Obama Administration Halts Pending Bush Regulations
NRA-ILA has received many recent inquiries regarding the new Obama administration’s order to all federal agencies and departments to halt all pending regulations until incoming administration staff can review those regulations. In particular, members are concerned about the order’s impact on the new rule governing the concealed carrying of firearms in national parks.
In a statement issued only hours after Obama took office, the White House said, “This afternoon, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel signed a memorandum sent to all agencies and departments to stop all pending regulations until a legal and policy review can be conducted by the Obama administration.” (You can view a copy of the memo on-line at http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/documents/emanuel-regulatory-review.pdf).
National Right-To-Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced: U.S. Representatives Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Rick Boucher (D-Va.), recently introduced H.R. 197-- the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2009”--a bill that would provide national recognition for valid state Right-to-Carry licensees.
Big Brother’s New Target: Tracking Firearms: U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) recently sponsored H.R. 45, also known as “Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act.” The bill is, at its core and as its name implies, a licensing and registration scheme.
The Latest on the Second Amendment Book Bomb: In last week’s Grassroots Alert, we reported on the confirmation hearings for some of the Obama administration’s high-profile appointees, including anti-gun Attorney General designate Eric Holder. As we noted, one of those testifying before the Judiciary Committee was Dr. Stephen P. Halbrook, one of the leading Second Amendment attorneys in America. Halbrook has represented NRA and individual gun owners in many critical cases, including the current Second Amendment challenge to D.C.-style gun bans in the Chicago area. Halbrook took Holder to task for his positions. (To view the C-SPAN video of Dr. Halbrook’s remarks, please click here; to see his full written testimony, please click here.)
U.S Forest Service Considering Use of Motorized Vehicles to Retrieve Game in the Kaibab National Forrest! The U.S. Forest Service has released a Travel Management Project (TMP) for the Tusayan Ranger District, Kaibab National Forest. Three management alternatives for motorized use of roads and trails are presented, including the use of motorized vehicles to retrieve game.
Elk Management Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park Released for Public Comment! Until recently, the National Park Service has used park staff or contract sharpshooters to reduce populations of elk and deer within national parks to achieve herd levels that the habitat can support. As a result of NRA's advocacy for the use of hunters to assist in such operations, the Service is now obligated to consider the use of “skilled volunteers” (e.g. hunters).
To view the most recent “Grassroots Minute” video, please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrqOb9RjTqA
STATE ROUNDUP (please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)
ARIZONA: BLM Planning the Future of Target Shooting at Table Mesa! The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is developing a recreation plan for Table Mesa, a site north of Phoenix that receives heavy recreational use from target shooters and off-highway vehicle users. In recent months, NRA has sent emails to our Arizona members about this planning process and the importance of participating in it to ensure that the interests of shooters are addressed in the plan. A number of NRA members have participated in a clean up of Table Mesa and in preliminary meetings about the plan. The next set of meetings will be held on Tuesday, February 3 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Deer Valley Senior Center, located at 2001 W. Wahalla Lane in Phoenix. Another will be held Tuesday, February 17 from 6 - 8 p.m. at the same location. If you target shoot at Table Mesa or want to ensure that access to federal lands for target shooting is protected, please attend one of these public meetings and stay tuned for upcoming events at BLM's website for Table Mesa: www.TableMesaRecArea.com. Please look at the map on the web page showing areas proposed for closure and areas proposed for opening and be prepared at the meetings to discuss whether these alternatives work and if there are other alternatives that need to be addressed.
U.S Forest Service Considering Use of Motorized Vehicles to Retrieve Game in the Kaibab National Forrest! The U.S. Forest Service has released a Travel Management Project (TMP) for the Tusayan Ranger District, Kaibab National Forest. Three management alternatives for motorized use of roads and trails are presented, including the use of motorized vehicles to retrieve game. Alternative 1 is the No Action alternative. It would allow the use of any type of motorized vehicle to retrieve legally harvested big game. The No Action alternative is what is allowed currently. Alternative 2, the Service's recommended management plan, would allow cross-country motorized big game retrieval for elk during all elk seasons. Hunters would be allowed to take one vehicle up to one mile cross-country from a designated road to retrieve their legally harvested elk. Alternative 3 is the same for motorized big game retrieval as Alternative 2. Public comments are being accepted until Friday, January 30 and need to be addressed to: Forest Supervisor, Kaibab National Forest, 800 S. Sixth Street, Williams, AZ 86046 or emailed to: [email protected]. For further information, please call (928) 635-8200. The TMP is available at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/kai. It is important for hunters, whether or not they have hunted in the Tusayan Ranger District, to provide comment on the TMP. Roads and trails are being restricted for motorized use by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, which means that hunters' use of vehicles to retrieve game can be severely restricted or eliminated. NRA is actively involved in ensuring that motorized use restrictions do not restrict hunters' access to federal public lands. We need your help in providing comments to these federal agencies when TMP’s are released for public comment, such as the Tusayan TMP.
COLORADO: Vote on Castle Doctrine Reform Bill Delayed Until Next Week A vote on Senate Bill 8 by the Colorado Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee has been delayed until next week. Sponsored by State Senator Ted Harvey (R-30), SB8 seeks to expand Colorado’s Castle Doctrine self-defense law. SB 8 would amend Colorado’s current version of the Castle Doctrine to ensure that all citizens have a right to use force, including deadly force, against a violent attacker not only within their own dwellings, but their places of business as well. SB 8 is critically important as it expands Coloradans’ right to self-defense and protects victims from frivolous civil lawsuits by criminals or their family. Please continue to contact the members of the State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee and respectfully urge them to vote for SB 8. Contact information can be found here.
CONNECTICUT: Firearm-Related Legislation Proposed in Hartford Senate Bill 353, introduced by State Senator Martin Looney (D-11), requires that all semi-automatic handguns for sale in the state of Connecticut be equipped with so-called "micro-stamping" technology. S353 was introduced this week and referred to the Joint Committee on Judiciary. Please contact the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary today and respectfully urge him or her to vote "NO" on Senate Bill 353. Click here for a list of the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary. Also proposed was House Bill 5578, introduced by State Representative William Hamzy (R-78), which would prohibit local regulation of firearms. NRA strongly supports this legislation. H5578 was referred to the Public Safety and Security Committee. Please contact members of the Public Safety and Security Committee today in support of House Bill 5578. Click here for a list of the members of the Public Safety Committee. We will keep you posted on any further action on these bills and new bills that may be introduced in the coming weeks. Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates.
IDAHO: Camas County Board of Commissioners Violating Preemption! We’ve recently learned that the Camas County Board of Commissioners has passed Ordinance No. 154, which makes it unlawful for any person to have a firearm in their possession, whether loaded or unloaded while within any public building owned or operated by Camas County, or at any county meeting or hearing. Ordinance No. 154 is in direct violation of Idaho’s firearms preemption statute that establishes uniform laws throughout the state. Not only will this ordinance undermine preemption, but it will also take away your right to self-defense by essentially banning your Right-to-Carry in certain locations. NRA will be contacting Camas County and notifying them that they are in violation of state law. Please contact the Board of Commissioners and respectfully urge them to reconsider this unjust and illegal attack on our Second Amendment freedoms. Please continue checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for any updates on the situation.
MARYLAND: Vote on Anti-Hunting Measure Scheduled for Monday, February 2 On Wednesday, January 21, the Howard County Council heard public comment on an anti-hunting ordinance, CB1-2009. The County Council has scheduled Monday, February 2 for a vote on the measure. Four of the five Howard County Council members sponsoring this bill are portraying it as a “safe hunting” bill. The current safety zone distance requirements would be doubled under the proposal, which, in turn, will shrink the land that law-abiding citizens can use to hunt. Animal “rights” and anti-hunting extremists are making their voices heard so it is imperative that Howard County’s sportsmen speak loudly. Please contact the members of the County Council and encourage them to OPPOSE this anti-hunting measure. The general phone number for the County Council is (410) 313-2001 and the fax number is (410) 313-3297. More contact information can be found here.
MISSOURI: Hearings Scheduled on Monday for Two Gun Bills! The Missouri Senate Judiciary Committee will consider two firearm-related bills on Monday, January 26. Senate Bill 3 provides that business owners shall not restrict any person from lawfully possessing a firearm in a motor vehicle, except in motor vehicles owned or leased by the business. The Judiciary Committee will also consider Senate Bill 52 which would grant law enforcement arbitrary discretion to confiscate lawfully owned firearms from their owners, if the officer deems there is probable cause of “domestic assault”, thus stripping them of their Second Amendment rights. Please make plans to attend Monday’s hearing. If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support SB3 and to oppose SB52. Senators can be reached via email by clicking here. Further contact information can be found here.
MISSISSIPPI: Two Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help! State Senator Merle Flowers (R-19) has introduced two NRA-backed bills so far this session, both of which have been referred to the Senate Judiciary B Committee. In 2006 after Hurricane Katrina, the Mississippi Legislature amended the state's firearms preemption law to prevent cities and counties from interfering with the lawful transportation and possession of firearms in one's home, vehicle, or place of business during a state of emergency or natural disaster. This year, Senator Flowers has introduced SB 2036, which amends the state's emergency powers laws to create additional Second Amendment protections for law-abiding citizens during a future crisis. Senator Flowers has also filed SB 2306, which repeals a prohibition in the state's Right-to-Carry law on permit holders possessing handguns in parks. The current statute makes no distinction between national, and state or local parks. Unless this bill passes, permit holders in Mississippi and reciprocal states will not benefit from the recent rule change adopted by the Department of the Interior allowing them to carry in national parks located within the state's boundaries. Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary B Committee and your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to support both SB 2036 and SB 2306! Contact information for the Senate Judiciary B Committee can be found by clicking here. Please click here to find contact information for your State Senator.
NEBRASKA: Attorney General Opinion is Victory for Gun Owners in Nebraska The NRA joins Nebraska gun owners in hailing state Attorney General Jon Bruning's opinion that concludes the 2006 Concealed Handgun Permit Act forbids cities and towns from preventing the carrying of concealed firearms by permit holders. Attorney General Bruning's opinion, requested by state Senator Mark R. Christensen, will strengthen the state's right-to-carry law by helping to make clear that permit holders can carry firearms "throughout the state." It also makes clear that cities and towns may not pass new ordinances banning the lawful carry of concealed firearms by permit holders. The opinion also points out that a total ban on possession or carrying of firearms in a city or county would raise serious issues under the Second Amendment, as interpreted in the U.S. Supreme Court's opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller. "We applaud Attorney General Bruning for this excellent opinion," said NRA's chief lobbyist, Chris W. Cox. "The opinion respects the right of law abiding Nebraskans to defend themselves and their families. That's just common sense; your right to defend yourself doesn't end at the city line."
NEW YORK: Numerous Anti-Gun Bills Proposed! In the New York State Legislature, anti-gun lawmakers have wasted no time introducing a number of bills that would erode the Second Amendment rights of New York’s law abiding gun owners. For a list of these threats and to learn how to take action against them, please click here.
Big Victory for Sportsmen: Reynolds Game Farm to Remain Open! Following pressure from upset hunters and facing legal action, Governor David Paterson (D) and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Chair Pete Grannis have decided that the Reynolds Pheasant Preserve, a last-of-its-kind pheasant-breeding operation open since 1927, will remain open. Last month's announcement that the farm would close set off a chain of events culminating in a suit filed by the New York Rifle and Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the Conservation Alliance of New York. The groups requested and were granted a restraining order to halt the destruction of the pheasants until it could be determined whether they were paid for with monies derived from excise taxes collected from firearm and ammunition sales. Please call Governor Paterson and thank him for reconsidering the farm's fate. You can contact the Governor by phone at (518) 474-8390.
NORTH CAROLINA: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Seeking Input from Sportsmen! The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has opened for public comment proposed regulatory changes to the fishing, hunting, and trapping seasons for 2009-2010. The Commission should be commended for offering what is an unprecedented expansion of hunting opportunities in the Tar Heel State. It is essential that sportsmen submit public comments in support of the proposed changes in order to ensure that they are enacted for the coming season. All of the proposed changes can be found by visiting http://www.ncwildlife.org and selecting “2009 Proposed Regulations & Public Hearing Schedule.” NRA encourages its members and the hunting community to submit comments supporting the efforts to expand hunting opportunities proposed by the NCWRC. Comments may be conveniently submitted online by going to www.ncwildlife.org and selecting the link to “Submit Comments Online,” or by going directly to the comments page at http://www.ncwildlife.org/ProposedRegulations/Main.aspx. Comments will be accepted until Sunday, February 1, 2009. There is also a schedule for public hearings that can be found when you select “2009 Proposed Regulations & Public Hearing Schedule.” NRA encourages members and hunters to attend these hearings to show their support for the NCWRC proposals. The importance of supportive public comments in this process cannot be overestimated. Remember that the anti-hunting radicals will be submitting comments in opposition to the expanded opportunities!
Anti-Gun Zealot Targeting Ammunition! For several years, anti-gun activist Reverend Melvin Whitley has been promoting a “Bullet Ownership Bill,” which would require anyone who wishes to purchase ammunition to first acquire a permit. While his efforts have yet to gain any traction, this year Whitley is hoping the Durham City Council will add his bill to its agenda of legislative proposals submitted to the North Carolina General Assembly. Attacks on ammunition are popular among the gun-ban crowd these days, because they see them as an opportunity to get around the Supreme Court's Heller decision, affirming that the Second Amendment guarantees our individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Just as law-abiding citizens have the right to own firearms, they have the right to own the ammunition for those arms. In the wake of the Heller decision, states should be looking at ways to strengthen the rights protected under the Second Amendment, not weaken them, as Whitley’s proposal would do. Please contact members of the Durham City Council and respectfully urge them to reject Rev. Whitley’s attack on the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners. For a listing of council members and contact information, please visit http://www.durhamnc.gov/council/pdf/council_guide.pdf. In addition, please contact your State Representative and State Senator and respectfully urge them to oppose any efforts to place added restrictions on the rights of law-abiding citizens. To find contact information on your State Representative and Senator, please click here.
NORTH DAKOTA: Elk Management Plan for Theodore Roosevelt National Park Released for Public Comment! Until recently, the National Park Service has used park staff or contract sharpshooters to reduce populations of elk and deer within national parks to achieve herd levels that the habitat can support. As a result of NRA's advocacy for the use of hunters to assist in such operations, the Service is now obligated to consider the use of skilled volunteers (e.g. hunters). The Elk Reduction Plan for Rocky Mountain National Park, CO is the first such plan to include skilled volunteers. The Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) plan, which is open for public comment until Sunday, March 15, presents 6 action alternatives. Under Alternative B, skilled volunteers would become part of a pool of available personnel that could assist in the culling operations. Under Alternative E, the Service would look at ways to enhance elk hunting opportunities outside the park, in cooperation with the North Dakota Game & Fish Department, the U.S. Forest Service, and adjacent landowners. Public meetings will be held although specific dates and locations have not been announced. The draft plan is available at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/thro. You may submit your comments using the above website or mail your comments to Superintendent Valerie Naylor, TRNP, Box 7, Medora, ND 58645-0007. Hunters are considered the first conservationists and have been a valuable asset to wildlife managers in keeping wildlife in balance with its habitat and other natural resources. We encourage you to comment on the draft plan and support the use of hunters at TRNP, as well as supporting efforts by the Service and the state of North Dakota to enhance hunting opportunities outside the park.
OREGON: Stand-Up and Make Your Voices Heard in the Marion County Sheriff’s Online Questionnaire About Right-to-Carry Privacy!In recent months, newspapers across the state of Oregon have been urging local sheriffs to release the identity of individuals who have been issued Concealed Handgun Licenses within their respective counties. Due to a 2008 circuit court ruling, many counties are finding ways to accommodate both law-abiding gun owners and the media. In some counties, CHL holders are now given the option to allow the disclosure of private information to the public. In response to this growing issue, Marion County Sheriff Russ Isham has formed a website that would enable Concealed Handgun License Holders to respond to a brief survey regarding CHL confidentiality. In order preserve your privacy, we strongly urge you to please visit http://www.co.marion.or.us/SO/Operations/concealed.htm to complete your online questionnaire TODAY. If you have any questions regarding this issue or the questionnaire please contact the Marion County Sheriff’s office at (503) 566-6991.
PENNSYLVANIA: Your Help is Needed to Expand Hunting Opportunities in the Keystone State! Over the last several years, there has been a growing debate concerning the use of crossbows in Pennsylvania. On Tuesday, January 27, the Pennsylvania Game Commission will be voting on a proposal that would make Pennsylvania the twelfth state to allow the use of crossbows during the state archery season. The Commission will take public remarks on Sunday, January 25 at 1:00 p.m. The doors will open at noon and you must register at that time to speak at the hearing. The Commission will again take public remarks on Monday, January 26 at 8:30 a.m. The doors will open at 7:45 a.m. and, again, you must sign up to voice your opinion. To view a copy of the agenda, please click here. NRA strongly advocates for any expansion of hunter opportunity and choice when there is no biological reason to oppose the expansion. In fact, states that have allowed the use of crossbows have been able to maintain healthy wildlife populations. Additionally, the recruitment and retention of hunters has improved by removing crossbow restrictions. At a time when the number of hunters is declining, nothing is more important than the ongoing effort to preserve and strengthen our hunting heritage. To read NRA’s letter to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, please click here. The Pennsylvania Game Commission has received input on both sides of the issue from stakeholders concerning this proposed change. It’s time the Pennsylvania Game Commission hear from the very sportsmen and hunters they represent. There is little doubt that non-hunters and animal “rights” forces will be active in making their voices heard, so it is vital that sportsmen speak loudly. Your calls are working, so please continue contacting the members of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and respectfully ask that they act to preserve our cherished hunting heritage by voting for the inclusion of crossbows during the state archery season. Contact information for the Game Commission can be found here.
SOUTH DAKOTA: Important Pro-Gun Bill Scheduled for Hearing On Tuesday, January 20 Senate Bill 70 was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is scheduled to be heard on Tuesday, January 27 at 7:45 a.m. Sponsored by State Senator Larry Rhoden (R-29), SB 70 will remove the mandatory post-purchase 48-hour waiting period that was previously in place for those who did not have a valid permit to carry a concealed pistol. Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SB 70. Contact information can be found here.
TENNESSEE: Right-to-Carry Under Attack in Crossville! The city of Crossville has proposed and nearly finalized a city ordinance that would ban concealed carry on city-owned property. Anti-gun bills such as this one will clearly strip those of Crossville, Tennessee of their right to self-defense. The watered down language used to amend this city ordinance has furthered restrictions on law-abiding citizens substantially by using the word “property” as opposed to government “buildings” or “premises.” Crossville’s ultimate scope for this bill was to limit concealed carry on city government-owned property, but the reckless use of language portrays the true meaning of the bill to limit concealed carry on any city-owned property. The Crossville City Council has met twice already for readings on this anti-gun ordinance. The third and final reading will take place on Tuesday, February 10 at 6 p.m, in City Hall. Please attend this hearing and show your opposition to this measure. If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the City Council TODAY and respectfully urge them to oppose this ordinance. Contact information can be found here.
TEXAS: Important Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Introduced! The Legislature convened for its 81st Regular Session last week, and pro-Second Amendment legislation continues to be filed to benefit law-abiding gun owners in Texas. State Representative Carl Isett (R-Lubbock) has introduced House Bill 410, a measure repealing the requirement that Concealed Handgun Licensees display their carry license if they are in possession of a handgun and are stopped by a law enforcement officer who requests identification. Under current law, failure by CHLs to display their carry licenses in these situations could lead to licenses being suspended for 90 days. When HB 1815 by Representative Isett and State Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D-McAllen) passed and was signed into law in 2007, it legalized the carrying of handguns in private motor vehicles by non-CHLs, and it contained no similar "notice" requirement. HB 410 would remove the double-standard "notice" requirement that remains imposed by law on CHLs. Please contact your State Representatives and respectfully urge them to sign on as co-authors to HB 410. Contact information for House members can be found at http://www.house.state.tx.us.