees, with SB257 being placed on the Senate Consent Bills calendar for Monday, February 26. Additionally, State Representative Bob Dixon (R-140) has introduced legislation (HB845) to make voter registration information available to hunting license and fishing permit applicants. Please contact your State Senator at (573)-751-3824 and State Representative at (573)-751-3659 and urge them to support and vote for these important bills.
Important range protection legislation, LB352, sponsored by State Senator Chris Langemeier (I-23), will be heard in the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee on Wednesday, February 28. Please visit for a roster and contact information for the members of the committee and respectfully urge them to support LB352.
Assembly Bill 21, an Assembly Judiciary Committee sponsored bill, was granted a hearing on Monday, February 19th before the Committee. AB 21 would double the concealed carry permit fees from its current $60 to $125, as well as increase the fee on renewals. The bill didn't receive a vote, but it could come up at any time. Please continue to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee, and urge them to oppose AB 21. For contact information for the committee, please visit
This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved SB 39, NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" legislation by State Senator Shannon Robinson (D-Albuquerque), which offers protection from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits to individuals who justifiably use force to protect themselves and their families. The bill also contains language stating that you have "no duty to retreat" from a violent attack. SB 39 now moves to the full Senate for consideration, possibly over the weekend or early next week. Please contact your State Senators at (505) 986-4714 and urge them to support SB 39.
Also, HB 588, by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad), and SB 111, by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), NRA-supported bills that would allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments selling alcohol for off-premises consumption, are both currently in the House Business & Industry Committee, although no hearing has been scheduled on either measure yet. Please continue to contact members of the committee and urge them to support both HB 588 & SB 111. For contact information for the committee, please visit
In a move that can only be called stunningly hypocritical, Governor Eliot "Steamroller" Spitzer (D) has nominated Assemblyman Alexander "Pete" Grannis as his candidate to head the state Department of Environmental Conservation. Not only is Grannis well known for his anti-gun, anti-hunting, and anti-sportsmen positions and votes, but he is grossly under qualified to be charged with stewardship of New York State's rich outdoor heritage. After a bruising battle with lawmakers claiming that Assemblyman Tom DiNapoli lacked the qualifications to replace disgraced former state comptroller Alan Hevesi, the Governor puts forth a candidate who both lacks the background to be DEC Commissioner and shows outright contempt and hatred for all outdoor recreational activities. During his tenure in the Assembly, Grannis sponsored and signed on to numerous anti-gun and anti-hunting bills, as well as legislation to outlaw trapping. As DEC Commissioner, Grannis would have the authority to make policy through regulatory means, bypassing consideration by your elected officials. These decisions could permanently impact hunters and sportsmen. If this nomination is approved by the State Senate, Grannis will be in a position to institute anti-hunting policies that he has supported in the past. Please call your State Senator TODAY and ask him or her to oppose the confirmation of Pete Grannis as DEC Commissioner and be sure to politely remind him or her that a vote to approve Grannis is a vote against the Second Amendment and our hunting heritage! Your Senator can be contacted at 518-455-2800.
House Bill 1319, critical “Castle Doctrine” legislation sponsored by State Representative Todd Porter (R-34), is moving toward the Senate floor for a vote. This “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack. Please contact your State Senator at (888) NDLEGIS (635-3447), or (701) 328-3373 (local), and respectfully urge him or her to support HB1319.
H 3212, introduced by State Representative Greg Delleney (R-43), would change South Carolina's conditional reciprocity standard for recognizing Right-to-Carry (RTC) permits. H 3212 passed out of the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 21, and is expected to be heard by the full House of Representatives on Tuesday, February 27. This critical legislation will require South Carolina to recognize all valid RTC permits issued by other states. The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), which has been opposed to recognizing the permits issued by many other states, is expected to lobby hard against this pro-gun reform, so please call your State Representative at (803) 734-2010 and urge him or her to support H 3212.
In addition, H 3310, sponsored by Representative Mike Pitts (R-14), clarifies that it is legal for a RTC permit holder to carry a concealed firearm while driving a car, passed out of the House on Friday, February 23, and will now head over to the Senate for consideration. This legislation was drafted in response to reports that RTC permit holders were being charged with unlawful carrying of firearms while driving their vehicles. Please call your Senator at (803) 212-6200 and urge him or her to support this measure when it is brought up for consideration.
On Monday, February 26, the House Committee on Law Enforcement will consider three NRA-backed measures which will allow Concealed Handgun Licensees (CHLs) to transport and store handguns in their locked private motor vehicles while parked on their employer’s property: HB 220 by State Representative Phil King (R-Weatherford), HB 511 by State Representative David Farabee (D-Wichita Falls) and HB 992 by State Representative Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs). Many employers in Texas have "No Firearms" policies that extend beyond the physical workplace to include parking lots, garages, and other parking areas under the employer’s control. This effectively prohibits employees who are CHLs from protecting themselves in their parking area at work - and during their commute to and from work every day! The committee will also consider HB 1037, by Representative Farabee, which extends the same protections to all employees (not just CHLs) and all firearms locked in private vehicles parked at work. Please contact members of the House Law Enforcement Committee and urge them to support all four measures. You can find contact information for committee members by visiting
On Tuesday, February 27, the House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence will consider HB 284, by State Representative Joe Driver (R-Garland), NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" legislation that offers protection from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits to individuals who justifiably use force to protect themselves and their families. The bill also contains language stating that you have "no duty to retreat" from a violent attack that occurs outside your home. Please contact members of the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee and urge them to support HB 284. Contact information for committee members is available at
Finally, on Wednesday, February 28, the Senate Jurisprudence Committee will consider SB 378, by State Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio), the Senate version of the NRA-backed "Castle Doctrine" bill. Please contact Senate Jurisprudence Committee members and urge them to support SB 378. Contact information for committee members is available at
Senate Bill 78, by Senator Mark Madsen (R-13), would protect the possession of firearms in your locked vehicle on any property designated for motor vehicle parking. The measure passed the Senate today by a vote of 19-8. Senate Bill 201, Emergency Powers legislation (also introduced by Senator Mark Madsen), is waiting for a vote on the Senate floor. It’s imperative that NRA members call their Senators and ask for their full support of these important measures. Messages for the Senators can be left with the Message Center at (801) 538-1035. The Legislature is set to adjourn on Wednesday, February 28, so time is of the essence.
Also, anti-gun Senate Bill 251, introduced by Senator Greg Bell (R-22), passed the Senate and is on its way to the House, although it hasn’t been set for a hearing date. SB 251 would restrict the possession and carrying of concealed firearms on the property of institutions of higher education in specified faculty and staff offices, as well as authorize the institution to allow a dorm resident to have only roommates who are not licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Please contact your House member by calling the Message Center at (801) 538-1029, and ask for his or her "NO" vote should it come before them for a vote.
As the 2007 General Assembly session heads to a close on Saturday, an important pro-gun bill was halted in the Senate and precedent-setting legislation to cease gun dealer entrapment schemes advanced through both houses. First, just hours after officially announcing his retirement from the Virginia Senate, State Senator Russ Potts (R-27), called upon his now infamous and shameless theatrical skills in an attack on HB3109, an NRA-backed bill that would have reduced the areas in which localities could regulate hunting. Following a series of parliamentary maneuvers, by a vote of 20-19, the Senate re-referred HB3109 to the Senate Courts of Justice Committee -- a move that essentially kills the bill for this session. Although Senator Potts’ opening proclaimed that he was, yet again, willing to "fall on his own sword" and oppose another pro-gun bill, law-abiding Virginians shouldn't be fooled into thinking that this plot was orchestrated by Potts alone. Rest assured, as the 2007 campaign season begins to unfold in Virginia, we will provide you with accurate information regarding those Senators who worked to derail critical pro-Second Amendment legislation during the 2007 legislative session. On the bright side, both legislative chambers have now approved HB2653, a measure that will stop big city mayors from seeking to snare firearms dealers in entrapment schemes aimed to intimidate gun owners and law-abiding licensed gun dealers. This bill now heads to Governor Kaine (D) for his approval. You may locate information on how your lawmakers voted on these bills by visiting
Senate File 50, introduced by Senator Cale Case (R-25), has been sent back to a Conference Committee to resolve differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. SF 50 would permit bow hunters to carry a firearm during archery season for self-defense. In order to obtain support from Game and Fish Department, the author agreed to an amendment that would mandate a 3-year revocation of a hunting license should someone be convicted of taking an animal with a firearm during bow hunting. This NRA supported measure needs one more BIG push, so please contact your State Representatives by calling (307) 777-7852, or by e-mail at, and ask for their continued backing.