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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 14 4/6/2007




Governor Joe Manchin (D-WV) recently signed into law House Bill 2348--NRA-backed “Emergency Powers” legislation that will prevent state and local authorities from confiscating lawfully owned firearms during declared states of emergency, such as occurred in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina.  Governor Manchin’s action makes West Virginia the thirteenth state to enact this type of legislation since the devastating hurricane, joining Alaska, Idaho, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Michigan, and Georgia in passing such measures.


ABC’S “20/20” SEEKING “ARMED CITIZEN” STORIES:  Gun ban groups often claim that private citizens rarely, if ever, use guns in self-defense.  ABC News’ “20/20” is now putting that claim to the test, asking viewers to submit their own real-life “Armed Citizen” stories.


MORE THAN 200 REGISTERED -- WILL YOU BE THERE?  The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host its FREEGrassroots Workshop on April 13, in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis.  (Please click title link above for more information or to register.)


SECOND GRASSROOTS EVENT PLANNED FOR ST. LOUIS: In addition to the FREEGrassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in St. Louis, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE event in St. Louis.





UPDATE ON THE PROPOSED CLOSING OF PUBLIC LANDS TO SHOOTING AND HUNTING!  Federal agencies have proposed closing hundreds of thousands of acres of public land to recreational shooting and hunting in Arizona and Nevada!  It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen let their voices be heard!  Radical environmentalists and anti-gun groups are lining up to support a ban on recreational shooting on public lands around the country. 


It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen make their voices heard by submitting comments or attending any upcoming meetings!   



The BLM will be holding a series of public meetings to discuss banning recreational shooting on the Ironwood Forest National Monument.  It is critical that gun owners attend those meetings!   


SHOOTING CLOSURE EXPECTED ON BLM LANDS OUTSIDE LAS VEGAS!  The Bureau of Land Management has announced its intent to close certain areas within Nye County, Nev., to recreational target shooting.  BLM is citing rapid increases in population and growth of Pahrump, Nev., as the reason for closing the area to target shooting.  In what appears to be a growing trend, there are proposals to ban recreational shooting on additional BLM-managed lands in rural, unpopulated areas.  It is imperative that the BLM hears from you and everyone you know who believes in the protection of shooting sports on public lands!


STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)


COLORADO (1):  Legislature Trying To Establish Gun Tax!  Senate Bill 109 would impose a gun tax prior to the purchase or transfer of a firearm.  Please contact members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and urge them to vote “No” on SB 109.  For contact information on the Senate Appropriations Committee, please click here.



COLORADO (2):  Attack on Right-to-Carry Heads to Governors Desk!  Senate Bill 34 passed the House and is on its way to the desk of Governor Bill Ritter (D).  If enacted, out of state carry permits will no longer be honored if the permit holder is not a resident of the state that issued the permit.  Please contact Governor Ritter TODAY at  (303) 866-2471 or email [email protected]and respectfully urge him to veto SB34.


COLORADO(3):  Colorado State Senator Gail Schwartz Is Playing Politics With Gun Rights!  State Senator Gail Schwartz can't decide which way to go on House Bill 1174!  HB 1174 would permanently extend the database of concealed handgun permit licensees.  Please call Senator Schwartz at (303) 866-4871 and remind her that she needs to vote "NO" to HB 1174.


FLORIDA:  The “Individual Personal Private Property Protection” Bill Scheduled To Be Heard In The Senate Judiciary Committee!  SB 2356 has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee for April 10 at 9:30 AM.  SB 2356 would protect employees and customers from having their private vehicles searched while on their employer’s or a business’ property.  Please immediately send an email and call members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and URGE THEM TO SUPPORT SB 2356.  For contact information for the Senate Judiciary Committee, please click here.    


HAWAII:  Legislation To Repeal Magazine Ban Needs Your Help! Your State Senator needs to hear from gun owners.  Please urge your State Senator to ask Senate Leadership to bring House Bill 248 to the floor for a fair vote and to vote in favor of HB 248.  This legislation would repeal Hawaii’s ten round firearm magazine limit.  For information on how to contact your State Senator, please click here.


ILLINOIS:  Gun Ban Still A Threat!  Senate Bill 1471, which seeks to ban .50 caliber rifles, represents the most pressing, threat for all Illinois gun owners. If passed, the anti-gun movement would be embolden to push even harder in Illinois.  Please contact your State Senator at (217) 782-5715 today and strongly urge him or her to OPPOSE Senate Bill 1471.


INDIANA:  Indianapolis/Marion County Considering Shooting Ban!  The City-County Rules and Public Policy Committee will consider Proposal 174 on April 17.  If passed, Proposal 174 will bring an end to ALL recreational shooting within Indianapolis-Marion County.  Please make plans to attend this crucial hearing.  If you cannot attend, please contact the members of the Rules and Public Policy Committee and urge them to vote “No” on Proposal 174.  To contact the members of the Rules and Public Policy Committee, please click here.


KANSAS(1):  Right-To-Carry Reform Legislation Heading to Governor’s Desk!  House Bill 2528 will prevent local municipalities from establishing city regulations and ordinances inconsistent with state law.  Please call Governor Sebelius today and respectfully urge her to sign HB 2528 into law.  Governor Sebelius can be reached at 1-877-579-6757 or visit http://www.governor.ks.gov/comments/comment.htm to send an email.


KANSAS(2):  Youth Mentor Hunting Legislation Heading To Governor’s Desk!   Senate Bill 189 will allow for a mentored hunting program to be implemented by the Department of Natural Resources.  Please call Governor Sebelius today and respectfully urge her to sign SB 189 into law.  Governor Sebelius can be reached at 1-877-579-6757 or visit www.governor.ks.gov/comments/comment.htm to send an email.


LOUISIANA:  Management Plan Underway for Mandalay and Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuges!  The National Resource Planner is taking comments on how Mandalay and Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuges should be managed.  Comments maybe submitted until May 18th.  Please address comments, questions, and requests for further information to:  Charlotte Parker, National Resource Planner, Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex, 61389 Highway 434, Lacombe, LA 70445 or call 985-882-2000 or send comments and questions via email to [email protected].


MAINE:  “Mandatory Training” and “Burglar Protection” Legislation Scheduled For Work Session!  The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee has scheduled a work session for several falsely named firearm bills.  Your attendance is needed.  The work session will be held Wednesday, April 11 at 1:00 PM in State House room 436.  If you are unable to attend please contact the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee members and your State Senator and Representative to urge him or her to oppose LD 778 and LD 1111.   Legislators can be reached at the following toll-free numbers: Maine House of Representatives 1-800-423-2900 and the Maine Senate 1-800-423-6900.


MASSACHUSETTS:  Public Comments Sought on Management Alternatives for Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge!  The closing date for comments is April 17th.  Please send comments to Carl Melberg, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Northeast Regional Office, 300 Westgate Center Drive, Hadley, MA 01035 or via email to [email protected].  The plan is on view at http://library.fws.gov/ccps.htm.  For information call 413-253-8521.


MINNESOTA:   “Castle Doctrine” Legislation Needs Your Help!  Bill sponsor, Representative Tony Cornish has pulled his “Castle Doctrine” bill out of committee and has decided to make a procedural motion to have “Castle Doctrine” directly debated and voted on by the full House of Representatives.  Please contact your State Representative at (651) 296-2146 and respectfully ask him or her to support Representative Cornish’s motion to give House File 498 a fair hearing on the floor of the House of Representatives and to support passage of this critical self-defense legislation.


MISSOURI:  Pro-Second Amendment Legislation Making Progress In The State Legislature!  Your State Legislators need to hear from you about several pro-gun bills that need their support!  Senate Bill 225, “Missouri Hunting Heritage Protection,” Senate Bill 257, “Emergency Powers,” and Senate Bill 62, “Castle Doctrine,” need your support.  Please call your State Senate and State Representative’s today!  For contact information for your State Legislators, please click here.


NEVADA:  Important Second Amendment Bills Moving Through Nevada Legislature!  Senate Bill 237 passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is now awaiting a vote by the full Senate.  Its companion bill, Assembly Bill 268 is still awaiting a vote in the Judiciary Committee.  It is imperative that gun owners and sportsmen contact their legislators and ask that they support these important bills.  You can find the text of these bills, as well as contact information for your legislators at www.leg.state.nv.us

NEVADA(2):  Nye County Recreational Shooting Areas Are In Danger Of Being Closed!

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has recently extended the public comment period.  Please send comments to stop this tragedy from happening to BLM’s Las Vegas Field Office, 4701 North Torrey Pines, Las Vegas, NV 89130.

NRA’s comments to the BLM can be reached by clicking here.  Comments should be sent to BLM’s Las Vegas Field Office, 4701 North Torrey Pines, Las Vegas, NV 89130.



NEW MEXICO:Governor Richardson Signs Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill!  HB 588 will allow Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders to carry a firearm in establishments that sell alcohol for off premises consumption.  Please take a moment to send an email of thanks to Governor Richardson for signing HB588 into law by visiting http://www.governor.state.nm.us/emailchoice.php?mm=6.  Also, please thank bill sponsors Representative Heaton as well as State Senators Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), William Sharer (R-Farmington), and Steven Neville (R-Aztec) for their hard work in support of this issue by visiting http://legis.state.nm.us/lcs/legislatorsearch.asp.



NEW YORK:  Albany Mayor’s Anti-Gun Proposal Getting a Second Look!

Mayor Jerry Jennings recently introduced an anti-gun proposal at the Albany Common Council meeting on April 4.   Due to the overwhelming criticism from law-abiding gun owners, the Common Council is taking a second look into the Mayor’s proposal.  Please contact Mayor Jennings and the Common Council today and urge them to vote “No” on any anti-gun proposals.  To contact Mayor Jennings and the Common Council please click here.


NORTH DAKOTA(1):  Pro-Hunting Bill Needs Your Help!  House Bill 1149, a youth hunting bill that would lower the minimum age to deer hunt to 12, is headed back to the Senate.  Please contact your State Senator at 1-888-NDLEGIS (635-3447) or 701-328-3373 (local) and respectfully urge him or her to support the House version HB1149.


NORTH DAKOTA(2):   “Castle Doctrine” Self-Defense Bill Making Progress!  House Bill 1319 passed the State Senate on Friday, March 23, but still requires House approval.  HB 1319 simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.”  Please contact your State Representative at 1-888-NDLEGIS (635-3447) or 701-328-3373 (local) and respectfully urge him or her to support HB1319.


NORTH DAKOTA(3):  Public Comments Sought on Management Alternatives for Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge!  Three alternative draft plans require public comment.  These draft plans provide alternative management of the refuge for the next 15 years.  The closing date for public comments is April 23rd.  Please send comments to Michael Spratt, Chief, Division of Refuge Planning, Mountain Prairie Region, PO Box 25486, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 or to [email protected].  The plan is online at http://mountain-prairie.fws.gov/planning.  For further information call 303-236-4792.


OREGON:  Anti-Gun Legislation Removed From Committee Schedule!  Thanks to your help House Bill 2852 has been removed from the House Judiciary Committee schedule.  HB 2852 would have greatly expanded the Port Authority’s powers at Portland Airport, and would have included prohibitions on your Second Amendment rights.  Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee to thank them for their support of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  For contact information, please click here.


PENNSYLVANIA(1):Gun Registration Legislation Introduced!  Your State Legislators need to hear from you about HB 760!  If enacted, HB 760 would require every firearm in Pennsylvania to be registered with the State!  Please call your State Representative and State Senator today and ask them to oppose HB760!  For contact information or help identifying your State Legislators, please click here.  


PENNSYLVANIA(2):  House Committees Schedules More Statewide Hearings on "Gun Violence!"  Your attendance is needed at these important statewide hearings on “Gun Violence.”   This is another opportunity for gun owners to express their concerns regarding the recent anti-gun proposals in the Pennsylvania Legislature.  If you are interested in presenting testimony or need further information on any of the informational meetings, please contact John Ryan or Bill Andring at 717-787-3525.


TEXAS:  Two Important Self-Defense Reforms Need Your Help!  House Bill 258 and House Bill 992 are to critical bills that will help fortify Texans’ Right to Keep and Bear Arms laws.  HB 258 would prevent seizures and confiscations of firearms during a state of emergency, and your State Representative needs to hear from you.  HB 992 would allow Concealed Handgun Licensees to transport and store their firearm in their locked vehicles while parked on their employer’s property.  HB 992 has yet to be placed on the calendar; please contact the House Calendars Committee and request they place HB 992 on the calendar for a vote.  For contact information on the House Calendar Committee please click here. 


WEST VIRGINIA:  Governor Manchin Signs Important Right-To-Carry Bill!  Governor Joe Manchin signed House Bill 3074, “RTC reciprocity,” legislation earlier this week.  Please call Governor Manchin and your State Legislator and thank them for supporting our Second Amendment rights.  For contact information for Governor Manchin and your State Legislators please click here.


WISCONSIN:  State Legislature Moves To Ban Private Firearm Sales!  Senate Bill 104, also known as LRB 0861/2, would create a “patchwork” of local laws throughout the state and could turn unknowing law-abiding citizens into criminals.  Please contact the Senate Labor, Elections and Urban Affairs committee members today by clicking here and urge them to oppose this anti-freedom bill!


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.