An Inane Statement: This week’s outrage comes courtesy of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show co-host Mika Brzezinski, who apparently has a very hard time laying aside her anti-gun sentiments, even when confronted with the truth.
Hypocrisy of the Week: During an election year, it’s common to see political contenders pulling out all of the rhetorical stops in an attempt to distinguish themselves as the “candidate of choice” for their constituency. Unfortunately, they often test the limits of credulity in the process.
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
COLORADO: BLM Plans to Close Canyons of the Ancients to Recreational Shooting: The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft management plan for the 164,000-acre Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in southwest Colorado. All four management alternatives would close the entire Monument to recreational shooting. The BLM cites vandalism of cultural and natural resources and visitor safety as the reasons for closure. For more information about the plan, please go to Comments from the public are being accepted until January 25, 2008. It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!
BLM Plan Will Set Game Retrieval Restrictions: The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft management plan for travel routes on lands it administers within San Luis Valley, Colorado. The proposal will limit the retrieval of game off designated routes except to a perpendicular distance of 300 ft. from the edge of a route. Comments on the plan are being accepted until December 31. The document can be viewed at For further information, please contact Mark Swinney, Project Lead, by phone at (719) 655-2547, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Once again, it is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!
NEVADA: Earlier this week, Sheriff Ken Furlong's office informed us that they were not going to require serial numbers on the permit application but there would be no change to the serial number box on the application, thereby creating confusion as to what was a mandate and what was an option. After flooding his office with calls from members of NRA and the Stillwater Firearms Association asking the Sheriff to amend his permit application, we have just been informed that his office has agreed to remove the serial number box from the applications. We would like to thank Sheriff Furlong for his consideration and for making this change.
NEW JERSEY: Anti-Gun Bills Looming! The New Jersey Senate Law and Public Safety and Veterans’ Affairs Committee is scheduled to consider three bills that impact law-abiding gun owners on Monday, December 17 at 10:00 a.m. S2470 would criminalize the transfer of ammunition to anyone who does not have a valid New Jersey firearms ID card, handgun carry or purchase permit, or hunting license. S2934 would make honest gun owners responsible for the acts of criminals if they fail to “immediately” report the theft or loss of a firearm that is later used in a crime. Finally, S2431 is an overly broad attempt to address gang violence that could have unintended consequences for honest gun owners. Please immediately contact the members of the Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose or amend these anti-gun bills. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
PENNSYLVANIA: Action Delayed on “Castle Doctrine” Legislation House Bill 641, “Castle Doctrine” legislation, was not heard on Tuesday, December 11. The bill was pulled off of the agenda and likely will not to be heard until next year. HB641 will ensure that law-abiding Pennsylvanians have the ability to defend themselves and their loved ones from violent attack without fear of criminal prosecution or civil action.
Help The Holmesburg Fish and Game Protective Association Have A Happy New Year! The Holmesburg Fish and Game Protective Association has served sportsmen and gun enthusiasts throughout Pennsylvania for seventy-seven years. Now, the last remaining shooting range in the City of Philadelphia is in danger of closure. Several months ago, the City of Philadelphia sent notice to the Association that its long existing property lease would not be renewed. If no action is taken, the Holmesburg Fish and Game Protective Association will be forced to close its doors on January 1, 2008. Please continue to contact Mayor John Street (D) and the members of the City Council to respectfully urge them not to close the door on our Second Amendment rights and to renew the Holmesburg Fish and Game Protective Association’s lease for 2008. For contact information, please click here.
ILLINOIS: Cook County Considering Two Anti-Gun Proposals! There are currently two anti-gun ordinances taking aim at our Second Amendment rights in Cook County. First, the Safe Streets/Weapons Registration Ordinance requires the registration of all firearms and firearm owners in the county. As written, it is an outright gun ban and prohibits the transport of a firearm in your vehicle unless the firearm is "broken down in a nonfunctioning state." The other proposed ordinance would amend the county's "Deadly Weapon Dealers Ordinance" to completely ban all gun shows within the county, and prohibits federally licensed dealers from operating within 10 miles of another federally licensed dealer. There is currently no timetable set for when either will be taken up for consideration, so please contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners immediately and urge them to oppose these attacks on the Second Amendment. You can find contact information for the Board here.
VIRGINIA: Hunting With Hounds Under Review: The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has launched a review of hound hunting in the Commonwealth. Virginia Tech is conducting focus group meetings around the state during December. Trespass complaints from property owners have sparked this review. The Department’s goal is “To provide diverse opportunities for hunting with hounds in Virginia in a manner that is fair, sportsmanlike and consistent with the rights of property owners and other citizens.” The process includes many avenues for hound hunters to participate, such as focus group meetings with individual stakeholder groups, a survey conducted through the Department’s website, opportunity to review all developments, public meetings, and by letter or e-mail. About half of the focus groups will be comprised of bear, deer, fox, and raccoon hound hunters. The remainder of the focus groups will be populated by landowners, government representatives, other hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. If you are a hound hunter, make your views known during this public process. Go to for more information about how you can participate.
WEST VIRGINIA: Hunting Threatened in New River Gorge National River: The National Park Service released a draft management plan for NRGNR, which includes 4 options for the future of hunting on these federal lands. Hunting has been allowed in the NRGNR since 1982, but at the discretion of the Service. The options are addressed on page 11 of the draft plan. Option #4 would eliminate hunting within the NRGNR. It is critical for the Service to hear the views of hunters--not just in West Virginia, but also around the country--on these options, particularly option #4. The comment deadline is tomorrow, December 15. For further information, including where to send your comments, please go to and type in New River Gorge National River to view the management plan. By way of information, there are nearly 400 units in the National Park System. Only 61 are open to hunting.
WISCONSIN: Emergency Powers Bill Passes Assembly, Moves to Senate! On Wednesday, December 12, Assembly Bill 581 sponsored by Assemblyman Scott Gunderson (R-83), passed the Assembly by a vote of 84-13. Simply stated, AB 581 will prevent government authorities from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens, such as occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The bill now heads to the State Senate for its consideration. Please keep checking your email and for updates on this critical piece of legislation.