New York City’s Reckless Lawsuit Heads to Trial
"I have made many errors and I'll make many in the future."
On Wednesday, activist U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein announced he would allow New York City’s lawsuit against Adventure Outdoors, a Georgia gun store, to continue. Adventure Outdoors is one of three remaining defendants in the case, which began in 2006 with “sting operations” by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s investigators, which have brought rebukes from both federal and state officials for their potential interference with ongoing investigations. |
Speak Up Now On Right-To-Carry In National Parks: As we’ve reported over the last few weeks, the U.S. Department of the Interior has issued a proposed rule to eliminate the prohibition on Right-to-Carry in national parks and wildlife refuges. The National Rifle Association led the effort to change this policy and we are very close to winning this important battle.
However, the new rules cannot take effect until after a period of public comment. Our opponents will take advantage of this time to try to convince the Secretary of the Interior to reverse his decision. NRA members must take action now so that the anti-gunners are not allowed to sway this process.
Energy At NRA Annual Meetings Bodes Well For Success: Following up on the report on the May 16 Grassroots Workshop that was held in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Louisville, Ky., here are some additional highlights from that meeting.
Outrage Of The Week: Breaking the law? No problem, just write a new one! This week’s outrage comes to us courtesy of Chicago alderman Richard Mell (D-33). It seems the gun-owning alderman found himself afoul of a registration law that he himself helped pass.
Grassroots Minute Video: To view this week’s “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here: mms://
ALEC Task Force Adopts Model “Campus Personal Protection Act”: The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is an organization comprised of public and private sector members (largely made up of state legislators and corporate/association government affairs representatives) from all 50 states that share common support for free market principles and individual liberties.
Stop BATFE Abuses -- Urge Your Congressman To Cosponsor H.R. 4900: Continuing concern about the treatment of firearm dealers by BATFE has caused members of the U.S. House of Representatives--with NRA-ILA’s full support--to push for new and improved reform legislation. That push has taken the form of H.R. 4900-- the “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Reform and Firearms Modernization Act.”
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ALABAMA: Wrap-Up of Pending Alabama Pro-Gun Legislation! On Tuesday, May 20, the Alabama State Legislature adjourned its 2008 Regular Session without passing any Right-to-Carry reform measures. The Legislature had been discussing numerous pro-gun bills that were crucial to protecting the Second Amendment and hunting rights of Alabama’s gun owners and sportsmen. Because of an all-day filibuster on the budget in the Senate, pro-gun legislation never had an opportunity to come to the floor for a vote. In response to the Senate’s inaction, the House decided to only pass five general bills from the special calendar, none of which were firearm or hunting-related. For a complete list of legislation that failed to pass this session, please click here. Thank you to all NRA members for contacting your State Legislators this session in support of all NRA-backed bills. Please continue to check and your e-mail for updates throughout the year.
ARIZONA: Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Full Support in Order to Pass! Before the session comes to a close this year, there are still pro-gun bills that need your full support and dedication! House Bill 2629, a measure that would statutorily define defensive display of a firearm, has passed out of the House and is now headed to the Governor Janet Napolitano (D) for her consideration. Please take the time to contact the Governor TODAY and urge her to sign HB2629 into law. This is the first bill to reach her desk since she vetoed HB 2630, the petty offense measure, and we don't want this important legislation to meet the same fate! The Governor can be reached by calling 1-800-253-0883 or by email by clicking here. In addition to HB 2629, other NRA supported bills are moving forward on their path to the Governor's desk. House Bill 2634, the restoration of rights bill, was sent to the House for concurrence on Senate proposed amendments, and House Bill 2389, the firearm transportation bill, was recommended for passage by the Conference Committee. Senate Bill 1070, the concealed carry permit training measure and Senate Bill 1106, the lifetime concealed carry permit bill, were both granted reconsideration by the House after facing certain death just days prior, and are on their way back to the Senate for Final Reading. These bills are still very much in play and need your continued phone calls and emails to your elected State Legislators. To find your State Legislators please click here.
CALIFORNIA: California Assembly to Vote on Gun Show Ban Legislation Very Soon! Assembly Bill 2948, introduced by State Assembly Member Mark Leno (D-13), could be voted on by the Assembly as soon as next Tuesday, May 27. Simply put, this dangerous bill would ban the sale of firearms and ammunition on the property or inside the buildings that comprise the Cow Palace. Please contact your State Assembly Member IMMEDIATELY and respectfully urge him or her to oppose AB2948 when it comes before them for a vote. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
CONNECTICUT: Legislature Adjourns Without Passage of Gun Bills The Connecticut Legislature adjourned Wednesday, May 7 after an unusual legislative year. Despite the fact that lawmakers were expected to hear the largest number of anti-gun bills to be considered in years, no pro-gun or anti-gun legislation was passed. Please continue to check for updates.
DELAWARE: “Landowner Liability Protection Act” Delayed by Trial Lawyers in Committee! Earlier this month we reported that a scheduled vote on House Bill 341, the “Landowner Liability Protection Act,” in the House Housing & Community Affairs Committee was delayed because of opposition from the Delaware Trial Lawyers Association. HB341 would ensure that landowners who allow public hunting access incur no liability for property damage or personal injuries caused by hunters -- regardless of whether the damage occurs on or off the landowner's property. If HB341 is not enacted, landowners will continue to deny access to hunters for fear of being sued. Please contact the members of the House Housing & Community Affairs Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support this crucial piece of legislation. To find contact information for the committee members, please click here.
IDAHO: Idaho Primary Elections, Tuesday, May 27! Tuesday, May 27 is Primary Election Day in Idaho. Please be sure to go to the polls and “Vote Freedom First.” For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit For more information about voting in Idaho, please click here. Remember to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, May 27!
ILLINOIS: Chicago Alderman Embraces Anti-Gun Elitist Hypocrisy The restrictions placed on law-abiding gun owners have always been excessive in Chicago, but the hypocrisy of the latest antics from the anti-gun lawmakers is too much. Recently, Alderman Richard Mell fell victim to his own law by not re-registering his firearms. Alderman Mell tasked a staff member to re-register his firearms, and when the staffer failed to do so by the required due date, Alderman Mell found himself in a predicament. Instead of following the law and facing the punishment for the failure to register his firearms, Mell just decided that he would re-write the law and allow those citizens that had missed the required due date for registration, to re-register their firearms without any penalty, receiving amnesty. While this amnesty may be a very good idea for those Chicago gun owners who find themselves in the same predicament as Mell, the reason for it simply reeks of self-serving, hypocritical, political elitism.
Anti-Gun Bill Heads to Full Senate! On Thursday May 1, the Illinois House of Representatives passed House Bill 5191. This dangerous bill would create a new path that the anti-gun community could take in order to revoke FOID cards from gun owners with children. Your FOID card could be revoked if a minor is able to gain access to your firearm on more then one occasion, or if the government has decided (with little opportunity for a challenge) that your child has met the basic criteria for a severe or major mood disorder or severe conduct disorder. Much of this revocation process can be based on allegations that may not be supported by independent judicial findings, or "documented" cases where the FOID Card holder is unable to challenge or appeal the "documentation." HB5191 will now head to the State Senate and we must let our opposition be known. Please continue calling your State Senator and urge him or her to defeat this outrageous bill. You can find the contact information for you State Senator by clickinghere.
Magazine Ban Bill Up for Consideration! The House could take up Senate Bill 1007, which would ban the manufacture, possession, delivery, sale and purchase of standard capacity ammunition magazines capable of holding more than ten (10) cartridges. This bill is worded so broadly that it would also ban certain firearms, such as some Henry rifles, which have attached tubular magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition. This lever-action rifle, whose design dates back to the 1860s, could be prohibited under SB 1007, making this bill far more than a magazine ban. Please continue to contact your State Representative and respectfully urge him or her to oppose SB 1007. Contact information can be found here.
KANSAS: Governor Kathleen Sebelius Refuses to Sign Pro-Gun Bill On May 16, Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D) of Kansas publicly announced her disapproval of House Bill 2359, but let it become law without her signature. The bill’s intention was to correct a drafting error that was made in the 2006 personal protection act, and it also allowed individuals who have had their records expunged to defend themselves and apply for a concealed carry permit. “Since vetoing the conceal carry law in 2006, I have continued to hear from police chiefs and other law enforcement officials, members of the clergy, health care workers and employers throughout our state that concealed weapons make our citizens less safe and secure. While every law-abiding Kansan has a right to keep and bear arms, hidden weapons make it harder for law enforcement to do its job. HB 2359 further erodes our public safety by allowing people who have been convicted of certain felonies to obtain a conceal carry permit. I recognize that a veto of this bill would certainly be overridden as it received nearly unanimous support in both chambers. However, to sign it into law would be against my convictions and inconsistent with my previous vetoes. Therefore, I am choosing to let HB 2359 become law without my signature.” Please continue checking for further updates on this important issue.
KENTUCKY: National Rifle Association Specialized License Plates! NRA has begun collecting applications for specialized NRA license plates for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The Kentucky Department of Motor Vehicles will only produce the plates if it receives at least 900 applications for the NRA license plate. The initial application fee is $28.00. For information on where to send your payment and where to submit your application, please click here.
MICHIGAN: Registration Reform Bill Sent to Senate Judiciary Committee! House Bill 4490 sponsored by State Representative Paul Opsommer (R-93) and House Bill 4491 introduced by State Representative Joel Sheltrown (D-103) have passed the House and have been assigned to the Senate Judiciary Committee. A hearing date has not been scheduled yet. The bills would repeal the required "safety inspection" for newly obtained handguns. Michigan law requires anyone who comes into possession of a pistol to take it to the police or sheriff’s department for a safety inspection. The requirement of a safety inspection is a burdensome waste of time for law-abiding gun owners and the bills will end that inconvenience. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support these necessary pieces of legislation. For committee member contact information please click here.
MISSOURI: Major Firearms Reform Legislation Heads to Governor’s Desk! Earlier this week, the Missouri House passed House Bill 2034. This bill makes a series of positive changes to various areas of Missouri's firearms statutes, including: sweeping and meaningful protections of shooting ranges and hunting preserves; liability protection for landowners allowing public hunting access; prohibiting the unlawful refusal to transfer a firearm by denying a sale to a person otherwise not prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law; eliminating the six-month residency requirement in order to apply for a license to carry a concealed firearms; sealing "permit to acquire" concealable firearm records; allowing for the lawful manufacture, purchase and possession of firearm suppressors; and makes necessary revisions to explosives and felony possession of firearms. HB 2034 now heads to Governor Matt Blunt (R) for his consideration. Please call and thank your State Senator and State Representative TODAY for supporting your Second Amendment rights, and Missouri's time-honored hunting and sport-shooting heritage by voting in favor on HB2034. You can find your State Legislators by clicking here.
MONTANA: Montana Primary Elections, Tuesday, June 3! Tuesday, June 3 is Primary Election Day in Montana. Please be sure to go to the polls and “Vote Freedom First.” For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit For more information about voting in Montana, please click here. Remember to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, June 3!
BLM to Close Land to Recreational Shooting Outside Helena: The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on its proposal to close land within the 4,700-acre North Hills Recreation Area located northeast of Helena. BLM proposes to close the entirety of Section 34, Township 12 North, Range 3 West. This would close several user-created shooting areas that are located adjacent to the main access road to the Recreation Area. The area would not be closed to hunting during the big game season. All BLM lands outside of the closed area would remain open yearlong to recreational shooting. The deadline for comments is June 15th. Comments should be submitted to BLM Butte Field Office, 106 North Parkmont, Butte, MT 59701 or electronically to [email protected]. A public meeting will be held May 29th at 7:00pm at the Montana Association of Counties at 2715 Skyway Drive, Helena. For additional information you may call 406-533-7638. It is critical that gun owners and sportsmen take an active role in this process!
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Governor John Lynch Signs Pro-Hunting Legislation into Law! Recently, Governor John Lynch (D) signed House Bill 1266 into law. HB 1266 allows hunters to use 50 caliber pistols to take deer and moose in areas of the state where pistols are permitted for hunting. Please continue checking for further updates on pro-hunting issues in New Hampshire.
NEW MEXICO: New Mexico Primary Elections, Tuesday, June 3! Tuesday, June 3 is Primary Election Day in New Mexico. Please be sure to vote Freedom First. For candidate ratings and endorsements, please call the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) or visit For more information about voting in New Mexico, please click here. Remember to Vote Freedom First on Tuesday, June 3!
NEW YORK: Governor Paterson Outlines Anti-Gun Agenda On Monday, May 19, Governor David Paterson (D) outlined a proposal that he plans to introduce that targets law-abiding gun owners and licensed gun dealers. This measure is still under review by the NRA; however, already some portions of the proposal are of major concern. Two areas that we specifically oppose are those that would implement more requirements for pistol license applicants without making licenses more accessible to those who qualify, as well as a plan to require licenses for employees of gun stores and to grant the State Police broad authority to impose regulations on licensed dealers and gunsmiths. To view a copy of the press release on Governor Paterson’s website, click here. We will inform you when we have completed our analysis and will alert you when the bill has been officially introduced. Please continue checking and your email for updates.
OHIO:URGENT: Ohio’s “Castle Doctrine” Vote Delayed Until Next Week! The House Criminal Justice Committee has delayed the vote on Senate Bill 184, Ohio’s “Castle Doctrine” legislation until Tuesday, May 27, 2008. SB 184, sponsored by State Senator Steve Buehrer (R-1), would help restore the fundamental right of self-defense. This legislation would restore the right of individuals to respond with force in defense of their lives and family, and immunize the victim from civil lawsuits by criminals or the criminal’s family. Also up for a possible vote will be an amendment to SB 184. This amendment contains language that would not only prohibit firearm confiscation during a state of emergency, but would also make critical changes to Ohio’s concealed carry statute. Opponents are now trying to remove important provisions of this amendment. Please continue to contact the members of the House Criminal Justice Committee TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to support this pro-gun package. For committee member contact information please click here.
RHODE ISLAND: Anti-Gun (“Microstamping”) Bills Head to Committee! After being pulled from the agenda of the House Judiciary Committee, House Bill 7834 has been referred to the House Finance Committee. HB7834, the “microstamping” proposal would ban the sale of semi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called "microstamping" technology. HB7834’s Senate companion bill, Senate Bill 2720, is being held up for further study in the Senate Committee on Judiciary. Please contact the members of the House Finance Committee as well as the members of the Senate Committee on Judiciary IMMEDIATELY and respectfully urge them to oppose H7834 and S2720! For committee member contact information please click here.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Pro-Gun Bills Finding Difficulty in South Carolina Legislature The 2008 legislative session is winding down in South Carolina and while the session was productive, two key provisions have yet to be passed. H3202, the Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment, appears to be dead. While NRA was able to garner some support for the amendment, we were unable to negotiate clear language that would have strongly protected our hunting heritage and it appears that the Senate will not take any action this session. Also finding difficulty is H3212, the concealed carry permit reciprocity bill. Since being sent back to the Senate, H3212 has yet to be referred to a Conference Committee. It is imperative that you contact your State Senator and urge him or her to send this bill to Conference Committee IMMEDIATELY! To find your State Senator please click here.
TENNESSEE: Pro-Gun Legislation Passes In Twelfth Hour! The Tennessee 105th General Assembly adjourned its 2008 Regular Session after midnight on Wednesday, May 21. In its final hours, the House passed unanimously the specialty license plate omnibus bill, House Bill 3017, sponsored by Representative Phillip Pinion (D-77). Attached to HB 3017 is an amendment sponsored by Senator Doug Jackson (D-25), creating a National Rifle Association license plate, which would allocate funds to Tennessee scholastic clay target programs. House Resolution 390, sponsored by Representative Joe McCord (R-08), also passed the House late Wednesday, creating a summer study committee to address the issue of handgun carry permits in certain places, including restaurants that serve alcohol. Please continue to visit www.NRAILA.orgfor updates on how to get your Tennessee NRA license plate and to find out what members Speaker Jimmy Naifeh (D-81) will assign to the Right-to-Carry Reform Study Committee.