Supreme Court To Hear Arguments In Heller Case Next Week
Next Tuesday, March 18, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller. The case marks the first time a Second Amendment challenge to a firearm law has reached the Supreme Court since 1939!
To help you more easily access and navigate through all of the detailed information we’ve compiled on this historic, critically important case, we’ve developed a new webpage-- --for you to use. On this page, you’ll be able to read related articles we’ve written on District of Columbia v. Heller, and view the dozens of amicus briefs filed in the case. Please be sure to visit today!
Stop BATFE Abuses -- Urge Your Congressman To Cosponsor H.R. 4900: Continuing concern about the treatment of firearm dealers by BATFE has caused members of the U.S. House of Representatives--with NRA-ILA’s full support--to push for new and improved reform legislation. That push has taken the form of H.R. 4900 -- the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act.”
NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox has written a comprehensive article on this issue that will appear in the April issues of NRA’s magazines. In the article, Cox pledges his commitment to winning the reforms that H.R. 4900 proposes, but cautions that, “the key to our ultimate success will be the dedication and commitment of NRA members who call and write the Congress, and who turn out to campaign for candidates who support our Second Amendment rights.” (To read this article now, please click here.)
D.C.’s “Voluntary” Gun Search Program Raises Concerns: It’s quite a quandary for the leaders of our nation’s capitol. They govern a city that has had an outright ban on handguns for more than three decades, yet they’re constantly looking for panaceas for the District’s high rate of gun crime. How ironic it is that a city that should be an anti-gunner’s utopia is constantly plagued with “gun violence.” While dismissing logic and burying their heads in the sand, these leaders continue to try to avoid the unavoidable conclusion: Criminals don’t obey the law and have been ignoring the gun ban since its inception. Only the law-abiding obey the law.
Enter their latest attempt at a remedy--the so-called “Safe Homes Initiative.”
Grassroots Minute Video: To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here: mms://
Plan To Attend Free Louisville Grassroots Workshop! The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will host its FREEGrassroots Workshop in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Louisville. This Workshop has been a regular part of NRA’s Annual Meetings for more than a decade. At this event, you will hear from NRA officers, NRA staff, and your fellow NRA members on what you can do in your own community to ensure victory for the Second Amendment in this year’s elections.
Additional Grassroots Event Planned For Louisville! In addition to the FREEGrassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Louisville, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division is holding an additional FREE Special Session in Louisville.
Volunteers Needed for 2008 NRA Annual Meetings: The 2008 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend as thousands of NRA members will come together May 16-18, 2008, in Louisville, KY. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ARIZONA: Important Self-Defense Measures to be Heard! House Bill 2629, introduced by State Representative Russell Pearce (R-18), is slated to be heard in the House Committee of the Whole on Monday, March 17th. This NRA supported measure clarifies how and when a firearm may be displayed for defense purposes. Another proposed bill, Senate Bill 1214, introduced by State Senator Karen Johnson (R-18), has yet to be scheduled for debate in the Committee of the Whole. This important measure, which would allow permittees to carry concealed firearms on public university or college campuses and could come up at any time. Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to support HB2629 when it comes up for debate, and also contact your State Senator and respectfully urge him or her to support SB1214. To find contact information for your legislators please click here.
CALIFORNIA: Fish & Game Commission Regulatory Commission Proposal Seeking to Expand Scope of Lead Ammunition Ban! Recently, the California Fish & Game Commission voted in favor of adopting regulations to strengthen Assembly Bill 821, legislation that would restrict the use of lead-cored centerfire rifle cartridges in certain areas of the state for hunting and taking of non-game animals. The Commission’s proposals would expand the scope of AB821 to include ammunition for black powder firearms, pistol, and rimfire cartridges. The proposals are intended to limit the use of such ammunition for hunting and taking of non-game animals. These proposals will be voted on at the next Fish & Game Commission Meeting on Thursday, April 10 at 10:00 a.m. and Friday, April 11 at 8:30 a.m. at the UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory Lecture Hall located at 2099 Westside Road in Bodega Bay. Please attend the next meeting of the Fish & Game Commission to show your opposition to these attacks on our hunting heritage. If you are unable to attend, please contact the commission and respectfully urge them to oppose these unwarranted and ill-conceived restrictions. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
COLORADO: Mandatory Storage Bill Sent to Senate Appropriations Committee! Senate Bill 49 would force adults to store all their firearms under lock and key or face an undetermined misdemeanor penalty if a firearm is later used in a suicide or crime. This dangerous bill renders homeowners defenseless and gives criminals a clear advantage in home invasions. If passed, SB49 would add to the already cumbersome bureaucracy that affects gun shops, gun shows, or anywhere else firearms are sold, by requiring them to post a sign informing gun owners that they must lock up their guns. Please contact the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and respectfully urge them to defeat this dangerous legislation. Contact information for the Senate Appropriations Committee members can be found here.
CONNECTICUT: Two Anti-Gun Bills to be Heard in Committee Next Week! As we reported last week, two proposals very dangerous to gun owners were "raised" and will be considered by the Joint Judiciary Committee on Monday, March 17. Raised Bill No. 603 would require all ammunition sold in Connecticut to be coded with an individual serial number (ammunition serialization) and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition. All unserialized ammunition would have to be forfeited. Also, Raised Bill No. 607 would seek to ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called “micro-stamping” technology. Micro-stamping is a failed technology that would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm. Raised Bill No. 607 doesn’t stop there! It would also outlaw the private sale or transfer of long guns. Please contact the individual members of the Joint Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose Raised Bill No. 603 and Raised Bill No. 607! The committee members can be contacted by phone at (860) 240-0100. For more contact information, please click here.
IDAHO: Important Legislation Heading to House Floor! The Idaho House of Representatives could hear two important pro-gun measures as early next week, and they need your help to succeed. Senate Bill 1441 will make numerous improvements to Idaho’s preemption statutes by preventing municipalities from enacting local ordinances regulating firearms and ammunition. House Bill 604 would protect Idaho’s shooting ranges from attacks such as noise complaints and local regulation. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to protect Idaho’s Second Amendment rights by supporting both SB1441 and HB604. Contact information for your State Representative can be found here.
The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee will be holding its Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, March 15, at The Coeur d’Alene Resort, located at 115 South 2nd St., in Coeur d ‘Alene. NRA Second Vice President David Keene will give the keynote address and will be speaking about our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and hunting heritage. If you are interested in attending, please contact Mary Lou Piazza at (208) 762-3603 to register and obtain tickets. Tickets are $50.
IOWA: “Shall-Issue” Bill Waiting to be Placed on House Calendar! House File 2092, introduced by State Representative Clel Baudler (R-58), along with 40 bipartisan co-sponsors, passed out of the House Public Safety Committee with a vote of 18-3, and is now waiting to be placed on the House calendar. HF2092 would change Iowa's concealed handgun law to make Iowa a “shall-issue” state. Under HF2092, law-abiding persons 21 years of age or older would be eligible for a permit to carry a concealed handgun if they pass a training and marksmanship course. Training would not be required for renewal of the permit to carry a firearm. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and urge them to place House File 2092 on the State House calendar. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes House, Heads to Senate for Consideration! This week, House File 2440, authored by State Representative Clel Baulder (R-58), passed out of the House of Representatives by a vote of 97-3. This bill now heads to the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee for consideration. HF2440 would require an officer of the Department of Natural Resources to issue a certificate of completion of the hunter safety and ethics education course for members of the armed forces on active duty or who served in the armed forces at anytime so long as they were discharged under honorable conditions, are nonambulatory, and are accompanied by a person who is at least 18. Please contact the members of the Senate Natural Resources and Environment Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to pass this HF2440. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
ILLINOIS: Legislative Update! Several bills in the Illinois General Assembly are taking aim at our Second Amendment rights, including legislation to require the mandatory storage of all firearms, a ban on semi-automatic firearms, gun rationing, and more. It is critical you call, write, and visit with your legislators today and respectfully ask them to oppose those bills that would further erode our rights in Illinois. For more information on these threats and how to take action against them, please click here.
Controlled Pheasant Hunts Under Attack! One of the efforts promoted by the anti-hunting “animal rights” extremists at The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is calling for an end to state-run Pheasant Stocking Programs. These programs provide game birds for hunting opportunities, but in Illinois, the program is under attack! NRA has been told that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has been instructed by Governor Rod Blagojevich's (D) Administration, that “due to budget cuts,” it will have to close down pheasant propagation sites, thus putting an end to IDNR's Controlled Pheasant Hunts. This, in spite of the fact that the program is heavily funded by fees paid by hunters, themselves. While the Illinois General Assembly continues what seems to be a never-ending struggle over the Illinois budget, several Town Hall Meetings have been scheduled throughout the state to allow citizens to offer their input on budget-related issues. Please click here find a listing of the dates, times, and locations of events. We encourage hunters to attend and voice their opposition to ending these Controlled Pheasant Hunts. Please make plans to attend one near you, and bring your fellow hunters and supporters of hunting along.
KANSAS: “Emergency Powers” Legislation Heads to House Floor for Vote! This week, the Kansas House Committee on Elections and Governmental Organization unanimously passed House Bill 2811. This legislation now heads to the House of Representatives for a possible vote early next week. HB2811 would prevent the State of Kansas from confiscating, registering, or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport or carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This bill will protect Kansans’ right to self-defense, even during a declared state of emergency. Please contact your State Representative TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to vote “yes” on this important piece of legislation. Contact information can be found here.
MARYLAND: “Emergency Powers” Bill Scheduled for Senate Committee Hearing! Senate Bill 944, Maryland’s “Emergency Powers” legislation, has been scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, March 18, at 1:00 p.m. in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. SB 944, sponsored by State Senator Alex Mooney (R-3), would protect our Second Amendment rights by prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport or carry of firearms during a state of emergency, such as occurred in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Please contact the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to protect our Second Amendment rights by supporting SB 944. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
MINNESOTA: “Castle Doctrine” Bill Fails to Pass On Thursday, March 13, House File 498 died in the House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee by a tie vote of 9 to 9. Introduced by State Representative Tony Cornish (R-24B), HF 498 would have greatly strengthened the right to self-defense in Minnesota. This “Castle Doctrine” legislation would have allowed a person to use force, including deadly force, against a violent attacker, and provides that a person who uses force against an attacker shall be immune from criminal prosecution. Thank you to all those who contacted their State Representative in an attempt to pass this important legislation.
MISSISSIPPI: Two NRA-Backed Measures Advancing! Earlier this week, the House Judiciary B Committee reported out Senate Bill 2411, a bill that would require the Department of Public Safety to establish procedures by which applicants for Right-to-Carry permits may submit their paperwork by mail. The bill has been amended during various stages of the legislative process to also grant senior citizens a 50% discount on renewal permits; extend the term of validity for original and renewal permits from four to five years; and shorten the time-frame within which DPS must issue or deny a permit from 120 to 60 days. The bill now moves to the House floor for consideration. Also this week, the Senate Municipalities Committee reported out House Bill 346, NRA-supported shooting range protection legislation that would protect existing shooting ranges and allow them to make repairs or modifications to the existing building, expand range membership, and allow for participation opportunities in the community, etc., without the local government placing certain restrictions upon them. The bill will be considered next by the Senate County Affairs Committee and then the full Senate. Please contact your State Representatives and urge them to support SB 2411, and please contact your State Senators and urge them to support HB 346. To find contact information for your legislators please click here.
NEBRASKA: Legislature Guts Gun Control Bill On Wednesday, March 12, by a 25-13 vote, the Nebraska Legislature passed a heavily amended version of LB958. As now amended, LB 958 simply authorizes the state’s crime commission to study the causes of crime and violence in Nebraska and eliminates all references to "assault weapons." The commission would only be empowered to make recommendations to the legislature, not suggest legislation or enact regulations. The amendment (#2235) also repeals Nebraska’s archaic permit-to-purchase system, making it easier for law-abiding citizens to purchase a handgun. The legislation, as amended, would also set up a voluntary reporting mechanism for gun owners whose firearms have been lost or stolen. Gun owners in cities that require registration, such as Omaha and Lincoln, shall not be charged with a crime involving not registering or improperly registering if they are reporting the loss or theft of an unregistered or improperly registered firearm. This legislation must still be heard two more times and could still be amended. However, NRA is currently neutral on the bill, as currently amended. Please continue to check for updates on this important legislation.
NEW JERSEY: One-Gun-A-Month Bill Heads to Assembly Floor for Vote! On Monday, March 3, the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee passed Assembly Bill 339 by a 5-1 margin. A339 would prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun per month by law-abiding citizens, even though buyers already have to pass a comprehensive background check. Please contact your State Assembly members TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose A339! To find your Assembly member please click here.
Ammunition Encoding (Registration) Legislation Introduced! This week, Assembly Bill 2490, sponsored by State Assemblyman Patrick Diegnan (D-18), was introduced and referred to the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee. A2490 would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in New Jersey to be coded with a serialization number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale. Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser and would include the date of the transaction, the purchaser’s name, date of birth, driver’s license number, and the serial number of the ammunition. The possession or sale of non-coded/serialized ammunition would be prohibited. Please contact members of the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose A2490. Please click here for contact information.
NEW YORK: With the explosive events leading up to and following Governor Eliot Spitzer's (D) resignation, very little regular legislative business was handled this week. Now that lawmakers are attempting to get back to work, we can expect them to make the budget the top priority after Lieutenant Governor David Paterson (D) is sworn in as Governor on Monday, March 17. Please stay tuned to for updates.
Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge: Staff of the Iroquois NWR, a 10,000-acre refuge between Buffalo and Rochester, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge. The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider. The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008. It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting. We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are inlcuded and enhanced in the new management plan. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. Include “Iroquois NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line. Information about public meetings to be held can be found at You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.
OHIO: Please join NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox at St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO. This event is being sponsored by the St. Louis University Gun Awareness and Marksmanship Education (GAME) organization and the St. Louis University College Republicans. A reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. and Chris W. Cox will be speaking at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Louis Room at the Busch Student Center, located at 20 North Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103.
OKLAHOMA: Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Passes House, Heads to Senate! On Thursday, March 13, by a bipartisan vote of 65-36, the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed an amended version of House Bill 2513, authored by State Representative Jason Murphey (R-31). HB2513 will now allow for military veterans who possess a valid concealed carry permit to lawfully carry a concealed handgun on Oklahoma's public college and university campuses. This critically important self-defense measure now moves to the Senate for consideration. Please contact your State Senator TODAY and strongly encourage him or her to protect your right to self-defense by voting for HB2513. Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.
PENNSYLVANIA:. Your Help is Needed Today! House Bill 1845, introduced by State Representative John Sabatina (D-174), is scheduled for a possible vote on Monday, March 17 in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. HB1845 would provide further penalties for possession of a firearm with altered manufacturer’s (serial) number. This legislation would also increase penalties for altering or obliterating marks of identification on firearms. There will be a number of amendments offered to the bill, two of which are pro-gun, offered by State Representatives Steven Cappelli (R- 83) and Richard Stevenson (R-8). These pro-gun amendments, if accepted, would add “Castle Doctrine” and license to carry, as an exception to the PICS check, to HB1845. Other amendments have been filed which could be problematic for gun owners in Pennsylvania. One, sponsored by State Representative David Levdansky (D-39), would create criminal penalties for failure to report a lost or stolen firearm. Please contact your State Representative today and respectfully urge them to support the Stevenson and Cappelli amendments, while opposing the Levdansky amendment and any other amendments that threaten the rights of Pennsylvania’s law-abiding gun owners. For contact information for your State Representative, please click here.
Pigeon Shooting Ban Scheduled for Committee Vote! The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled Senate Bill 1150 for a possible vote on Tuesday, March 18 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 8E-B, East Wing of the Main Capitol Building. This legislation would criminalize organized pigeon shoots in Pennsylvania by amending Title 18 ("Crimes and Offenses") of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Pigeon shooting is an historic and legitimate activity steeped in tradition. It has many participants throughout the Commonwealth and around the world. Shoots have been held in Pennsylvania for more than a hundred years. The participants are law-abiding, ethical shooting enthusiasts, hunters, and sportsmen who would not tolerate an activity that would constitute cruelty to animals. Of course, opposition to pigeon shooting does not come from within the Commonwealth but from the outside. National “animal rights” groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), have organized and funded efforts in Pennsylvania and around the country to ban this longstanding traditional shooting sport. Make no mistake, this isn’t just about banning pigeon shooting, but banning all hunting species by species. Today, its pigeon shooting, tomorrow deer hunting. Remember, Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of HSUS has said, “If we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would.” He has even admitted, "We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States... We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped..." Please call the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to OPPOSE SB1150. Contact information can be found here.
Second Amendment Rally Scheduled! Several Pennsylvania sportsmen's organizations have scheduled a Second Amendment rally at the State Capitol for Monday, April 7 starting at 10 A.M. (plan on being there at 9 A.M.) in the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg. This event will give Pennsylvania gun owners the opportunity to speak out against recently introduced anti-gun bills which include a “one-gun-a-month” gun rationing scheme and abolishing state preemption.
Hunting Under Discussion in the Management Plan for Erie National Wildlife Refuge: Staff of the Erie NWR, an 8,800-acre refuge 35 miles south of Lake Erie in northwestern PA, is launching the first stage in the process of developing a 15-year management plan for the refuge. The first stage is to obtain suggestions and information on the scope of issues to consider. The public is invited to comment until April 30, 2008. It is important for the refuge staff to hear from hunters because the refuge is open to waterfowl, big game, small game, and turkey hunting. We want to ensure that those hunting opportunities are included and enhanced in the new management plan. Comments can be sent to northeast/[email protected]. Include “Erie NWR CCP/EA” in the subject line. Information about public meetings to be held can be found at You may also call Thomas Roster, Project Leader, at (585) 948-5445.
RHODE ISLAND: “Microstamping” Legislation Awaiting Consideration! Two bills that would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology are currently awaiting action in the Senate and House Judiciary Committees. Senate Bill 2720 and House Bill 7834 would require identifying marks to be etched into the firing pin and breech face of a firearm in a manner that these marks are transferred to the cartridge case upon firing. Microstamping is a failed technology that can easily be defeated with household tools, has no public safety value, and would add substantially to the cost of the firearm. Please contact members of the State Senate and State House Judiciary Committees and urge them to oppose S2720 and H7884! Contact information can be found by clicking here.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Update on Pending Legislation! Several bills impacting your right to self-defense and hunting heritage are in various stages of the legislative process in South Carolina, including Right-to-Carry reciprocity legislation and a measure to restrict the release of information regarding Right-to-Carry permit holders. For more information about these pieces of legislation and how you can take action, please click here.
SOUTH DAKOTA: Governor Signs Youth Hunting Bill into Law! On Thursday, March 13, Governor Mike Rounds (R) signed House Bill 1263 into law. Introduced by State Representative Mike Buckingham (R-33), this important legislation will help preserve South Dakota’s proud hunting heritage by granting the South Dakota Game Fish and Parks rulemaking authority to establish a youth mentored hunting program for children between ages 10 and 16. The current minimum hunting age in South Dakota is 12. While licensed youth hunters would still need to take a Hunt Safe course, HB 1263 would establish a “try before you buy” program allowing younger kids to experience their first hunts without a license under the direct supervision of a licensed adult. This bill is part of the Families Afield Initiative, a cooperative effort between NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Shooting Sports Foundation. Thank you to all the NRA members who contacted their State Legislators in support of this important bill. Without you, passage of this bill would have been impossible.
TENNESSEE: Several Firearms-Related Bills to be Heard Next Week! Numerous bills impacting Tennessean’s Right to Keep and Bear Arms will be considered next week. Legislation improving Right-to-Carry, the permit application process, and even a bill to serialize and register ammunition will all be considered on Wednesday, March 19. For more information on these bills and how to take action, please click here.
VIRGINIA: Charles City County Seeking Ban on Rifle Hunting! As we reported last week, Charles City County is considering making revisions to its hunting regulations that could negatively impact hunting with rifles. Such a decision could eliminate precious hunting opportunities and would discourage hunters from taking to the woods to pass their hunting heritage on to the next generation and to help manage Virginia’s wildlife. It is critical that hunters attend the Charles City County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Government & School Board Administration Building, 10900 Courthouse Road, Charles City, VA 23030 to oppose changes to the county ordinances governing the use of rifles for deer hunting. In the meantime, please contact each member of the Charles City County Board of Supervisors and strongly encourage them to refrain from making any changes to county regulations that have proven to be successful. Also, please be sure to pass this information along to your family, friends, and fellow hunters. Please click here for contact information.
WASHINGTON: Pro-Hunting Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk! House Bill 2438, legislation that would extend a pilot program that would permit certain counties to allow the pursuit and taking of cougars with the aid of dogs, passed the State Legislature and is on its way to the desk of Governor Chris Gregoire (D) for her consideration. This bill would also permit counties that are not part of the pilot program and which are experiencing cougar management problems to opt-in to the program. The Governor’s office is trying to position itself to veto this county opt-in provision. This bill would help ensure public safety in Washington and protect private property, livestock, as well as human life and safety. Please contact the Governor TODAY and respectfully urge her to sign this vital hunting initiative in full without vetoing any portion of it. You can call Governor Gregoire at (360) 902-4111 or fax her a letter at (360) 753-4110. To send an email, please visit
WEST VIRGINIA: Important Pro-Gun, Pro-Hunting Bill Moves to Governor's Desk! On Friday, March 7, the State House passed Senate Bill 9 by a 90-6 vote. Introduced by State Senator Billy Wayne Bailey (D-9), SB9 would mandate firearm and hunter safety education programs be offered in public schools for students in the eighth through twelfth grades. However, it would not be mandatory that students take the course. This is important legislation that will allow children to learn to hunt safely and ethically from an early age. They will also learn how to handle firearms safely while hunting, while participating in sport competitions, or at home. Completion of the course will enable students to obtain their hunting licenses. SB9 will now head to the desk of Governor Joe Manchin (D) for consideration. Please contact Governor Manchin and respectfully urge him to sign this critical bill. The Governor can be reached by phone at (304) 558-2000 or email [email protected].
Governor Signs “Castle Doctrine” Legislation! On Wednesday, March 12, Governor Joe Manchin, (D) signed Senate Bill 145, West Virginia’s “Castle Doctrine” bill, into law. SB145 will permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be. It is clearly stated that there is no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family. SB145 also protects individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used. Please contact Governor Manchin and thank him for preserving your Second Amendment right to self-defense. The Governor can be reached by phone at (304) 558-2000 or email [email protected].
WISCONSIN: Update on Legislation! Governor Jim Doyle (D) finally sided with Wisconsin’s law-abiding gun owners and signed Assembly Bill 581. AB 581 will prevent government authorities from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens, such as occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In other news, the Wisconsin Senate refused to schedule Senate Bill 529, Wisconsin’s mentored hunting legislation, for a vote before the regular 2008 legislative session ended on Thursday, March 13. Adding insult to injury, the Senate was considering legislation to put sportsmen, gun owners, and even dairy farmers at risk by making it a misdemeanor crime of domestic abuse to harm or threaten to harm an animal. This extremely vague and harmful legislation, Senate Bill 162, sponsored by State Senator Fred Risser (D-26), would have caused an individual to lose their Second Amendment rights by simply using a shock collar to train their hunting dog. The bill is now dead.
WYOMING: Governor Signs Emergency Powers Bill! On Friday, March 7, Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) signed House Bill 57 into law. Sponsored by State Representative Allen Jaggi (R-18), HB 57 will prevent government authorities from confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens, during a state of emergency such as occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. This legislation will prevent the state of Wyoming from restricting the possession, transfer, sale, transport, storage, display, or use of firearms or ammunition during a declared state of emergency. Please contact Governor Freudenthal and thank him for protecting our Second Amendment rights. The Governor can be reached by phone at (307) 777-7434 or visit to send email. Thank you to all the NRA members who answered the call to action in support of this important pro-gun measure. Without you, passage of this bill would have been impossible.
“Castle Doctrine” Legislation Signed! In a message posted on his website on Thursday, March 13, Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) announced that he has signed House Bill 137, introduced by State Representative Lorraine Quarberg (R-28), otherwise known as the Castle Doctrine measure. While the bill was stripped of its "no duty to retreat in a public place" provision, the version that was sent to the Governor's desk did keep the "no duty to retreat inside one's home" language as well as the provision that individuals whose homes are unlawfully entered cannot be held civilly liable if they use deadly force to defend their home, self or family. According to the Governor's message, "the notion of a ‘castle doctrine’ is that a person’s home is his or her castle and he or she is entitled to defend it, its contents and his or her family." We will continue to pursue the full definition of Castle Doctrine in the future. This is a huge step in the right direction towards restoring the right to self-defense in Wyoming and we want to thank all of the NRA members and pro-gun supporters who were so instrumental in moving this bill forward.