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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 15, No. 3 1/18/2008

Briefs Filed In D.C. Gun Ban Case


As the date for Supreme Court argument in District of Columbia v. Heller approaches, the filing of briefs has begun.  The District filed its brief last week.  In addition, various “amicus curiae” (friend of the court) briefs were filed with the court.


Department of Justice Brief


Gun owners are understandably dismayed about the brief filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ).


Hoping Something Will Stick To The Wall: Gun Ban Groups’ Briefs


Nearly two dozen briefs have been filed with the U.S. Supreme Court by individuals and groups supporting D.C.’s bans on handguns, having a gun assembled within the home, and carrying a gun within the home.



Outrage of the Week:  Are You A Bigot?

This week’s Outrage comes from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which filed a friend of the court brief in the District of Columbia v. Heller case in support of keeping Washington, D.C.’s draconian gun ban on the books.  According to a recent ADL release (http://www.adl.org/PresRele/SupremeCourt_33/5207_33.htm), “The League urged the Court to ensure that states retain the ability to keep guns out of the hands of ‘violent bigots.’” 



Leading Democratic Candidates Call for Severe Restrictions on our Second Amendment Rights:  With the Presidential nominating season in full swing, trying to pin down the various candidates’ unequivocal stance on issues of import can often be difficult, if not impossible.  Amidst their political posturing and refining of positions at the recent Las Vegas Caucus, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), and former Senator John Edwards (D-NC), were asked a series of questions about the gun issue.  All called for severe restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. 


To view a video of the exchange, please visit our NRA-Political Victory Fund website (www.nrapvf.org) and click on the video feed in the center of the page. 



STATE ROUNDUP  (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)

The 2008 legislative session has started and most states will be coming back into session any day.  Please keep checking your e-mail and www.NRAILA.org for any updates.


ARIZONA:  The Arizona Game and Fish Commission met today to discuss a number of issues related to the firearms and hunting community.  As NRA reported throughout the week, the most concerning of these related to the supposed impact of spent lead ammunition on wildlife.  According to NRA representatives who attended and testified before the Commission, the meeting room was filled to capacity with concerned NRA members who were there to ensure that the idea of imposing a California-style lead ammunition ban in Arizona was soundly rejected.  After hearing from NRA officials, the members of the commission made it clear that they had no plan for a ban and that they supported the voluntary compliance program currently in effect in Arizona (a description of the program can be found on the AZ Game and Fish website at http://www.azgfd.gov/).  Thanks to NRA Board Member Don Saba who spoke on his own behalf to provide a powerful and informative presentation debunking the "junk science" put forth by the advocates of the California lead ammunition ban.  Todd Rathner, also a member of NRA’s Board of Directors, spoke on behalf of NRA's official position in opposition to any future ban.  Sincere thanks goes to all of the NRA members who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the meeting and voice their opposition!  The overwhelming turnout was most certainly noticed by the commissioners and Department staff. Finally, please take a moment to contact the five Commission members and thank them for their reasoned approach to the concerns associated with the use of lead ammunition for hunting in the condor range.  Contact information can be found at http://www.azgfd.gov/inside_azgfd/commission_members.shtml



BLM Management Plan in Arizona Could Affect Sportsmen:  The Yuma Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management is developing a travel management plan for some 380,000 acres of public land surrounding Quartzsite.  The primary objective of the plan is to designate 1700 miles of roads and trails as open, closed, or limited to public use.  The plan could affect access to traditional areas for hunting and recreational shooting and for motorized retrieval of game during the hunting season.  A public meeting will be held January 23, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Pacific Time, at the Blythe Community Center in Blythe, CA.  For more information on the planning process, please visit www.blm.gov/az/.  It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!


COLORADO:  Anti-Gunners Put Colorado’s Rich Hunting Tradition in the Crosshairs!  House Bill 1096 a far-reaching and vague bill that seeks to end all hunting behind enclosures in Colorado will be heard at 1:30 p.m. in the House Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, January 23.  Under HB1096, every piece of fenced property would be off-limits to hunting no matter how large the enclosure.    Please stand up and make your voice heard by contacting the members of the House Agriculture Committee and respectively urging them to vote “no” on this anti-hunting legislation.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

“Castle Doctrine” Bill to be Heard on Wednesday, February 6!  Sponsored by State Representative Cory Gardner (R-63), House Bill 1066 will be heard by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, February 6.  HB1066 would extend self-defense protections beyond the home to include businesses, and grant civil and criminal immunity for using deadly force if a person is faced with a threat of great bodily harm or death in his or her home or business.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB1066 to allow business owners to protect themselves and their place of business.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

"Criminal Protection” Bill Introduced!  Legislation that would render homeowners defenseless and gives intruding criminals the upper hand has been proposed by State Senator Sue Windels (D-19).  Under Senate Bill 49, adults would be forced to put their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor if a firearm was used in a suicide or crime.  No hearing date has been scheduled.  Please continue to monitor your email and www.NRAILA.org for any actions taken SB49. 

BLM Plans to Close Canyons of the Ancients to Recreational Shooting:  The Bureau of Land Management has released a draft management plan for the 164,000-acre Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in southwest Colorado.  All four management alternatives would close the entire Monument to recreational shooting.  The BLM cites vandalism of cultural and natural resources and visitor safety as the reasons for closure.  For more information about the plan, please go to http://www.blm.gov/rmp/canm/.  Comments from the public are being accepted until January 25.  It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!

ILLINOIS:  Gun Rights Under Assault in Cook County!  As we reported previously, Cook County is currently considering two anti-gun proposals that must be defeated!  First, the Safe Streets/Weapons Registration Ordinance requires the registration of all firearms and firearm owners in the county.  As written, it is an outright gun ban and prohibits the transport of a firearm in your vehicle unless the firearm is "broken down in a nonfunctioning state."  The other proposed ordinance would amend the county's "Deadly Weapon Dealers Ordinance" to completely ban all gun shows within the county, and prohibits federally licensed dealers from operating within 10 miles one another.  Please contact the Cook County Board of Commissioners today and respectfully urge them to oppose these ordinances.  Contact information for the Board can be found by clicking here.

INDIANA:  Right-to-Carry Reform Scheduled for Senate Hearing!  On Tuesday, January 22, the Indiana Senate Corrections, Criminal, and Civil Matters Committee will consider Senate Bill 356, championed by State Senator and NRA Board Member Johnny Nugent (R-43).  SB356 would prohibit any government entity from banning the lawful carrying or possession of firearms on public property, with exemptions for inside all airports, as well as correctional and mental health facilities.  Please contact the committee at (317) 232-9400 and strongly encourage them to stand up for your right to self-defense by supporting and voting for SB356!

Indiana Emergency Powers Legislation Needs Your Help!  House Bill 1043, sponsored by State Representatives Eric Koch (R-65) and Dave Cheatham (D-69) would prevent government agencies from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens during a disaster or state of emergency, such as occurred after Hurricane Katrina.  HB1043 has yet to be scheduled for a committee hearing.  Please contact your State Representative at (317) 232-9600 and strongly urge him or her to protect your right to defend yourself and your loved ones by requesting the House leadership to place HB1043 on the committee calendar!

KENTUCKY:  Important Self-Defense Bill Stuck in House Judiciary Committee!  Legislation requiring universities, colleges, and postsecondary institutions to comply with current law allowing law abiding citizens to keep firearms in their locked vehicles on university property is currently stuck in the House Judiciary Committee.  House Bill 114, championed by State Representative Robert Damron (D-39) needs your help today!  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support this important piece of self-defense legislation.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

MARYLAND:  Right-to-Carry Legislation to be Considered on Tuesday, January 22!  The Maryland House Judiciary Committee will consider House Bill 2, legislation that would remove language from existing Maryland code requiring that the Secretary of State Police “find a person has good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun, such as a finding that the permit is necessary as a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger.”  HB2 will be heard in Room 100 of the House Office Building on Tuesday, January 22 at 1:00 p.m.  Please make plans to attend this important hearing.  If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB2.  Click here for contact information for the House Judiciary Committee.

NEBRASKA:  Legislation introduced by State Senator Deb Fischer (District 43), LB690, passed the first round of debate in the Nebraska Legislature by the substantial margin of 31-2 (with 16 absent or not voting).  LB 690 now moves to Select File where it will be on track for final passage.  This important piece of pro-hunting legislation would create a mentored hunting program and lower the hunting age in Nebraska.  LB690 is part of the Families Afield Initiative that is a cooperative effort between NRA, the National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Shooting Sports Foundation.   NRA-ILA will continue to monitor LB 690 and alert the NRA members in Nebraska on its status in the Legislature.  Please check back to www.NRAILA.org for any new details on this important hunting legislation.

NEW JERSEY:  The Garden State’s Gun Owners Are Under Attack!   Three members of the New Jersey Assembly have introduced bills that would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms and maintain their firearm permits and pay their license fees, as well as punish parents that purchase imitation firearms for their children.  These bills are just one step closer to destroying gun ownership in the Garden State.  The NRA has been keeping a watchful eye on the General Assembly but we need your help to make sure that your rights are protected.  Please continue checking your email and refer to www.NRAILA.org for the status of these bills and any other Second Amendment or hunting related-legislation in the Garden State.

Animal "Rights" Activists Back at it in Trenton!  A1202, sponsored by Assemblyman Chiappone would stack the Fish & Game Council with five individuals recommended to the Governor by acknowledged anti-fishing and anti-hunting organizations: The New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance, The Bear Education and Resource Group, and the Humane Society of the United States. The five anti-fishing and anti-hunting nominees would be based upon their, “experience in environmental protection or other fields relevant to animal welfare and with a background in the preservation of wildlife.”  A1202 is just one more attempt by animal “rights” extremists to destroy our outdoor heritage in New Jersey.  Please contact your Assembly member today and respectfully urge him or her to oppose this legislation.  Your Assembly member can be found by visiting http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/districts/municipalities.asp.

SOUTH DAKOTA:  The Committee on Education, at the request of the Board of Regents, has introduced House Bill 1086, legislation to ban firearms on college campuses and their properties.  In addition to banning firearms in vehicles, the bill would disarm lawful permit holders, including in their residences on campus.  A hearing date in the House State Affairs Committee has not yet been scheduled.  Please continue to monitor your email and www.NRAILA.org for any actions taken on HB1086. 

TENNESSEE:  Senate Bill 23, sponsored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), allows a person who has a valid Right-to-Carry permit to carry a firearm into restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.  This important Right-to-Carry reform passed the State Senate by a vote of 24-6 on Wednesday, January 16.  Law-abiding permit holders should not be denied their right to self-defense simply because they choose to dine out with friends or family.  SB23 now heads to the House for its consideration.  Please continue checking www.NRAILA.org and your email for any updates about this and other Second Amendment related legislation in the Volunteer State.

VIRGINIA:  Virginia Senate to Consider Restrictions on Virginia Gun Shows!  The Virginia Senate Courts of Justice Committee will consider legislation requiring state and federal background checks to be conducted on all firearms transactions at Virginia gun shows.  Senate Bill 109, sponsored by State Senator Henry Marsh III (D-16) will be heard at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 21.  This legislation is simply a first step toward requiring government approval before individuals may sell their private property, even between family and friends.  Please contact the members of the Courts of Justice Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose this anti-gun legislation.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

Senate Committee to Consider Two Important Pro-Hunting Bills!  The Senate Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee will consider two bills of great impact to Virginia’s strong hunting heritage.  Senate Bill 617, authored by State Senator Ken Stolle (R-8) would establish an “apprentice hunting license” in Virginia, therefore allowing those interested in hunting to accompany experienced, licensed hunters into the field.  Sponsored by State Senator Frank Wagner (R-7), Senate Bill 524 seeks to repeal the Old Dominion’s prohibition on Sunday hunting.  Please contact the members of the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee and strongly encourage them to support and vote for both SB617 and SB524.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

Right-to-Carry and Preemption Under Attack in the City of Richmond!  Legislation has been introduced in Richmond to diminish your Right-to-Carry.  House Bill 1277, sponsored by Delegate Lionel Spruill (D-77) would make it unlawful to possess a firearm on Capitol Square, the area of the City of Richmond surrounded by Bank, Governor, Broad, and Ninth Streets, as well as the interior of the State Capitol, the General Assembly Building, and the Patrick Henry Building.  HB1277 could be called in for a vote at any time after the mandatory five-day waiting period.  Please contact the members of the House Rules Committee and voice your opposition to this bill.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

Private Firearms Transfers Protected by House of Delegates!  The Virginia House of Delegates Militia, Police, and Public Safety Committee soundly defeated two proposals that would have required state and federal background checks to be conducted on all firearms transactions at Virginia gun shows.  Federal and state law already requires federally licensed firearms dealers to conduct a background check on all prospective purchases.  These efforts were simply a first step toward requiring government approval before individuals may sell their private property, even between family and friends.  In standing up for Virginia’s law-abiding firearm owners and the Second Amendment, the full committee voted by an overwhelmingly bi-partisan majority to reject both proposals.  The Senate will take-up companion legislation on Monday, January 21.

WEST VIRGINIA:  "Castle Doctrine" Legislation Introduced!  On Wednesday, January 9, State Senator Shirley Love (D-11) introduced Senate Bill 145, “Castle Doctrine” legislation.  SB145 simply states that if a criminal attacks a law-abiding citizen in his or her home, automobile, or any place the citizen has a legal right to be, the use of force is allowed for self-defense.  NRA is working with all members of the West Virginia Legislature to get the best, clearest language possible before moving on to final passage.

WISCONSIN:  Youth Mentor Hunting Programs Scheduled for Hearing in Wisconsin  On Thursday, January 10, State Representative Scott Gunderson (R-83) introduced AB672, legislation to establish a Youth/Mentored hunting program in Wisconsin.  Thanks to activism by NRA members, this legislation was able to obtain enough co-sponsors to be enrolled as a bill and receive a public hearing by the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources on Wednesday, January 16.  Statistics show that states that allow hunters to start at earlier ages have a better safety record than states with higher minimum ages.  States with lower age minimums also have a higher rate of hunter participation and retention, which helps the state in wildlife conservation efforts.  This bill is part of the Families Afield Initiative that is a cooperative effort between NRA, the National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Shooting Sports Foundation.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.